Changeset 970 for kde-croatia

Apr 23, 2011, 12:44:49 PM (14 years ago)

Dodan prijevod za riječ "Education"

4 edited


  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/desktop_kdebase_kde-runtime.po

    r950 r970  
    77# Andrej Dundovic <>, 2009, 2010.
    88# Nataša Dimitrijević <>, 2010.
     9# Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>, 2011.
    910msgid ""
    1011msgstr ""
    1314"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-11 12:04+0200\n"
    14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-23 08:50+0100\n"
    15 "Last-Translator: \n"
     15"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 12:44+0200\n"
     16"Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>\n"
    1617"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
    1718"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    1920"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    2021"Language: hr\n"
    21 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
     22"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
     23"=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    2224"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
    2325"X-Poedit-Language: Croatian\n"
    133135#: kcontrol/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_browser.desktop:71
    134136msgctxt "Comment"
    135 msgid "Here you can configure your default web browser. All KDE applications in which you can select hyperlinks should honor this setting."
    136 msgstr "Konfiguriranje zadanog web-preglednika. Sve KDE-ove aplikacije unutar kojih odaberete (kliknete) hiperveze poÅ¡tivat će ovaj odabir."
     137msgid ""
     138"Here you can configure your default web browser. All KDE applications in "
     139"which you can select hyperlinks should honor this setting."
     140msgstr ""
     141"Konfiguriranje zadanog web-preglednika. Sve KDE-ove aplikacije unutar kojih "
     142"odaberete (kliknete) hiperveze poÅ¡tivat će ovaj odabir."
    138144#. +> trunk stable
    145151#: kcontrol/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_filemanager.desktop:71
    146152msgctxt "Comment"
    147 msgid "Here you can configure your default file manager. The entries in the K menu and all KDE applications in which you can open folders will use this file manager."
    148 msgstr "Ovdje moÅŸete konfigurirati vaÅ¡ početni preglednik datoteka. Stavke K-izbornika i sve KDE-ove aplikacije u kojima moÅŸete otvoriti mape, koristiti će ovaj upravitelj datoteka."
     153msgid ""
     154"Here you can configure your default file manager. The entries in the K menu "
     155"and all KDE applications in which you can open folders will use this file "
     157msgstr ""
     158"Ovdje moÅŸete konfigurirati vaÅ¡ početni preglednik datoteka. Stavke "
     159"K-izbornika i sve KDE-ove aplikacije u kojima moÅŸete otvoriti mape, koristiti "
     160"će ovaj upravitelj datoteka."
    150162#. +> trunk stable
    157169#: kcontrol/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_kemail.desktop:72
    158170msgctxt "Comment"
    159 msgid "This service allows you to configure your default email client. All KDE applications which need access to an email client application should honor this setting."
    160 msgstr "Usluga koja omogućuje konfiguriranje zadanog klijenta e-poÅ¡te. Sve KDE-ove aplikacije koje zahtijevaju pristup klijentu e-poÅ¡te poÅ¡tivat će ovaj odabir."
     171msgid ""
     172"This service allows you to configure your default email client. All KDE "
     173"applications which need access to an email client application should honor "
     174"this setting."
     175msgstr ""
     176"Usluga koja omogućuje konfiguriranje zadanog klijenta e-poÅ¡te. Sve KDE-ove "
     177"aplikacije koje zahtijevaju pristup klijentu e-poÅ¡te poÅ¡tivat će ovaj odabir."
    162179#. +> trunk stable
    169186#: kcontrol/componentchooser/componentservices/kcm_terminal.desktop:71
    170187msgctxt "Comment"
    171 msgid "This service allows you to configure your default terminal emulator. All KDE applications which invoke a terminal emulator application should honor this setting."
    172 msgstr "Usluga koja omogućuje konfiguriranje zadanog emulatora terminala. Sve KDE-ove aplikacije koje pozivaju aplikaciju emulatora terminala poÅ¡tivat će ovaj odabir."
     188msgid ""
     189"This service allows you to configure your default terminal emulator. All KDE "
     190"applications which invoke a terminal emulator application should honor this "
     192msgstr ""
     193"Usluga koja omogućuje konfiguriranje zadanog emulatora terminala. Sve KDE-ove "
     194"aplikacije koje pozivaju aplikaciju emulatora terminala poÅ¡tivat će ovaj "
    174197#. +> trunk stable
    182205msgctxt "Comment"
    183206msgid "Here you can select the window manager to be run in your KDE session."
    184 msgstr "Ovdje moÅŸete odabrati upravitelj prozorima koji će se izvoditi u vaÅ¡oj KDE sjednici"
     207msgstr ""
     208"Ovdje moÅŸete odabrati upravitelj prozorima koji će se izvoditi u vaÅ¡oj KDE "
    186211#. +> trunk stable
    199224#: kcontrol/componentchooser/windowmanagers/compiz-custom.desktop:2
    200225msgctxt "Name"
    201 msgid "Compiz custom (create wrapper script 'compiz-kde-launcher' to launch it)"
    202 msgstr "Compiz prilagođeno (napravite skriptu-ovojnicu 'compiz-kde-launcher' za pokretanje="
     226msgid ""
     227"Compiz custom (create wrapper script 'compiz-kde-launcher' to launch it)"
     228msgstr ""
     229"Compiz prilagođeno (napravite skriptu-ovojnicu 'compiz-kde-launcher' za "
    204232#. +> trunk stable
    634662#: kioslave/network/kded/networkwatcher.desktop:74
    635663msgctxt "Comment"
    636 msgid "Keeps track of the network and updates directory listings of the network:/ protocol"
     664msgid ""
     665"Keeps track of the network and updates directory listings of the network:/ "
    637667msgstr "Pazi na mreÅŸu i aÅŸurira popis direktorija protokola network:/"
    923953msgctxt "Comment"
    924954msgid "A very serious error occurred, at least causing the program to exit"
    925 msgstr "Dogodila se je vrlo ozbiljna pogreÅ¡ka, koja je uzrokovala zavrÅ¡etak barem jednog programa"
     955msgstr ""
     956"Dogodila se je vrlo ozbiljna pogreÅ¡ka, koja je uzrokovala zavrÅ¡etak barem "
     957"jednog programa"
    927959#. +> trunk stable
    11141146#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/7digital.desktop:67
    11151147msgctxt "Query"
    1116 msgid "\\\\{@}&searchtype=global&submit=Search"
    1117 msgstr "\\\\{@}&searchtype=global&submit=Search"
     1148msgid ""
     1150msgstr ""
    11191153#. +> trunk stable
    11391173msgctxt "Query"
    11401174msgid "\\\\{@}"
    1141 msgstr "\\\\{@}"
     1175msgstr ""
    11431178#. +> trunk stable
    11501185#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/amazon.desktop:66
    11511186msgctxt "Query"
    1152 msgid "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0"
    1153 msgstr "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0"
     1187msgid ""
     1190msgstr ""
    11551194#. +> trunk stable
    11621201#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/amazon_mp3.desktop:68
    11631202msgctxt "Query"
    1164 msgid "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0"
    1165 msgstr "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0"
     1203msgid ""
     1207msgstr ""
    11671212#. +> trunk stable
    12221267#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/beolingus.desktop:64
    12231268msgctxt "Query"
    1224 msgid "\\\\{@}&iservice=&comment=&email"
    1225 msgstr "\\\\{@}&iservice=&comment=&email"
     1269msgid ""
     1273msgstr ""
    12271278#. +> trunk stable
    12941345#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/cia.desktop:86
    12951346msgctxt "Query"
    1296 msgid "\\\\{@}"
    1297 msgstr "\\\\{@}"
     1347msgid ""
     1350msgstr ""
    12991354#. +> trunk stable
    13181373#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/cpan.desktop:92
    13191374msgctxt "Query"
    1320 msgid "\\\\{mode,2,\"dist\"}&query=\\\\{query,q,1}"
    1321 msgstr "\\\\{mode,2,\"dist\"}&query=\\\\{query,q,1}"
     1375msgid ""
     1377msgstr ""
    13231380#. +> trunk stable
    13301387#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ctan.desktop:92
    13311388msgctxt "Query"
    1332 msgid "\\\\{@}&Search=Search"
    1333 msgstr "\\\\{@}&Search=Search"
     1389msgid ""
     1391msgstr ""
    13351394#. +> trunk stable
    13421401#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/ctan_cat.desktop:92
    13431402msgctxt "Query"
    1344 msgid "\\\\{@}&metadataSearchSubmit=Search"
    1345 msgstr "\\\\{@}&metadataSearchSubmit=Search"
     1403msgid ""
     1406msgstr ""
    13471410#. +> trunk stable
    17281791#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_advanced.desktop:94
    17291792msgctxt "Query"
    1730 msgid "\\\\{all,@}&num=\\\\{num,\"10\"}&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=\\\\{exact,\"\"}&as_oq=\\\\{any,\"\"}&as_eq=\\\\{without,\"\"}&lr=\\\\{lang,\"\"}&as_ft=\\\\{ft,\"i\"}&as_filetype=\\\\{filetype,\"\"}&as_qdr=\\\\{date,\"all\"}&as_occt=\\\\{occ,\"any\"}&as_dt=\\\\{siteop,\"i\"}&as_sitesearch=\\\\{site}&safe=\\\\{safe,\"active\"}&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
    1731 msgstr "\\\\{all,@}&num=\\\\{num,\"10\"}&btnG=Google+Search&as_epq=\\\\{exact,\"\"}&as_oq=\\\\{any,\"\"}&as_eq=\\\\{without,\"\"}&lr=\\\\{lang,\"\"}&as_ft=\\\\{ft,\"i\"}&as_filetype=\\\\{filetype,\"\"}&as_qdr=\\\\{date,\"all\"}&as_occt=\\\\{occ,\"any\"}&as_dt=\\\\{siteop,\"i\"}&as_sitesearch=\\\\{site}&safe=\\\\{safe,\"active\"}&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
     1793msgid ""
     1800msgstr ""
    17331808#. +> trunk stable
    17761851#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_lucky.desktop:94
    17771852msgctxt "Query"
    1778 msgid "\\\\{@}&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
    1779 msgstr "\\\\{@}&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
     1853msgid ""
     1856msgstr ""
    17811860#. +> trunk stable
    19562035#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/jeeves.desktop:94
    19572036msgctxt "Query"
    1958 msgid "\\\\{@}"
    1959 msgstr "\\\\{@}"
     2037msgid ""
     2040msgstr ""
    19612044#. +> trunk stable
    19692052msgctxt "Query"
    19702053msgid "\\\\{@}&onde=&b=Buscar"
    1971 msgstr "\\\\{@}&onde=&b=Buscar"
     2054msgstr ""
    19732057#. +> trunk stable
    20042088#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde_forums.desktop:67
    20052089msgctxt "Query"
    2006 msgid "\\\\{@}&terms=all&author=&tags=&sv=0&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&countlimit=100&t=0&submit=Search"
    2007 msgstr "\\\\{@}&terms=all&author=&tags=&sv=0&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&countlimit=100&t=0&submit=Search"
     2090msgid ""
     2094msgstr ""
    20092099#. +> trunk stable
    20882178#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/metacrawler.desktop:94
    20892179msgctxt "Query"
    2090 msgid "\\\\{@}&method=0&cat=Web&target=metaworld&redirect=web&rpp=20&hpe=10&region=0&timeout=0&sort=0&format=beta99&theme=classic&refer=mc-search&refer=mc-search"
    2091 msgstr "\\\\{@}&method=0&cat=Web&target=metaworld&redirect=web&rpp=20&hpe=10&region=0&timeout=0&sort=0&format=beta99&theme=classic&refer=mc-search&refer=mc-search"
     2180msgid ""
     2185msgstr ""
    20932191#. +> trunk stable
    21002198#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/msdn.desktop:93
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    2102 msgid "\\\\{@}&btnSearch=GO"
    2103 msgstr "\\\\{@}&btnSearch=GO"
     2200msgid ""
     2204msgstr ""
    21052209#. +> trunk stable
    21962300#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/nl-telephone.desktop:91
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    2198 msgid "\\\\{1}&city=\\\\{2}"
    2199 msgstr "\\\\{1}&city=\\\\{2}"
     2302msgid ""
     2305msgstr ""
    22012309#. +> trunk stable
    22202328#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/opendesktop.desktop:62
    22212329msgctxt "Query"
    2222 msgid "\\\\{@}"
    2223 msgstr "\\\\{@}"
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    22252335#. +> trunk stable
    22562366#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/python.desktop:93
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    2258 msgid "\\\\{@}&submit=Search&"
    2259 msgstr "\\\\{@}&submit=Search&"
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    22612375#. +> trunk stable
    22922406#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/rae.desktop:93
    22932407msgctxt "Query"
    2294 msgid "\\\\{@}&FORMATO=ampliado"
    2295 msgstr "\\\\{@}&FORMATO=ampliado"
     2408msgid ""
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    22972415#. +> trunk stable
    23402458#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/sourceforge.desktop:92
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    2342 msgid "\\\\{type,\"soft\"}&exact=\\\\{exact,\"0\"}&words=\\\\{@}"
    2343 msgstr "\\\\{type,\"soft\"}&exact=\\\\{exact,\"0\"}&words=\\\\{@}"
     2460msgid ""
     2464msgstr ""
    23452469#. +> trunk stable
    23522476#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/technorati.desktop:92
    23532477msgctxt "Query"
    2354 msgid "\\\\{@}"
    2355 msgstr "\\\\{@}"
     2478msgid ""
     2480msgstr ""
    23572483#. +> trunk stable
    24122538#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/uspto.desktop:92
    24132539msgctxt "Query"
    2414 msgid "\\\\{@}&Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/srchnum.htm&r=0&f=S&l=50"
    2415 msgstr "\\\\{@}&Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/srchnum.htm&r=0&f=S&l=50"
     2540msgid ""
     2544msgstr ""
    24172549#. +> trunk stable
    24362568#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/vivisimo.desktop:94
    24372569msgctxt "Query"
    2438 msgid "\\\\{@}&se=Yahoo%2CAltaVista%2CMSN%2CFast%2COD%2CExcite%2CDirectHit%2CLooksmart%2CEuroseek&x=49&y=16"
    2439 msgstr "\\\\{@}&se=Yahoo%2CAltaVista%2CMSN%2CFast%2COD%2CExcite%2CDirectHit%2CLooksmart%2CEuroseek&x=49&y=16"
     2570msgid ""
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    24412577#. +> trunk stable
    24722608#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wikia.desktop:67
    24732609msgctxt "Query"
    2474 msgid "\\\\{@}&wikia_search_submit=Search"
    2475 msgstr "\\\\{@}&wikia_search_submit=Search"
     2610msgid ""
     2612msgstr ""
    24772615#. +> trunk stable
    25322670#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo.desktop:69
    25332671msgctxt "Query"
    2534 msgid "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0&=Web+Search"
    2535 msgstr "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0&=Web+Search"
     2672msgid ""
     2676msgstr ""
    25372681#. +> trunk stable
    25442688#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo_image.desktop:67
    25452689msgctxt "Query"
    2546 msgid ";_ylt=A0geuy0K6JZLsVkB4m1XNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-701"
    2547 msgstr ";_ylt=A0geuy0K6JZLsVkB4m1XNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-701"
     2690msgid ""
     2694msgstr ""
    25492699#. +> trunk stable
    25562706#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo_local.desktop:66
    25572707msgctxt "Query"
    2558 msgid "\\\\{@}&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701&fr2=tab-img"
    2559 msgstr "\\\\{@}&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701&fr2=tab-img"
     2708msgid ""
     2710msgstr ""
    25612713#. +> trunk stable
    25682720#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo_shopping.desktop:66
    25692721msgctxt "Query"
    2570 msgid ";_ylt=A0SO8ZgG65ZLyX8AsLX7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpcjIxMDllBHNlYwN0YWJzBHZ0aWQDVjEwOQ--?cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&fr2=tab-video&fr=yfp-t-701"
    2571 msgstr ";_ylt=A0SO8ZgG65ZLyX8AsLX7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpcjIxMDllBHNlYwN0YWJzBHZ0aWQDVjEwOQ--?cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&fr2=tab-video&fr=yfp-t-701"
     2722msgid ""
     2726msgstr ""
    25732731#. +> trunk stable
    25802738#: kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo_video.desktop:66
    25812739msgctxt "Query"
    2582 msgid ";_ylt=A0WTb_3a6JZLSHwAK7.JzbkF?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-img&fr=yfp-t-701"
    2583 msgstr ";_ylt=A0WTb_3a6JZLSHwAK7.JzbkF?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-img&fr=yfp-t-701"
     2740msgid ""
     2743msgstr ""
    25852747#. +> trunk stable
    54835645msgctxt "Name"
    54845646msgid "Education"
    5485 msgstr "Education"
     5647msgstr "Obrazovanje"
    54875649#. +> trunk stable
    57115873#: nepomuk/kioslaves/search/kdedmodule/nepomuksearchmodule.desktop:70
    57125874msgctxt "Comment"
    5713 msgid "Helper module for KIO to ensure automatic updates of nepomuksearch listings."
    5714 msgstr "Pomoćni modul za KIO koji osigurava automatsko aÅŸuriranje izlistavanja nepomuk pretraga."
     5875msgid ""
     5876"Helper module for KIO to ensure automatic updates of nepomuksearch listings."
     5877msgstr ""
     5878"Pomoćni modul za KIO koji osigurava automatsko aÅŸuriranje izlistavanja "
     5879"nepomuk pretraga."
    57165881#. +> trunk stable
    57605925msgctxt "Comment"
    57615926msgid "The Nepomuk file watch service for monitoring file changes"
    5762 msgstr "Nepomukova usluga nadgledanja datoteka za otkrivanje promjena nad istima"
     5927msgstr ""
     5928"Nepomukova usluga nadgledanja datoteka za otkrivanje promjena nad istima"
    57645930#. +> trunk stable
    57715937#: nepomuk/services/queryservice/nepomukqueryservice.desktop:82
    57725938msgctxt "Comment"
    5773 msgid "The Nepomuk Query Service provides an interface for persistent query folders"
     5939msgid ""
     5940"The Nepomuk Query Service provides an interface for persistent query folders"
    57745941msgstr "Nepomukova usluga upita omogućuje sučelje za trajne upitne direktorije"
    58556022#: nepomuk/services/strigi/nepomukstrigiservice.desktop:85
    58566023msgctxt "Comment"
    5857 msgid "Nepomuk Service which controls the strigidaemon, i.e. indexes files on the desktop"
    5858 msgstr "Nepomukova usluga koja upravlja strigidaemonom, tj. indeksira datoteke na računalu"
     6024msgid ""
     6025"Nepomuk Service which controls the strigidaemon, i.e. indexes files on the "
     6027msgstr ""
     6028"Nepomukova usluga koja upravlja strigidaemonom, tj. indeksira datoteke na "
    58606031#. +> trunk stable
    58856056#: nepomuk/services/strigi/nepomukstrigiservice.notifyrc:277
    58866057msgctxt "Comment"
    5887 msgid "The initial indexing of local files for fast desktop searches has completed."
    5888 msgstr "ZavrÅ¡ilo je prvotno indeksiranje lokalnih datoteka za brzu pretragu računala."
     6058msgid ""
     6059"The initial indexing of local files for fast desktop searches has completed."
     6060msgstr ""
     6061"ZavrÅ¡ilo je prvotno indeksiranje lokalnih datoteka za brzu pretragu računala."
    58906063#. +> trunk stable
    61556328#: solid-networkstatus/kded/networkstatus.desktop:62
    61566329msgctxt "Comment"
    6157 msgid "Tracks status of network interfaces and provides notification to applications using the network."
    6158 msgstr "Prati stanja mreÅŸnih sučelja i omogućuje obavijesti aplikacijama koje koriste mreÅŸu."
     6330msgid ""
     6331"Tracks status of network interfaces and provides notification to applications "
     6332"using the network."
     6333msgstr ""
     6334"Prati stanja mreÅŸnih sučelja i omogućuje obavijesti aplikacijama koje koriste "
    61606337#. +> trunk stable
    61686345msgctxt "Comment"
    61696346msgid "Automatically releases drives when their eject button is pushed"
    6170 msgstr "Automatski oslobađa pogone nakon pritiska na njihovu tipku za izbacivanje"
     6347msgstr ""
     6348"Automatski oslobađa pogone nakon pritiska na njihovu tipku za izbacivanje"
    61726350#. +> trunk stable
    61976375#: nepomuk/services/removablestorage/nepomukremovablestorageservice.desktop:69
    61986376msgctxt "Comment"
    6199 msgid "The Nepomuk removable storage service, providing access to Nepomuk metadata on removable storage devices."
    6200 msgstr "Nepomukova usluga uklonjivih uređaja za pohranu omogućuje pristup Nepomukovim metapodacima na uklonjivim uređajima za pohranu."
     6377msgid ""
     6378"The Nepomuk removable storage service, providing access to Nepomuk metadata "
     6379"on removable storage devices."
     6380msgstr ""
     6381"Nepomukova usluga uklonjivih uređaja za pohranu omogućuje pristup Nepomukovim "
     6382"metapodacima na uklonjivim uređajima za pohranu."
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/desktop_kdebase_kde-workspace.po

    r968 r970  
    1414"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-22 10:53+0200\n"
    15 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-15 21:21+0100\n"
     15"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 12:43+0200\n"
    1616"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    1717"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
    2020"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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     22"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
     23"=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    2324"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
    2425"X-Poedit-Language: Croatian\n"
    99100#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:170
    100101msgctxt "Comment"
    101 msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now active"
    102 msgstr "Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i aktivna je"
     102msgid ""
     103"A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now active"
     104msgstr ""
     105"Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i "
     106"aktivna je"
    104108#. +> trunk stable
    111115#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:323
    112116msgctxt "Comment"
    113 msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now inactive"
    114 msgstr "Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i viÅ¡e nije aktivna"
     117msgid ""
     118"A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now inactive"
     119msgstr ""
     120"Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i viÅ¡e "
     121"nije aktivna"
    116123#. +> trunk stable
    123130#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:476
    124131msgctxt "Comment"
    125 msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has been locked and is now active for all of the following keypresses"
    126 msgstr "Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) zaključana je i aktivna je tijekom svih sljedećih pritisaka tipki"
     132msgid ""
     133"A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has been locked and is now active for all "
     134"of the following keypresses"
     135msgstr ""
     136"Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) zaključana je i aktivna je tijekom "
     137"svih sljedećih pritisaka tipki"
    128139#. +> trunk stable
    135146#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:630
    136147msgctxt "Comment"
    137 msgid "A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now active"
    138 msgstr "Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i aktivna je"
     148msgid ""
     149"A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now "
     151msgstr ""
     152"Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i "
     153"aktivna je"
    140155#. +> trunk stable
    147162#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:783
    148163msgctxt "Comment"
    149 msgid "A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now inactive"
    150 msgstr "Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i viÅ¡e nije aktivna"
     164msgid ""
     165"A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now "
     167msgstr ""
     168"Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i "
     169"viÅ¡e nije aktivna"
    152171#. +> trunk stable
    221240msgctxt "Comment"
    222241msgid "A configuration tool for managing which programs start up."
    223 msgstr "Konfiguracijski alat koji određuje koji će se programi pokretati prilikom pokretanja KDE-a."
     242msgstr ""
     243"Konfiguracijski alat koji određuje koji će se programi pokretati prilikom "
     244"pokretanja KDE-a."
    225246#. +> trunk stable
    570591#: kcontrol/style/style.desktop:105
    571592msgctxt "Comment"
    572 msgid "Allows the manipulation of widget behavior and changing the Style for KDE"
     593msgid ""
     594"Allows the manipulation of widget behavior and changing the Style for KDE"
    573595msgstr "Dopušta upravljanje ponašanja widgeta i izmjenu KDE stila"
    673695#: kdm/kcm/kcmkdm_actions.actions:113
    674696msgctxt "Description"
    675 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to change the Login Manager settings"
    676 msgstr "Administracijska je autorizacija potreba za promjenu postavki upravitelja prijavom"
     697msgid ""
     698"Administrator authorization is required to change the Login Manager settings"
     699msgstr ""
     700"Administracijska je autorizacija potreba za promjenu postavki upravitelja "
    678703#. +> trunk stable
    685710#: kdm/kcm/kcmkdm_actions.actions:221
    686711msgctxt "Description"
    687 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to manage user images for the Login Manager"
    688 msgstr "Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili korisničke slike u Upravitelju prijavom"
     712msgid ""
     713"Administrator authorization is required to manage user images for the Login "
     715msgstr ""
     716"Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili korisničke "
     717"slike u Upravitelju prijavom"
    690719#. +> trunk stable
    697726#: kdm/kcm/kcmkdm_actions.actions:330
    698727msgctxt "Description"
    699 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to manage themes for the Login Manager"
    700 msgstr "Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili teme Upravitelja prijave"
     728msgid ""
     729"Administrator authorization is required to manage themes for the Login Manager"
     730msgstr ""
     731"Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili teme "
     732"Upravitelja prijave"
    702734#. +> trunk stable
    739771#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/aewm++.desktop:92
    740772msgctxt "Comment"
    741 msgid "A minimal window manager based on AEWM, enhanced by virtual desktops and partial GNOME support"
    742 msgstr "Minimalistički upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AEWM, unaprijeđen virtualnim radnim povrÅ¡inama i djelomičnom podrÅ¡kom za GNOME"
     773msgid ""
     774"A minimal window manager based on AEWM, enhanced by virtual desktops and "
     775"partial GNOME support"
     776msgstr ""
     777"Minimalistički upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AEWM, unaprijeđen virtualnim "
     778"radnim povrÅ¡inama i djelomičnom podrÅ¡kom za GNOME"
    744780#. +> trunk stable
    764800msgctxt "Comment"
    765801msgid "A window manager with the NeXTStep look and feel, based on FVWM"
    766 msgstr "Upravitelj prozora s NeXTStep izgledom i načinom rada, zasnovan na FVWM-u"
     802msgstr ""
     803"Upravitelj prozora s NeXTStep izgledom i načinom rada, zasnovan na FVWM-u"
    768805#. +> trunk stable
    800837msgctxt "Comment"
    801838msgid "AfterStep Classic, a window manager based on AfterStep v1.1"
    802 msgstr "Klasični AfterStep, upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AfterStepu verzija 1.1"
     839msgstr ""
     840"Klasični AfterStep, upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AfterStepu verzija 1.1"
    804842#. +> trunk stable
    835873#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/cde.desktop:94
    836874msgctxt "Comment"
    837 msgid "The Common Desktop Environment, a proprietary industry standard desktop environment"
    838 msgstr "Opće okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine, standardizirano industrijskim vlasniÅ¡tvima"
     875msgid ""
     876"The Common Desktop Environment, a proprietary industry standard desktop "
     878msgstr ""
     879"Opće okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine, standardizirano industrijskim vlasniÅ¡tvima"
    840881#. +> trunk stable
    848889msgctxt "Comment"
    849890msgid "Claude's Tab Window Manager, TWM enhanced by virtual screens, etc."
    850 msgstr "Claudov Tab upravitelj prozora, TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima, itd."
     891msgstr ""
     892"Claudov Tab upravitelj prozora, TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima, itd."
    852894#. +> trunk stable
    903945msgctxt "Comment"
    904946msgid "A highly configurable and low resource window manager based on Blackbox"
    905 msgstr "Visoko konfigurabilan upravitelj prozora, male potroÅ¡nje resursa, zasnovan na Blackbox-u"
     947msgstr ""
     948"Visoko konfigurabilan upravitelj prozora, male potroÅ¡nje resursa, zasnovan na "
    907951#. +> trunk stable
    927971msgctxt "Comment"
    928972msgid "A powerful ICCCM-compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager"
    929 msgstr "Comment=Moćni, ICCCM kompatibilan, upravitelj prozora s viÅ¡e virtualnih radnih povrÅ¡ina"
     973msgstr ""
     974"Comment=Moćni, ICCCM kompatibilan, upravitelj prozora s viÅ¡e virtualnih "
     975"radnih povrÅ¡ina"
    931977#. +> trunk stable
    950996#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/gnome.desktop:92
    951997msgctxt "Comment"
    952 msgid "The GNU Network Object Model Environment. A complete, free and easy-to-use desktop environment"
    953 msgstr "GNOME – GNU Network Object Model Environment – Cjelokupno, besplatno i jednostavno okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine"
     998msgid ""
     999"The GNU Network Object Model Environment. A complete, free and easy-to-use "
     1000"desktop environment"
     1001msgstr ""
     1002"GNOME – GNU Network Object Model Environment – Cjelokupno, besplatno i "
     1003"jednostavno okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine"
    9551005#. +> trunk stable
    9871037msgctxt "Comment"
    9881038msgid "A keyboard-friendly window manager with tiled windows, based on PWM"
    989 msgstr "Comment=Upravitelj prozora s popločenim prozorima, namijenjen tipkovnici i zasnovan na PWM-u"
     1039msgstr ""
     1040"Comment=Upravitelj prozora s popločenim prozorima, namijenjen tipkovnici i "
     1041"zasnovan na PWM-u"
    9911043#. +> trunk stable
    10111063msgctxt "Comment"
    10121064msgid "The Lightweight Window Manager. A non-configurable, bare window manager"
    1013 msgstr "LWM – Lightweight Window Manager (Lagani upravitelj prozora) – Temeljni upravitelj prozora bez mogućnosti konfiguriranja"
     1065msgstr ""
     1066"LWM – Lightweight Window Manager (Lagani upravitelj prozora) – Temeljni "
     1067"upravitelj prozora bez mogućnosti konfiguriranja"
    10151069#. +> trunk stable
    10701124#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/olvwm.desktop:92
    10711125msgctxt "Comment"
    1072 msgid "The OpenLook Virtual Window Manager. OLWM enhanced for handling of virtual desktops"
    1073 msgstr "OpenLook virtualni upravitelj prozora – OLWM unaprijeđen mogućnošću rukovanja s virtualnim radnim povrÅ¡inama"
     1126msgid ""
     1127"The OpenLook Virtual Window Manager. OLWM enhanced for handling of virtual "
     1129msgstr ""
     1130"OpenLook virtualni upravitelj prozora – OLWM unaprijeđen mogućnošću rukovanja "
     1131"s virtualnim radnim povrÅ¡inama"
    10751133#. +> trunk stable
    11301188#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/pwm.desktop:91
    11311189msgctxt "Comment"
    1132 msgid "A lightweight window manager able to attach multiple windows to one frame"
    1133 msgstr "Lagani upravitelj prozora koji jednom okviru moÅŸe pridodati viÅ¡e prozora"
     1190msgid ""
     1191"A lightweight window manager able to attach multiple windows to one frame"
     1192msgstr ""
     1193"Lagani upravitelj prozora koji jednom okviru moÅŸe pridodati viÅ¡e prozora"
    11351195#. +> trunk stable
    11551215msgctxt "Comment"
    11561216msgid "A simple keyboard-only window manager modeled after Screen"
    1157 msgstr "Jednostavan, samo za tipkovnicu, upravitelj prozora napravljen prema Screenu"
     1217msgstr ""
     1218"Jednostavan, samo za tipkovnicu, upravitelj prozora napravljen prema Screenu"
    11591220#. +> trunk stable
    11781239#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/sawfish.desktop:92
    11791240msgctxt "Comment"
    1180 msgid "An extensible window manager scriptable with an Emacs Lisp-like language"
     1241msgid ""
     1242"An extensible window manager scriptable with an Emacs Lisp-like language"
    11811243msgstr "Proširivi upravitelj prozora pisan u skripti nalik na jezik Emacs Lisp"
    12151277msgctxt "Comment"
    12161278msgid "The Virtual Tab Window Manager. TWM enhanced by virtual screens, etc."
    1217 msgstr "Comment=Virtual Tab Window Manager. TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima itd."
     1279msgstr ""
     1280"Comment=Virtual Tab Window Manager. TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima itd."
    12191282#. +> trunk stable
    12261289#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/w9wm.desktop:92
    12271290msgctxt "Comment"
    1228 msgid "A window manager based on 9WM, enhanced by virtual screens and keyboard bindings"
    1229 msgstr "Upravitelj prozora zasnovan na 9WM, unaprijeđen virtualnim zaslonima i prečacima tipkovnice"
     1291msgid ""
     1292"A window manager based on 9WM, enhanced by virtual screens and keyboard "
     1294msgstr ""
     1295"Upravitelj prozora zasnovan na 9WM, unaprijeđen virtualnim zaslonima i "
     1296"prečacima tipkovnice"
    12311298#. +> trunk stable
    12631330msgctxt "Comment"
    12641331msgid "A simple window manager that resembles the NeXTStep look very closely"
    1265 msgstr "Jednostavan upravitelj prozora koji odraÅŸava vrlo blisko izgled NeXTStepa"
     1332msgstr ""
     1333"Jednostavan upravitelj prozora koji odraÅŸava vrlo blisko izgled NeXTStepa"
    12671335#. +> trunk stable
    12741342#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/xfce.desktop:92
    12751343msgctxt "Comment"
    1276 msgid "The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment. A desktop environment reminiscent of CDE"
    1277 msgstr "Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine koje podsjeća na CDE"
     1344msgid ""
     1345"The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment. A desktop environment reminiscent "
     1346"of CDE"
     1347msgstr ""
     1348"Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine koje podsjeća "
     1349"na CDE"
    12791351#. +> trunk
    12951367#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/xfce4.desktop:91
    12961368msgctxt "Comment"
    1297 msgid "The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment, version 4. A desktop environment reminiscent of CDE"
    1298 msgstr "Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment verzija 4 – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine koje podsjeća na CDE"
     1369msgid ""
     1370"The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment, version 4. A desktop environment "
     1371"reminiscent of CDE"
     1372msgstr ""
     1373"Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment verzija 4 – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine "
     1374"koje podsjeća na CDE"
    13001376#. +> trunk stable
    13861462#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:5
    13871463msgctxt "Comment"
    1388 msgid "This group contains various examples demonstrating most of the features of KHotkeys. (Note that this group and all its actions are disabled by default.)"
    1389 msgstr "Ova grupa sadrÅŸi razne primjere koji pokazuju većinu mogućnosti KHotkeysa. (Primijetite da je ta grupa i sve njene akcije na početku onemogućena.)"
     1464msgid ""
     1465"This group contains various examples demonstrating most of the features of "
     1466"KHotkeys. (Note that this group and all its actions are disabled by default.)"
     1467msgstr ""
     1468"Ova grupa sadrÅŸi razne primjere koji pokazuju većinu mogućnosti KHotkeysa. "
     1469"(Primijetite da je ta grupa i sve njene akcije na početku onemogućena.)"
    13911471#. +> trunk stable
    13981478#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:167
    13991479msgctxt "Comment"
    1400 msgid "After pressing Ctrl+Alt+I, the KSIRC window will be activated, if it exists. Simple."
    1401 msgstr "Nakon pritiska tipaka Ctrl+Alt+I, KSIRC prozor će biti akticiran, ako postoji. Jednostavno."
     1480msgid ""
     1481"After pressing Ctrl+Alt+I, the KSIRC window will be activated, if it exists. "
     1483msgstr ""
     1484"Nakon pritiska tipaka Ctrl+Alt+I, KSIRC prozor će biti akticiran, ako postoji."
     1485" Jednostavno."
    14031487#. +> trunk stable
    14221506#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:595
    14231507msgctxt "Comment"
    1424 msgid "After pressing Alt+Ctrl+H the input of 'Hello' will be simulated, as if you typed it.  This is especially useful if you have call to frequently type a word (for instance, 'unsigned').  Every keypress in the input is separated by a colon ':'. Note that the keypresses literally mean keypresses, so you have to write what you would press on the keyboard. In the table below, the left column shows the input and the right column shows what to type.\\n\\n\"enter\" (i.e. new line)                Enter or Return\\na (i.e. small a)                          A\\nA (i.e. capital a)                       Shift+A\\n: (colon)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  (space)                              Space"
    1425 msgstr "Nakon pritiska tipaka Alt+Ctrl+H, ulaz \"Zdravo\" će biti simuliran, kao da ste ga upisali. Ovo je posebno korisno ako često trebate pisati istu riječ (na primjer, 'unsigned').  Svaki pritisak tipke u ulazu je odvojen s dvotočkom ':'. Primjetite da pritisci tipke doslovno znače pritisak tipke, tako da morate napisati ono Å¡to biste pritisnuli na tipkovnici. U tablici ispod, lijevi stupac prikazuje ulaz, a desni prikazuje Å¡to treba upisati\\n\\n\"enter\" (tj. novi red)                Enter ili Return\\na (tj. malo a)                          A\\nA (tj. veliko a)                       Shift+A\\n: (dvotočka)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  (razmak)                              Space"
     1508msgid ""
     1509"After pressing Alt+Ctrl+H the input of 'Hello' will be simulated, as if you "
     1510"typed it.  This is especially useful if you have call to frequently type a "
     1511"word (for instance, 'unsigned').  Every keypress in the input is separated by "
     1512"a colon ':'. Note that the keypresses literally mean keypresses, so you have "
     1513"to write what you would press on the keyboard. In the table below, the left "
     1514"column shows the input and the right column shows what to type."
     1515"\\n\\n\"enter\" (i.e. new line)                Enter or Return\\na (i.e. "
     1516"small a)                          A\\nA (i.e. capital a)                      "
     1517" Shift+A\\n: (colon)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  (space)  "
     1518"                            Space"
     1519msgstr ""
     1520"Nakon pritiska tipaka Alt+Ctrl+H, ulaz \"Zdravo\" će biti simuliran, kao da "
     1521"ste ga upisali. Ovo je posebno korisno ako često trebate pisati istu riječ "
     1522"(na primjer, 'unsigned').  Svaki pritisak tipke u ulazu je odvojen s "
     1523"dvotočkom ':'. Primjetite da pritisci tipke doslovno znače pritisak tipke, "
     1524"tako da morate napisati ono Å¡to biste pritisnuli na tipkovnici. U tablici "
     1525"ispod, lijevi stupac prikazuje ulaz, a desni prikazuje Å¡to treba "
     1526"upisati\\n\\n\"enter\" (tj. novi red)                Enter ili Return\\na (tj."
     1527" malo a)                          A\\nA (tj. veliko a)                       "
     1528"Shift+A\\n: (dvotočka)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  "
     1529"(razmak)                              Space"
    14271531#. +> trunk stable
    14491553#| msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    14501554msgctxt "Comment"
    1451 msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in Qt Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    1452 msgstr "Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj naslov."
     1555msgid ""
     1556"Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses "
     1557"Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for "
     1558"going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in Qt Designer.  "
     1559"Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the "
     1560"window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when "
     1561"the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time "
     1562"Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other "
     1563"applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify "
     1564"three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action "
     1565"sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer."
     1566"\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the "
     1567"condition will check for the active window having that title."
     1568msgstr ""
     1569"Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner "
     1570"koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica "
     1571"za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt "
     1572"dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za "
     1573"zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate "
     1574"Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan "
     1575"prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti "
     1576"poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje "
     1577"nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice "
     1578"na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti "
     1579"aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt "
     1580"Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj "
    14541583#. +> stable
    14581587#| msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    14591588msgctxt "Comment"
    1460 msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    1461 msgstr "Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj naslov."
     1589msgid ""
     1590"Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses "
     1591"Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for "
     1592"going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  "
     1593"Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the "
     1594"window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when "
     1595"the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time "
     1596"Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other "
     1597"applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify "
     1598"three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action "
     1599"sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer."
     1600"\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the "
     1601"condition will check for the active window having that title."
     1602msgstr ""
     1603"Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner "
     1604"koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica "
     1605"za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt "
     1606"dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za "
     1607"zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate "
     1608"Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan "
     1609"prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti "
     1610"poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje "
     1611"nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice "
     1612"na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti "
     1613"aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt "
     1614"Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj "
    14631617#. +> trunk stable
    14761630#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:1295
    14771631msgctxt "Comment"
    1478 msgid "By pressing Alt+Ctrl+W a D-Bus call will be performed that will show the minicli. You can use any kind of D-Bus call, just like using the command line 'qdbus' tool."
    1479 msgstr "Pritiskom na Alt+Ctrl+W bit će izveden poziv D-Busa koji će prikazati minicli. MoÅŸete koristiti bilo koju vrstu D-Bus poziva, baÅ¡ kao da koristite konzolni alat 'qdbus'."
     1632msgid ""
     1633"By pressing Alt+Ctrl+W a D-Bus call will be performed that will show the "
     1634"minicli. You can use any kind of D-Bus call, just like using the command line "
     1635"'qdbus' tool."
     1636msgstr ""
     1637"Pritiskom na Alt+Ctrl+W bit će izveden poziv D-Busa koji će prikazati minicli."
     1638" MoÅŸete koristiti bilo koju vrstu D-Bus poziva, baÅ¡ kao da koristite konzolni "
     1639"alat 'qdbus'."
    14811641#. +> trunk stable
    14881648#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:1495
    14891649msgctxt "Comment"
    1490 msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nJust like the \"Type 'Hello'\" action, this one simulates keyboard input, specifically, after pressing Ctrl+Alt+B, it sends B to XMMS (B in XMMS jumps to the next song). The 'Send to specific window' checkbox is checked and a window with its class containing 'XMMS_Player' is specified; this will make the input always be sent to this window. This way, you can control XMMS even if, for instance, it is on a different virtual desktop.\\n\\n(Run 'xprop' and click on the XMMS window and search for WM_CLASS to see 'XMMS_Player')."
    1491 msgstr "Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nBaÅ¡ kao i u \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciji, ova će isto simulirati ulaz s tipkovnice. Točnije, nakon pritiska Ctrl+Alt+B, poslat će B XMMS-u (B u XMMS-u prelazi na sljedeću pjesmu). Kućica 'PoÅ¡alji određenom prozoru' je uključena i prozor sa klasom 'XMMS_Player' je definiran – to će osigurati da se ulaz uvijek poÅ¡alje tom prozoru. Na taj način, moÅŸete upravljati XMMS-om čak i ako je, na primjer, na drugoj virtualnoj radnoj povrÅ¡ini.\\n\\n(Pokrenite 'xprop' i kliknite na prozor XMMS-a i potraÅŸite WM_CLASS da biste vidjeli 'XMMS_Player')."
     1650msgid ""
     1651"Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nJust like the "
     1652"\"Type 'Hello'\" action, this one simulates keyboard input, specifically, "
     1653"after pressing Ctrl+Alt+B, it sends B to XMMS (B in XMMS jumps to the next "
     1654"song). The 'Send to specific window' checkbox is checked and a window with "
     1655"its class containing 'XMMS_Player' is specified; this will make the input "
     1656"always be sent to this window. This way, you can control XMMS even if, for "
     1657"instance, it is on a different virtual desktop.\\n\\n(Run 'xprop' and click "
     1658"on the XMMS window and search for WM_CLASS to see 'XMMS_Player')."
     1659msgstr ""
     1660"Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nBaÅ¡ kao i u "
     1661"\"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciji, ova će isto simulirati ulaz s tipkovnice. "
     1662"Točnije, nakon pritiska Ctrl+Alt+B, poslat će B XMMS-u (B u XMMS-u prelazi na "
     1663"sljedeću pjesmu). Kućica 'PoÅ¡alji određenom prozoru' je uključena i prozor sa "
     1664"klasom 'XMMS_Player' je definiran – to će osigurati da se ulaz uvijek poÅ¡alje "
     1665"tom prozoru. Na taj način, moÅŸete upravljati XMMS-om čak i ako je, na "
     1666"primjer, na drugoj virtualnoj radnoj povrÅ¡ini.\\n\\n(Pokrenite 'xprop' i "
     1667"kliknite na prozor XMMS-a i potraÅŸite WM_CLASS da biste vidjeli "
    14931670#. +> trunk stable
    15121689#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:1901
    15131690msgctxt "Comment"
    1514 msgid "Konqueror in KDE3.1 has tabs, and now you can also have gestures.\\n\\nJust press the middle mouse button and start drawing one of the gestures, and after you are finished, release the mouse button. If you only need to paste the selection, it still works, just click the middle mouse button. (You can change the mouse button to use in the global settings).\\n\\nRight now, there are the following gestures available:\\nmove right and back left - Forward (Alt+Right)\\nmove left and back right - Back (Alt+Left)\\nmove up and back down  - Up (Alt+Up)\\ncircle anticlockwise - Reload (F5)\\n\\nThe gesture shapes can be entered by performing them in the configuration dialog. You can also look at your numeric pad to help you: gestures are recognized like a 3x3 grid of fields, numbered 1 to 9.\\n\\nNote that you must perform exactly the gesture to trigger the action. Because of this, it is possible to enter more gestures for the action. You should try to avoid complicated gestures where you change the direction of mouse movement more than once.  For instance, 45654 or 74123 are simple to perform, but 1236987 may be already quite difficult.\\n\\nThe conditions for all gestures are defined in this group. All these gestures are active only if the active window is Konqueror (class contains 'konqueror')."
    1515 msgstr "Konqueror u KDE-u 3.1 ima kartice, a sad moÅŸete također imati i kretnje.\\n\\nSamo pritisnite srednju tipku miÅ¡a i počnite crtati neku od kretnji, a nakon Å¡to zavrÅ¡ite, pustite srednju tipku miÅ¡a. Ako samo trebate zalijepiti odabranu stavku, to i dalje radi, samo kliknite srednjom tipkom miÅ¡a. (U globalnim postavkama moÅŸete odrediti koju tipku miÅ¡a ÅŸelite koristiti).\\n\\nTrenutno su dostupne slijedeće kretnje:\\npomaknite desno pa natrag lijevo – Naprijed (Alt+Desno)\\npomaknite lijevo pa natrag desno – Natrag (Alt+Lijevo)\\npomaknite gore pa natrag dolje – Gore (Alt+Gore)\\nkrug u smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu – Ponovno učitavanje (F5)\\n\\nLikovi kretnji se mogu unijeti tako da ih izvedete u konfiguracijskom dialogu. Također moÅŸete baciti pogled na vaÅ¡ numerički dio tipkovnice za pomoć: kretnje se prepoznaju kao 3x3 mreÅŸa polja, numeriranih od 1 do 9.\\n\\nPrimijetite da morate izvesti točnu kretnju za pokretanje akcije. Zbog toga, moguće je unijeti viÅ¡e kretnji za neku akciju. Trebali biste izbjegavati komplicirane kretnje gdje smjer kretnje miÅ¡a mijenjate viÅ¡e od jednom. Na primjer, 45654 ili 74123 je jednostavno izvesti, ali 1236987 bi već moglo biti prilično teÅ¡ko.\\n\\nUvjeti svih kretnji su definirane u ovoj grupi. Sve ove kretnje su aktivne samo ako je aktivni prozor Konqueror (klasa sadrÅŸi 'konqueror')."
     1691msgid ""
     1692"Konqueror in KDE3.1 has tabs, and now you can also have gestures.\\n\\nJust "
     1693"press the middle mouse button and start drawing one of the gestures, and "
     1694"after you are finished, release the mouse button. If you only need to paste "
     1695"the selection, it still works, just click the middle mouse button. (You can "
     1696"change the mouse button to use in the global settings).\\n\\nRight now, there "
     1697"are the following gestures available:\\nmove right and back left - Forward "
     1698"(Alt+Right)\\nmove left and back right - Back (Alt+Left)\\nmove up and back "
     1699"down  - Up (Alt+Up)\\ncircle anticlockwise - Reload (F5)\\n\\nThe gesture "
     1700"shapes can be entered by performing them in the configuration dialog. You can "
     1701"also look at your numeric pad to help you: gestures are recognized like a 3x3 "
     1702"grid of fields, numbered 1 to 9.\\n\\nNote that you must perform exactly the "
     1703"gesture to trigger the action. Because of this, it is possible to enter more "
     1704"gestures for the action. You should try to avoid complicated gestures where "
     1705"you change the direction of mouse movement more than once.  For instance, "
     1706"45654 or 74123 are simple to perform, but 1236987 may be already quite "
     1707"difficult.\\n\\nThe conditions for all gestures are defined in this group. "
     1708"All these gestures are active only if the active window is Konqueror (class "
     1709"contains 'konqueror')."
     1710msgstr ""
     1711"Konqueror u KDE-u 3.1 ima kartice, a sad moÅŸete također imati i kretnje."
     1712"\\n\\nSamo pritisnite srednju tipku miÅ¡a i počnite crtati neku od kretnji, a "
     1713"nakon Å¡to zavrÅ¡ite, pustite srednju tipku miÅ¡a. Ako samo trebate zalijepiti "
     1714"odabranu stavku, to i dalje radi, samo kliknite srednjom tipkom miÅ¡a. (U "
     1715"globalnim postavkama moÅŸete odrediti koju tipku miÅ¡a ÅŸelite koristiti)."
     1716"\\n\\nTrenutno su dostupne slijedeće kretnje:\\npomaknite desno pa natrag "
     1717"lijevo – Naprijed (Alt+Desno)\\npomaknite lijevo pa natrag desno – Natrag "
     1718"(Alt+Lijevo)\\npomaknite gore pa natrag dolje – Gore (Alt+Gore)\\nkrug u "
     1719"smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu – Ponovno učitavanje (F5)\\n\\nLikovi "
     1720"kretnji se mogu unijeti tako da ih izvedete u konfiguracijskom dialogu. "
     1721"Također moÅŸete baciti pogled na vaÅ¡ numerički dio tipkovnice za pomoć: "
     1722"kretnje se prepoznaju kao 3x3 mreÅŸa polja, numeriranih od 1 do 9."
     1723"\\n\\nPrimijetite da morate izvesti točnu kretnju za pokretanje akcije. Zbog "
     1724"toga, moguće je unijeti viÅ¡e kretnji za neku akciju. Trebali biste "
     1725"izbjegavati komplicirane kretnje gdje smjer kretnje miÅ¡a mijenjate viÅ¡e od "
     1726"jednom. Na primjer, 45654 ili 74123 je jednostavno izvesti, ali 1236987 bi "
     1727"već moglo biti prilično teÅ¡ko.\\n\\nUvjeti svih kretnji su definirane u ovoj "
     1728"grupi. Sve ove kretnje su aktivne samo ako je aktivni prozor Konqueror (klasa "
     1729"sadrÅŸi 'konqueror')."
    15171731#. +> trunk stable
    15881802#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:3056
    15891803msgctxt "Comment"
    1590 msgid "After pressing Win+E (Tux+E) a WWW browser will be launched, and it will open . You may run all kind of commands you can run in minicli (Alt+F2)."
    1591 msgstr "Nakon pritiska Win+E (Tux+E), web preglednik će biti pokrenut i otvorit će MoÅŸete pokrenuti bilo koju naredbu koju moÅŸete pokrenuti i u minicliu (Alt+F2)."
     1804msgid ""
     1805"After pressing Win+E (Tux+E) a WWW browser will be launched, and it will open "
     1806" . You may run all kind of commands you can run in minicli "
     1808msgstr ""
     1809"Nakon pritiska Win+E (Tux+E), web preglednik će biti pokrenut i otvorit će "
     1810" MoÅŸete pokrenuti bilo koju naredbu koju moÅŸete pokrenuti "
     1811"i u minicliu (Alt+F2)."
    15931813#. +> trunk stable
    16181838#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:601
    16191839msgctxt "Comment"
    1620 msgid "Opera-style: Press, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with 'New Tab', and as such is disabled by default."
    1621 msgstr "Opera stil: pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukob s 'Nova kartica' i slično su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
     1840msgid ""
     1841"Opera-style: Press, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with 'New Tab', and "
     1842"as such is disabled by default."
     1843msgstr ""
     1844"Opera stil: pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukob s 'Nova kartica' "
     1845"i slično su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
    16231847#. +> trunk stable
    16301854#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:845
    16311855msgctxt "Comment"
    1632 msgid "Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nMozilla-style: Press, move up, move left, move up, release."
    1633 msgstr "Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nMozilla-stil: pritisni, pomakni gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti"
     1856msgid ""
     1857"Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nMozilla-style: Press, move up, move "
     1858"left, move up, release."
     1859msgstr ""
     1860"Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nMozilla-stil: pritisni, pomakni "
     1861"gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti"
    16351863#. +> trunk stable
    16361864#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:1090
    16371865msgctxt "Comment"
    1638 msgid "Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nOpera-style: Press, move up, move left, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with  \"Activate Previous Tab\", and as such is disabled by default."
    1639 msgstr "Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nOpera stil: Pritisni, pomakni gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukobi sa \"Aktiviranje prethodne kartice\" i slični su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
     1866msgid ""
     1867"Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nOpera-style: Press, move up, move "
     1868"left, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with  \"Activate Previous Tab\", "
     1869"and as such is disabled by default."
     1870msgstr ""
     1871"Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nOpera stil: Pritisni, pomakni "
     1872"gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukobi sa "
     1873"\"Aktiviranje prethodne kartice\" i slični su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
    16411875#. +> trunk stable
    17021936#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:2669
    17031937msgctxt "Comment"
    1704 msgid "Press, move down, move half up, move right, move down, release.\\n(Drawing a lowercase 'h'.)"
    1705 msgstr "Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni za pola gore, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, pusti.\\n(Crtanje malog slova 'h'.)"
     1938msgid ""
     1939"Press, move down, move half up, move right, move down, release.\\n(Drawing a "
     1940"lowercase 'h'.)"
     1941msgstr ""
     1942"Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni za pola gore, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, "
     1943"pusti.\\n(Crtanje malog slova 'h'.)"
    17071945#. +> trunk stable
    17141952#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:2925
    17151953msgctxt "Comment"
    1716 msgid "Press, move right, move down, move right, release.\\nMozilla-style: Press, move down, move right, release."
    1717 msgstr "Pritisni, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti.\\nMozilla stil:Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti."
     1954msgid ""
     1955"Press, move right, move down, move right, release.\\nMozilla-style: Press, "
     1956"move down, move right, release."
     1957msgstr ""
     1958"Pritisni, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti.\\nMozilla "
     1959"stil:Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti."
    17191961#. +> trunk stable
    17261968#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:3174
    17271969msgctxt "Comment"
    1728 msgid "Press, move up, release.\\nConflicts with Opera-style 'Up #2', which is disabled by default."
    1729 msgstr "Pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nSukob sa Opera stilom 'Gore #2', koji je uobičajeno onemogućen."
     1970msgid ""
     1971"Press, move up, release.\\nConflicts with Opera-style 'Up #2', which is "
     1972"disabled by default."
     1973msgstr ""
     1974"Pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nSukob sa Opera stilom 'Gore #2', koji je "
     1975"uobičajeno onemogućen."
    17311977#. +> trunk stable
    27683014msgctxt "Comment"
    27693015msgid "Display a Cover Flow effect for the alt+tab window switcher"
    2770 msgstr "Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab prikazuje se efekt pokrivanja neaktivnih prozora s aktivnim"
     3016msgstr ""
     3017"Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab prikazuje se efekt pokrivanja neaktivnih "
     3018"prozora s aktivnim"
    27723020#. +> trunk stable
    28203068msgctxt "Comment"
    28213069msgid "Zoom out so all desktops are displayed side-by-side in a grid"
    2822 msgstr "Takvo smanjenje da se sve radne povrÅ¡ine vide jedna pored druge u mreÅŸi"
     3070msgstr ""
     3071"Takvo smanjenje da se sve radne povrÅ¡ine vide jedna pored druge u mreÅŸi"
    28243073#. +> trunk stable
    28813130msgctxt "Comment"
    28823131msgid "Make windows smoothly fade in and out when they are shown or hidden"
    2883 msgstr "Prozori će se lagano pojavljivati i nestajati kad ih se prikazuje ili sakriva"
     3132msgstr ""
     3133"Prozori će se lagano pojavljivati i nestajati kad ih se prikazuje ili sakriva"
    28853135#. +> trunk stable
    29173167#: kwin/effects/flipswitch/flipswitch.desktop:69
    29183168msgctxt "Comment"
    2919 msgid "Flip through windows that are in a stack for the alt+tab window switcher"
    2920 msgstr "Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab, prozori se prikazuju naslagani jedan na drugog u 3 dimenzije"
     3169msgid ""
     3170"Flip through windows that are in a stack for the alt+tab window switcher"
     3171msgstr ""
     3172"Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab, prozori se prikazuju naslagani jedan na "
     3173"drugog u 3 dimenzije"
    29223175#. +> trunk stable
    29423195msgctxt "Comment"
    29433196msgid "Highlight the appropriate window when hovering over taskbar entries"
    2944 msgstr "Označi odgovarajući prozor kad se miÅ¡em prijeđe preko stavki u programskoj traci"
     3197msgstr ""
     3198"Označi odgovarajući prozor kad se miÅ¡em prijeđe preko stavki u programskoj "
    29463201#. +> trunk stable
    29853240msgctxt "Comment"
    29863241msgid "Desaturate the desktop when displaying the logout dialog"
    2987 msgstr "Prijelaz boja radne povrÅ¡ine u crno-bijele tonove prilikom prikaza dialoga za odjavu"
     3242msgstr ""
     3243"Prijelaz boja radne povrÅ¡ine u crno-bijele tonove prilikom prikaza dialoga za "
    29893246#. +> trunk stable
    31113368#: kwin/effects/sheet/sheet.desktop:68
    31123369msgctxt "Comment"
    3113 msgid "Make modal dialogs smoothly fly in and out when they are shown or hidden"
    3114 msgstr "Modalni dialozi glatko dolijeću i odlijeću kad ih se prikaÅŸe ili sakrije"
     3370msgid ""
     3371"Make modal dialogs smoothly fly in and out when they are shown or hidden"
     3372msgstr ""
     3373"Modalni dialozi glatko dolijeću i odlijeću kad ih se prikaÅŸe ili sakrije"
    31163375#. +> trunk stable
    31493408msgctxt "Comment"
    31503409msgid "Slide windows across the screen when switching virtual desktops"
    3151 msgstr "Pomakne prozore preko ekrana prilikom promjene virtualne radne povrÅ¡ine"
     3410msgstr ""
     3411"Pomakne prozore preko ekrana prilikom promjene virtualne radne povrÅ¡ine"
    31533413#. +> trunk stable
    32093469msgctxt "Comment"
    32103470msgid "Display window thumbnails when hovering over taskbar entries"
    3211 msgstr "Prikazuje sličice prozora pri prelasku miÅ¡em preko stavaka programske trake"
     3471msgstr ""
     3472"Prikazuje sličice prozora pri prelasku miÅ¡em preko stavaka programske trake"
    32133474#. +> trunk stable
    39104171#: kwin/kwin.notifyrc:6696
    39114172msgctxt "Comment"
    3912 msgid "The compositing performance was too slow and compositing has been suspended"
     4173msgid ""
     4174"The compositing performance was too slow and compositing has been suspended"
    39134175msgstr "Brzina miješanja je bila prespora pa je miješanje pauzirano"
    40724334#: libs/ksysguard/processcore/actions.actions:482
    40734335msgctxt "Description"
    4074 msgid "Change which CPU scheduler is to schedule the running of a given process"
    4075 msgstr "Promijenite koji će CPU raspoređivač rasporediti izvođenje danog procesa."
     4336msgid ""
     4337"Change which CPU scheduler is to schedule the running of a given process"
     4338msgstr ""
     4339"Promijenite koji će CPU raspoređivač rasporediti izvođenje danog procesa."
    40774341#. +> trunk stable
    48555119msgctxt "Comment"
    48565120msgid "Places, as seen in the file manager and in file dialogs."
    4857 msgstr "Mjesta, kao Å¡to ih se vidi u pregledniku datoteka i dialozima za izbor datoteka"
     5121msgstr ""
     5122"Mjesta, kao Å¡to ih se vidi u pregledniku datoteka i dialozima za izbor "
    48595125# pmap: =/nom=Upravljanje potrošnjom energije/gen=upravljanja potrošnjom energije/dat=upravljanju potrošnjom energije/
    50805346#: plasma/generic/dataengines/statusnotifieritem/plasma_engine_statusnotifieritem.desktop:53
    50815347msgctxt "Comment"
    5082 msgid "Engine for applications' status information, based on the Status Notifier protocol."
    5083 msgstr "Mehanizam za statusne informacije aplikacija baziran na protokolu glasnika stanja."
     5348msgid ""
     5349"Engine for applications' status information, based on the Status Notifier "
     5351msgstr ""
     5352"Mehanizam za statusne informacije aplikacija baziran na protokolu glasnika "
    50855355#. +> trunk stable
    56065876msgctxt "Name"
    56075877msgid "Education"
    5608 msgstr "Education"
     5878msgstr "Obrazovanje"
    56105880#. +> trunk stable
    56485918msgctxt "Comment"
    56495919msgid "Internet related applications, such as Web browser, Email and chat"
    5650 msgstr "Aplikacije vezane za Internet, poput web preglednika, te programa za e-poÅ¡tu i čavrljanje"
     5920msgstr ""
     5921"Aplikacije vezane za Internet, poput web preglednika, te programa za e-poÅ¡tu "
     5922"i čavrljanje"
    56525924#. +> trunk stable
    58696141msgctxt "Comment"
    58706142msgid "Use KDE Power Management system through HAL daemon"
    5871 msgstr "Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis HAL"
     6143msgstr ""
     6144"Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis "
    58736147#. +> trunk stable
    59116185msgctxt "Comment"
    59126186msgid "Use KDE Power Management system through upower daemon"
    5913 msgstr "Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis upower"
     6187msgstr ""
     6188"Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis "
    59156191# pmap: =/nom=Upravljanje potrošnjom energije/gen=upravljanja potrošnjom energije/dat=upravljanju potrošnjom energije/
    59266202msgctxt "Comment"
    59276203msgid "Battery, Display and CPU power management and notification"
    5928 msgstr "Upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije baterije, ekrana i CPU-a i pripadajućim obavijestima."
     6204msgstr ""
     6205"Upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije baterije, ekrana i CPU-a i pripadajućim "
    59306208#. +> trunk stable
    60216299#: powerdevil/powerdevil.notifyrc:927
    60226300msgctxt "Comment"
    6023 msgid "Your battery has reached critical level. This notification triggers a countdown before doing the configured action, hence it is strongly advised to leave that on."
    6024 msgstr "Baterija je kritično oslabila. Ova obavijest uključuje odbrojavanje prije obavljanja podeÅ¡ene akcije, pa je zbog toga jako preporučeno da ostavite ovo upaljeno."
     6301msgid ""
     6302"Your battery has reached critical level. This notification triggers a "
     6303"countdown before doing the configured action, hence it is strongly advised to "
     6304"leave that on."
     6305msgstr ""
     6306"Baterija je kritično oslabila. Ova obavijest uključuje odbrojavanje prije "
     6307"obavljanja podeÅ¡ene akcije, pa je zbog toga jako preporučeno da ostavite ovo "
    60266310#. +> trunk stable
    60816365#: powerdevil/powerdevil.notifyrc:1670
    60826366msgctxt "Comment"
    6083 msgid "This notification is displayed when a suspension job is about to be done, and it triggers a countdown. Hence, it is strongly advised to leave it on."
    6084 msgstr "Ova obavijest se prikaÅŸe kad je odlaz na spavanje pri kraju, i pokrene odbrojavanje. Zato je strogo preporučeno ostaviti to upaljeno."
     6367msgid ""
     6368"This notification is displayed when a suspension job is about to be done, and "
     6369"it triggers a countdown. Hence, it is strongly advised to leave it on."
     6370msgstr ""
     6371"Ova obavijest se prikaÅŸe kad je odlaz na spavanje pri kraju, i pokrene "
     6372"odbrojavanje. Zato je strogo preporučeno ostaviti to upaljeno."
    60866374#. +> trunk stable
    60946382msgctxt "Comment"
    60956383msgid "The KDE Power Management System has triggered an internal error"
    6096 msgstr "KDE-ov sustav upravljanja potroÅ¡njom energije je naiÅ¡ao na internu pogreÅ¡ku"
     6384msgstr ""
     6385"KDE-ov sustav upravljanja potroÅ¡njom energije je naiÅ¡ao na internu pogreÅ¡ku"
    60986387#. +> trunk stable
    61176406#: powerdevil/powerdevil.notifyrc:2005
    61186407msgctxt "Comment"
    6119 msgid "This notification will pop up if KDE Power Management System detects some troubles with one of your batteries"
     6408msgid ""
     6409"This notification will pop up if KDE Power Management System detects some "
     6410"troubles with one of your batteries"
    61206411msgstr ""
    65326823#: solid/solid-actions-kcm/solid-actions.desktop:80
    65336824msgctxt "Comment"
    6534 msgid "A configuration tool for managing the actions available to the user when connecting new devices to the computer"
    6535 msgstr "Konfiguracijski alat za upravljanje akcijama dostupnima korisniku kad spoji novi uređaj na računalo"
     6825msgid ""
     6826"A configuration tool for managing the actions available to the user when "
     6827"connecting new devices to the computer"
     6828msgstr ""
     6829"Konfiguracijski alat za upravljanje akcijama dostupnima korisniku kad spoji "
     6830"novi uređaj na računalo"
    65376832#. +> trunk stable
    65636858msgctxt "Comment"
    65646859msgid "Manages services that provide status notifier user interfaces"
    6565 msgstr "Upravlja uslugama koje omogućuju obavjeÅ¡tavanje o stanju korisničkog sučelja"
     6860msgstr ""
     6861"Upravlja uslugama koje omogućuju obavjeÅ¡tavanje o stanju korisničkog sučelja"
    65676863#. +> trunk stable
    68127108msgid "Linux Infrared Remote Control"
    68137109msgstr "Linuxov infracrveni daljinski"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdelibs/libplasma.po

    r967 r970  
    66# Andrej Dundović <>, 2009, 2010.
    77# Andrej Dundovic <>, 2009, 2010.
     8# Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>, 2011.
    89msgid ""
    910msgstr ""
    1213"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-21 12:46+0200\n"
    13 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 22:17+0200\n"
    14 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
     14"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 12:42+0200\n"
     15"Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>\n"
    1516"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
    1617"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    1819"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    1920"Language: hr\n"
    20 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
    21 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
     21"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
     22"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
     23"=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    2224"X-Environment: kde\n"
    2325"X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n"
    179181#: applet.cpp:1901
    180182msgid "Education"
    181 msgstr "Edukacija"
     183msgstr "Obrazovanje"
    183185#. +> trunk stable
    260262#: applet.cpp:1973 applet.cpp:2017 package.cpp:795
    261263#, kde-format
    262 msgctxt "%1 is the name of a plasmoid, %2 the name of the machine that plasmoid is published on"
     264msgctxt ""
     265"%1 is the name of a plasmoid, %2 the name of the machine that plasmoid is "
     266"published on"
    263267msgid "%1 on %2"
    264268msgstr "%1 na %2"
    299303#: applet.cpp:2658
    300304#, kde-format
    301 msgctxt "API or programming language the widget was written in, name of the widget"
     305msgctxt ""
     306"API or programming language the widget was written in, name of the widget"
    302307msgid "Could not create a %1 ScriptEngine for the %2 widget."
    303308msgstr "Nije bilo moguće %1 ScriptEngine za %2 widget."
    318323#: applet.cpp:2820
    319324#, kde-format
    320 msgid "This object could not be created for the following reason:<p><b>%1</b></p>"
    321 msgstr "Ovaj objekt nije bilo moguće stvoriti zbog sljedećih razloga: <p><b>%1</b></p>"
     325msgid ""
     326"This object could not be created for the following reason:<p><b>%1</b></p>"
     327msgstr ""
     328"Ovaj objekt nije bilo moguće stvoriti zbog sljedećih razloga: <p><b>%1</b></p>"
    323330#. +> trunk stable
    482489#. +> trunk stable
    483490#: private/associatedapplicationmanager.cpp:135
    484 msgid "There was an error attempting to exec the associated application with this widget."
    485 msgstr "DoÅ¡lo je do greÅ¡ke prilikom pokuÅ¡aja izvrÅ¡avanja aplikacije pridruÅŸene ovom widgetu."
     491msgid ""
     492"There was an error attempting to exec the associated application with this "
     494msgstr ""
     495"DoÅ¡lo je do greÅ¡ke prilikom pokuÅ¡aja izvrÅ¡avanja aplikacije pridruÅŸene ovom "
    487498#. +> trunk stable
    708719#. +> trunk stable
    709720#: private/pinpairing.ui:41
    710 msgid "Enter a password below. Enter the same password on the device to which you are trying to connect."
    711 msgstr "Unesite ispod zaporku. Unesite istu zaporku na uređaju s kojim se pokuÅ¡avate spojiti."
     721msgid ""
     722"Enter a password below. Enter the same password on the device to which you "
     723"are trying to connect."
     724msgstr ""
     725"Unesite ispod zaporku. Unesite istu zaporku na uređaju s kojim se pokuÅ¡avate "
    713728#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, allServicesCheckbox)
    736751#. +> trunk stable
    737752#: private/publish.ui:17
    738 msgid "Sharing a widget on the network allows you to access this widget from another computer as a remote control."
    739 msgstr "Dijeljenje widgeta na mreÅŸi dozvoljava vam pristup ovom widgetu s drugog računala kao mogućnost udaljenog upravljanja."
     753msgid ""
     754"Sharing a widget on the network allows you to access this widget from another "
     755"computer as a remote control."
     756msgstr ""
     757"Dijeljenje widgeta na mreÅŸi dozvoljava vam pristup ovom widgetu s drugog "
     758"računala kao mogućnost udaljenog upravljanja."
    741760#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, publishCheckbox)
    790809#. +> trunk stable
    791810#: remote/accessappletjob.cpp:160
    792 msgid "Your system does not provide support for the 'remote widgets' feature. Access Failed."
    793 msgstr "VaÅ¡ sustav ne pruÅŸa podrÅ¡ku za mogućnost 'udaljeni widgeti'. Pristup nije uspio."
     811msgid ""
     812"Your system does not provide support for the 'remote widgets' feature. Access "
     814msgstr ""
     815"VaÅ¡ sustav ne pruÅŸa podrÅ¡ku za mogućnost 'udaljeni widgeti'. Pristup nije "
    795818#. +> trunk stable
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdenetwork/kopete.po

    r968 r970  
    33# Zarko Pintar <>, 2009.
    44# Andrej Dundovic <>, 2010.
     5# Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>, 2011.
    56msgid ""
    67msgstr ""
    910"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-22 10:56+0200\n"
    10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-20 02:39+0100\n"
    11 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
     11"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 12:43+0200\n"
     12"Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <>\n"
    1213"Language-Team: Croatian <>\n"
    1314"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    1516"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    1617"Language: hr\n"
    17 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    18 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n"
     18"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
     19"=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
     20"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
    1921"X-Environment: kde\n"
    2022"X-Accelerator-Marker: &\n"
    5557#. +> trunk stable
    5658#: kopete/addaccountwizard/addaccountwizard.cpp:77
    57 msgctxt "1st message shown to users on first run of Kopete. Please keep the formatting."
    58 msgid "<h2>Welcome to Kopete</h2><p>Which messaging service do you want to connect to?</p>"
    59 msgstr "<h2>DobrodoÅ¡li u Kopete</h2><p>Na koje se usluge čavrljanja ÅŸelite spojiti?</p>"
     59msgctxt ""
     60"1st message shown to users on first run of Kopete. Please keep the formatting."
     61msgid ""
     62"<h2>Welcome to Kopete</h2><p>Which messaging service do you want to connect "
     64msgstr ""
     65"<h2>DobrodoÅ¡li u Kopete</h2><p>Na koje se usluge čavrljanja ÅŸelite spojiti?<"
    6168#. +> trunk stable
    6673#. +> trunk stable
    6774#: kopete/addaccountwizard/addaccountwizard.cpp:89
    68 msgctxt "2nd message shown to users on first run of Kopete. Please keep the formatting."
    69 msgid "<h2>Congratulations</h2><p>You have finished configuring the account. You can add more accounts with <i>Settings->Configure</i>.  Please click the \"Finish\" button.</p>"
     75msgctxt ""
     76"2nd message shown to users on first run of Kopete. Please keep the formatting."
     77msgid ""
     78"<h2>Congratulations</h2><p>You have finished configuring the account. You can "
     79"add more accounts with <i>Settings->Configure</i>.  Please click the "
     80"\"Finish\" button.</p>"
    7081msgstr ""
    123134msgid ""
    125 "<p>You have finished configuring the account. Please click the \"Finish\" button.</p>"
     136"<p>You have finished configuring the account. Please click the \"Finish\" "
    126138msgstr ""
    137149#: kopete/addaccountwizard/addaccountwizardpage2.ui:77
    138150#: kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfigbase.ui:159
    139 msgid "Account are often differentiated by the protocol icon. But if you have severals accounts of the same protocol, you may apply a color filter to that icon to differentiate accounts from the same protocols."
     151msgid ""
     152"Account are often differentiated by the protocol icon. But if you have "
     153"severals accounts of the same protocol, you may apply a color filter to that "
     154"icon to differentiate accounts from the same protocols."
    140155msgstr ""
    163178#. +> trunk stable
    164179#: kopete/addaccountwizard/addaccountwizardpage2.ui:142
    165 msgid "If this is checked, the account will be connected right after you clicked on <i>Finished</i>."
     180msgid ""
     181"If this is checked, the account will be connected right after you clicked on "
    166183msgstr ""
    248265#: kopete/chatwindow/chatview.cpp:250
    249266#, kde-format
    250 msgid "<qt>You have received a message from <b>%1</b> in the last second. Are you sure you want to clear this chat?</qt>"
     267msgid ""
     268"<qt>You have received a message from <b>%1</b> in the last second. Are you "
     269"sure you want to clear this chat?</qt>"
    251270msgstr ""
    269288#: kopete/chatwindow/kopeteemailwindow.cpp:458
    270289#, kde-format
    271 msgid "<qt>You are about to leave the groupchat session <b>%1</b>.<br />You will not receive future messages from this conversation.</qt>"
     290msgid ""
     291"<qt>You are about to leave the groupchat session <b>%1</b>.<br />You will not "
     292"receive future messages from this conversation.</qt>"
    272293msgstr ""
    289310#: kopete/chatwindow/kopeteemailwindow.cpp:465
    290311#, kde-format
    291 msgid "<qt>You have received a message from <b>%1</b> in the last second. Are you sure you want to close this chat?</qt>"
     312msgid ""
     313"<qt>You have received a message from <b>%1</b> in the last second. Are you "
     314"sure you want to close this chat?</qt>"
    292315msgstr ""
    295318#: kopete/chatwindow/chatview.cpp:365
    296319#: kopete/chatwindow/kopeteemailwindow.cpp:472
    297 msgid "You have a message send in progress, which will be aborted if this chat is closed. Are you sure you want to close this chat?"
     320msgid ""
     321"You have a message send in progress, which will be aborted if this chat is "
     322"closed. Are you sure you want to close this chat?"
    298323msgstr ""
    843868#: kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfig.cpp:343
    844869#, kde-format
    845 msgid "Before removing the identity %1, the following accounts must be assigned to another identity:"
     870msgid ""
     871"Before removing the identity %1, the following accounts must be assigned to "
     872"another identity:"
    846873msgstr ""
    941968#. +> trunk stable
    942969#: kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfigbase.ui:35
    943 msgid "This widget shows your identities and accounts in a hierarchical view. Each configured identity shows its associated accounts."
     970msgid ""
     971"This widget shows your identities and accounts in a hierarchical view. Each "
     972"configured identity shows its associated accounts."
    944973msgstr ""
    954983#: kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfigbase.ui:76
    955984msgctxt "second-person command"
    956 msgid "<span style=\" font-style:italic;\">Check to Include in Global Connection</span>"
     985msgid ""
     986"<span style=\" font-style:italic;\">Check to Include in Global Connection<"
    957988msgstr ""
    961992#: kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfigbase.ui:85
    962993msgid ""
    963 "Use drag & drop to increase or decrease the priority of accounts, accounts at the top of the list have highest priority.\n"
     994"Use drag & drop to increase or decrease the priority of accounts, accounts at "
     995"the top of the list have highest priority.\n"
    965 "The priority is used to determine which contact to use when you click on a metacontact: Kopete will use the contact of the account with the greatest priority (if all contacts have the same online status)."
     997"The priority is used to determine which contact to use when you click on a "
     998"metacontact: Kopete will use the contact of the account with the greatest "
     999"priority (if all contacts have the same online status)."
    9661000msgstr ""
    9691003#. +> trunk stable
    9701004#: kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfigbase.ui:88
    971 msgid "<span style=\" font-style:italic;\">Accounts at the top of the list have highest priority</span>"
     1005msgid ""
     1006"<span style=\" font-style:italic;\">Accounts at the top of the list have "
     1007"highest priority</span>"
    9721008msgstr ""
    10231059#. +> trunk stable
    10241060#: kopete/config/accounts/kopeteaccountconfigbase.ui:146
    1025 msgid "Each account is associated with exactly one identity. You can use this button to change the association and switch an account to a different identity"
     1061msgid ""
     1062"Each account is associated with exactly one identity. You can use this button "
     1063"to change the association and switch an account to a different identity"
    10261064msgstr ""
    11731211#: kopete/config/appearance/appearanceconfig_advanced.ui:100
    11741212msgid ""
    1175 "Since vertical scrollbars occupy space, we introduced this auto-hide feature. The vertical scrollbar will not be available until you move your mouse over the contact list.<br>\n"
    1176 "(<b>Disabled</b> if \"<b>Hide vertical scrollbar</b>\" option is selected above.)"
     1213"Since vertical scrollbars occupy space, we introduced this auto-hide feature. "
     1214"The vertical scrollbar will not be available until you move your mouse over "
     1215"the contact list.<br>\n"
     1216"(<b>Disabled</b> if \"<b>Hide vertical scrollbar</b>\" option is selected "
    11771218msgstr ""
    12041245#. +> trunk stable
    12051246#: kopete/config/appearance/appearanceconfig_advanced.ui:177
    1206 msgid "&Automatically resize contact list window to fit number of contacts onscreen"
     1247msgid ""
     1248"&Automatically resize contact list window to fit number of contacts onscreen"
    12071249msgstr ""
    13671409#: kopete/config/appearance/contactlistlayoutwidget.cpp:164
    13681410#, kde-format
    1369 msgid "The layout '%1' is one of the default layouts and cannot be overwritten. Please select a different name."
     1411msgid ""
     1412"The layout '%1' is one of the default layouts and cannot be overwritten. "
     1413"Please select a different name."
    13701414msgstr ""
    15001544#. +> trunk stable
    15011545#: kopete/config/appearance/tooltipeditwidget.ui:138
    1502 msgid "Using the arrow buttons, put on the right the items you want to see in the contact tooltips. You can then sort them."
     1546msgid ""
     1547"Using the arrow buttons, put on the right the items you want to see in the "
     1548"contact tooltips. You can then sort them."
    15031549msgstr ""
    15571603#. +> trunk stable
    15581604#: kopete/config/avdevice/avdeviceconfig_videodevice.ui:164
    1559 msgctxt "Label of a combo box containing video standards like PAL-B, NTSC-M, etc"
     1605msgctxt ""
     1606"Label of a combo box containing video standards like PAL-B, NTSC-M, etc"
    15601607msgid "Standard:"
    15611608msgstr ""
    18051852#. +> trunk stable
    18061853#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_chat.ui:187
    1807 msgid "Limit the maximum number of lines visible in a chat window to improve speed for complex layouts."
     1854msgid ""
     1855"Limit the maximum number of lines visible in a chat window to improve speed "
     1856"for complex layouts."
    18081857msgstr ""
    18161865#. +> trunk stable
    18171866#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.cpp:30
    1818 msgid "Animation is not possible as your Qt version does not support the mng video format."
     1867msgid ""
     1868"Animation is not possible as your Qt version does not support the mng video "
    18191870msgstr ""
    18561907#. +> trunk stable
    18571908#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:66
    1858 msgid "Left mouse click on flashing system tray opens message instead of restoring/minimizing contact list"
     1909msgid ""
     1910"Left mouse click on flashing system tray opens message instead of "
     1911"restoring/minimizing contact list"
    18591912msgstr ""
    18621915#. +> trunk stable
    18631916#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:69
    1864 msgid "A left mouse click on the flashing system tray icon opens the incoming message instead of restoring/minimizing the contact list (e.g. to check who is sending messages). A middle click always opens this message."
     1917msgid ""
     1918"A left mouse click on the flashing system tray icon opens the incoming "
     1919"message instead of restoring/minimizing the contact list (e.g. to check who "
     1920"is sending messages). A middle click always opens this message."
    18651921msgstr ""
    18741930#. +> trunk stable
    18751931#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:81
    1876 msgid "Animate the contact list or the system tray icon on an incoming message with open chat"
     1932msgid ""
     1933"Animate the contact list or the system tray icon on an incoming message with "
     1934"open chat"
    18771935msgstr ""
    18941952#. +> trunk stable
    18951953#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:94
    1896 msgid "When a message arrives from a user who already has a message for which a notification is still active, then that notification is updated to indicate a new message has arrived, instead of creating a new notification."
     1954msgid ""
     1955"When a message arrives from a user who already has a message for which a "
     1956"notification is still active, then that notification is updated to indicate a "
     1957"new message has arrived, instead of creating a new notification."
    18971958msgstr ""
    19001961#. +> trunk stable
    19011962#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:104
    1902 msgid "The \"Ignore\" button of the new message popup closes the chat window for the sender"
     1963msgid ""
     1964"The \"Ignore\" button of the new message popup closes the chat window for the "
    19031966msgstr ""
    19061969#. +> trunk stable
    19071970#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:107
    1908 msgid "If there is already a chat window opened for the sender of the message displayed in the new message popup the \"Ignore\" button will close this chat window."
     1971msgid ""
     1972"If there is already a chat window opened for the sender of the message "
     1973"displayed in the new message popup the \"Ignore\" button will close this chat "
    19091975msgstr ""
    19241990#. +> trunk stable
    19251991#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:120
    1926 msgid "In very active group chats, important messages can be singled out by preventing notifications for non-highlighted messages."
     1992msgid ""
     1993"In very active group chats, important messages can be singled out by "
     1994"preventing notifications for non-highlighted messages."
    19271995msgstr ""
    19362004#. +> trunk stable
    19372005#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:130
    1938 msgid "Use the same notifications for events in the active chat window and other chat windows on the current desktop (usually less intrusive)"
     2006msgid ""
     2007"Use the same notifications for events in the active chat window and other "
     2008"chat windows on the current desktop (usually less intrusive)"
    19392009msgstr ""
    19432013#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:134
    19442014msgid ""
    1945 "If activated, events for chat windows that are on the current desktop will be handled like events in the active chat window: The system tray icon and the sender icon in the contact list are not animated and the \"Incoming Message for Active Chat\" event is used for the notification. Chat windows on other desktops will trigger notifications.\n"
    1946 "If not activated, all chat windows except the active one will notify you that an event has occurred using animations (if activated) and the \"Incoming Message\" event."
     2015"If activated, events for chat windows that are on the current desktop will be "
     2016"handled like events in the active chat window: The system tray icon and the "
     2017"sender icon in the contact list are not animated and the \"Incoming Message "
     2018"for Active Chat\" event is used for the notification. Chat windows on other "
     2019"desktops will trigger notifications.\n"
     2020"If not activated, all chat windows except the active one will notify you that "
     2021"an event has occurred using animations (if activated) and the \"Incoming "
     2022"Message\" event."
    19472023msgstr ""
    19692045#. +> trunk stable
    19702046#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:156
    1971 msgid "Enable notification events even if your account status is \"Away\" or less available, e.g. \"Not Available\" or \"Do not Disturb\". Note: This does not affect the flashing of the system tray icon."
     2047msgid ""
     2048"Enable notification events even if your account status is \"Away\" or less "
     2049"available, e.g. \"Not Available\" or \"Do not Disturb\". Note: This does not "
     2050"affect the flashing of the system tray icon."
    19722051msgstr ""
    19812060#. +> trunk stable
    19822061#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:166
    1983 msgid "Switch to the desktop which contains the chat window for the sender when opening his/her message"
     2062msgid ""
     2063"Switch to the desktop which contains the chat window for the sender when "
     2064"opening his/her message"
    19842065msgstr ""
    19872068#. +> trunk stable
    19882069#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:169
    1989 msgid "If there is already a chat window open for the sender of the message, opening his/her message will cause a switch to the desktop which contains this chat window."
     2070msgid ""
     2071"If there is already a chat window open for the sender of the message, opening "
     2072"his/her message will cause a switch to the desktop which contains this chat "
    19902074msgstr ""
    20052089#. +> trunk stable
    20062090#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_events.ui:182
    2007 msgid "If there is already a chat window opened for the sender of an incoming message this window will be put on the current desktop and in front of all other windows."
     2091msgid ""
     2092"If there is already a chat window opened for the sender of an incoming "
     2093"message this window will be put on the current desktop and in front of all "
     2094"other windows."
    20082095msgstr ""
    20412128#. +> trunk stable
    20422129#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_general.ui:29
    2043 msgid "By default, the system tray icon indicates new incoming messages using an animation. A left or middle mouse click on the icon will open the message in a new chat window. Pressing the \"View\" button in the notification popup has the same effect."
     2130msgid ""
     2131"By default, the system tray icon indicates new incoming messages using an "
     2132"animation. A left or middle mouse click on the icon will open the message in "
     2133"a new chat window. Pressing the \"View\" button in the notification popup has "
     2134"the same effect."
    20442135msgstr ""
    20592150#. +> trunk stable
    20602151#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_general.ui:45
    2061 msgid "Start with the main window hidden. The only visible item is the system tray icon."
     2152msgid ""
     2153"Start with the main window hidden. The only visible item is the system tray "
    20622155msgstr ""
    20832176#. +> trunk stable
    20842177#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_general.ui:67
    2085 msgid "If there is no chat window open, a new message arriving will cause a new window to open. If there is already a chat window opened for that sender, the message will immediately be displayed there."
     2178msgid ""
     2179"If there is no chat window open, a new message arriving will cause a new "
     2180"window to open. If there is already a chat window opened for that sender, the "
     2181"message will immediately be displayed there."
    20862182msgstr ""
    21012197#. +> trunk stable
    21022198#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_general.ui:80
    2103 msgid "Store new incoming messages in a message queue. New messages are messages that cannot be displayed in an already open chat window. Only queued messages trigger notification via chat window and system tray icon animations."
     2199msgid ""
     2200"Store new incoming messages in a message queue. New messages are messages "
     2201"that cannot be displayed in an already open chat window. Only queued messages "
     2202"trigger notification via chat window and system tray icon animations."
    21042203msgstr ""
    21192218#. +> trunk stable
    21202219#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_general.ui:96
    2121 msgid "Unread messages are messages that will be displayed in an already opened but inactive chat window. Only incoming queued messages trigger notification via chat window and system tray icon animations. With this option disabled only new incoming messages are queued, i.e. messages that cannot be displayed in an already open chat window."
     2220msgid ""
     2221"Unread messages are messages that will be displayed in an already opened but "
     2222"inactive chat window. Only incoming queued messages trigger notification via "
     2223"chat window and system tray icon animations. With this option disabled only "
     2224"new incoming messages are queued, i.e. messages that cannot be displayed in "
     2225"an already open chat window."
    21222226msgstr ""
    21452249#. +> trunk stable
    21462250#: kopete/config/behavior/behaviorconfig_general.ui:118
    2147 msgid "When starting Kopete, and whenever your computer is online, all your accounts will go into the status selected here. You can exclude accounts individually in their properties."
     2251msgid ""
     2252"When starting Kopete, and whenever your computer is online, all your accounts "
     2253"will go into the status selected here. You can exclude accounts individually "
     2254"in their properties."
    21482255msgstr ""
    23142421#. +> trunk stable
    23152422#: kopete/config/chatwindow/chatwindowconfig.cpp:432
    2316 msgid "An unknown error occurred while trying to install the chat window style."
     2423msgid ""
     2424"An unknown error occurred while trying to install the chat window style."
    23172425msgstr ""
    23342442#, kde-format
    23352443msgctxt "@info"
    2336 msgid "An error occurred while trying to delete the <resource>%1</resource> Chat Window Style. Your account might not have permission to remove it."
     2444msgid ""
     2445"An error occurred while trying to delete the <resource>%1</resource> Chat "
     2446"Window Style. Your account might not have permission to remove it."
    23372447msgstr ""
    23572467#, kde-format
    23582468msgctxt "@info"
    2359 msgid "Could not find a suitable place to install the Chat Window Style <resource>%1</resource>."
     2469msgid ""
     2470"Could not find a suitable place to install the Chat Window Style <resource>%"
    23602472msgstr ""
    23642476#, kde-format
    23652477msgctxt "@info"
    2366 msgid "The specified archive <filename>%1</filename> does not contain a valid Chat Window Style."
     2478msgid ""
     2479"The specified archive <filename>%1</filename> does not contain a valid Chat "
     2480"Window Style."
    23672481msgstr ""
    23712485#, kde-format
    23722486msgctxt "@info"
    2373 msgid "An unknown error occurred while trying to install the Chat Window Style <resource>%1</resource>."
     2487msgid ""
     2488"An unknown error occurred while trying to install the Chat Window Style <"
    23742490msgstr ""
    24862602#. +> trunk stable
    24872603#: kopete/config/chatwindow/chatwindowconfig.cpp:640
    2488 msgctxt "This special UTF-8 string is to test if the style supports Right-to-Left language display."
     2604msgctxt ""
     2605"This special UTF-8 string is to test if the style supports Right-to-Left "
     2606"language display."
    24892607msgid "הודעות טקסט"
    24902608msgstr ""
    25152633#: kopete/config/chatwindow/chatwindowconfig_colors.ui:99
    25162634msgid ""
    2517 "<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     2635"<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">"
    25182637"p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n"
    2519 "</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n"
    2520 "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\">Base font in the chat window</p>\n"
    2521 "<p style=\"-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\"></p></body></html>"
     2638"</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; "
     2639"font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n"
     2640"<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; "
     2641"margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\">Base font in the "
     2642"chat window</p>\n"
     2643"<p style=\"-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; "
     2644"margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\"></p>"
    25222646msgstr ""
    26252749#. +> trunk stable
    26262750#: kopete/config/chatwindow/chatwindowconfig_emoticons.ui:22
    2627 msgid "If this is checked, the text representation of emoticons in messages will be replaced by an image"
     2751msgid ""
     2752"If this is checked, the text representation of emoticons in messages will be "
     2753"replaced by an image"
    26282754msgstr ""
    28823008#: kopete/contactlist/contactlistmodel.cpp:418
    28833009#, kde-format
    2884 msgid "<qt>This contact is already on your contact list. It is a child contact of <b>%1</b></qt>"
     3010msgid ""
     3011"<qt>This contact is already on your contact list. It is a child contact of <b>"
    28853013msgstr ""
    29013029#: kopete/contactlist/contactlistmodel.cpp:648
    29023030#, kde-format
    2903 msgctxt "<tr><td>STATUS ICON <b>PROTOCOL NAME</b> (ACCOUNT NAME)</td><td>STATUS DESCRIPTION</td></tr>"
    2904 msgid "<tr style='white-space:pre'><td><img src=\"%1\">&nbsp;</td><td><b>%2</b>&nbsp;(%3)</td><td align=\"right\">%4</td></tr>"
     3031msgctxt ""
     3032"<tr><td>STATUS ICON <b>PROTOCOL NAME</b> (ACCOUNT NAME)</td><td>STATUS "
     3034msgid ""
     3035"<tr style='white-space:pre'><td><img src=\"%1\">&nbsp;</td><td><b>%2</b>"
     3036"&nbsp;(%3)</td><td align=\"right\">%4</td></tr>"
    29053037msgstr ""
    29543086#. +> trunk stable
    29553087#: kopete/contactlist/kabcexport_page1.ui:22
    2956 msgid "This wizard helps you export instant messaging contacts to the KDE address book."
     3088msgid ""
     3089"This wizard helps you export instant messaging contacts to the KDE address "
    29573091msgstr ""
    31433277#: kopete/contactlist/kopetecontactlistview.cpp:386
    31443278#, kde-format
    3145 msgid "<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the contact <b>%1</b> from your contact list?</qt>"
     3279msgid ""
     3280"<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the contact <b>%1</b> from your contact "
    31463282msgstr ""
    31493285#: kopete/contactlist/kopetecontactlistview.cpp:392
    31503286#, kde-format
    3151 msgid "<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the group <b>%1</b> and all contacts that are contained within it?</qt>"
     3287msgid ""
     3288"<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the group <b>%1</b> and all contacts that "
     3289"are contained within it?</qt>"
    31523290msgstr ""
    31593297#. +> trunk stable
    31603298#: kopete/contactlist/kopetecontactlistview.cpp:409
    3161 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove these groups and contacts from your contact list?"
     3299msgid ""
     3300"Are you sure you want to remove these groups and contacts from your contact "
    31623302msgstr ""
    31743314#. +> trunk stable
    31753315#: kopete/contactlist/kopetecontactlistview.cpp:530
    3176 msgid "This contact was not found in the KDE address book. Check that a contact is selected in the properties dialog."
     3316msgid ""
     3317"This contact was not found in the KDE address book. Check that a contact is "
     3318"selected in the properties dialog."
    31773319msgstr ""
    37433885#. +> trunk stable
    37443886#: kopete/kopetewindow.cpp:839
    3745 msgid "<qt>Closing the main window will keep Kopete running in the system tray. Use 'Quit' from the 'File' menu to quit the application.</qt>"
     3887msgid ""
     3888"<qt>Closing the main window will keep Kopete running in the system tray. Use "
     3889"'Quit' from the 'File' menu to quit the application.</qt>"
    37463890msgstr ""
    37543898#: kopete/kopetewindow.cpp:1109
    37553899#, kde-format
    3756 msgctxt "Account tooltip information: <nobr>ICON <b>PROTOCOL:</b> NAME (<i>STATUS</i>)</nobr><br />"
    3757 msgid "<nobr><img src=\"%3\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /> <b>%1:</b> %2 (<i>%4</i>)</nobr><br />"
     3900msgctxt ""
     3901"Account tooltip information: <nobr>ICON <b>PROTOCOL:</b> NAME (<i>STATUS</i>"
     3902")</nobr><br />"
     3903msgid ""
     3904"<nobr><img src=\"%3\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" /> <b>%1:</b> %2 (<i>%4</i>"
     3905")</nobr><br />"
    37583906msgstr ""
    49565104#. +> trunk stable
    49575105#: libkopete/connectionmanager.cpp:157
    4958 msgid "A network connection was disconnected.  The application is now in offline mode.  Do you want the application to resume network operations when the network is available again?"
     5106msgid ""
     5107"A network connection was disconnected.  The application is now in offline "
     5108"mode.  Do you want the application to resume network operations when the "
     5109"network is available again?"
    49595110msgstr ""
    49665117#. +> trunk stable
    49675118#: libkopete/connectionmanager.cpp:160
    4968 msgid "This application is currently in offline mode.  Do you want to connect in order to carry out this operation?"
     5119msgid ""
     5120"This application is currently in offline mode.  Do you want to connect in "
     5121"order to carry out this operation?"
    49695122msgstr ""
    50235176#: libkopete/kabcpersistence.cpp:345
    50245177#, kde-format
    5025 msgid "<qt>An address was added to this contact by another application.<br />Would you like to use it in Kopete?<br /><b>Protocol:</b> %1<br /><b>Address:</b> %2</qt>"
     5178msgid ""
     5179"<qt>An address was added to this contact by another application.<br />Would "
     5180"you like to use it in Kopete?<br /><b>Protocol:</b> %1<br /><b>Address:</b> %"
    50265182msgstr ""
    50475203#: libkopete/kabcpersistence.cpp:370
    50485204#, kde-format
    5049 msgid "<qt>One or more of your accounts using %1 are offline.  Most systems have to be connected to add contacts.  Please connect these accounts and try again.</qt>"
     5205msgid ""
     5206"<qt>One or more of your accounts using %1 are offline.  Most systems have to "
     5207"be connected to add contacts.  Please connect these accounts and try again.<"
    50505209msgstr ""
    50715230#: libkopete/kabcpersistence.cpp:395
    50725231#, kde-format
    5073 msgid "<qt>You do not have an account configured for <b>%1</b> yet.  Please create an account, connect it, and try again.</qt>"
     5232msgid ""
     5233"<qt>You do not have an account configured for <b>%1</b> yet.  Please create "
     5234"an account, connect it, and try again.</qt>"
    50745235msgstr ""
    51025263#. +> trunk stable
    51035264#: libkopete/kopeteaccount.cpp:171
    5104 msgid "Most proprietary Instant Messaging services do not allow you to connect from more than one location. Check that nobody is using your account without your permission. If you need a service that supports connection from various locations at the same time, use the Jabber protocol."
     5265msgid ""
     5266"Most proprietary Instant Messaging services do not allow you to connect from "
     5267"more than one location. Check that nobody is using your account without your "
     5268"permission. If you need a service that supports connection from various "
     5269"locations at the same time, use the Jabber protocol."
    51055270msgstr ""
    51085273#: libkopete/kopeteaccount.cpp:306 libkopete/kopeteaccount.cpp:380
    51095274#, kde-format
    5110 msgid "You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of \"%1\" to account \"%2\" will not take place."
     5275msgid ""
     5276"You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of \"%"
     5277"1\" to account \"%2\" will not take place."
    51115278msgstr ""
    52165383#. +> trunk stable
    52175384#: libkopete/kopeteappearancesettings.kcfg:130
    5218 msgid "Contact list icon display mode. Either the protocol icon or the contact photo."
     5385msgid ""
     5386"Contact list icon display mode. Either the protocol icon or the contact photo."
    52195387msgstr ""
    55985766#. +> trunk stable
    55995767#: libkopete/kopetechatsession.cpp:655
    5600 msgid "<qt>An error has occurred while creating a new chat window. The chat window has not been created.</qt>"
     5768msgid ""
     5769"<qt>An error has occurred while creating a new chat window. The chat window "
     5770"has not been created.</qt>"
    56015771msgstr ""
    56545824#. +> trunk stable
    56555825#: libkopete/kopetecommandhandler.cpp:132
    5656 msgid "USAGE: /help [<command>] - Used to list available commands, or show help for a specified command."
     5826msgid ""
     5827"USAGE: /help [<command>] - Used to list available commands, or show help for "
     5828"a specified command."
    56575829msgstr ""
    56795851#. +> trunk stable
    56805852#: libkopete/kopetecommandhandler.cpp:151
    5681 msgid "USAGE: /away [<reason>] - Marks you as away/back for the current account only."
     5853msgid ""
     5854"USAGE: /away [<reason>] - Marks you as away/back for the current account only."
    56825855msgstr ""
    56895862#. +> trunk stable
    56905863#: libkopete/kopetecommandhandler.cpp:157
    5691 msgid "USAGE: /say <text> - Say text in this chat. This is the same as just typing a message, but is very useful for scripts."
     5864msgid ""
     5865"USAGE: /say <text> - Say text in this chat. This is the same as just typing a "
     5866"message, but is very useful for scripts."
    56925867msgstr ""
    56945869#. +> trunk stable
    56955870#: libkopete/kopetecommandhandler.cpp:161
    5696 msgid "USAGE: /exec [-o] <command> - Executes the specified command and displays the output in the chat buffer. If -o is specified, the output is sent to all members of the chat."
     5871msgid ""
     5872"USAGE: /exec [-o] <command> - Executes the specified command and displays the "
     5873"output in the chat buffer. If -o is specified, the output is sent to all "
     5874"members of the chat."
    56975875msgstr ""
    57175895#. +> trunk stable
    57185896#: libkopete/kopetecommandhandler.cpp:345
    5719 msgid "ERROR: Shell access has been restricted on your system. The /exec command will not function."
     5897msgid ""
     5898"ERROR: Shell access has been restricted on your system. The /exec command "
     5899"will not function."
    57205900msgstr ""
    57555935#. +> trunk stable
    57565936#: libkopete/kopetecontact.cpp:328
    5757 msgid "If you select this option, a new metacontact will be created in the top-level group with the name of this contact and the contact will be moved to it."
     5937msgid ""
     5938"If you select this option, a new metacontact will be created in the top-level "
     5939"group with the name of this contact and the contact will be moved to it."
    57585940msgstr ""
    57605942#. +> trunk stable
    57615943#: libkopete/kopetecontact.cpp:443
    5762 msgid "This user is not reachable at the moment. Please try a protocol that supports offline sending, or wait until this user comes online."
     5944msgid ""
     5945"This user is not reachable at the moment. Please try a protocol that supports "
     5946"offline sending, or wait until this user comes online."
    57635947msgstr ""
    57725956#: libkopete/kopetecontact.cpp:451
    57735957#, kde-format
    5774 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the contact  '%1' from your contact list?"
     5958msgid ""
     5959"Are you sure you want to remove the contact  '%1' from your contact list?"
    57755960msgstr ""
    57855970#: libkopete/kopetecontact.cpp:600
    57865971#, kde-format
    5787 msgctxt "@label:textbox %4 is contact-display-name, %3 is contact-id, %1 is its status"
     5972msgctxt ""
     5973"@label:textbox %4 is contact-display-name, %3 is contact-id, %1 is its status"
    57885974msgid "<nobr><b>%4</b> (%3)</nobr><br /><img src=\"%2\">&nbsp;%1"
    57895975msgstr ""
    59366122#: libkopete/kopeteidentity.cpp:161
    59376123#, kde-format
    5938 msgctxt "Identity tooltip information: <nobr>ICON <b>NAME</b></nobr><br /><br />"
    5939 msgid "<nobr><img src=\"kopete-identity-icon:%1\"> <b>%2</b></nobr><br /><br />"
     6124msgctxt ""
     6125"Identity tooltip information: <nobr>ICON <b>NAME</b></nobr><br /><br />"
     6126msgid ""
     6127"<nobr><img src=\"kopete-identity-icon:%1\"> <b>%2</b></nobr><br /><br />"
    59406128msgstr ""
    59436131#: libkopete/kopeteidentity.cpp:169
    59446132#, kde-format
    5945 msgctxt "Account tooltip information: <nobr>ICON <b>PROTOCOL:</b> NAME (<i>STATUS</i>)</nobr><br />"
    5946 msgid "<nobr><img src=\"kopete-account-icon:%3:%4\"> <b>%1:</b> %2 (<i>%5</i>)</nobr><br />"
     6133msgctxt ""
     6134"Account tooltip information: <nobr>ICON <b>PROTOCOL:</b> NAME (<i>STATUS</i>"
     6135")</nobr><br />"
     6136msgid ""
     6137"<nobr><img src=\"kopete-account-icon:%3:%4\"> <b>%1:</b> %2 (<i>%5</i>)</nobr>"
     6138"<br />"
    59476139msgstr ""
    59496141#. +> trunk stable
    59506142#: libkopete/kopeteidentitymanager.cpp:145
    5951 msgctxt "Label for the default identity, used by users to group their instant messaging accounts"
     6143msgctxt ""
     6144"Label for the default identity, used by users to group their instant "
     6145"messaging accounts"
    59526146msgid "Default Identity"
    59536147msgstr ""
    59566150#: libkopete/kopetemetacontact.cpp:331 libkopete/kopetemetacontact.cpp:349
    59576151#: libkopete/kopetemetacontact.cpp:426
    5958 msgid "This user is not reachable at the moment. Please make sure you are connected and using a protocol that supports offline sending, or wait until this user comes online."
     6152msgid ""
     6153"This user is not reachable at the moment. Please make sure you are connected "
     6154"and using a protocol that supports offline sending, or wait until this user "
     6155"comes online."
    59596156msgstr ""
    59796176#: libkopete/kopetemimetypehandler.cpp:156
    59806177#, kde-format
    5981 msgid "<qt>Unable to download the requested file;<br />please check that address %1 is correct.</qt>"
     6178msgid ""
     6179"<qt>Unable to download the requested file;<br />please check that address %1 "
     6180"is correct.</qt>"
    59826181msgstr ""
    60166215#. +> trunk stable
    60176216#: libkopete/kopetepassword.cpp:271
    6018 msgid "<qt>Kopete is unable to save your password securely in your wallet;<br />do you want to save the password in the <b>unsafe</b> configuration file instead?</qt>"
     6217msgid ""
     6218"<qt>Kopete is unable to save your password securely in your wallet;<br />do "
     6219"you want to save the password in the <b>unsafe</b> configuration file "
    60196221msgstr ""
    60326234#: libkopete/kopetepasswordedaccount.cpp:75
    60336235#, kde-format
    6034 msgid "<qt><b>The password was wrong.</b> Please re-enter your password for %1 account <b>%2</b></qt>"
     6236msgid ""
     6237"<qt><b>The password was wrong.</b> Please re-enter your password for %1 "
     6238"account <b>%2</b></qt>"
    60356239msgstr ""
    61256329#: libkopete/kopetetransfermanager.cpp:509
    61266330msgid ""
    6127 "Sorry, sending files which are not stored locally is not yet supported by this protocol.\n"
     6331"Sorry, sending files which are not stored locally is not yet supported by "
     6332"this protocol.\n"
    61286333"Please copy this file to your computer and try again."
    61296334msgstr ""
    61986403msgid ""
    61996404"Kopete lost the channel used to talk to the instant messaging system.\n"
    6200 "This can be because either your internet access went down, the service is experiencing problems, or the service disconnected you because you tried to connect with the same account from another location. Try connecting again later."
     6405"This can be because either your internet access went down, the service is "
     6406"experiencing problems, or the service disconnected you because you tried to "
     6407"connect with the same account from another location. Try connecting again "
    62016409msgstr ""
    62156423msgid ""
    62166424"This means Kopete cannot reach the instant messaging server or peers.\n"
    6217 "This can be because either your internet access is down or the server is experiencing problems. Try connecting again later."
     6425"This can be because either your internet access is down or the server is "
     6426"experiencing problems. Try connecting again later."
    62186427msgstr ""
    62536462#| msgid "Could not add the file %1 to the archive."
    62546463msgctxt "@info %2 is message"
    6255 msgid "A user is trying to send you a file <filename>%1</filename> with the message:<nl/>\"%2\""
     6464msgid ""
     6465"A user is trying to send you a file <filename>%1</filename> with the "
    62566467msgstr "U arhivu nije moguće dodati datoteku %1."
    64326643#: libkopete/ui/contactaddednotifydialog.cpp:69
    64336644#, kde-format
    6434 msgid "<qt><img src=\"kopete-account-icon:%1\" /> The contact <b>%2</b> has added you to his/her contact list. (Account %3)</qt>"
     6645msgid ""
     6646"<qt><img src=\"kopete-account-icon:%1\" /> The contact <b>%2</b> has added "
     6647"you to his/her contact list. (Account %3)</qt>"
    64356648msgstr ""
    64646677#: libkopete/ui/contactaddednotifywidget.ui:106
    64656678#: libkopete/ui/contactaddednotifywidget.ui:120
    6466 msgid "The display name of the contact.  Leave it empty to use the contact's nickname."
     6679msgid ""
     6680"The display name of the contact.  Leave it empty to use the contact's "
    64676682msgstr ""
    64736688#: libkopete/ui/contactaddednotifywidget.ui:124
    64746689msgid ""
    6475 "Enter the contact's display name. This is how the contact will appear in the contact list.\n"
    6476 "Leave it empty if you want to see the contact's nickname as their display name."
     6690"Enter the contact's display name. This is how the contact will appear in the "
     6691"contact list.\n"
     6692"Leave it empty if you want to see the contact's nickname as their display "
    64776694msgstr ""
    64886705#. +> trunk stable
    64896706#: libkopete/ui/contactaddednotifywidget.ui:141
    6490 msgid "Enter the group where the contact should be added. Leave it empty to add it in the top level group."
     6707msgid ""
     6708"Enter the group where the contact should be added. Leave it empty to add it "
     6709"in the top level group."
    64916710msgstr ""
    65006719#. +> trunk stable
    65016720#: libkopete/ui/contactaddednotifywidget.ui:159
    6502 msgid "Enter the group where the contact should be added. Leave it empty to add it to the top level group."
     6721msgid ""
     6722"Enter the group where the contact should be added. Leave it empty to add it "
     6723"to the top level group."
    65036724msgstr ""
    65316752#. +> trunk stable
    65326753#: libkopete/ui/kopetepasswordwidgetbase.ui:31
    6533 msgid "Check this and enter your password below if you would like your password to be stored in your wallet, so Kopete does not have to ask you for it each time it is needed."
     6754msgid ""
     6755"Check this and enter your password below if you would like your password to "
     6756"be stored in your wallet, so Kopete does not have to ask you for it each time "
     6757"it is needed."
    65346758msgstr ""
    65596783#. +> trunk stable
    65606784#: libkopete/ui/kopetepasswordwidgetbase.ui:81
    6561 msgid "Enter your password here. If you would rather not save your password, uncheck the Remember password checkbox above; you will then be prompted for your password whenever it is needed."
     6785msgid ""
     6786"Enter your password here. If you would rather not save your password, uncheck "
     6787"the Remember password checkbox above; you will then be prompted for your "
     6788"password whenever it is needed."
    65626789msgstr ""
    66836910"<qt>This is the command that you want to run when you execute this alias.\n"
    6685 "You can use the variables <b>%1, %2 ... %9</b> in your command, and they will be replaced with the arguments of the alias. The variable <b>%s</b> will be replaced with all arguments. <b>%n</b> expands to your nickname.\n"
     6912"You can use the variables <b>%1, %2 ... %9</b> in your command, and they will "
     6913"be replaced with the arguments of the alias. The variable <b>%s</b> will be "
     6914"replaced with all arguments. <b>%n</b> expands to your nickname.\n"
    6687 "Do not include the '/' in the command (if you do it will be stripped off anyway).</qt>"
     6916"Do not include the '/' in the command (if you do it will be stripped off "
    66886918msgstr ""
    66996929#. +> trunk stable
    67006930#: plugins/alias/aliasdialog.ui:71
    6701 msgid "This is the alias you are adding (what you will type after the command identifier, '/')."
     6931msgid ""
     6932"This is the alias you are adding (what you will type after the command "
     6933"identifier, '/')."
    67026934msgstr ""
    67056937#. +> trunk stable
    67066938#: plugins/alias/aliasdialog.ui:74
    6707 msgid "This is the alias you are adding (what you will type after the command identifier, '/'). Do not include the '/' (it will be stripped off if you do anyway)."
     6939msgid ""
     6940"This is the alias you are adding (what you will type after the command "
     6941"identifier, '/'). Do not include the '/' (it will be stripped off if you do "
    67086943msgstr ""
    67316966#. +> trunk stable
    67326967#: plugins/alias/aliasdialog.ui:101 plugins/alias/aliasdialog.ui:104
    6733 msgid "If you want this alias to only be active for certain protocols, select those protocols here."
     6968msgid ""
     6969"If you want this alias to only be active for certain protocols, select those "
     6970"protocols here."
    67346971msgstr ""
    67516988#. +> trunk stable
    67526989#: plugins/alias/aliasdialogbase.ui:34
    6753 msgid "This is the list of custom aliases and the commands that you have already added"
     6990msgid ""
     6991"This is the list of custom aliases and the commands that you have already "
    67546993msgstr ""
    68017040#: plugins/alias/aliaspreferences.cpp:415
    68027041#, kde-format
    6803 msgid "<qt>Could not add alias <b>%1</b>. An alias name cannot contain the characters \"_\" or \"=\".</qt>"
     7042msgid ""
     7043"<qt>Could not add alias <b>%1</b>. An alias name cannot contain the "
     7044"characters \"_\" or \"=\".</qt>"
    68047045msgstr ""
    68137054#: plugins/alias/aliaspreferences.cpp:344
    68147055#, kde-format
    6815 msgid "<qt>Could not add alias <b>%1</b>. This command is already being handled either by another alias or Kopete itself.</qt>"
     7056msgid ""
     7057"<qt>Could not add alias <b>%1</b>. This command is already being handled "
     7058"either by another alias or Kopete itself.</qt>"
    68167059msgstr ""
    68257068#: plugins/alias/aliaspreferences.cpp:440
    68267069#, kde-format
    6827 msgid "<qt>Could not add alias <b>%1</b>. This command is already being handled by either another alias or Kopete itself.</qt>"
     7070msgid ""
     7071"<qt>Could not add alias <b>%1</b>. This command is already being handled by "
     7072"either another alias or Kopete itself.</qt>"
    68287073msgstr ""
    72687513#: plugins/history/historyimport.cpp:261
    72697514msgid ""
    7270 "You already imported logs from pidgin. If you do it twice, each message is imported twice.\n"
     7515"You already imported logs from pidgin. If you do it twice, each message is "
     7516"imported twice.\n"
    72717517"Are you sure you want to continue?"
    72727518msgstr ""
    73017547#: plugins/history/historyimport.cpp:311
    73027548#, kde-format
    7303 msgid "WARNING: Cannot find %1 (%2) in your contact list. Found logs will not be imported.\n"
     7549msgid ""
     7550"WARNING: Cannot find %1 (%2) in your contact list. Found logs will not be "
    73047552msgstr ""
    73247572#: plugins/history/historyimport.cpp:423
    73257573#, kde-format
    7326 msgid "WARNING: Cannot parse date \"%1\". You may want to edit the file containing this date manually. (Example recognized date strings: \"05/31/2008 15:24:30\".)\n"
     7574msgid ""
     7575"WARNING: Cannot parse date \"%1\". You may want to edit the file containing "
     7576"this date manually. (Example recognized date strings: \"05/31/2008 15:24:30\"."
    73277578msgstr ""
    73777628#. +> trunk stable
    73787629#: plugins/history/historyprefsui.ui:72
    7379 msgid "The number of messages that are shown when browsing history in the chat window"
     7630msgid ""
     7631"The number of messages that are shown when browsing history in the chat window"
    73807632msgstr ""
    74037655#. +> trunk stable
    74047656#: plugins/history/historyprefsui.ui:95 plugins/history/historyprefsui.ui:125
    7405 msgid "This is the number of messages that will be added automatically in the chat window when opening a new chat."
     7657msgid ""
     7658"This is the number of messages that will be added automatically in the chat "
     7659"window when opening a new chat."
    74067660msgstr ""
    74157669#. +> trunk stable
    74167670#: plugins/history/historyprefsui.ui:141
    7417 msgid "The number of message that are shown when borwsing history in the chat window"
     7671msgid ""
     7672"The number of message that are shown when borwsing history in the chat window"
    74187673msgstr ""
    74217676#. +> trunk stable
    74227677#: plugins/history/historyprefsui.ui:157
    7423 msgid "When a new chat is opened, automatically add the last few messages between you and that contact."
     7678msgid ""
     7679"When a new chat is opened, automatically add the last few messages between "
     7680"you and that contact."
    74247681msgstr ""
    75147771#. +> trunk stable
    75157772#: plugins/latex/latexguiclient.cpp:64
    7516 msgid "The message you are typing does not contain any LaTeX.  A LaTeX formula must be enclosed within two pairs of dollar signs: $$formula$$ "
     7773msgid ""
     7774"The message you are typing does not contain any LaTeX.  A LaTeX formula must "
     7775"be enclosed within two pairs of dollar signs: $$formula$$ "
    75177776msgstr ""
    75337792"Cannot find the Magick 'convert' program.\n"
    75347793"convert is required to render the LaTeX formulae.\n"
    7535 "Please get the software from or from your distribution's package manager."
     7794"Please get the software from or from your distribution's "
     7795"package manager."
    75367796msgstr ""
    75407800#: plugins/latex/latexprefsbase.ui:21
    75417801msgid ""
    7542 "The KopeteTeX plugin allows Kopete to render LaTeX formulas in the chat window. The sender must enclose the formula between two pairs of $ signs. ie: $$formula$$\n"
    7543 "This plugin requires that the ImageMagick convert program be installed in order to work."
     7802"The KopeteTeX plugin allows Kopete to render LaTeX formulas in the chat "
     7803"window. The sender must enclose the formula between two pairs of $ signs. ie: "
     7805"This plugin requires that the ImageMagick convert program be installed in "
     7806"order to work."
    75447807msgstr ""
    76307893#. +> trunk stable
    76317894#: plugins/nowlistening/nowlisteningconfig.kcfg:26
    7632 msgid "Show explicitly the current music listened via a menu or /media command."
     7895msgid ""
     7896"Show explicitly the current music listened via a menu or /media command."
    76337897msgstr ""
    76707934#. +> trunk stable
    76717935#: plugins/nowlistening/nowlisteningguiclient.cpp:64
    7672 msgid "None of the supported media players (Amarok, KsCD, JuK, Kaffeine, Quod Libet, or Qmmp) are playing anything."
     7936msgid ""
     7937"None of the supported media players (Amarok, KsCD, JuK, Kaffeine, Quod Libet, "
     7938"or Qmmp) are playing anything."
    76737939msgstr ""
    76857951#. +> trunk stable
    76867952#: plugins/nowlistening/nowlisteningplugin.cpp:172
    7687 msgctxt "Message from Kopete user to another user; used when sending media information even though there are no songs playing or no media players running"
    7688 msgid "Now Listening for Kopete - it would tell you what I am listening to, if I was listening to something on a supported media player."
     7953msgctxt ""
     7954"Message from Kopete user to another user; used when sending media information "
     7955"even though there are no songs playing or no media players running"
     7956msgid ""
     7957"Now Listening for Kopete - it would tell you what I am listening to, if I was "
     7958"listening to something on a supported media player."
    76897959msgstr ""
    78868156#, kde-format
    78878157msgctxt "@info"
    7888 msgid "%1 would like to verify your authentication. Please answer the following question in the field below:"
     8158msgid ""
     8159"%1 would like to verify your authentication. Please answer the following "
     8160"question in the field below:"
    78898161msgstr ""
    79268198#, kde-format
    79278199msgctxt "@info"
    7928 msgid "Contact %1 via another secure channel and verify that the following fingerprint is correct:"
     8200msgid ""
     8201"Contact %1 via another secure channel and verify that the following "
     8202"fingerprint is correct:"
    79298203msgstr ""
    79588232#: plugins/otr/authenticationwizard.cpp:322
    79598233#, kde-format
    7960 msgid "The authentication with %1 was completed successfully. The conversation is now secure."
     8234msgid ""
     8235"The authentication with %1 was completed successfully. The conversation is "
     8236"now secure."
    79618237msgstr ""
    79658241#: plugins/otr/otrlchatinterface.cpp:461
    79668242#, kde-format
    7967 msgid "<b>%1</b> has successfully authenticated you. You may want to authenticate this contact as well by asking your own question."
     8243msgid ""
     8244"<b>%1</b> has successfully authenticated you. You may want to authenticate "
     8245"this contact as well by asking your own question."
    79688246msgstr ""
    79788256#: plugins/otr/authenticationwizard.cpp:326
    79798257#, kde-format
    7980 msgid "The authentication with %1 failed. To make sure you are not talking to an imposter, try again using the manual fingerprint verification method. Note that the conversation is now insecure."
     8258msgid ""
     8259"The authentication with %1 failed. To make sure you are not talking to an "
     8260"imposter, try again using the manual fingerprint verification method. Note "
     8261"that the conversation is now insecure."
    79818262msgstr ""
    79908271#: plugins/otr/authenticationwizard.cpp:345
    79918272#, kde-format
    7992 msgid "%1 has aborted the authentication process. To make sure you are not talking to an imposter, try again using the manual fingerprint verification method."
     8273msgid ""
     8274"%1 has aborted the authentication process. To make sure you are not talking "
     8275"to an imposter, try again using the manual fingerprint verification method."
    79938276msgstr ""
    79968279#: plugins/otr/authenticationwizard.cpp:352
    79978280#, kde-format
    7998 msgid "Ask %1 a question, the answer to which is known only to you and them. If the answer does not match, you may be talking to an imposter."
     8281msgid ""
     8282"Ask %1 a question, the answer to which is known only to you and them. If the "
     8283"answer does not match, you may be talking to an imposter."
    79998284msgstr ""
    80028287#: plugins/otr/authenticationwizard.cpp:354
    80038288#, kde-format
    8004 msgid "Pick a secret known only to you and %1. If the secret does not match, you may be talking to an imposter. Do not send the secret through the chat window, or this authentication method could be compromised with ease."
     8289msgid ""
     8290"Pick a secret known only to you and %1. If the secret does not match, you may "
     8291"be talking to an imposter. Do not send the secret through the chat window, or "
     8292"this authentication method could be compromised with ease."
    80058293msgstr ""
    80088296#: plugins/otr/authenticationwizard.cpp:356
    80098297#, kde-format
    8010 msgid "Verify %1's fingerprint manually. For example via a phone call or signed (and verified) email."
     8298msgid ""
     8299"Verify %1's fingerprint manually. For example via a phone call or signed (and "
     8300"verified) email."
    80118301msgstr ""
    80778367#: plugins/otr/otrlchatinterface.cpp:222
    80788368#, kde-format
    8079 msgid "<b>Received a new fingerprint from <a>%1</a>. You should authenticate this contact.</b>"
     8369msgid ""
     8370"<b>Received a new fingerprint from <a>%1</a>. You should authenticate this "
    80808372msgstr ""
    81098401#: plugins/otr/otrlchatinterface.cpp:453
    81108402#, kde-format
    8111 msgid "Authentication with <b>%1</b> successful. The conversation is now secure."
     8403msgid ""
     8404"Authentication with <b>%1</b> successful. The conversation is now secure."
    81128405msgstr ""
    81258418#. +> trunk stable
    81268419#: plugins/otr/otrlchatinterface.cpp:498
    8127 msgid "<b>Authentication failed. Note that the conversation is now insecure.</b>"
     8420msgid ""
     8421"<b>Authentication failed. Note that the conversation is now insecure.</b>"
    81288422msgstr ""
    81458439#. +> trunk stable
    81468440#: plugins/otr/otrlchatinterface.cpp:749
    8147 msgid "<b>Authentication aborted. Note that the conversation is now insecure.</b>"
     8441msgid ""
     8442"<b>Authentication aborted. Note that the conversation is now insecure.</b>"
    81488443msgstr ""
    82108505#. +> trunk stable
    82118506#: plugins/otr/otrplugin.cpp:101
    8212 msgctxt "@item:inmenu Use the default encryption mode specified in settings dialog"
     8507msgctxt ""
     8508"@item:inmenu Use the default encryption mode specified in settings dialog"
    82138509msgid "&Default"
    82148510msgstr ""
    82778573#: plugins/otr/otrpreferences.cpp:155
    82788574#, kde-format
    8279 msgid "Please contact %1 via another secure way and verify that the following fingerprint is correct:"
     8575msgid ""
     8576"Please contact %1 via another secure way and verify that the following "
     8577"fingerprint is correct:"
    82808578msgstr ""
    85528850#. +> trunk stable
    85538851#: plugins/privacy/privacyconfig.kcfg:15
    8554 msgid "Allow nobody to send you messages, except the contacts on the whitelist."
     8852msgid ""
     8853"Allow nobody to send you messages, except the contacts on the whitelist."
    85558854msgstr ""
    85598858#. +> trunk stable
    85608859#: plugins/privacy/privacyconfig.kcfg:19 plugins/privacy/privacyconfig.kcfg:23
    8561 msgid "Allow everyone to send you messages, except the contacts on the blacklist."
     8860msgid ""
     8861"Allow everyone to send you messages, except the contacts on the blacklist."
    85628862msgstr ""
    86678967#: plugins/privacy/privacyplugin.cpp:160
    86688968#, kde-format
    8669 msgid "A message from %1 was dropped, because this contact is not on your whitelist."
     8969msgid ""
     8970"A message from %1 was dropped, because this contact is not on your whitelist."
    86708971msgstr ""
    86738974#: plugins/privacy/privacyplugin.cpp:170
    86748975#, kde-format
    8675 msgid "A message from %1 was dropped, because this contact is on your blacklist."
     8976msgid ""
     8977"A message from %1 was dropped, because this contact is on your blacklist."
    86768978msgstr ""
    86798981#: plugins/privacy/privacyplugin.cpp:180
    86808982#, kde-format
    8681 msgid "A message from %1 was dropped, because this contact is not on your contact list."
     8983msgid ""
     8984"A message from %1 was dropped, because this contact is not on your contact "
    86828986msgstr ""
    87229026#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:86
    87239027#, kde-format
    8724 msgid "Key:  <font color=\"%1\">Online</font>  <font color=\"%2\">Away</font>  <font color=\"%3\">Offline</font>"
     9028msgid ""
     9029"Key:  <font color=\"%1\">Online</font>  <font color=\"%2\">Away</font>  <font "
    87259031msgstr ""
    87339039#. +> trunk stable
    87349040#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:233
    8735 msgid "<div class=\"statgroup\"><b><a href=\"main:generalinfo\" title=\"General summary view\">General</a></b><br><span title=\"Select the day or month for which you want to view statistics\"><b>Days: </b><a href=\"dayofweek:1\">Monday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:2\">Tuesday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:3\">Wednesday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:4\">Thursday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:5\">Friday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:6\">Saturday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:7\">Sunday</a><br><b>Months: </b><a href=\"monthofyear:1\">January</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:2\">February</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:3\">March</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:4\">April</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:5\">May</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:6\">June</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:7\">July</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:8\">August</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:9\">September</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:10\">October</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:11\">November</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:12\">December</a>&nbsp;</span></div><br>"
     9041msgid ""
     9042"<div class=\"statgroup\"><b><a href=\"main:generalinfo\" title=\"General "
     9043"summary view\">General</a></b><br><span title=\"Select the day or month for "
     9044"which you want to view statistics\"><b>Days: </b><a href=\"dayofweek:1\">"
     9045"Monday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:2\">Tuesday</a>&nbsp;<a "
     9046"href=\"dayofweek:3\">Wednesday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:4\">Thursday</a>"
     9047"&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:5\">Friday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:6\">"
     9048"Saturday</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"dayofweek:7\">Sunday</a><br><b>Months: </b><a "
     9049"href=\"monthofyear:1\">January</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:2\">February</a>"
     9050"&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:3\">March</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:4\">"
     9051"April</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:5\">May</a>&nbsp;<a "
     9052"href=\"monthofyear:6\">June</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:7\">July</a>"
     9053"&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:8\">August</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:9\">"
     9054"September</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:10\">October</a>&nbsp;<a "
     9055"href=\"monthofyear:11\">November</a>&nbsp;<a href=\"monthofyear:12\">"
    87369057msgstr ""
    87389059#. +> trunk stable
    87399060#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:264
    8740 msgid "<div class=\"statgroup\" title=\"Contact status history for today\"><h2>Today</h2><table width=\"100%\"><tr><td>Status</td><td>From</td><td>To</td></tr>"
     9061msgid ""
     9062"<div class=\"statgroup\" title=\"Contact status history for today\"><h2>"
     9063"Today</h2><table width=\"100%\"><tr><td>Status</td><td>From</td><td>To</td><"
    87419065msgstr ""
    87499073#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:421
    87509074#, kde-format
    8751 msgid "<b title=\"The total time %1 was visible\">Total visible time :</b> %2 hour(s)<br>"
     9075msgid ""
     9076"<b title=\"The total time %1 was visible\">Total visible time :</b> %2 "
    87529078msgstr ""
    87559081#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:423
    87569082#, kde-format
    8757 msgid "<b title=\"The total time %1 was online\">Total online time :</b> %2 hour(s)<br>"
     9083msgid ""
     9084"<b title=\"The total time %1 was online\">Total online time :</b> %2 hour(s)<"
    87589086msgstr ""
    87619089#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:425
    87629090#, kde-format
    8763 msgid "<b title=\"The total time %1 was away\">Total busy time :</b> %2 hour(s)<br>"
     9091msgid ""
     9092"<b title=\"The total time %1 was away\">Total busy time :</b> %2 hour(s)<br>"
    87649093msgstr ""
    87679096#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:426
    87689097#, kde-format
    8769 msgid "<b title=\"The total time %1 was offline\">Total offline time :</b> %2 hour(s)"
     9098msgid ""
     9099"<b title=\"The total time %1 was offline\">Total offline time :</b> %2 hour(s)"
    87709100msgstr ""
    88049134#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:443
    88059135#, kde-format
    8806 msgid "<b title=\"The last time %1 was online or away\">Last time present :</b> %2"
     9136msgid ""
     9137"<b title=\"The last time %1 was online or away\">Last time present :</b> %2"
    88079138msgstr ""
    88219152#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:466
    88229153#, kde-format
    8823 msgctxt "TRANSLATOR: please reverse 'left' and 'right' as appropriate for your language"
    8824 msgid "When was this contact visible?<br />All charts are in 24 blocks, one per hour, encompassing one day. %1 is on the left, and %2 is on the right."
     9154msgctxt ""
     9155"TRANSLATOR: please reverse 'left' and 'right' as appropriate for your language"
     9156msgid ""
     9157"When was this contact visible?<br />All charts are in 24 blocks, one per "
     9158"hour, encompassing one day. %1 is on the left, and %2 is on the right."
    88259159msgstr ""
    88709204#: plugins/statistics/statisticsdialog.cpp:661
    88719205#, kde-format
    8872 msgid "<h2>%1</h2><table width=\"100%\"><tr><td>Status</td><td>From</td><td>To</td></tr>"
     9206msgid ""
     9207"<h2>%1</h2><table width=\"100%\"><tr><td>Status</td><td>From</td><td>To</td><"
    88739209msgstr ""
    95159851#: plugins/urlpicpreview/urlpicpreviewprefsbase.ui:44
    95169852msgid ""
    9517 "If checked, only the selected number of pictures are downloaded and displayed as previews.\n"
     9853"If checked, only the selected number of pictures are downloaded and displayed "
     9854"as previews.\n"
    95189855"Otherwise, an unlimited number of previews are generated."
    95199856msgstr ""
    95559892#. +> trunk stable
    95569893#: plugins/urlpicpreview/urlpicpreviewprefsbase.ui:124
    9557 msgid "The width to which images should be scaled down. Smaller images will appear in their original size."
     9894msgid ""
     9895"The width to which images should be scaled down. Smaller images will appear "
     9896"in their original size."
    95589897msgstr ""
    95939932#: plugins/urlpicpreview/urlpicpreviewprefsbase.ui:220
    95949933msgid ""
    9595 "After the specified number of seconds the creation of the preview is aborted automatically.\n"
     9934"After the specified number of seconds the creation of the preview is aborted "
    95969936"Use 0 seconds to never abort the creation."
    95979937msgstr ""
    971010050#. +> trunk stable
    971110051#: plugins/webpresence/webpresenceprefs.ui:71
    9712 msgid "HTML 4.01 Transitional using the ISO-8859-1 (aka. Latin 1) character set encoding."
     10052msgid ""
     10053"HTML 4.01 Transitional using the ISO-8859-1 (aka. Latin 1) character set "
    971310055msgstr ""
    971710059#: plugins/webpresence/webpresenceprefs.ui:76
    971810060msgid ""
    9719 "HTML 4.01 Transitional formatting using ISO-8859-1 (aka. Latin 1) character set encoding.\n"
     10061"HTML 4.01 Transitional formatting using ISO-8859-1 (aka. Latin 1) character "
     10062"set encoding.\n"
    972110064"This version should be easily opened by most web browsers."
    973810081#: plugins/webpresence/webpresenceprefs.ui:94
    973910082msgid ""
    9740 "The resulting page will be formatted using the XHTML 1.0 Strict W3C Recommendation. The character set encoding is UTF-8.\n"
     10083"The resulting page will be formatted using the XHTML 1.0 Strict W3C "
     10084"Recommendation. The character set encoding is UTF-8.\n"
    9742 "Note that some web browsers do not support XHTML. You should also make sure your web server serves it out with the correct mime type, such as application/xhtml+xml."
     10086"Note that some web browsers do not support XHTML. You should also make sure "
     10087"your web server serves it out with the correct mime type, such as "
    974310089msgstr ""
    982710173#. +> trunk stable
    982810174#: protocols/bonjour/bonjouraccount.cpp:195
    9829 msgid "Unable to publish Bonjour service. Currently the Bonjour plugin only works with Avahi."
     10175msgid ""
     10176"Unable to publish Bonjour service. Currently the Bonjour plugin only works "
     10177"with Avahi."
    983010178msgstr ""
    983210180#. +> trunk stable
    983310181#: protocols/bonjour/bonjouraccount.cpp:206
    9834 msgid "Unable to connect to the local mDNS server. Please ensure the Avahi daemon is running."
     10182msgid ""
     10183"Unable to connect to the local mDNS server. Please ensure the Avahi daemon is "
    983510185msgstr ""
    992210272#. +> trunk stable
    992310273#: protocols/bonjour/bonjouraccountpreferences.ui:163
    9924 msgid "The Bonjour protocol needs you to at least specify a name. The name can be of form 'Full Name@Hostname'"
     10274msgid ""
     10275"The Bonjour protocol needs you to at least specify a name. The name can be of "
     10276"form 'Full Name@Hostname'"
    992510277msgstr ""
    992910281#: protocols/bonjour/bonjouraddui.ui:33
    993010282msgid ""
    9931 "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"\">\n"
    9932 "<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\n"
     10283"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3."
     10285"<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">"
    993310287"p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n"
    9934 "</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n"
    9935 "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">The Bonjour protocol does not allow you to add contacts. </p>\n"
    9936 "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">Contacts will appear as they come online.</p>\n"
    9937 "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">If you expect to see a contact, but they are not appearing</p>\n"
    9938 "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">1) Please ensure that your local mDNS server (avahi-daemon) is running properly.</p>\n"
    9939 "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">2) Run \"<span style=\" font-style:italic;\">avahi-browse _presence._tcp -t\"</span> in konsole and ensure you see the contact there.</p>\n"
    9940 "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">3) Ensure that ports 5353/UDP and 5298/TCP are open in your firewall</p></body></html>"
     10288"</style></head><body style=\" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:10pt; "
     10289"font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n"
     10290"<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; "
     10291"margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">The "
     10292"Bonjour protocol does not allow you to add contacts. </p>\n"
     10293"<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; "
     10294"margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">"
     10295"Contacts will appear as they come online.</p>\n"
     10296"<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; "
     10297"margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">If "
     10298"you expect to see a contact, but they are not appearing</p>\n"
     10299"<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; "
     10300"margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">1) "
     10301"Please ensure that your local mDNS server (avahi-daemon) is running properly."
     10303"<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; "
     10304"margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">2) "
     10305"Run \"<span style=\" font-style:italic;\">avahi-browse _presence._tcp -t\"<"
     10306"/span> in konsole and ensure you see the contact there.</p>\n"
     10307"<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; "
     10308"margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-size:9pt;\">3) "
     10309"Ensure that ports 5353/UDP and 5298/TCP are open in your firewall</p></body><"
    994110311msgstr ""
    1023310603#. +> trunk stable
    1023410604#: protocols/gadu/gaducommands.cpp:391
    10235 msgid "Password changing finished prematurely due to a session related problem (try again later)."
     10605msgid ""
     10606"Password changing finished prematurely due to a session related problem (try "
     10607"again later)."
    1023610608msgstr ""
    1025510627#. +> trunk stable
    1025610628#: protocols/gadu/gaducontact.cpp:243
    10257 msgid "<qt>You need to go online to remove a contact from your contact list.</qt>"
     10629msgid ""
     10630"<qt>You need to go online to remove a contact from your contact list.</qt>"
    1025810631msgstr ""
    1029210665#. +> trunk stable
    1029310666#: protocols/gadu/gadudcctransaction.cpp:405
    10294 msgid "Connection to peer was refused; it possibly does not listen for incoming connections."
     10667msgid ""
     10668"Connection to peer was refused; it possibly does not listen for incoming "
    1029510670msgstr ""
    1062110996msgid ""
    1062210997"Unable to connect over an encrypted channel.\n"
    10623 "Try to turn off encryption support in the Gadu account settings, then reconnect."
     10998"Try to turn off encryption support in the Gadu account settings, then "
    1062411000msgstr ""
    1063511011#. +> trunk stable
    1063611012#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduadd.ui:41 protocols/gadu/ui/gaduadd.ui:66
    10637 msgid "The user ID of the Gadu-Gadu account you would like to add.  This should be in the form of a number (no decimals, no spaces).  This field is mandatory."
     11013msgid ""
     11014"The user ID of the Gadu-Gadu account you would like to add.  This should be "
     11015"in the form of a number (no decimals, no spaces).  This field is mandatory."
    1063811016msgstr ""
    1066211040#. +> trunk stable
    1066311041#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduadd.ui:107 protocols/gadu/ui/gaduadd.ui:233
    10664 msgid "The forename (first name) of the contact you wish to add.  Optionally this may include a middle name."
     11042msgid ""
     11043"The forename (first name) of the contact you wish to add.  Optionally this "
     11044"may include a middle name."
    1066511045msgstr ""
    1074211122#. +> trunk stable
    1074311123#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduadd.ui:296 protocols/gadu/ui/gaduadd.ui:299
    10744 msgid "Check if you want to exclude this contact from the \"Just for friends\" status mode."
     11124msgid ""
     11125"Check if you want to exclude this contact from the \"Just for friends\" "
     11126"status mode."
    1074511127msgstr ""
    1077911161#. +> trunk stable
    1078011162#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduawayui.ui:65
    10781 msgid "Set your status to Online, indicating that you are available to chat with anyone who wishes."
     11163msgid ""
     11164"Set your status to Online, indicating that you are available to chat with "
     11165"anyone who wishes."
    1078211166msgstr ""
    1079111175#. +> trunk stable
    1079211176#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduawayui.ui:81
    10793 msgid "Set your status to busy, indicating that you should not be bothered with trivial chat, and may not be able to reply immediately."
     11177msgid ""
     11178"Set your status to busy, indicating that you should not be bothered with "
     11179"trivial chat, and may not be able to reply immediately."
    1079411180msgstr ""
    1079711183#. +> trunk stable
    1079811184#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduawayui.ui:94
    10799 msgid "Set status to invisible, which will hide your presence from other users."
     11185msgid ""
     11186"Set status to invisible, which will hide your presence from other users."
    1080011187msgstr ""
    1080311190#. +> trunk stable
    1080411191#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduawayui.ui:97
    10805 msgid "Set status to invisible, which will hide your presence from other users (who will see you as offline).  However you may still chat, and see the online presence of others."
     11192msgid ""
     11193"Set status to invisible, which will hide your presence from other users (who "
     11194"will see you as offline).  However you may still chat, and see the online "
     11195"presence of others."
    1080611196msgstr ""
    1085211242#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:84
    1085311243#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:103
    10854 msgid "The user ID of your Gadu-Gadu account.  This should be in the form of a number (no decimals, no spaces)."
     11244msgid ""
     11245"The user ID of your Gadu-Gadu account.  This should be in the form of a "
     11246"number (no decimals, no spaces)."
    1085511247msgstr ""
    1085811250#. +> trunk stable
    1085911251#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:134
    10860 msgid "Check to disable automatic connection. When checked, you may connect to this account manually via the icon in the bottom of the main Kopete window."
     11252msgid ""
     11253"Check to disable automatic connection. When checked, you may connect to this "
     11254"account manually via the icon in the bottom of the main Kopete window."
    1086111255msgstr ""
    1090111295#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:172
    1090211296msgid ""
    10903 "To connect to the Gadu-Gadu network, you will need a Gadu-Gadu account.<br><br>\n"
    10904 "If you do not currently have an account, please click the button to create one."
     11297"To connect to the Gadu-Gadu network, you will need a Gadu-Gadu account.<br><"
     11299"If you do not currently have an account, please click the button to create "
    1090511301msgstr ""
    1096311359#. +> trunk stable
    1096411360#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:271
    10965 msgid "Cache connection information for each server connected to in case the main load-balancing server fails."
     11361msgid ""
     11362"Cache connection information for each server connected to in case the main "
     11363"load-balancing server fails."
    1096611364msgstr ""
    1096911367#. +> trunk stable
    1097011368#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:274
    10971 msgid "This option is used whenever the primary Gadu-Gadu load-balancing server fails.  If this is checked, Kopete will try to connect to the actual servers directly using cached information about them.  This prevents connection errors when the main load-balancing server does not answer. In practice it only helps very rarely."
     11369msgid ""
     11370"This option is used whenever the primary Gadu-Gadu load-balancing server "
     11371"fails.  If this is checked, Kopete will try to connect to the actual servers "
     11372"directly using cached information about them.  This prevents connection "
     11373"errors when the main load-balancing server does not answer. In practice it "
     11374"only helps very rarely."
    1097211375msgstr ""
    1098711390#. +> trunk stable
    1098811391#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:300
    10989 msgid "Keep your local and server side contact list in sync. Any change in local list will result in exporting your list to server."
     11392msgid ""
     11393"Keep your local and server side contact list in sync. Any change in local "
     11394"list will result in exporting your list to server."
    1099011395msgstr ""
    1102211427#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:350
    1102311428#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:366
    11024 msgid "Whether or not you want to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server."
     11429msgid ""
     11430"Whether or not you want to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server."
    1102511431msgstr ""
    1103011436#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:353
    1103111437#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:369
    11032 msgid "Whether or not you want to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server.  Note that this is not end-to-end encryption, but rather encrypted communication with the server."
     11438msgid ""
     11439"Whether or not you want to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server."
     11440"  Note that this is not end-to-end encryption, but rather encrypted "
     11441"communication with the server."
    1103311442msgstr ""
    1106811477#. +> trunk stable
    1106911478#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:459
    11070 msgid "<p align=\"center\">You must be connected to change your Personal Information.</p>"
     11479msgid ""
     11480"<p align=\"center\">You must be connected to change your Personal Information."
    1107111482msgstr ""
    1108611497#. +> trunk stable
    1108711498#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:524
    11088 msgid "The values below will be used in the search, but will not appear in the results."
     11499msgid ""
     11500"The values below will be used in the search, but will not appear in the "
    1108911502msgstr ""
    1117911592#. +> trunk stable
    1118011593#: protocols/gadu/ui/gadueditaccountui.ui:704
    11181 msgid "<qt><p align=\"center\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">These options affect <b>all</b> Gadu-Gadu accounts.</font></p></qt>"
     11594msgid ""
     11595"<qt><p align=\"center\"><font color=\"#ff0000\">These options affect <b>all<"
     11596"/b> Gadu-Gadu accounts.</font></p></qt>"
    1118211597msgstr ""
    1128811703#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduregisteraccountui.ui:178
    1128911704#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduregisteraccountui.ui:194
    11290 msgid "The text from the image below.  This is used to prevent abusive automated registration scripts."
     11705msgid ""
     11706"The text from the image below.  This is used to prevent abusive automated "
     11707"registration scripts."
    1129111708msgstr ""
    1131311730#. +> trunk stable
    1131411731#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduregisteraccountui.ui:306
    11315 msgid "This field contains an image showing a number that you need to type into the <b>Verification Sequence</b> field above."
     11732msgid ""
     11733"This field contains an image showing a number that you need to type into the "
     11734"<b>Verification Sequence</b> field above."
    1131611735msgstr ""
    1131911738#. +> trunk stable
    1132011739#: protocols/gadu/ui/gaduregisteraccountui.ui:348
    11321 msgid "<i>Type the letters and numbers shown in the image above into the <b>Verification Sequence</b> field.  This is used to prevent automated registration abuse.</i>"
     11740msgid ""
     11741"<i>Type the letters and numbers shown in the image above into the <b>"
     11742"Verification Sequence</b> field.  This is used to prevent automated "
     11743"registration abuse.</i>"
    1132211744msgstr ""
    1138411806#: protocols/jabber/ui/jabberregisteraccount.cpp:271
    1138511807#, kde-format
    11386 msgid "SSL support could not be initialized for account %1. This is most likely because the QCA TLS plugin is not installed on your system."
     11808msgid ""
     11809"SSL support could not be initialized for account %1. This is most likely "
     11810"because the QCA TLS plugin is not installed on your system."
    1138711811msgstr ""
    1139811822msgid ""
    1139911823"Kopete was not able to send the last message sent on account '%1'.\n"
    11400 "If possible, please send the console output from Kopete to <> for analysis."
     11824"If possible, please send the console output from Kopete to <"
     11825"> for analysis."
    1140111826msgstr ""
    1141511840#. +> trunk stable
    1141611841#: protocols/groupwise/gwaccount.cpp:586
    11417 msgid "A change happened to your GroupWise contact list while you were offline which was impossible to reconcile."
     11842msgid ""
     11843"A change happened to your GroupWise contact list while you were offline which "
     11844"was impossible to reconcile."
    1141811845msgstr ""
    1142311850msgctxt "Error shown when connecting failed"
    1142411851msgid ""
    11425 "Kopete was not able to connect to the GroupWise Messenger server for account '%1'.\n"
     11852"Kopete was not able to connect to the GroupWise Messenger server for account "
    1142611854"Please check your server and port settings and try again."
    1142711855msgstr ""
    1150811936#: protocols/groupwise/gwaccount.cpp:803 protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:544
    1150911937#, kde-format
    11510 msgid "<qt><p>The identity and the certificate of server %1 could not be validated for account %2:</p><p>%3</p><p>%4</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p></qt>"
     11938msgid ""
     11939"<qt><p>The identity and the certificate of server %1 could not be validated "
     11940"for account %2:</p><p>%3</p><p>%4</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p></qt>"
    1151111941msgstr ""
    1151611946#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:555
    1151711947#, kde-format
    11518 msgid "<qt><p>The certificate of server %1 could not be validated for account %2: %3</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p></qt>"
     11948msgid ""
     11949"<qt><p>The certificate of server %1 could not be validated for account %2: %"
     11950"3</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p></qt>"
    1151911951msgstr ""
    1152711959#: protocols/groupwise/gwaccount.cpp:871
    1152811960#, kde-format
    11529 msgctxt "Prefix used for automatically generated auto-reply messages when the contact is Away, contains contact's name"
     11961msgctxt ""
     11962"Prefix used for automatically generated auto-reply messages when the contact "
     11963"is Away, contains contact's name"
    1153011964msgid "Auto reply from %1: "
    1153111965msgstr ""
    1154811982#: protocols/groupwise/gwaccount.cpp:1272
    1154911983#, kde-format
    11550 msgid "The contact %1 could not be added to the contact list, with error message: %2"
     11984msgid ""
     11985"The contact %1 could not be added to the contact list, with error message: %2"
    1155111986msgstr ""
    1156612001#, kde-format
    1156712002msgctxt "The parameter is the user's own account id for this protocol"
    11568 msgid "You have been disconnected from GroupWise Messenger because you signed in as %1 elsewhere"
     12003msgid ""
     12004"You have been disconnected from GroupWise Messenger because you signed in as %"
     12005"1 elsewhere"
    1156912006msgstr ""
    1158212019#. +> trunk stable
    1158312020#: protocols/groupwise/gwaccount.cpp:1458
    11584 msgid "Please enter an Auto-Reply message that will be shown to users who message you while Away or Busy"
     12021msgid ""
     12022"Please enter an Auto-Reply message that will be shown to users who message "
     12023"you while Away or Busy"
    1158512024msgstr ""
    1163212071#: protocols/groupwise/gwaddui.ui:85 protocols/groupwise/gwaddui.ui:88
    1163312072#: protocols/qq/ui/qqaddui.ui:70 protocols/qq/ui/qqaddui.ui:73
    11634 msgid "Hey look!  Only one option.  Could you please make this a dropdown and add Null?"
     12073msgid ""
     12074"Hey look!  Only one option.  Could you please make this a dropdown and add "
    1163512076msgstr ""
    1169012131#: protocols/groupwise/gwmessagemanager.cpp:238
    1169112132#: protocols/qq/qqchatsession.cpp:206
    11692 msgid "Your message could not be sent. You cannot send messages while your status is Appear Offline. "
     12133msgid ""
     12134"Your message could not be sent. You cannot send messages while your status is "
     12135"Appear Offline. "
    1169312136msgstr ""
    1172312166#: protocols/groupwise/gwmessagemanager.cpp:411
    1172412167#: protocols/qq/qqchatsession.cpp:387
    11725 msgctxt "label attached to contacts who have been invited but are yet to join a chat"
     12168msgctxt ""
     12169"label attached to contacts who have been invited but are yet to join a chat"
    1172612170msgid "(pending)"
    1172712171msgstr ""
    1173012174#: protocols/groupwise/gwmessagemanager.cpp:459
    1173112175#: protocols/qq/qqchatsession.cpp:434
    11732 msgid "All the other participants have left, and other invitations are still pending. Your messages will not be delivered until someone else joins the chat."
     12176msgid ""
     12177"All the other participants have left, and other invitations are still pending."
     12178" Your messages will not be delivered until someone else joins the chat."
    1173312179msgstr ""
    1203612482#. +> trunk stable
    1203712483#: protocols/groupwise/ui/gwaccountpreferences.ui:131
    12038 msgid "Check to disable automatic connection.  If checked, you may connect to this account manually using the icon in the bottom of the main Kopete window"
     12484msgid ""
     12485"Check to disable automatic connection.  If checked, you may connect to this "
     12486"account manually using the icon in the bottom of the main Kopete window"
    1203912487msgstr ""
    1205512503#: protocols/groupwise/ui/gwaccountpreferences.ui:183
    1205612504#: protocols/groupwise/ui/gwaccountpreferences.ui:211
    12057 msgid "The IP address or hostname of the server you would like to connect to (for example"
     12505msgid ""
     12506"The IP address or hostname of the server you would like to connect to (for "
    1205812508msgstr ""
    1208812538#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:419
    1208912539#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:444
    12090 msgid "The port on the server that you would like to connect to (default is 5222)."
     12540msgid ""
     12541"The port on the server that you would like to connect to (default is 5222)."
    1209112542msgstr ""
    1218012631#. +> trunk stable
    1218112632#: protocols/groupwise/ui/gwaddui.ui:122
    12182 msgid "Use this field to add a contact if you already know the user's exact User ID"
     12633msgid ""
     12634"Use this field to add a contact if you already know the user's exact User ID"
    1218312635msgstr ""
    1260513057#. +> trunk stable
    1260613058#: protocols/groupwise/ui/gweditaccountwidget.cpp:104
    12607 msgid "The changes you just made will take effect next time you log in with GroupWise."
     13059msgid ""
     13060"The changes you just made will take effect next time you log in with "
    1260813062msgstr ""
    1267413128#. +> trunk stable
    1267513129#: protocols/groupwise/ui/gwprivacydialog.cpp:358
    12676 msgid "You can only change privacy settings while you are logged in to the GroupWise Messenger server."
     13130msgid ""
     13131"You can only change privacy settings while you are logged in to the GroupWise "
     13132"Messenger server."
    1267713133msgstr ""
    1277013226#. +> trunk stable
    1277113227#: protocols/irc/ircaccount.cpp:259
    12772 msgid "<qt>The network associated with this account has no valid hosts. Please ensure that the account has a valid network.</qt>"
     13228msgid ""
     13229"<qt>The network associated with this account has no valid hosts. Please "
     13230"ensure that the account has a valid network.</qt>"
    1277313231msgstr ""
    1278113239#: protocols/irc/ircaccount.cpp:267
    1278213240#, kde-format
    12783 msgid "<qt>The network associated with this account, <b>%1</b>, has no valid hosts. Please ensure that the account has a valid network.</qt>"
     13241msgid ""
     13242"<qt>The network associated with this account, <b>%1</b>, has no valid hosts. "
     13243"Please ensure that the account has a valid network.</qt>"
    1278413244msgstr ""
    1278713247#: protocols/irc/ircaccount.cpp:275
    1278813248#, kde-format
    12789 msgid "<qt>Kopete could not connect to any of the servers in the network associated with this account (<b>%1</b>). Please try again later.</qt>"
     13249msgid ""
     13250"<qt>Kopete could not connect to any of the servers in the network associated "
     13251"with this account (<b>%1</b>). Please try again later.</qt>"
    1279013252msgstr ""
    1298213444#. +> trunk stable
    1298313445#: protocols/irc/ui/channellist.cpp:210
    12984 msgid "You may search for channels on the IRC server, using a text string entered here."
     13446msgid ""
     13447"You may search for channels on the IRC server, using a text string entered "
    1298513449msgstr ""
    1299213456#. +> trunk stable
    1299313457#: protocols/irc/ui/channellist.cpp:213 protocols/irc/ui/channellist.cpp:215
    12994 msgid "You may search for channels on the IRC server, using a text string entered here.  For instance, you may type 'linux' to find channels that have something to do with Linux."
     13458msgid ""
     13459"You may search for channels on the IRC server, using a text string entered "
     13460"here.  For instance, you may type 'linux' to find channels that have "
     13461"something to do with Linux."
    1299513462msgstr ""
    1299713464#. +> trunk stable
    1299813465#: protocols/irc/ui/channellist.cpp:214
    12999 msgid "You may search for channels on the IRC server for a text string entered here."
     13466msgid ""
     13467"You may search for channels on the IRC server for a text string entered here."
    1300013468msgstr ""
    1300713475#. +> trunk stable
    1300813476#: protocols/irc/ui/channellist.cpp:218
    13009 msgid "Perform a channel search.  Please be patient, as this can be slow, depending on the total number of channels on the server."
     13477msgid ""
     13478"Perform a channel search.  Please be patient, as this can be slow, depending "
     13479"on the total number of channels on the server."
    1301013480msgstr ""
    1304213512#. +> trunk stable
    1304313513#: protocols/irc/ui/ircadd.ui:57 protocols/irc/ui/ircadd.ui:73
    13044 msgid "The name of the IRC contact or channel you would like to add.  You can type a person's nickname, or a channel name, preceded by a pound sign ('#')."
     13514msgid ""
     13515"The name of the IRC contact or channel you would like to add.  You can type a "
     13516"person's nickname, or a channel name, preceded by a pound sign ('#')."
    1304513517msgstr ""
    1308813560#: protocols/irc/ui/ircdialogs.cpp:35
    1308913561#, kde-format
    13090 msgid "The nickname %1 is already in use. Please enter an alternative nickname:"
     13562msgid ""
     13563"The nickname %1 is already in use. Please enter an alternative nickname:"
    1309113564msgstr ""
    1309413567#: protocols/irc/ui/ircdialogs.cpp:92
    1309513568#, kde-format
    13096 msgid "\"%1\" is an invalid channel name. Channels must start with '#', '!', '+', or '&'."
     13569msgid ""
     13570"\"%1\" is an invalid channel name. Channels must start with '#', '!', '+', or "
    1309713572msgstr ""
    1314113616#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:128
    1314213617#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:147
    13143 msgid "The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have identd support.  Leave blank to use your system account name."
     13618msgid ""
     13619"The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have "
     13620"identd support.  Leave blank to use your system account name."
    1314413621msgstr ""
    1315413631#. +> trunk stable
    1315513632#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:144
    13156 msgid "The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have identd support."
     13633msgid ""
     13634"The username you would prefer to use on IRC, if your system does not have "
     13635"identd support."
    1315713636msgstr ""
    1316013639#. +> trunk stable
    1316113640#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:166
    13162 msgid "The alias you would like to use on IRC.  Once you are online, you can change it with the /nick command."
     13641msgid ""
     13642"The alias you would like to use on IRC.  Once you are online, you can change "
     13643"it with the /nick command."
    1316313644msgstr ""
    1318013661#. +> trunk stable
    1318113662#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:235
    13182 msgid "<p><b>Note:</b> most IRC servers do not require a password to connect, only a nickname.</p>"
     13663msgid ""
     13664"<p><b>Note:</b> most IRC servers do not require a password to connect, only a "
    1318313666msgstr ""
    1320313686#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:232
    1320413687#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:96
    13205 msgid "If you enable this option, this account will not be connected when you press the \"Connect All\" button, nor at startup even if you have enabled automatic connection at startup."
     13688msgid ""
     13689"If you enable this option, this account will not be connected when you press "
     13690"the \"Connect All\" button, nor at startup even if you have enabled automatic "
     13691"connection at startup."
    1320613692msgstr ""
    1322313709#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:389
    1322413710#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:392
    13225 msgid "Any commands added here will be run as soon as you are connected to the IRC server."
     13711msgid ""
     13712"Any commands added here will be run as soon as you are connected to the IRC "
    1322613714msgstr ""
    1324713735#. +> trunk stable
    1324813736#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:480
    13249 msgid "You can use this dialog to add custom replies for when people send you CTCP requests. You can also use this dialog to override the built-in replies for VERSION, USERINFO, and CLIENTINFO."
     13737msgid ""
     13738"You can use this dialog to add custom replies for when people send you CTCP "
     13739"requests. You can also use this dialog to override the built-in replies for "
    1325013741msgstr ""
    1327913770#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:545
    1328013771#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:548
    13281 msgid "The message you want people to see when you disconnect from IRC without giving a reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message."
     13772msgid ""
     13773"The message you want people to see when you disconnect from IRC without "
     13774"giving a reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message."
    1328213775msgstr ""
    1328713780#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:555
    1328813781#: protocols/irc/ui/irceditaccount.ui:558
    13289 msgid "The message you want people to see when you part a channel without giving a reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message."
     13782msgid ""
     13783"The message you want people to see when you part a channel without giving a "
     13784"reason. Leave this field blank to use the Kopete default message."
    1329013785msgstr ""
    1344913944#. +> trunk stable
    1345013945#: protocols/irc/ui/networkconfig.ui:94
    13451 msgid "The IRC servers associated with this network. Use the up and down buttons to alter the order in which connections are attempted."
     13946msgid ""
     13947"The IRC servers associated with this network. Use the up and down buttons to "
     13948"alter the order in which connections are attempted."
    1345213949msgstr ""
    1355714054#: protocols/irc/ui/networkconfigwidget.cpp:282
    1355814055#, kde-format
    13559 msgid "<qt>Are you sure you want to delete the network <b>%1</b>?<br>Any accounts which use this network will have to be modified.</qt>"
     14056msgid ""
     14057"<qt>Are you sure you want to delete the network <b>%1</b>?<br>Any accounts "
     14058"which use this network will have to be modified.</qt>"
    1356014059msgstr ""
    1370814207#. +> trunk stable
    1370914208#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:203
    13710 msgid "Could not bind the Jabber file transfer manager to a local port. Please check if the file transfer port is already in use, or choose another port in the account settings."
     14209msgid ""
     14210"Could not bind the Jabber file transfer manager to a local port. Please check "
     14211"if the file transfer port is already in use, or choose another port in the "
     14212"account settings."
    1371114213msgstr ""
    1376114263#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:435
    1376214264#, kde-format
    13763 msgid "SSL support could not be initialized for account %1. This is most likely because TLS support for QCA is not available."
     14265msgid ""
     14266"SSL support could not be initialized for account %1. This is most likely "
     14267"because TLS support for QCA is not available."
    1376414268msgstr ""
    1377714281#. +> trunk stable
    1377814282#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:596
    13779 msgid "An encrypted connection with the Jabber server could not be established."
     14283msgid ""
     14284"An encrypted connection with the Jabber server could not be established."
    1378014285msgstr ""
    1391114416#. +> trunk stable
    1391214417#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:895
    13913 msgid "It appears we have been redirected to another server; I do not know how to handle this."
     14418msgid ""
     14419"It appears we have been redirected to another server; I do not know how to "
     14420"handle this."
    1391414421msgstr ""
    1405414561#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:1172
    1405514562#, kde-format
    14056 msgid "The Jabber user %1 removed %2's subscription to him/her. This account will no longer be able to view his/her online/offline status. Do you want to delete the contact?"
     14563msgid ""
     14564"The Jabber user %1 removed %2's subscription to him/her. This account will no "
     14565"longer be able to view his/her online/offline status. Do you want to delete "
     14566"the contact?"
    1405714567msgstr ""
    1410314613#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:1595
    1410414614#, kde-format
    14105 msgid "You cannot join the room %1 because the maximum number of users has been reached"
     14615msgid ""
     14616"You cannot join the room %1 because the maximum number of users has been "
    1410614618msgstr ""
    1411414626#: protocols/jabber/jabberaccount.cpp:1605
    1411514627#, kde-format
    14116 msgid "There was an error processing your request for groupchat %1. (Reason: %2, Code %3)"
     14628msgid ""
     14629"There was an error processing your request for groupchat %1. (Reason: %2, "
     14630"Code %3)"
    1411714631msgstr ""
    1412214636msgid ""
    1412314637"Do you want to also unregister \"%1\" from the Jabber server ?\n"
    14124 "If you unregister, your whole contact list may be removed from the server, and you will never be able to connect to this account with any client"
     14638"If you unregister, your whole contact list may be removed from the server, "
     14639"and you will never be able to connect to this account with any client"
    1412514640msgstr ""
    1429914814#: protocols/jabber/jabbercontact.cpp:318
    1430014815#, kde-format
    14301 msgid "<qt><i>%1</i> has invited you to join the conference <b>%2</b><br />%3<br />If you want to accept and join, just <b>enter your nickname</b> and press OK.<br />If you want to decline, press Cancel.</qt>"
     14816msgid ""
     14817"<qt><i>%1</i> has invited you to join the conference <b>%2</b><br />%3<br />"
     14818"If you want to accept and join, just <b>enter your nickname</b> and press OK."
     14819"<br />If you want to decline, press Cancel.</qt>"
    1430214820msgstr ""
    1434514863#: protocols/jabber/jabbercontact.cpp:1166
    1434614864#, kde-format
    14347 msgid "You have preselected a resource for contact %1, but you still have open chat windows for this contact. The preselected resource will only apply to newly opened chat windows."
     14865msgid ""
     14866"You have preselected a resource for contact %1, but you still have open chat "
     14867"windows for this contact. The preselected resource will only apply to newly "
     14868"opened chat windows."
    1434814869msgstr ""
    1494815469#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgaddcontact.ui:36
    1494915470#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgaddcontact.ui:55
    14950 msgid "The Jabber ID for the account you would like to add.  Note that this must include the username and the domain (like an E-mail address), as there are many Jabber servers."
     15471msgid ""
     15472"The Jabber ID for the account you would like to add.  Note that this must "
     15473"include the username and the domain (like an E-mail address), as there are "
     15474"many Jabber servers."
    1495115475msgstr ""
    1512715651#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabberchangepassword.cpp:88
    1512815652#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqchangepassworddialog.cpp:52
    15129 msgid "Your account needs to be connected before the password can be changed. Do you want to try to connect now?"
     15653msgid ""
     15654"Your account needs to be connected before the password can be changed. Do you "
     15655"want to try to connect now?"
    1513015656msgstr ""
    1513815664#. +> trunk stable
    1513915665#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabberchangepassword.cpp:128
    15140 msgid "Your password has been changed successfully. Please note that the change may not be instantaneous. If you have problems logging in with your new password, please contact the administrator."
     15666msgid ""
     15667"Your password has been changed successfully. Please note that the change may "
     15668"not be instantaneous. If you have problems logging in with your new password, "
     15669"please contact the administrator."
    1514115670msgstr ""
    1514315672#. +> trunk stable
    1514415673#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabberchangepassword.cpp:136
    15145 msgid "Your password could not be changed. Either your server does not support this feature or the administrator does not allow you to change your password."
     15674msgid ""
     15675"Your password could not be changed. Either your server does not support this "
     15676"feature or the administrator does not allow you to change your password."
    1514615677msgstr ""
    1520415735#. +> trunk stable
    1520515736#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:68
    15206 msgid "The Jabber ID for the account you would like to use.  Note that this must include the username and the domain (like an E-mail address), as there are many Jabber servers."
     15737msgid ""
     15738"The Jabber ID for the account you would like to use.  Note that this must "
     15739"include the username and the domain (like an E-mail address), as there are "
     15740"many Jabber servers."
    1520715741msgstr ""
    1521015744#. +> trunk stable
    1521115745#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:84
    15212 msgid "The Jabber ID for the account you would like to use.  Note that this must include the username and the domain (for example,, as there are many Jabber servers."
     15746msgid ""
     15747"The Jabber ID for the account you would like to use.  Note that this must "
     15748"include the username and the domain (for example,, as there "
     15749"are many Jabber servers."
    1521315750msgstr ""
    1521915756#: protocols/meanwhile/ui/meanwhileeditaccount.ui:83
    1522015757#: protocols/yahoo/ui/yahooeditaccountbase.ui:134
    15221 msgid "Check to disable automatic connection.  If checked, you can connect manually to this account, using the icon at the bottom of the main Kopete window"
     15758msgid ""
     15759"Check to disable automatic connection.  If checked, you can connect manually "
     15760"to this account, using the icon at the bottom of the main Kopete window"
    1522215761msgstr ""
    1522515764#. +> trunk stable
    1522615765#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:182
    15227 msgid "To connect to the Jabber network, you will need an account on a Jabber server.  If you do not yet have an account, please click the button to create one."
     15766msgid ""
     15767"To connect to the Jabber network, you will need an account on a Jabber server."
     15768"  If you do not yet have an account, please click the button to create one."
    1522815769msgstr ""
    1524415785#. +> trunk stable
    1524515786#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:252
    15246 msgid "If you have an existing Jabber account and would like to change its password, you can use this button to enter a new password."
     15787msgid ""
     15788"If you have an existing Jabber account and would like to change its password, "
     15789"you can use this button to enter a new password."
    1524715790msgstr ""
    1526615809#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:312
    1526715810#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabberregisteraccount.ui:134
    15268 msgid "Check this box to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server.  Note that this is not end-to-end encryption, but rather encrypted communication with the server."
     15811msgid ""
     15812"Check this box to enable SSL encrypted communication with the server.  Note "
     15813"that this is not end-to-end encryption, but rather encrypted communication "
     15814"with the server."
    1526915815msgstr ""
    1529815844#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:378
    1529915845#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:397
    15300 msgid "The IP address or hostname of the server you would like to connect to (for example"
     15846msgid ""
     15847"The IP address or hostname of the server you would like to connect to (for "
    1530115849msgstr ""
    1532415872#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:513
    1532515873#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:548
    15326 msgid "The resource name you would like to use on the Jabber network.  Jabber allows you to sign on with the same account from multiple locations with different resource names, so you may wish to enter 'Home' or 'Work' here, for example."
     15874msgid ""
     15875"The resource name you would like to use on the Jabber network.  Jabber allows "
     15876"you to sign on with the same account from multiple locations with different "
     15877"resource names, so you may wish to enter 'Home' or 'Work' here, for example."
    1532715878msgstr ""
    1534415895#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:584
    1534515896msgid ""
    15346 "<qt>Each resource can have different <b>priority </b> levels. The messages will be sent to the resource which has the highest priority level.\n"
     15897"<qt>Each resource can have different <b>priority </b> levels. The messages "
     15898"will be sent to the resource which has the highest priority level.\n"
    15348 "If two resources have the same priority, the messages will be sent to the one most recently connected.</qt>"
     15900"If two resources have the same priority, the messages will be sent to the one "
     15901"most recently connected.</qt>"
    1534915902msgstr ""
    1539015943#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:766
    1539115944msgid ""
    15392 "<i><ul><li>The information in the \"public IP address\" and \"port\" fields applies to all Jabber accounts.</li>\n"
    15393 "<li>You can leave the \"public IP address\" empty if your computer is directly connected to the internet.</li>\n"
     15945"<i><ul><li>The information in the \"public IP address\" and \"port\" fields "
     15946"applies to all Jabber accounts.</li>\n"
     15947"<li>You can leave the \"public IP address\" empty if your computer is "
     15948"directly connected to the internet.</li>\n"
    1539415949"<li>A hostname is also valid.</li>\n"
    15395 "<li>Changes to these fields will only take effect the next time you start Kopete.</li>\n"
     15950"<li>Changes to these fields will only take effect the next time you start "
    1539615952"<li>The \"Proxy JID\" can be configured per account.</li></ul></i>"
    1539715953msgstr ""
    1542715983msgid ""
    1542815984"Set the first incoming port to use for Jingle sessions.\n"
    15429 "One media type uses 2 ports and each new Jingle session will use the next 2 available ports."
     15985"One media type uses 2 ports and each new Jingle session will use the next 2 "
     15986"available ports."
    1543015987msgstr ""
    1549316050#. +> trunk stable
    1549416051#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:970
    15495 msgid "By default, Kopete gives the other users some info about your system and the client. Checking this box will hide that information."
     16052msgid ""
     16053"By default, Kopete gives the other users some info about your system and the "
     16054"client. Checking this box will hide that information."
    1549616055msgstr ""
    1550516064#. +> trunk stable
    1550616065#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:1014
    15507 msgid "Check this box if you always want to send notifications to your contacts."
     16066msgid ""
     16067"Check this box if you always want to send notifications to your contacts."
    1550816068msgstr ""
    1551716077#. +> trunk stable
    1551816078#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:1062
    15519 msgid "<qt>Check this box to send the <b>Delivered notification</b> to your contacts : when a message is delivered to Kopete, Kopete can notify your contact that it has received the message.</qt>"
     16079msgid ""
     16080"<qt>Check this box to send the <b>Delivered notification</b> to your contacts "
     16081": when a message is delivered to Kopete, Kopete can notify your contact that "
     16082"it has received the message.</qt>"
    1552016083msgstr ""
    1552916092#. +> trunk stable
    1553016093#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:1078
    15531 msgid "<qt>Check this box to send the <b>Displayed notification</b> to your contacts : when a message is displayed in Kopete, Kopete can notify your contact that it has displayed the message.</qt>"
     16094msgid ""
     16095"<qt>Check this box to send the <b>Displayed notification</b> to your contacts "
     16096": when a message is displayed in Kopete, Kopete can notify your contact that "
     16097"it has displayed the message.</qt>"
    1553216098msgstr ""
    1554116107#. +> trunk stable
    1554216108#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbereditaccountwidget.ui:1094
    15543 msgid "<qt>Check this box to send the <b>Typing notification</b> to your contacts : when you are composing a message, you might want your contact to know that you are typing so that he/she knows you are answering.</qt>"
     16109msgid ""
     16110"<qt>Check this box to send the <b>Typing notification</b> to your contacts : "
     16111"when you are composing a message, you might want your contact to know that "
     16112"you are typing so that he/she knows you are answering.</qt>"
    1554416113msgstr ""
    1572416293#. +> trunk stable
    1572516294#: protocols/jabber/ui/dlgjabbervcard.cpp:499
    15726 msgid "<qt>An error occurred when trying to change the photo.<br />Make sure that you have selected a valid image file</qt>"
     16295msgid ""
     16296"<qt>An error occurred when trying to change the photo.<br />Make sure that "
     16297"you have selected a valid image file</qt>"
    1572716298msgstr ""
    1604616617#. +> trunk stable
    1604716618#: protocols/jabber/ui/jabbereditaccountwidget.cpp:276
    16048 msgid "The changes you just made will take effect next time you log in with Jabber."
     16619msgid ""
     16620"The changes you just made will take effect next time you log in with Jabber."
    1604916621msgstr ""
    1605616628#. +> trunk stable
    1605716629#: protocols/jabber/ui/jabbereditaccountwidget.cpp:356
    16058 msgid "The Jabber ID you have chosen is invalid. Please make sure it is in the form, like an email address."
     16630msgid ""
     16631"The Jabber ID you have chosen is invalid. Please make sure it is in the form "
     16632", like an email address."
    1605916633msgstr ""
    1606616640#. +> trunk stable
    1606716641#: protocols/jabber/ui/jabbereditaccountwidget.cpp:366
    16068 msgid "Google Talk libjingle support is only for GTalk/Gmail account, which connect to server"
     16642msgid ""
     16643"Google Talk libjingle support is only for GTalk/Gmail account, which connect "
     16644"to server"
    1606916645msgstr ""
    1609316669#: protocols/jabber/ui/jabberregisteraccount.cpp:197
    1609416670#, kde-format
    16095 msgid "Unless you know what you are doing, your JID should be of the form \"\".  In your case for example \"username@%1\"."
     16671msgid ""
     16672"Unless you know what you are doing, your JID should be of the form "
     16673"\"\".  In your case for example \"username@%1\"."
    1609616674msgstr ""
    1612416702#. +> trunk stable
    1612516703#: protocols/jabber/ui/jabberregisteraccount.cpp:384
    16126 msgid "Unable to create an account on the server. The Jabber ID is probably already in use."
     16704msgid ""
     16705"Unable to create an account on the server. The Jabber ID is probably already "
     16706"in use."
    1612716707msgstr ""
    1635916939#. +> trunk stable
    1636016940#: protocols/meanwhile/meanwhileeditaccountwidget.cpp:155
    16361 msgid "<qt>You must deselect password remembering or enter a valid password.</qt>"
     16941msgid ""
     16942"<qt>You must deselect password remembering or enter a valid password.</qt>"
    1636216943msgstr ""
    1646617047#: protocols/meanwhile/ui/meanwhileeditaccount.ui:138
    1646717048#: protocols/meanwhile/ui/meanwhileeditaccount.ui:141
    16468 msgid "The IP address or hostname of the Sametime server you wish to connect to."
     17049msgid ""
     17050"The IP address or hostname of the Sametime server you wish to connect to."
    1646917051msgstr ""
    1648217064#: protocols/meanwhile/ui/meanwhileeditaccount.ui:155
    1648317065#: protocols/meanwhile/ui/meanwhileeditaccount.ui:174
    16484 msgid "The port on the Sametime server that you would like to connect to.  Usually this is 1533."
     17066msgid ""
     17067"The port on the Sametime server that you would like to connect to.  Usually "
     17068"this is 1533."
    1648517069msgstr ""
    1653117115#. +> trunk stable
    1653217116#: protocols/oscar/aim/aimaccount.cpp:218
    16533 msgid "Visit the Kopete website at <a href=\"\"></a>"
     17117msgid ""
     17118"Visit the Kopete website at <a href=\"\">http://kopete."
    1653417120msgstr ""
    1658717173#: protocols/oscar/aim/aimcontact.cpp:221
    1658817174#, kde-format
    16589 msgid "<qt>Would you like to warn %1 anonymously or with your name?<br>(Warning a user on AIM will result in a \"Warning Level\" increasing for the user you warn. Once this level has reached a certain point, they will not be able to sign on. Please do not abuse this function, it is meant for legitimate practices.)</qt>"
     17175msgid ""
     17176"<qt>Would you like to warn %1 anonymously or with your name?<br>(Warning a "
     17177"user on AIM will result in a \"Warning Level\" increasing for the user you "
     17178"warn. Once this level has reached a certain point, they will not be able to "
     17179"sign on. Please do not abuse this function, it is meant for legitimate "
    1659017181msgstr ""
    1662117212#: protocols/oscar/aim/aimprotocol.cpp:209
    1662217213#, kde-format
    16623 msgid "Unable to connect to the chat room %1 because the account for %2 is not connected."
     17214msgid ""
     17215"Unable to connect to the chat room %1 because the account for %2 is not "
    1662417217msgstr ""
    1677517368#. +> trunk stable
    1677617369#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:147
    16777 msgid "To connect to the AOL Instant Messaging network, you will need to use a screen name from AIM, AOL, or .Mac.<br><br>If you do not currently have an AIM screen name, please click the button to create one."
     17370msgid ""
     17371"To connect to the AOL Instant Messaging network, you will need to use a "
     17372"screen name from AIM, AOL, or .Mac.<br><br>If you do not currently have an "
     17373"AIM screen name, please click the button to create one."
    1677817374msgstr ""
    1679117387#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:204
    1679217388#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:220
    16793 msgid "The screen name of your AIM account.  This should be in the form of an alphanumeric string (spaces allowed, not case sensitive)."
     17389msgid ""
     17390"The screen name of your AIM account.  This should be in the form of an "
     17391"alphanumeric string (spaces allowed, not case sensitive)."
    1679417392msgstr ""
    1682117419#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:337
    1682217420#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:356
    16823 msgid "The IP address or hostmask of the AIM server you wish to connect to.  Normally you will want the default ("
     17421msgid ""
     17422"The IP address or hostmask of the AIM server you wish to connect to.  "
     17423"Normally you will want the default ("
    1682417424msgstr ""
    1684317443#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:372
    1684417444#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:391
    16845 msgid "The port on the AIM server that you would like to connect to.  Normally this is 5190."
     17445msgid ""
     17446"The port on the AIM server that you would like to connect to.  Normally this "
     17447"is 5190."
    1684617448msgstr ""
    1686317465#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:453
    1686417466#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:543
    16865 msgid "The ports to use when listening for direct connections. These must not be blocked by a firewall or router."
     17467msgid ""
     17468"The ports to use when listening for direct connections. These must not be "
     17469"blocked by a firewall or router."
    1686617470msgstr ""
    1690517509#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:506
    1690617510#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:596
    16907 msgid "Use AOL proxy server instead of direct connections. If you are behind a router that you do not control, you will probably want this."
     17511msgid ""
     17512"Use AOL proxy server instead of direct connections. If you are behind a "
     17513"router that you do not control, you will probably want this."
    1690817514msgstr ""
    1691217518#: protocols/oscar/aim/ui/aimeditaccountui.ui:509
    1691317519#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:599
    16914 msgid "Use the AOL proxy server for things that would normally need a direct connection, like file transfers. You will want this if there is a firewall or router that blocks connections to your computer and you cannot get unblocked. If a direct connection fails, a proxy connection will be tried regardless of this setting."
     17520msgid ""
     17521"Use the AOL proxy server for things that would normally need a direct "
     17522"connection, like file transfers. You will want this if there is a firewall or "
     17523"router that blocks connections to your computer and you cannot get unblocked. "
     17524"If a direct connection fails, a proxy connection will be tried regardless of "
     17525"this setting."
    1691517526msgstr ""
    1693917550#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:620
    1694017551#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:636
    16941 msgid "The number of seconds to wait for a connection to succeed before trying a different method."
     17552msgid ""
     17553"The number of seconds to wait for a connection to succeed before trying a "
     17554"different method."
    1694217555msgstr ""
    1717417787#. +> trunk stable
    1717517788#: protocols/oscar/icq/icqcontact.cpp:538
    17176 msgid "<qt>You must be logged on to ICQ before you can send a message to a user.</qt>"
     17789msgid ""
     17790"<qt>You must be logged on to ICQ before you can send a message to a user.</qt>"
    1717717791msgstr ""
    1801518629#. +> trunk stable
    1801618630#: protocols/oscar/icq/icqprotocol.cpp:673
    18017 #, fuzzy
    1801818631msgid "Education"
    18019 msgstr "Edukacija"
     18632msgstr "Obrazovanje"
    1802118634#. +> trunk stable
    1858819201#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:65
    1858919202#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:81
    18590 msgid "The user ID of your ICQ account.  This should be in the form of a number (no decimals, no spaces)."
     19203msgid ""
     19204"The user ID of your ICQ account.  This should be in the form of a number (no "
     19205"decimals, no spaces)."
    1859119206msgstr ""
    1860219217msgid ""
    1860319218"To connect to the ICQ network, you will need an ICQ account.<br><br>\n"
    18604 "If you do not currently have an ICQ account, please click the button to create one."
     19219"If you do not currently have an ICQ account, please click the button to "
     19220"create one."
    1860519221msgstr ""
    1861419230#. +> trunk stable
    1861519231#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:175
    18616 msgid "If you have an existing ICQ account and would like to change its password, you can use this button to enter a new password."
     19232msgid ""
     19233"If you have an existing ICQ account and would like to change its password, "
     19234"you can use this button to enter a new password."
    1861719235msgstr ""
    1863919257#. +> trunk stable
    1864019258#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:242
    18641 msgid "Enable the authorization requirement, which will not allow users to add you to their contact list without authorization from you."
     19259msgid ""
     19260"Enable the authorization requirement, which will not allow users to add you "
     19261"to their contact list without authorization from you."
    1864219262msgstr ""
    1864519265#. +> trunk stable
    1864619266#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:245
    18647 msgid "Enable the authorization requirement, which will not allow users to add you to their contact list without authorization from you.  Check this box, and you will have to confirm any users who add you to their list before they may see your online status."
     19267msgid ""
     19268"Enable the authorization requirement, which will not allow users to add you "
     19269"to their contact list without authorization from you.  Check this box, and "
     19270"you will have to confirm any users who add you to their list before they may "
     19271"see your online status."
    1864819272msgstr ""
    1865719281#. +> trunk stable
    1865819282#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:255
    18659 msgid "Check this to hide your IP address from people when they view your user info"
     19283msgid ""
     19284"Check this to hide your IP address from people when they view your user info"
    1866019285msgstr ""
    1866319288#. +> trunk stable
    1866419289#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:258
    18665 msgid "Checking this box prevent people from seeing your IP address if they view your ICQ user details such as name, address, or age."
     19290msgid ""
     19291"Checking this box prevent people from seeing your IP address if they view "
     19292"your ICQ user details such as name, address, or age."
    1866619293msgstr ""
    1868119308#. +> trunk stable
    1868219309#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:271
    18683 msgid "Check this box to enable ICQ's Web Aware functionality, which allows people to see your online status from ICQ's web page, and send you a message without necessarily having ICQ themselves."
     19310msgid ""
     19311"Check this box to enable ICQ's Web Aware functionality, which allows people "
     19312"to see your online status from ICQ's web page, and send you a message without "
     19313"necessarily having ICQ themselves."
    1868419314msgstr ""
    1870319333#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:336
    1870419334#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:374
    18705 msgid "The IP address or hostmask of the ICQ server you wish to connect to.  Normally you will want the default ("
     19335msgid ""
     19336"The IP address or hostmask of the ICQ server you wish to connect to.  "
     19337"Normally you will want the default ("
    1870619338msgstr ""
    1873019362#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:355
    1873119363#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:390
    18732 msgid "The port on the ICQ server that you would like to connect to.  Normally this is 5190."
     19364msgid ""
     19365"The port on the ICQ server that you would like to connect to.  Normally this "
     19366"is 5190."
    1873319367msgstr ""
    1875119385#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:442
    1875219386#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:480
    18753 msgid "The IP address or hostmask of the proxy server you wish to use for connecting to an ICQ server."
     19387msgid ""
     19388"The IP address or hostmask of the proxy server you wish to use for connecting "
     19389"to an ICQ server."
    1875419390msgstr ""
    1875919395#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:445
    1876019396#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:483
    18761 msgid "The IP address or hostmask of the proxy server you wish to use for connecting to an ICQ server. The proxy server must support a CONNECT command and allow connections to the ICQ server port (normally 5190)."
     19397msgid ""
     19398"The IP address or hostmask of the proxy server you wish to use for connecting "
     19399"to an ICQ server. The proxy server must support a CONNECT command and allow "
     19400"connections to the ICQ server port (normally 5190)."
    1876219401msgstr ""
    1877319412#. +> trunk stable
    1877419413#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:464
    18775 msgid "The port that the proxy server listens to. Normally this will be 3128 or 8080."
     19414msgid ""
     19415"The port that the proxy server listens to. Normally this will be 3128 or 8080."
    1877619416msgstr ""
    1877919419#. +> trunk stable
    1878019420#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqeditaccountui.ui:499
    18781 msgid "The port that the proxy server listens to. Normally this will be 3128, 8080, or 443 (https)."
     19421msgid ""
     19422"The port that the proxy server listens to. Normally this will be 3128, 8080, "
     19423"or 443 (https)."
    1878219424msgstr ""
    1911319755#. +> trunk stable
    1911419756#: protocols/oscar/icq/ui/icqsearchbase.ui:221
    19115 msgid "This is where the results from your search are displayed. If you double-click a result, the search window will close and pass the UIN of the contact you wish to add back to the Add Contact Wizard. You can only add one contact at a time."
     19757msgid ""
     19758"This is where the results from your search are displayed. If you double-click "
     19759"a result, the search window will close and pass the UIN of the contact you "
     19760"wish to add back to the Add Contact Wizard. You can only add one contact at a "
    1911619762msgstr ""
    1947420120#. +> trunk stable
    1947520121#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1075
    19476 msgid "There was an error in the protocol handling; it was not fatal, so you will not be disconnected."
     20122msgid ""
     20123"There was an error in the protocol handling; it was not fatal, so you will "
     20124"not be disconnected."
    1947720125msgstr ""
    1947920127#. +> trunk stable
    1948020128#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1077
    19481 msgid "There was an error in the protocol handling; automatic reconnection occurring."
     20129msgid ""
     20130"There was an error in the protocol handling; automatic reconnection occurring."
    1948220131msgstr ""
    1950320152#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1230
    1950420153#, kde-format
    19505 msgid "You have logged in more than once with the same %1, account %2 is now disconnected."
     20154msgid ""
     20155"You have logged in more than once with the same %1, account %2 is now "
    1950620157msgstr ""
    1950920160#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1236
    1951020161#, kde-format
    19511 msgid "Sign on failed because either your %1 or password are invalid. Please check your settings for account %2."
     20162msgid ""
     20163"Sign on failed because either your %1 or password are invalid. Please check "
     20164"your settings for account %2."
    1951220165msgstr ""
    1952120174#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1249
    1952220175#, kde-format
    19523 msgid "Could not sign on to %1 with account %2 because the password was incorrect."
     20176msgid ""
     20177"Could not sign on to %1 with account %2 because the password was incorrect."
    1952420178msgstr ""
    1954520199#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1268
    1954620200#, kde-format
    19547 msgid "Could not sign on to %1 as there are too many clients from the same computer."
     20201msgid ""
     20202"Could not sign on to %1 as there are too many clients from the same computer."
    1954820203msgstr ""
    1955120206#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1274
    1955220207#, kde-format
    19553 msgid "Account %1 was blocked on the %2 server for sending messages too quickly. Wait ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer."
     20208msgid ""
     20209"Account %1 was blocked on the %2 server for sending messages too quickly. "
     20210"Wait ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait "
     20211"even longer."
    1955420212msgstr ""
    1955720215#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1283
    1955820216#, kde-format
    19559 msgid "Account %1 was blocked on the %2 server for reconnecting too quickly. Wait ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even longer."
     20217msgid ""
     20218"Account %1 was blocked on the %2 server for reconnecting too quickly. Wait "
     20219"ten minutes and try again. If you continue to try, you will need to wait even "
    1956020221msgstr ""
    1956920230#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1300
    1957020231#, kde-format
    19571 msgid "The %1 server thinks the client you are using is too old. Please report this as a bug at"
     20232msgid ""
     20233"The %1 server thinks the client you are using is too old. Please report this "
     20234"as a bug at"
    1957220235msgstr ""
    1957520238#: protocols/oscar/oscaraccount.cpp:1306
    1957620239#, kde-format
    19577 msgid "Account %1 was disabled on the %2 server because of your age (under than 13)."
     20240msgid ""
     20241"Account %1 was disabled on the %2 server because of your age (under than 13)."
    1957820242msgstr ""
    1961220276#, kde-format
    1961320277msgid ""
    19614 "The user %1 requires authorization before being added to a contact list. Do you want to send an authorization request?\n"
     20278"The user %1 requires authorization before being added to a contact list. Do "
     20279"you want to send an authorization request?\n"
    1961620281"Reason for requesting authorization:"
    1963720302#. +> trunk stable
    1963820303#: protocols/oscar/oscarlistcontactsbase.ui:22
    19639 msgid "The following contacts are not on your contact list. Would you like to add them?"
     20304msgid ""
     20305"The following contacts are not on your contact list. Would you like to add "
    1964020307msgstr ""
    1974520412msgid ""
    1974620413"Unhandled QQ error code %1 \n"
    19747 "Please file a bug report with a detailed description and, if possible, the last console debug output."
     20414"Please file a bug report with a detailed description and, if possible, the "
     20415"last console debug output."
    1974820416msgstr ""
    1978320451#: protocols/qq/ui/qqeditaccountui.ui:110
    1978420452#: protocols/qq/ui/qqeditaccountui.ui:126
    19785 msgid "The user ID of the QQ contact you would like to use.  This should be in the form of a valid E-mail address."
     20453msgid ""
     20454"The user ID of the QQ contact you would like to use.  This should be in the "
     20455"form of a valid E-mail address."
    1978620456msgstr ""
    1979620466#: protocols/qq/ui/qqeditaccountui.ui:175
    1979720467#: protocols/wlm/ui/wlmaccountpreferences.ui:75
    19798 msgid "If you check this checkbox, the account will not be connected when you press the \"Connect All\" button, or at startup when automatic connection at startup is enabled."
     20468msgid ""
     20469"If you check this checkbox, the account will not be connected when you press "
     20470"the \"Connect All\" button, or at startup when automatic connection at "
     20471"startup is enabled."
    1979920472msgstr ""
    1982920502#: protocols/wlm/ui/wlmaccountpreferences.ui:359
    1983020503#: protocols/wlm/ui/wlmaccountpreferences.ui:362
    19831 msgid "Only modify these values if you want to use a special IM proxy server, like SIMP"
     20504msgid ""
     20505"Only modify these values if you want to use a special IM proxy server, like "
    1983220507msgstr ""
    1985320528#. +> trunk stable
    1985420529#: protocols/qq/ui/qqeditaccountui.ui:503
    19855 msgid "This option will notify you when a contact starts typing their message, before the message is sent or finished."
     20530msgid ""
     20531"This option will notify you when a contact starts typing their message, "
     20532"before the message is sent or finished."
    1985620533msgstr ""
    1986620543#: protocols/qq/ui/qqeditaccountui.ui:533
    1986720544msgid ""
    19868 "<qt><p>Indicate when Kopete will download the display pictures of contacts</p>\n"
    19869 "<dl><dt>Only manually</dt><dd>The picture is not downloaded automatically. It is only downloaded when the user requests it</dd>\n"
    19870 "<dt>When a chat is open</dt><dd>The picture is downloaded when a conversation socket is opened, i.e. when you open a chat window</dd>\n"
    19871 "<dt>Automatically</dt><dd>Always try to download the picture if the contact has one.  <b>Note:</b> this will open a socket, and let the user know you are downloading their picture.</dd></dl>"
     20545"<qt><p>Indicate when Kopete will download the display pictures of contacts</p>"
     20547"<dl><dt>Only manually</dt><dd>The picture is not downloaded automatically. It "
     20548"is only downloaded when the user requests it</dd>\n"
     20549"<dt>When a chat is open</dt><dd>The picture is downloaded when a conversation "
     20550"socket is opened, i.e. when you open a chat window</dd>\n"
     20551"<dt>Automatically</dt><dd>Always try to download the picture if the contact "
     20552"has one.  <b>Note:</b> this will open a socket, and let the user know you are "
     20553"downloading their picture.</dd></dl>"
    1987220554msgstr ""
    1988320565msgid ""
    1988420566"<qt><p>Indicate when Kopete will download the pictures of contacts</p>\n"
    19885 "<dl><dt>Only manually</dt><dd>The picture is not downloaded automatically. It is only downloaded when the user requests it</dd>\n"
    19886 "<dt>When a chat is open</dt><dd>The picture is downloaded when a conversation socket is opened, i.e. when you open a chat window</dd>\n"
    19887 "<dt>Automatically</dt><dd>Always try to download the picture if the contact has one.  <b>Note:</b> this will open a socket, and let the user know you are downloading their picture.</dd></dl>"
     20567"<dl><dt>Only manually</dt><dd>The picture is not downloaded automatically. It "
     20568"is only downloaded when the user requests it</dd>\n"
     20569"<dt>When a chat is open</dt><dd>The picture is downloaded when a conversation "
     20570"socket is opened, i.e. when you open a chat window</dd>\n"
     20571"<dt>Automatically</dt><dd>Always try to download the picture if the contact "
     20572"has one.  <b>Note:</b> this will open a socket, and let the user know you are "
     20573"downloading their picture.</dd></dl>"
    1988820574msgstr ""
    1990920595#. +> trunk stable
    1991020596#: protocols/qq/ui/qqeditaccountui.ui:579
    19911 msgid "QQ Messenger allows users to download and use custom emoticons. If this option is enabled, Kopete will download and display such emoticons."
     20597msgid ""
     20598"QQ Messenger allows users to download and use custom emoticons. If this "
     20599"option is enabled, Kopete will download and display such emoticons."
    1991220600msgstr ""
    1992120609#. +> trunk stable
    1992220610#: protocols/qq/ui/qqeditaccountui.ui:592
    19923 msgid "Export all the emoticon themes as custom emoticons (only works for emoticons in the PNG format)."
     20611msgid ""
     20612"Export all the emoticon themes as custom emoticons (only works for emoticons "
     20613"in the PNG format)."
    1992420614msgstr ""
    2031021000msgid ""
    2031121001"Could not launch Skype.\n"
    20312 "You need to install the original dynamic linked Skype version 2.0 binary from"
     21002"You need to install the original dynamic linked Skype version 2.0 binary from "
    2031321004msgstr ""
    2031821009msgid ""
    2031921010"Could not find Skype.\n"
    20320 "You need to install the original dynamic linked Skype version 2.0 binary from"
     21011"You need to install the original dynamic linked Skype version 2.0 binary from "
    2032121013msgstr ""
    2040721099#. +> trunk stable
    2040821100#: protocols/skype/skypeaddcontact.cpp:79
    20409 msgid "Contact echo123 is not needed. You can make test call in Skype protocol actions."
     21101msgid ""
     21102"Contact echo123 is not needed. You can make test call in Skype protocol "
    2041021104msgstr ""
    2049921193#. +> trunk stable
    2050021194#: protocols/skype/skypecalldialog.cpp:222
    20501 msgctxt "Early media means the media played before the call is established. For example it can be a calling tone or a waiting message such as all operators are busy."
     21195msgctxt ""
     21196"Early media means the media played before the call is established. For "
     21197"example it can be a calling tone or a waiting message such as all operators "
     21198"are busy."
    2050221199msgid "Early media (waiting for operator...)"
    2050321200msgstr ""
    2064221339#. +> trunk stable
    2064321340#: protocols/skype/ui/skypecalldialogbase.ui:17
    20644 msgid "Name of the other participant in the call (or a list of names if it is a conference call.)"
     21341msgid ""
     21342"Name of the other participant in the call (or a list of names if it is a "
     21343"conference call.)"
    2064521344msgstr ""
    2067721376#. +> trunk stable
    2067821377#: protocols/skype/ui/skypecalldialogbase.ui:93
    20679 msgid "Total length of the call/<br />(i.e. both time speaking and time on hold.)"
     21378msgid ""
     21379"Total length of the call/<br />(i.e. both time speaking and time on hold.)"
    2068021380msgstr ""
    2081821518#. +> trunk stable
    2081921519#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:72
    20820 msgid "The Skype plugin serves as a bridge to an externally running copy of Skype. This has some consequences on how it functions: you need an instance of Skype to be running, and only one Skype account can be used.<br /><br />Note that you need to install the original dynamic linked Skype version 2.0 or 2.1 from <a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />This plugin will only work if the language in the Skype client set to English. Kopete shows notifications (incoming call, message, ...), so you can turn off the notifications in Skype."
     21520msgid ""
     21521"The Skype plugin serves as a bridge to an externally running copy of Skype. "
     21522"This has some consequences on how it functions: you need an instance of Skype "
     21523"to be running, and only one Skype account can be used.<br /><br />Note that "
     21524"you need to install the original dynamic linked Skype version 2.0 or 2.1 from "
     21525"<a href=\"\"></a><br /><br />This "
     21526"plugin will only work if the language in the Skype client set to English. "
     21527"Kopete shows notifications (incoming call, message, ...), so you can turn off "
     21528"the notifications in Skype."
    2082121529msgstr ""
    2090321611#. +> trunk stable
    2090421612#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:280
    20905 msgid "If you get error that Skype was not found, but in fact it is running, check the instructions at <a href=\"\"></a>.<br /><br />Note that only the dynamic linked Skype binary is supported."
     21613msgid ""
     21614"If you get error that Skype was not found, but in fact it is running, check "
     21615"the instructions at <a href=\""
     21617"com/Docs/ApiDoc/Skype_API_on_Linux</a>.<br /><br />Note that only the dynamic "
     21618"linked Skype binary is supported."
    2090621619msgstr ""
    2090921622#. +> trunk stable
    2091021623#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:316
    20911 msgid "Each application that wants to use Skype must provide its name to it, and the user is asked whether to allow said application to access Skype.<br>By default, kopete provides kopete as its name, but if you suspect another application is accessing Skype with this name, you can change the name Kopete uses here, and then within Skype disallow applications that refer to themselves as kopete."
     21624msgid ""
     21625"Each application that wants to use Skype must provide its name to it, and the "
     21626"user is asked whether to allow said application to access Skype.<br>By "
     21627"default, kopete provides kopete as its name, but if you suspect another "
     21628"application is accessing Skype with this name, you can change the name Kopete "
     21629"uses here, and then within Skype disallow applications that refer to "
     21630"themselves as kopete."
    2091221631msgstr ""
    2092721646#. +> trunk stable
    2092821647#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:345
    20929 msgid "Which D-Bus do you want to use to connect to Skype?<br>Session: Your own, other people cannot use it (use --use-session-dbus to start Skype on that bus.)<br>System: Shared by all people on the same computer. This one is used by default by Skype.<br>You have to specify the same D-Bus used by Skype."
     21648msgid ""
     21649"Which D-Bus do you want to use to connect to Skype?<br>Session: Your own, "
     21650"other people cannot use it (use --use-session-dbus to start Skype on that bus."
     21651")<br>System: Shared by all people on the same computer. This one is used by "
     21652"default by Skype.<br>You have to specify the same D-Bus used by Skype."
    2093021653msgstr ""
    2095421677#. +> trunk stable
    2095521678#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:374
    20956 msgid "Note that Kopete will freeze while Skype asks you if it can allow Kopete to access it. This is normal, and if you allow it forever (check that \"Remember\" checkbox in Skype's dialog), it will not happen again.<br /><br />The 'System Bus' option is not yet supported by Skype"
     21679msgid ""
     21680"Note that Kopete will freeze while Skype asks you if it can allow Kopete to "
     21681"access it. This is normal, and if you allow it forever (check that "
     21682"\"Remember\" checkbox in Skype's dialog), it will not happen again.<br /><br "
     21683"/>The 'System Bus' option is not yet supported by Skype"
    2095721684msgstr ""
    2097221699#. +> trunk stable
    2097321700#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:413
    20974 msgid "This will show all incoming Skype messages. If this is off, they are showed only if the message belongs to chat that is started by kopete."
     21701msgid ""
     21702"This will show all incoming Skype messages. If this is off, they are showed "
     21703"only if the message belongs to chat that is started by kopete."
    2097521704msgstr ""
    2098421713#. +> trunk stable
    2098521714#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:426
    20986 msgid "This will mark incoming messages as read, so if you have Skype set up not to automatically pop-up chats, it will not flash the exclamation icon."
     21715msgid ""
     21716"This will mark incoming messages as read, so if you have Skype set up not to "
     21717"automatically pop-up chats, it will not flash the exclamation icon."
    2098721718msgstr ""
    2099621727#. +> trunk stable
    2099721728#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:439
    20998 msgid "If this is checked, Kopete will ask Skype on login if it has any messages that have not been shown, and if so, will show them. This is useful if you start Kopete later than Skype, and Skype is configured not to show incoming messages."
     21729msgid ""
     21730"If this is checked, Kopete will ask Skype on login if it has any messages "
     21731"that have not been shown, and if so, will show them. This is useful if you "
     21732"start Kopete later than Skype, and Skype is configured not to show incoming "
    2099921734msgstr ""
    2101421749#. +> trunk stable
    2101521750#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:455
    21016 msgid "This will show a call control window for every call (both incoming and outgoing). If it is off, you can call from Kopete, but you have to control that call from Skype."
     21751msgid ""
     21752"This will show a call control window for every call (both incoming and "
     21753"outgoing). If it is off, you can call from Kopete, but you have to control "
     21754"that call from Skype."
    2101721755msgstr ""
    2103221770#. +> trunk stable
    2103321771#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:489
    21034 msgid "This will close the call control window automatically when the call finishes"
     21772msgid ""
     21773"This will close the call control window automatically when the call finishes"
    2103521774msgstr ""
    2105121790#. +> trunk stable
    2105221791#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:607
    21053 msgid "If this is enabled, Kopete keeps track of whether or not Skype is running."
     21792msgid ""
     21793"If this is enabled, Kopete keeps track of whether or not Skype is running."
    2105421794msgstr ""
    2105721797#. +> trunk stable
    2105821798#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:610
    21059 msgid "This keeps track of whether Skype is running. Turning this off only makes sense it you are trying to get non-flooded debug output."
     21799msgid ""
     21800"This keeps track of whether Skype is running. Turning this off only makes "
     21801"sense it you are trying to get non-flooded debug output."
    2106021802msgstr ""
    2107821820#. +> trunk stable
    2107921821#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:626
    21080 msgid "Do not leave a chat when the chat window is closed. Makes a difference only with multi-user chats: if it is checked, you will continue receiving messages from that chat even after closing the window."
     21822msgid ""
     21823"Do not leave a chat when the chat window is closed. Makes a difference only "
     21824"with multi-user chats: if it is checked, you will continue receiving messages "
     21825"from that chat even after closing the window."
    2108121826msgstr ""
    2109621841#. +> trunk stable
    2109721842#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:717
    21098 msgid "This will wait before making/accepting the call for the command to finish."
     21843msgid ""
     21844"This will wait before making/accepting the call for the command to finish."
    2109921845msgstr ""
    2110321849#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:721
    2110421850msgid ""
    21105 "This will wait for the command to finish before accepting/making the call.<br>\n"
     21851"This will wait for the command to finish before accepting/making the call.<br>"
    2110621853"Note that kopete will freeze whilst waiting."
    2110721854msgstr ""
    2112221869#. +> trunk stable
    2112321870#: protocols/skype/ui/skypeeditaccountbase.ui:791
    21124 msgid "Usually this makes no difference, but if there are some other calls on hold, it is executed only for the most recently ended one."
     21871msgid ""
     21872"Usually this makes no difference, but if there are some other calls on hold, "
     21873"it is executed only for the most recently ended one."
    2112521874msgstr ""
    2115121900#: protocols/sms/services/gsmlib.cpp:448
    2115221901#, kde-format
    21153 msgid "<qt>GSMLib is a library (and utilities) for sending SMS via a GSM device. The program can be found on <a href=\"%1\">%1</a></qt>"
     21902msgid ""
     21903"<qt>GSMLib is a library (and utilities) for sending SMS via a GSM device. The "
     21904"program can be found on <a href=\"%1\">%1</a></qt>"
    2115421905msgstr ""
    2117721928#: protocols/sms/services/smsclient.cpp:181
    2117821929#, kde-format
    21179 msgid "<qt>SMSClient is a program for sending SMS with the modem. The program can be found on <a href=\"%1\">%1</a></qt>"
     21930msgid ""
     21931"<qt>SMSClient is a program for sending SMS with the modem. The program can be "
     21932"found on <a href=\"%1\">%1</a></qt>"
    2118021933msgstr ""
    2121221965#. +> trunk stable
    2121321966#: protocols/sms/services/smssend.cpp:66
    21214 msgid "No prefix set for SMSSend, please change it in the configuration dialog."
     21967msgid ""
     21968"No prefix set for SMSSend, please change it in the configuration dialog."
    2121521969msgstr ""
    2122921983#: protocols/sms/services/smssend.cpp:243
    2123021984#, kde-format
    21231 msgid "<qt>SMSSend is a program for sending SMS through gateways on the web. It can be found on <a href=\"%1\">%2</a></qt>"
     21985msgid ""
     21986"<qt>SMSSend is a program for sending SMS through gateways on the web. It can "
     21987"be found on <a href=\"%1\">%2</a></qt>"
    2123221988msgstr ""
    2126322019#: protocols/sms/smsaccount.cpp:88
    2126422020#, kde-format
    21265 msgid "This message is longer than the maximum length (%1). Should it be divided to %2 messages?"
     22021msgid ""
     22022"This message is longer than the maximum length (%1). Should it be divided to %"
     22023"2 messages?"
    2126622024msgstr ""
    2133622094#. +> trunk stable
    2133722095#: protocols/sms/ui/smsactprefs.ui:108 protocols/sms/ui/smsactprefs.ui:143
    21338 msgid "The delivery service that you would like to use.  Note that you will need to have this software installed prior to using this account."
     22096msgid ""
     22097"The delivery service that you would like to use.  Note that you will need to "
     22098"have this software installed prior to using this account."
    2133922099msgstr ""
    2138022140#. +> trunk stable
    2138122141#: protocols/sms/ui/smsactprefs.ui:259 protocols/sms/ui/smsactprefs.ui:285
    21382 msgid "What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single SMS message."
     22142msgid ""
     22143"What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single "
     22144"SMS message."
    2138322145msgstr ""
    2138722149#. +> trunk stable
    2138822150#: protocols/sms/ui/smsactprefs.ui:262 protocols/sms/ui/smsactprefs.ui:288
    21389 msgid "What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single SMS message.  You can either choose to break it up into smaller messages automatically, cancel the message from being sent entirely, or have Kopete prompt you each time you enter a message that is too long."
     22151msgid ""
     22152"What should happen if you type a message that is too long to fit in a single "
     22153"SMS message.  You can either choose to break it up into smaller messages "
     22154"automatically, cancel the message from being sent entirely, or have Kopete "
     22155"prompt you each time you enter a message that is too long."
    2139022156msgstr ""
    2142322189#. +> trunk stable
    2142422190#: protocols/sms/ui/smsactprefs.ui:304
    21425 msgid "Check if you would like to enable phone number internationalization.  Without this option, you will only be able to use SMS for accounts within your country."
     22191msgid ""
     22192"Check if you would like to enable phone number internationalization.  Without "
     22193"this option, you will only be able to use SMS for accounts within your "
    2142622195msgstr ""
    2146622235#. +> trunk stable
    2146722236#: protocols/sms/ui/smsadd.ui:63 protocols/sms/ui/smsadd.ui:101
    21468 msgid "The telephone number of the contact you would like to add.  This should be a number with SMS service available."
     22237msgid ""
     22238"The telephone number of the contact you would like to add.  This should be a "
     22239"number with SMS service available."
    2146922240msgstr ""
    2149222263#. +> trunk stable
    2149322264#: protocols/sms/ui/smsuserprefs.ui:79 protocols/sms/ui/smsuserprefs.ui:90
    21494 msgid "The telephone number of the contact.  This should be a number with SMS service available."
     22265msgid ""
     22266"The telephone number of the contact.  This should be a number with SMS "
     22267"service available."
    2149522268msgstr ""
    2158722360#: protocols/winpopup/ui/wpaddcontactbase.ui:90
    2158822361#: protocols/winpopup/ui/wpaddcontactbase.ui:93
    21589 msgid "The workgroup or domain containing the computer to which you want to send WinPopup messages."
     22362msgid ""
     22363"The workgroup or domain containing the computer to which you want to send "
     22364"WinPopup messages."
    2159022365msgstr ""
    2160322378#: protocols/winpopup/ui/wpaddcontactbase.ui:150
    2160422379#: protocols/winpopup/ui/wpaddcontactbase.ui:153
    21605 msgid "The workgroup or domain containing the computer to which you want to send WinPopup messages"
     22380msgid ""