Changeset 995

May 2, 2011, 10:41:51 PM (14 years ago)

Sitna ispravka u usklađivanju padeža u prijevodu Okulara

1 edited


  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdegraphics/okular.po

    r956 r995  
    44# Marko Dimjasevic <>, 2010, 2011.
    55# Andrej Dundovic <>, 2010.
     6# Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>, 2011.
    67msgid ""
    78msgstr ""
    1011"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-16 10:50+0200\n"
    11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-25 22:59+0100\n"
    12 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"
     12"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-02 22:39+0200\n"
     13"Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>\n"
    1314"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
    1415"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    1617"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    1718"Language: hr\n"
    18 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
     19"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
     20"=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    1921"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
    2022"X-Environment: kde\n"
    134136#: conf/dlgaccessibilitybase.ui:63
    135137msgid "Warning: these options can badly affect drawing speed."
    136 msgstr "Upozorenje: ove opcije mogu poprilično negativno utjecati na brzinu iscrtavanja."
     138msgstr ""
     139"Upozorenje: ove opcije mogu poprilično negativno utjecati na brzinu "
    138142#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    243247"  <li>%c - the column of the file to be reached</li>\n"
    245 "If %f is not specified, then the file name is appended to the specified command."
    246 msgstr ""
    247 "<qt>Postavlja naredbu prilagođenog uređivača teksta koju treba izvrÅ¡iti.<br />\n"
     249"If %f is not specified, then the file name is appended to the specified "
     251msgstr ""
     252"<qt>Postavlja naredbu prilagođenog uređivača teksta koju treba izvrÅ¡iti.<br />"
    248254"Ovdje također moÅŸete staviti nekoliko mjesnih simbola:\n"
    270276#: conf/dlgeditorbase.ui:32
    271277msgctxt "@info:whatsthis"
    272 msgid "Choose the editor you want to launch when Okular wants to open a source file."
    273 msgstr "Izaberite uređivač koji ÅŸelite da se pokrene kad Okular ÅŸeli otvoriti izvornu datoteku."
     278msgid ""
     279"Choose the editor you want to launch when Okular wants to open a source file."
     280msgstr ""
     281"Izaberite uređivač koji ÅŸelite da se pokrene kad Okular ÅŸeli otvoriti izvornu "
    275284#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
    355364#. +> trunk stable
    356365#: conf/dlgidentitybase.ui:71
    357 msgid "<b>Note</b>: the information here is used only for comments and reviews. Information inserted here will not be transmitted without your knowledge."
    358 msgstr "<b>Napomena</b>: informacije se ovdje koriste samo za komentare i osvrte. Ovdje umetnute informacije neće se slati bez vaÅ¡eg znanja."
     366msgid ""
     367"<b>Note</b>: the information here is used only for comments and reviews. "
     368"Information inserted here will not be transmitted without your knowledge."
     369msgstr ""
     370"<b>Napomena</b>: informacije se ovdje koriste samo za komentare i osvrte. "
     371"Ovdje umetnute informacije neće se slati bez vaÅ¡eg znanja."
    360373#. +> trunk stable
    361374#: conf/dlgperformance.cpp:43
    362 msgid "Keeps used memory as low as possible. Do not reuse anything. (For systems with low memory.)"
    363 msgstr "DrÅŸi koriÅ¡tenu memoriju na najniÅŸoj mogućoj razini. Nemoj iÅ¡ta ponovno koristiti (za sustave s malo memorije)."
     375msgid ""
     376"Keeps used memory as low as possible. Do not reuse anything. (For systems "
     377"with low memory.)"
     378msgstr ""
     379"DrÅŸi koriÅ¡tenu memoriju na najniÅŸoj mogućoj razini. Nemoj iÅ¡ta ponovno "
     380"koristiti (za sustave s malo memorije)."
    365382#. +> trunk stable
    366383#: conf/dlgperformance.cpp:46
    367 msgid "A good compromise between memory usage and speed gain. Preload next page and boost searches. (For systems with 256MB of memory, typically.)"
    368 msgstr "Dobar kompromis između koriÅ¡tene memorije i brzine izvođenja. Unaprijed učitaj sljedeću stranicu i ubrzaj pretraÅŸivanje (tipično za sustave s 256MB memorije)."
     384msgid ""
     385"A good compromise between memory usage and speed gain. Preload next page and "
     386"boost searches. (For systems with 256MB of memory, typically.)"
     387msgstr ""
     388"Dobar kompromis između koriÅ¡tene memorije i brzine izvođenja. Unaprijed "
     389"učitaj sljedeću stranicu i ubrzaj pretraÅŸivanje (tipično za sustave s 256MB "
    370392#. +> trunk stable
    371393#: conf/dlgperformance.cpp:49
    372 msgid "Keeps everything in memory. Preload next pages. Boost searches. (For systems with more than 512MB of memory.)"
    373 msgstr "Sve čuva u memoriji. Unaprijed učitava stranice. Ubrzava pretraÅŸivanje (za sustave s viÅ¡e od 512MB memorije)."
     394msgid ""
     395"Keeps everything in memory. Preload next pages. Boost searches. (For systems "
     396"with more than 512MB of memory.)"
     397msgstr ""
     398"Sve čuva u memoriji. Unaprijed učitava stranice. Ubrzava pretraÅŸivanje (za "
     399"sustave s viÅ¡e od 512MB memorije)."
    375401#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
    792818#: core/chooseenginedialog.cpp:33
    793819#, kde-format
    794 msgid "<qt>More than one backend found for the MIME type:<br /><b>%1</b> (%2).<br /><br />Please select which one to use:</qt>"
    795 msgstr "<qt>Pronađen je viÅ¡e od jednog pozadinskog servisa za MIME-vrstu:<br /><b>%1</b> (%2).<br /><br />Molim odaberite koji ÅŸelite koristiti:</qt>"
     820msgid ""
     821"<qt>More than one backend found for the MIME type:<br /><b>%1</b> (%2).<br />"
     822"<br />Please select which one to use:</qt>"
     823msgstr ""
     824"<qt>Pronađen je viÅ¡e od jednog pozadinskog servisa za MIME-vrstu:<br /><b>%1<"
     825"/b> (%2).<br /><br />Molim odaberite koji ÅŸelite koristiti:</qt>"
    797827#. +> trunk stable
    833863#. +> trunk stable
    834864#: core/document.cpp:1601
    835 msgid "Can not find a plugin which is able to handle the document being passed."
     865msgid ""
     866"Can not find a plugin which is able to handle the document being passed."
    836867msgstr "Ne mogu pronaći priključak koji moÅŸe obraditi proslijeđen dokument."
    849880#. +> trunk stable
    850881#: core/document.cpp:2884 core/document.cpp:2892
    851 msgid "The document is trying to execute an external application and, for your safety, Okular does not allow that."
    852 msgstr "Dokument pokuÅ¡ava izvrÅ¡iti vanjsku aplikaciju pa to Okular, radi vaÅ¡e sigurnosti, ne dozvoljava."
     882msgid ""
     883"The document is trying to execute an external application and, for your "
     884"safety, Okular does not allow that."
     885msgstr ""
     886"Dokument pokuÅ¡ava izvrÅ¡iti vanjsku aplikaciju pa to Okular, radi vaÅ¡e "
     887"sigurnosti, ne dozvoljava."
    854889#. +> trunk stable
    900935#. +> trunk stable
    901936#: core/document.cpp:3132
    902 msgid "Could not find a suitable binary for printing. Make sure CUPS lpr binary is available"
    903 msgstr "Ne mogu pronaći prikladan program za ispis. Pobrinite se da je CUPS-ov program lpr dostupan"
     937msgid ""
     938"Could not find a suitable binary for printing. Make sure CUPS lpr binary is "
     940msgstr ""
     941"Ne mogu pronaći prikladan program za ispis. Pobrinite se da je CUPS-ov "
     942"program lpr dostupan"
    905944#. +> trunk stable
    9881027msgstr "Čisti &tekst
     1029# pmap: =/nom=PDF/gen=PDF-a/dat=PDF-u/aku=PDF/lok=PDF-u/ins=PDF-om/_r=m/_b=j/
    9901030#. +> trunk stable
    9911031#: core/generator.cpp:560
    10411081#. +> trunk stable
    10421082#: part.cpp:355
    1043 msgid "This document has embedded files. <a href=\"okular:/embeddedfiles\">Click here to see them</a> or go to File -> Embedded Files."
    1044 msgstr "Ovaj dokument ima ugrađene datoteke. <a href=\"okular:/embeddedfiles\">Ovdje kliknite kako biste ih vidjeli</a> ili idite na Datoteke → Ugrađene datoteke."
     1083msgid ""
     1084"This document has embedded files. <a href=\"okular:/embeddedfiles\">Click "
     1085"here to see them</a> or go to File -> Embedded Files."
     1086msgstr ""
     1087"Ovaj dokument ima ugrađene datoteke. <a href=\"okular:/embeddedfiles\">Ovdje "
     1088"kliknite kako biste ih vidjeli</a> ili idite na Datoteke → Ugrađene datoteke."
    10461090#. +> trunk stable
    10471091#: part.cpp:359
    1048 msgid "This document has forms. Click on the button to interact with them, or use View -> Show Forms."
    1049 msgstr "Ovaj dokument ima obrasce. Kliknite na gumb za interakciju ili koristite Prikaz → PrikaÅŸi obrasce"
     1092msgid ""
     1093"This document has forms. Click on the button to interact with them, or use "
     1094"View -> Show Forms."
     1095msgstr ""
     1096"Ovaj dokument ima obrasce. Kliknite na gumb za interakciju ili koristite "
     1097"Prikaz → PrikaÅŸi obrasce"
    10511099#. +> trunk stable
    12411289#. +> trunk stable
    12421290#: part.cpp:892
    1243 msgid "The program \"ps2pdf\" was not found, so Okular can not import PS files using it."
    1244 msgstr "Program \"ps2pdf\" nije pronađen pa Okular pomoću njega ne moÅŸe uvesti datoteke vrste PS."
     1291msgid ""
     1292"The program \"ps2pdf\" was not found, so Okular can not import PS files using "
     1294msgstr ""
     1295"Program \"ps2pdf\" nije pronađen pa Okular pomoću njega ne moÅŸe uvesti "
     1296"datoteke vrste PS."
    12461298#. +> trunk stable
    12961348#. +> trunk stable
    12971349#: part.cpp:1159
    1298 msgid "This link points to a close document action that does not work when using the embedded viewer."
    1299 msgstr "Ovaj link pokazuje na akciju za zatvaranje dokumenta koja ne radi kad se koristi ugrađeni preglednik."
     1350msgid ""
     1351"This link points to a close document action that does not work when using the "
     1352"embedded viewer."
     1353msgstr ""
     1354"Ovaj link pokazuje na akciju za zatvaranje dokumenta koja ne radi kad se "
     1355"koristi ugrađeni preglednik."
    13011357#. +> trunk stable
    13021358#: part.cpp:1165
    1303 msgid "This link points to a quit application action that does not work when using the embedded viewer."
    1304 msgstr "Ovaj link pokazuje na akciju za izlaz iz aplikacije koja ne radi kad se koristi ugrađeni preglednik."
     1359msgid ""
     1360"This link points to a quit application action that does not work when using "
     1361"the embedded viewer."
     1362msgstr ""
     1363"Ovaj link pokazuje na akciju za izlaz iz aplikacije koja ne radi kad se "
     1364"koristi ugrađeni preglednik."
    13061366#. +> trunk stable
    13331393#, kde-format
    13341394msgid "File could not be saved in '%1'. Try to save it to another location."
    1335 msgstr "Datoteku nije moguće spremiti u '%1'. PokuÅ¡ajte ju spremiti na drugo mjesto."
     1395msgstr ""
     1396"Datoteku nije moguće spremiti u '%1'. PokuÅ¡ajte ju spremiti na drugo mjesto."
    13371398#. +> trunk stable
    13811442#. +> trunk stable
    13821443#: part.cpp:2105
    1383 msgid "Could not print the document. Unknown error. Please report to"
    1384 msgstr "Ne mogu ispisati dokument. Nepoznata pogreÅ¡ka. Molim prijavite ovo na"
     1444msgid ""
     1445"Could not print the document. Unknown error. Please report to"
     1446msgstr ""
     1447"Ne mogu ispisati dokument. Nepoznata pogreÅ¡ka. Molim prijavite ovo na bugs."
    13861450#. +> trunk stable
    13871451#: part.cpp:2109
    13881452#, kde-format
    1389 msgid "Could not print the document. Detailed error is \"%1\". Please report to"
    1390 msgstr "Ne mogu ispisati dokument. Detaljna pogreÅ¡ka je \"%1\". Molim prijavite ovo na"
     1453msgid ""
     1454"Could not print the document. Detailed error is \"%1\". Please report to bugs."
     1456msgstr ""
     1457"Ne mogu ispisati dokument. Detaljna pogreÅ¡ka je \"%1\". Molim prijavite ovo "
    13921460#. +> trunk stable
    14031471#: part.cpp:2191
    14041472#, kde-format
    1405 msgid "<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not create temporary file <nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr>.</qt>"
    1406 msgstr "<qt><strong>PogreÅ¡ka datoteke!</strong> Ne mogu stvoriti privremenu datoteku <nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr>.</qt>"
     1473msgid ""
     1474"<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not create temporary file <nobr><"
     1476msgstr ""
     1477"<qt><strong>PogreÅ¡ka datoteke!</strong> Ne mogu stvoriti privremenu datoteku "
    14081480#. +> trunk stable
    14091481#: part.cpp:2209
    14101482#, kde-format
    1411 msgid "<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not open the file <nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr> for uncompression. The file will not be loaded.</qt>"
    1412 msgstr "<qt><strong>PogreÅ¡ka datoteke!</strong> Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku <nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr> za dekompresiju. Datoteka neće biti učitana.</qt>"
     1483msgid ""
     1484"<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not open the file <nobr><strong>%1<"
     1485"/strong></nobr> for uncompression. The file will not be loaded.</qt>"
     1486msgstr ""
     1487"<qt><strong>PogreÅ¡ka datoteke!</strong> Ne mogu otvoriti datoteku <nobr><"
     1488"strong>%1</strong></nobr> za dekompresiju. Datoteka neće biti učitana.</qt>"
    14141490#. +> trunk stable
    14151491#: part.cpp:2212
    1416 msgid "<qt>This error typically occurs if you do not have enough permissions to read the file. You can check ownership and permissions if you right-click on the file in the Dolphin file manager and then choose the 'Properties' tab.</qt>"
    1417 msgstr "<qt>Ova pogreÅ¡ka tipično se pojavljuje ako nema dovoljno prava za čitanje datoteke. MoÅŸete provjeriti vlasniÅ¡tvo i prava ako desno kliknete na datoteku u upravitelju datoteka Dolphin i tada odaberete stavku 'Svojstva'.</qt>"
     1492msgid ""
     1493"<qt>This error typically occurs if you do not have enough permissions to read "
     1494"the file. You can check ownership and permissions if you right-click on the "
     1495"file in the Dolphin file manager and then choose the 'Properties' tab.</qt>"
     1496msgstr ""
     1497"<qt>Ova pogreÅ¡ka tipično se pojavljuje ako nema dovoljno prava za čitanje "
     1498"datoteke. MoÅŸete provjeriti vlasniÅ¡tvo i prava ako desno kliknete na datoteku "
     1499"u upravitelju datoteka Dolphin i tada odaberete stavku 'Svojstva'.</qt>"
    14191501#. +> trunk stable
    14201502#: part.cpp:2236
    14211503#, kde-format
    1422 msgid "<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not uncompress the file <nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr>. The file will not be loaded.</qt>"
    1423 msgstr "<qt><strong>PogreÅ¡ka datoteke!</strong> Ne mogu dekomprimirati datoteku <nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr>. Datoteka neće biti učitana.</qt>"
     1504msgid ""
     1505"<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not uncompress the file <nobr><strong>%"
     1506"1</strong></nobr>. The file will not be loaded.</qt>"
     1507msgstr ""
     1508"<qt><strong>PogreÅ¡ka datoteke!</strong> Ne mogu dekomprimirati datoteku <nobr>"
     1509"<strong>%1</strong></nobr>. Datoteka neće biti učitana.</qt>"
    14251511#. +> trunk stable
    14261512#: part.cpp:2239
    1427 msgid "<qt>This error typically occurs if the file is corrupt. If you want to be sure, try to decompress the file manually using command-line tools.</qt>"
    1428 msgstr "<qt>Ova pogreÅ¡ka tipično se pojavljuje ako je datoteka oÅ¡tećena. Ako ÅŸelite biti sigurni, pokuÅ¡ajte ručno dekomprimirati datoteku koristeći alate komandne linije.</qt>"
     1513msgid ""
     1514"<qt>This error typically occurs if the file is corrupt. If you want to be "
     1515"sure, try to decompress the file manually using command-line tools.</qt>"
     1516msgstr ""
     1517"<qt>Ova pogreÅ¡ka tipično se pojavljuje ako je datoteka oÅ¡tećena. Ako ÅŸelite "
     1518"biti sigurni, pokuÅ¡ajte ručno dekomprimirati datoteku koristeći alate "
     1519"komandne linije.</qt>"
    14301521#. +> trunk stable
    15291620#. +> trunk stable
    15301621#: shell/shell.cpp:183
    1531 msgid "<b>Click</b> to open a file or <b>Click and hold</b> to select a recent file"
    1532 msgstr "<b>Kliknite</b> za otvaranje datoteke ili <b>kliknite i zadrÅŸite</b> za odabir nedavne datoteke"
     1622msgid ""
     1623"<b>Click</b> to open a file or <b>Click and hold</b> to select a recent file"
     1624msgstr ""
     1625"<b>Kliknite</b> za otvaranje datoteke ili <b>kliknite i zadrÅŸite</b> za "
     1626"odabir nedavne datoteke"
    15341628#. +> trunk stable
    26702764#. +> trunk stable
    26712765#: ui/presentationwidget.cpp:1273
    2672 msgid "There are two ways of exiting presentation mode, you can press either ESC key or click with the quit button that appears when placing the mouse in the top-right corner. Of course you can cycle windows (Alt+TAB by default)"
    2673 msgstr "Postoje dva načina za izlaz iz prezentacijskog načina – moÅŸete pritisnuti ili tipku ESC ili kliknuti na gumb za izlaz koji se pokaÅŸe kad pomaknete miÅ¡ u gornji-desni kut. MoÅŸete i kruÅŸiti kroz prozore (zadano je Alt+TAB)."
     2766msgid ""
     2767"There are two ways of exiting presentation mode, you can press either ESC key "
     2768"or click with the quit button that appears when placing the mouse in the "
     2769"top-right corner. Of course you can cycle windows (Alt+TAB by default)"
     2770msgstr ""
     2771"Postoje dva načina za izlaz iz prezentacijskog načina – moÅŸete pritisnuti ili "
     2772"tipku ESC ili kliknuti na gumb za izlaz koji se pokaÅŸe kad pomaknete miÅ¡ u "
     2773"gornji-desni kut. MoÅŸete i kruÅŸiti kroz prozore (zadano je Alt+TAB)."
    26752775#. +> trunk stable
    26762776#: ui/presentationwidget.cpp:1395
    2677 msgctxt "Reason for inhibiting the screensaver activation, when the presentation mode is active"
     2777msgctxt ""
     2778"Reason for inhibiting the screensaver activation, when the presentation mode "
     2779"is active"
    26782780msgid "Giving a presentation"
    26792781msgstr "Prezentacija u tijeku"
    26942796msgid "%1 Properties"
    26952797msgstr ""
    2696 "Svojstvo %1 "
     2798"Svojstva %1 "
    2698 " Svojstvo $[gen %1]"
     2800"Svojstva $[gen %1]"
    27002802#. +> trunk stable
    28942996#. +> trunk stable
    28952997#: ui/side_reviews.cpp:61
    2896 msgid "<div align=center><h3>No annotations</h3>To create new annotations press F6 or select <i>Tools -&gt; Review</i> from the menu.</div>"
    2897 msgstr "<div align=center><h3>Nema opaski</h3>Da biste dodali opaske, pritisnite F6 ili iz izbornika odaberite <i>Alati → Osvrt</i>.</div>"
     2998msgid ""
     2999"<div align=center><h3>No annotations</h3>To create new annotations press F6 "
     3000"or select <i>Tools -&gt; Review</i> from the menu.</div>"
     3001msgstr ""
     3002"<div align=center><h3>Nema opaski</h3>Da biste dodali opaske, pritisnite F6 "
     3003"ili iz izbornika odaberite <i>Alati → Osvrt</i>.</div>"
    28993005#. +> trunk stable
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.