Changeset 999 for kde-croatia
- Timestamp:
- May 3, 2011, 8:40:52 PM (14 years ago)
- Location:
- kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdelibs
- Files:
- 3 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r994 r999 12 12 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 13 13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-01 12:12+0200\n" 14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-0 3-15 21:20+0100\n"14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-03 20:33+0200\n" 15 15 "Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡eviÄ <>\n" 16 16 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" … … 19 19 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 20 20 "Language: hr\n" 21 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" 21 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<" 22 "=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" 22 23 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" 23 24 "X-Poedit-Language: Croatian\n" … … 43 44 #: interfaces/kimproxy/interface/kcm_instantmessenger.desktop:72 44 45 msgctxt "Comment" 45 msgid "The instant messenger allows two-way chat between individuals and groups." 46 msgstr "Aplikacija za Äavrljanje omoguÄuje dvosmjerno dopisivanje izmeÄu pojedinaca i grupa." 46 msgid "" 47 "The instant messenger allows two-way chat between individuals and groups." 48 msgstr "" 49 "Aplikacija za Äavrljanje omoguÄuje dvosmjerno dopisivanje izmeÄu pojedinaca i " 50 "grupa." 47 51 48 52 #. +> trunk stable … … 61 65 #: interfaces/ktexteditor/kcm_ktexteditor.desktop:71 62 66 msgctxt "Comment" 63 msgid "The text editor service provides applications with a text viewer and editor. KDE applications that provide text editing facilities should use this service." 64 msgstr "Usluga tekstualnog ureÄivaÄa omuguÄuje aplikacijama pregledavanje i ureÄivanje teksta. KDE aplikacije koje omoguÄuju ureÄivanje teksta trebale bi upotrebljavati ovu uslugu." 67 msgid "" 68 "The text editor service provides applications with a text viewer and editor. " 69 "KDE applications that provide text editing facilities should use this service." 70 msgstr "" 71 "Usluga tekstualnog ureÄivaÄa omuguÄuje aplikacijama pregledavanje i " 72 "ureÄivanje teksta. KDE aplikacije koje omoguÄuju ureÄivanje teksta trebale bi " 73 "upotrebljavati ovu uslugu." 65 74 66 75 #. +> trunk stable … … 1740 1749 #. +> trunk stable 1741 1750 #: kutils/kemoticons/providers/kde/emoticonstheme_kde.desktop:3 1742 #, fuzzy1743 1751 #| msgctxt "Name" 1744 1752 #| msgid "Kde Emoticons Theme" 1745 1753 msgctxt "Name" 1746 1754 msgid "KDE Emoticons Theme" 1747 msgstr "K de-ova tema emotikona"1755 msgstr "KDE-ova tema emotikanata" 1748 1756 1749 1757 #. +> trunk stable … … 1785 1793 #. +> trunk 1786 1794 #: plasma/data/services/plasma.protocol:9 1787 #, fuzzy1788 1795 #| msgctxt "Comment" 1789 1796 #| msgid "Plasma service" 1790 1797 msgctxt "Description" 1791 1798 msgid "A protocol for Plasma services" 1792 msgstr " Servisu Plasmi"1799 msgstr "Protokol za servise u Plasmi" 1793 1800 1794 1801 #. +> trunk stable … … 1904 1911 msgctxt "Comment" 1905 1912 msgid "Configure SSL, manage certificates, and other cryptography settings" 1906 msgstr "PodeÅ¡avanje SSL-a, upravljanje certifikatima i ostala kriptografska podeÅ¡avanja" 1913 msgstr "" 1914 "PodeÅ¡avanje SSL-a, upravljanje certifikatima i ostala kriptografska " 1915 "podeÅ¡avanja" 1907 1916 1908 1917 #. +> trunk stable … … 1958 1967 msgctxt "Comment" 1959 1968 msgid "Set bookmarks on lines matching a pattern when documents are loaded" 1960 msgstr "Pri uÄitavanju dokumenta postavlja oznake na redovima koji odgovaraju odreÄenom uzorku." 1969 msgstr "" 1970 "Pri uÄitavanju dokumenta postavlja oznake na redovima koji odgovaraju " 1971 "odreÄenom uzorku." 1961 1972 1962 1973 #. +> stable … … 2024 2035 msgctxt "Comment" 2025 2036 msgid "Enable data tools like thesaurus and spell check (if installed)" 2026 msgstr "OmoguÄavanje alata poput rjeÄnika sinonima i antonima, te provjere pravopisa (ako su instalirani)" 2037 msgstr "" 2038 "OmoguÄavanje alata poput rjeÄnika sinonima i antonima, te provjere pravopisa " 2039 "(ako su instalirani)" 2027 2040 2028 2041 #. +> stable … … 2048 2061 msgctxt "Name" 2049 2062 msgid "Insane (not ZEN) HTML coding (light edition)" 2050 msgstr " "2063 msgstr "Insane (ne ZEN) HTML kodiranje (kratko izdanje)" 2051 2064 2052 2065 #. +> stable … … 2055 2068 msgid "A plugin, which does zen-coding like selector completion" 2056 2069 msgstr "" 2070 "PrikljuÄak koji omoguÄuje zen-kodiranje kao Å¡to je dovrÅ¡avanje izbornika" 2057 2071 2058 2072 #. +> stable … … 2066 2080 msgctxt "Comment" 2067 2081 msgid "While saving check encoding of python files and add an encoding line" 2068 msgstr "Prilikom spremanja provjerite enkoding pyhtonovih datoteka i dodajte liniju s enkodingom" 2082 msgstr "" 2083 "Prilikom spremanja provjerite enkoding pyhtonovih datoteka i dodajte liniju s " 2084 "enkodingom" 2069 2085 2070 2086 #. +> stable -
r979 r999 13 13 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 14 14 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-25 10:42+0200\n" 15 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-0 4-28 00:00+0200\n"15 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-03 20:18+0200\n" 16 16 "Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡eviÄ <>\n" 17 17 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" … … 60 60 #. +> trunk 61 61 #: experimental/libkdeclarative/bindings/i18n.cpp:32 62 #, fuzzy63 62 msgid "i18n() takes at least one argument" 64 msgstr "i18n() uzima barem jedan argument"63 msgstr "i18n() zahtijeva barem jedan argument" 65 64 66 65 #. +> trunk 67 66 #: experimental/libkdeclarative/bindings/i18n.cpp:51 68 #, fuzzy69 67 msgid "i18nc() takes at least two arguments" 70 msgstr "i18nc() uzima barem 2argumenta"68 msgstr "i18nc() zahtijeva barem dva argumenta" 71 69 72 70 #. +> trunk 73 71 #: experimental/libkdeclarative/bindings/i18n.cpp:71 74 #, fuzzy75 72 msgid "i18np() takes at least two arguments" 76 msgstr "i18np() uzima barem 2argumenta"73 msgstr "i18np() zahtijeva barem dva argumenta" 77 74 78 75 #. +> trunk 79 76 #: experimental/libkdeclarative/bindings/i18n.cpp:96 80 #, fuzzy81 77 msgid "i18ncp() takes at least three arguments" 82 msgstr "i18ncp() uzima barem 3argumenta"78 msgstr "i18ncp() zahtijeva barem tri argumenta" 83 79 84 80 #. +> trunk stable … … 2343 2339 #. +> trunk stable 2344 2340 #: kdecore/localization/klocale_kde.cpp:1118 2345 #, fuzzy2346 2341 msgctxt "digit set" 2347 2342 msgid "Thai" … … 4675 4670 #. +> trunk stable 4676 4671 #: kdeui/colors/kcolordialog.cpp:1164 4677 #, fuzzy4678 4672 #| msgid "Alpha" 4679 4673 msgid "Alpha:" … … 4754 4748 #. +> trunk 4755 4749 #: kdeui/dialogs/kaboutapplicationpersonlistdelegate_p.cpp:60 4756 #, fuzzy4757 4750 #| msgid "Email contributor" 4758 4751 msgctxt "Action to send an email to a contributor" … … 8047 8040 #. +> trunk stable 8048 8041 #: kdeui/util/kstandardguiitem.cpp:155 8049 #, fuzzy8050 8042 #| msgid "" 8051 8043 #| "When clicking <b>Apply</b>, the settings will be handed over to the program, but the dialog will not be closed.\n" … … 8056 8048 "Use this to try different settings." 8057 8049 msgstr "" 8058 "Kada kliknete na <b>Prihvati</b>, podeÅ¡enja Äe biti prihvaÄena od strane " 8059 "programa, ali prozor neÄe biti zatvoren.\n" 8060 "Koristite ovo kako biste isprobali razna podeÅ¡enja." 8050 "Kada kliknete na <b>Prihvati</b>, postavke Äe biti poslane programu, ali " 8051 "dijaloÅ¡ki " 8052 "prozor neÄe biti zatvoren.\n" 8053 "Ovo koristite kako biste isprobali razliÄite postavke." 8061 8054 8062 8055 #. +> trunk stable … … 8072 8065 #. +> trunk stable 8073 8066 #: kdeui/util/kstandardguiitem.cpp:164 8074 #, fuzzy8075 8067 #| msgid "When clicking <b>Administrator Mode</b> you will be prompted for the administrator (root) password in order to make changes which require root privileges." 8076 8068 msgid "" … … 8079 8071 "privileges." 8080 8072 msgstr "" 8081 "Kada kliknete na <b>Administratorski naÄin rada</b> pitati Äu vas za"8082 " administratorsku (root) zaporku kako bi mogli napraviti promjene koje "8073 "Kada kliknete na <b>Administratorski naÄin rada</b>, trebat Äete " 8074 "unijeti administratorsku (root) zaporku kako bi mogli napraviti promjene koje " 8083 8075 "zahtijevaju root ovlasti." 8084 8076 … … 11327 11319 "only\" option." 11328 11320 msgstr "" 11321 "PreÄac prikazuje traku za pretraÅŸivanje teksta u prikazanoj stranici. " 11322 "Prekida uÄinak \"TraÅŸi linkove kako piÅ¡ete\" te postavlja opciju " 11323 "\"TraÅŸi samo linkove\"." 11329 11324 11330 11325 #. +> trunk stable … … 11571 11566 #. +> trunk stable 11572 11567 #: khtml/khtml_part.cpp:3855 11573 #, fuzzy11574 11568 msgctxt "HTML rendering mode (see" 11575 11569 msgid "Almost standards" 11576 msgstr " PodrÅŸanistandardi"11570 msgstr "Gotovo standardi" 11577 11571 11578 11572 #. +> trunk stable 11579 11573 #: khtml/khtml_part.cpp:3859 11580 #, fuzzy11581 11574 #| msgid "Start" 11582 11575 msgctxt "HTML rendering mode (see" 11583 11576 msgid "Strict" 11584 msgstr " ZapoÄni"11577 msgstr "Strogi" 11585 11578 11586 11579 #. +> trunk stable … … 13586 13579 #. +> trunk stable 13587 13580 #: knewstuff/knewstuff3/attica/atticaprovider.cpp:370 13588 #, fuzzy,kde-format13581 #, kde-format 13589 13582 msgid "Unknown Open Collaboration Service API error. (%1)" 13590 msgstr " PruÅŸatelj usluga Otvorene suradnje"13583 msgstr "Nepoznata pogreÅ¡ka API-ja Open Collaboration Servicea. (%1)" 13591 13584 13592 13585 #. +> trunk stable … … 13681 13674 "browser instead?" 13682 13675 msgstr "" 13676 "Preuzeta datoteka je html datoteka. Ovo oznaÄuje link na web-stranicu " 13677 "umjesto stvarnog preuzimanja. Åœelite li umjesto toga otvoriti stranicu " 13678 "u pregledniku?" 13683 13679 13684 13680 #. +> trunk stable … … 13944 13940 #. +> trunk stable 13945 13941 #: knewstuff/knewstuff3/uploaddialog.cpp:525 13946 #, fuzzy,kde-format13942 #, kde-format 13947 13943 #| msgid "The server does not know the category that you try to upload: %1" 13948 13944 msgid "" … … 13952 13948 "The server does not recognize any of the categories to which you are trying " 13953 13949 "to upload: %2" 13954 msgstr[0] "PosluÅŸitelj ne pozna kategoriju koju ÅŸelite poslati: %1" 13955 msgstr[1] "PosluÅŸitelj ne pozna kategoriju koju ÅŸelite poslati: %1" 13956 msgstr[2] "PosluÅŸitelj ne pozna kategoriju koju ÅŸelite poslati: %1" 13950 msgstr[0] "PosluÅŸitelj ne prepoznaje kategoriju %2 u koju pokuÅ¡avate poslati." 13951 msgstr[1] "" 13952 "PosluÅŸitelj ne prepoznaje ni jednu od kategorija u koje pokuÅ¡avate poslati: %2" 13953 msgstr[2] "" 13954 "PosluÅŸitelj ne prepoznaje ni jednu od kategorija u koje pokuÅ¡avate poslati: %2" 13957 13955 13958 13956 #. +> trunk stable … … 14116 14114 "without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal.)" 14117 14115 msgstr "" 14116 "JamÄim da ovaj sadrÅŸaj ne krÅ¡i bilo koje postojeÄe autorsko pravo, zakon ili " 14117 "zaÅ¡titni znak. SlaÅŸem se da moja IP adresa bude zabiljeÅŸena. (Distribucija " 14118 "sadrÅŸaja bez dozvole nositelja autorskog prava je protuzakonita.)" 14118 14119 14119 14120 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, uploadButton) … … 15050 15051 #. +> trunk stable 15051 15052 #: nepomuk/query/query.cpp:615 15052 #, fuzzy15053 15053 msgctxt "@title UDS_DISPLAY_NAME for a KIO directory listing." 15054 15054 msgid "Query Results" -
r994 r999 12 12 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 13 13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-01 12:12+0200\n" 14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-0 4-23 12:42+0200\n"14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-03 20:39+0200\n" 15 15 "Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡eviÄ <>\n" 16 16 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" … … 20 20 "Language: hr\n" 21 21 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" 22 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" 22 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<" 23 "=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" 23 24 "X-Environment: kde\n" 24 25 "X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n" … … 74 75 #. +> trunk stable 75 76 #: applet.cpp:1094 76 #, fuzzy77 77 msgid "&OK" 78 78 msgstr "&U redu" … … 80 80 #. +> stable 81 81 #: applet.cpp:648 82 #, fuzzy83 82 msgid "&Ok" 84 83 msgstr "&U redu" … … 86 85 #. +> trunk stable 87 86 #: applet.cpp:1102 88 #, fuzzy89 87 msgid "&Yes" 90 msgstr "& PrihvaÄam"88 msgstr "&Da" 91 89 92 90 #. +> trunk stable 93 91 #: applet.cpp:1109 94 #, fuzzy95 92 msgid "&No" 96 msgstr "&Ne prihvaÄam"93 msgstr "&Ne" 97 94 98 95 #. +> trunk stable 99 96 #: applet.cpp:1116 100 #, fuzzy101 97 msgid "&Cancel" 102 98 msgstr "&Odustani" … … 234 230 #. +> trunk stable 235 231 #: applet.cpp:1913 236 #, fuzzy237 232 msgid "Productivity" 238 msgstr "Pr ethodna aktivnost"233 msgstr "Produktivnost" 239 234 240 235 #. +> trunk stable … … 261 256 #: applet.cpp:1974 applet.cpp:2018 package.cpp:795 262 257 #, kde-format 263 msgctxt "%1 is the name of a plasmoid, %2 the name of the machine that plasmoid is published on" 258 msgctxt "" 259 "%1 is the name of a plasmoid, %2 the name of the machine that plasmoid is " 260 "published on" 264 261 msgid "%1 on %2" 265 262 msgstr "%1 na %2" … … 300 297 #: applet.cpp:2672 301 298 #, kde-format 302 msgctxt "API or programming language the widget was written in, name of the widget" 299 msgctxt "" 300 "API or programming language the widget was written in, name of the widget" 303 301 msgid "Could not create a %1 ScriptEngine for the %2 widget." 304 302 msgstr "Nije bilo moguÄe %1 ScriptEngine za %2 widget." … … 319 317 #: applet.cpp:2834 320 318 #, kde-format 321 msgid "This object could not be created for the following reason:<p><b>%1</b></p>" 322 msgstr "Ovaj objekt nije bilo moguÄe stvoriti zbog sljedeÄih razloga: <p><b>%1</b></p>" 319 msgid "" 320 "This object could not be created for the following reason:<p><b>%1</b></p>" 321 msgstr "" 322 "Ovaj objekt nije bilo moguÄe stvoriti zbog sljedeÄih razloga: <p><b>%1</b></p>" 323 323 324 324 #. +> trunk stable … … 483 483 #. +> trunk stable 484 484 #: private/associatedapplicationmanager.cpp:135 485 msgid "There was an error attempting to exec the associated application with this widget." 486 msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do greÅ¡ke prilikom pokuÅ¡aja izvrÅ¡avanja aplikacije pridruÅŸene ovom widgetu." 485 msgid "" 486 "There was an error attempting to exec the associated application with this " 487 "widget." 488 msgstr "" 489 "DoÅ¡lo je do greÅ¡ke prilikom pokuÅ¡aja izvrÅ¡avanja aplikacije pridruÅŸene ovom " 490 "widgetu." 487 491 488 492 #. +> trunk stable … … 567 571 #. +> trunk stable 568 572 #: private/packages.cpp:127 569 #, fuzzy570 573 msgid "Service Descriptions" 571 msgstr " &Opis:"574 msgstr "Opisi servisa" 572 575 573 576 #. +> trunk stable … … 709 712 #. +> trunk stable 710 713 #: private/pinpairing.ui:41 711 msgid "Enter a password below. Enter the same password on the device to which you are trying to connect." 712 msgstr "Unesite ispod zaporku. Unesite istu zaporku na ureÄaju s kojim se pokuÅ¡avate spojiti." 714 msgid "" 715 "Enter a password below. Enter the same password on the device to which you " 716 "are trying to connect." 717 msgstr "" 718 "Unesite ispod zaporku. Unesite istu zaporku na ureÄaju s kojim se pokuÅ¡avate " 719 "spojiti." 713 720 714 721 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, allServicesCheckbox) … … 737 744 #. +> trunk stable 738 745 #: private/publish.ui:17 739 msgid "Sharing a widget on the network allows you to access this widget from another computer as a remote control." 740 msgstr "Dijeljenje widgeta na mreÅŸi dozvoljava vam pristup ovom widgetu s drugog raÄunala kao moguÄnost udaljenog upravljanja." 746 msgid "" 747 "Sharing a widget on the network allows you to access this widget from another " 748 "computer as a remote control." 749 msgstr "" 750 "Dijeljenje widgeta na mreÅŸi dozvoljava vam pristup ovom widgetu s drugog " 751 "raÄunala kao moguÄnost udaljenog upravljanja." 741 752 742 753 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, publishCheckbox) … … 786 797 #. +> trunk 787 798 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:112 788 #, fuzzy789 799 msgid "You are about to open a remote widget on your system.<br>" 790 msgstr "" 791 "Odabrali ste prisanje cijelog dijagrama.\n" 792 "Da li ste sigurni?" 800 msgstr "Sada Äete otvoriti udaljeni widget u svojem sustavu.<br>" 793 801 794 802 #. +> trunk 795 803 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:113 796 804 msgid "<table width=\"100%\">" 797 msgstr " "805 msgstr "<table width=\"100%\">" 798 806 799 807 #. +> trunk 800 808 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:114 801 #, fuzzy,kde-format809 #, kde-format 802 810 msgid "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Name:</b></td><td> %1</td></tr>" 803 msgstr "<t d align=\"right\">Rezolucija: </td><td>%1 x %2</td></tr>"811 msgstr "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Naziv:</b></td><td> %1</td></tr>" 804 812 805 813 #. +> trunk 806 814 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:115 807 #, fuzzy,kde-format815 #, kde-format 808 816 msgid "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Description:</b></td><td> %1</td></tr>" 809 msgstr "<t d align=\"right\">Rezolucija: </td><td>%1 x %2</td></tr>"817 msgstr "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Opis:</b></td><td> %1</td></tr>" 810 818 811 819 #. +> trunk 812 820 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:116 813 #, fuzzy, kde-format 814 msgid "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Author:</b></td><td> %1 <%2></td></tr>" 815 msgstr "<td align=\"right\">Rezolucija: </td><td>%1 x %2</td></tr>" 821 #, kde-format 822 msgid "" 823 "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Author:</b></td><td> %1 <%2></td></tr>" 824 msgstr "" 825 "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Autor:</b></td><td> %1 <%2></td></tr>" 816 826 817 827 #. +> trunk 818 828 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:119 819 #, fuzzy,kde-format829 #, kde-format 820 830 msgid "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>Server:</b></td><td> %1</td></tr>" 821 msgstr "<td align=\"right\">Rezolucija: </td><td>%1 x %2</td></tr>" 831 msgstr "" 832 "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>PosluÅŸitelj:</b></td><td> %1</td></tr>" 822 833 823 834 #. +> trunk 824 835 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:120 825 #, fuzzy826 836 msgid "</table>" 827 msgstr " tablica"837 msgstr "</table>" 828 838 829 839 #. +> trunk 830 840 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:121 831 #, fuzzy832 841 msgid "<br><br>Are you sure you want to open this widget on your system?" 833 msgstr "Åœelite li zaista premjestiti ovu %1 stavku u smeÄe?" 842 msgstr "" 843 "<br><br>Jeste li sigurni da ÅŸelite otvoriti ovaj widget u svojem sustavu?" 834 844 835 845 #. +> trunk 836 846 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:124 837 #, fuzzy838 847 #| msgid "Remove this Widget" 839 848 msgid "Remote Widget" 840 msgstr "U kloni ovajwidget"849 msgstr "Udaljeni widget" 841 850 842 851 #. +> trunk 843 852 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:126 844 #, fuzzy845 853 msgid "Open Widget" 846 msgstr "Otvori pomoÄu"854 msgstr "Otvori widget" 847 855 848 856 #. +> trunk 849 857 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:127 850 #, fuzzy851 858 #| msgid "Next Widget" 852 859 msgid "Reject Widget" 853 msgstr " SljedeÄi widget"860 msgstr "OtkaÅŸi widget" 854 861 855 862 #. +> trunk 856 863 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:136 857 #, fuzzy858 864 msgid "User rejected" 859 msgstr " Odbaci"865 msgstr "Korisnik otkazao" 860 866 861 867 #. +> trunk stable … … 866 872 #. +> trunk stable 867 873 #: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:200 868 msgid "Your system does not provide support for the 'remote widgets' feature. Access Failed." 869 msgstr "VaÅ¡ sustav ne pruÅŸa podrÅ¡ku za moguÄnost 'udaljeni widgeti'. Pristup nije uspio." 874 msgid "" 875 "Your system does not provide support for the 'remote widgets' feature. Access " 876 "Failed." 877 msgstr "" 878 "VaÅ¡ sustav ne pruÅŸa podrÅ¡ku za moguÄnost 'udaljeni widgeti'. Pristup nije " 879 "uspio." 870 880 871 881 #. +> trunk stable
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