Mar 15, 2011, 9:25:20 PM (14 years ago)

Prijevod u kdebase-u (kstyle_config.po)

1 edited


  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/desktop_kdebase_kde-workspace.po

    r900 r902  
    77# Andrej Dundovic <andrej@dundovic.com.hr>, 2009, 2010.
    88# Nataša Dimitrijević <ndimitrijevich@gmail.com>, 2010.
     9# Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <marko@dimjasevic.net>, 2011.
    910msgid ""
    1011msgstr ""
    1213"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n"
    1314"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-15 08:55+0100\n"
    14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-11 10:12+0100\n"
    15 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <marko@dimjasevic.net>\n"
     15"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-15 21:21+0100\n"
     16"Last-Translator: Marko DimjaÅ¡ević <marko@dimjasevic.net>\n"
    1617"Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
    1718"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    1920"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    2021"Language: hr\n"
    21 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
     22"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
     23"=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    2224"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
    2325"X-Poedit-Language: Croatian\n"
    98100#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:170
    99101msgctxt "Comment"
    100 msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now active"
    101 msgstr "Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i aktivna je"
     102msgid ""
     103"A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now active"
     104msgstr ""
     105"Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i "
     106"aktivna je"
    103108#. +> trunk stable
    110115#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:323
    111116msgctxt "Comment"
    112 msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now inactive"
    113 msgstr "Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i viÅ¡e nije aktivna"
     117msgid ""
     118"A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has changed its state and is now inactive"
     119msgstr ""
     120"Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) promijenila je svoje stanje i viÅ¡e "
     121"nije aktivna"
    115123#. +> trunk stable
    122130#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:476
    123131msgctxt "Comment"
    124 msgid "A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has been locked and is now active for all of the following keypresses"
    125 msgstr "Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) zaključana je i aktivna je tijekom svih sljedećih pritisaka tipki"
     132msgid ""
     133"A modifier key (e.g. Shift or Ctrl) has been locked and is now active for all "
     134"of the following keypresses"
     135msgstr ""
     136"Tipka modifikatora (npr. SHIFT ili CTRL) zaključana je i aktivna je tijekom "
     137"svih sljedećih pritisaka tipki"
    127139#. +> trunk stable
    134146#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:630
    135147msgctxt "Comment"
    136 msgid "A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now active"
    137 msgstr "Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i aktivna je"
     148msgid ""
     149"A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now "
     151msgstr ""
     152"Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i "
     153"aktivna je"
    139155#. +> trunk stable
    146162#: kcontrol/access/kaccess.notifyrc:783
    147163msgctxt "Comment"
    148 msgid "A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now inactive"
    149 msgstr "Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i viÅ¡e nije aktivna"
     164msgid ""
     165"A lock key (e.g. Caps Lock or Num Lock) has changed its state and is now "
     167msgstr ""
     168"Tipka zaključavanja (npr. CapsLock ili NumLock) promijenila je svoje stanje i "
     169"viÅ¡e nije aktivna"
    151171#. +> trunk stable
    220240msgctxt "Comment"
    221241msgid "A configuration tool for managing which programs start up."
    222 msgstr "Konfiguracijski alat koji određuje koji će se programi pokretati prilikom pokretanja KDE-a."
     242msgstr ""
     243"Konfiguracijski alat koji određuje koji će se programi pokretati prilikom "
     244"pokretanja KDE-a."
    224246#. +> trunk stable
    569591#: kcontrol/style/style.desktop:105
    570592msgctxt "Comment"
    571 msgid "Allows the manipulation of widget behavior and changing the Style for KDE"
     593msgid ""
     594"Allows the manipulation of widget behavior and changing the Style for KDE"
    572595msgstr "Dopušta upravljanje ponašanja widgeta i izmjenu KDE stila"
    672695#: kdm/kcm/kcmkdm_actions.actions:113
    673696msgctxt "Description"
    674 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to change the Login Manager settings"
    675 msgstr "Administracijska je autorizacija potreba za promjenu postavki upravitelja prijavom"
     697msgid ""
     698"Administrator authorization is required to change the Login Manager settings"
     699msgstr ""
     700"Administracijska je autorizacija potreba za promjenu postavki upravitelja "
    677703#. +> trunk stable
    684710#: kdm/kcm/kcmkdm_actions.actions:219
    685711msgctxt "Description"
    686 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to manage user images for the Login Manager"
    687 msgstr "Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili korisničke slike u Upravitelju prijavom"
     712msgid ""
     713"Administrator authorization is required to manage user images for the Login "
     715msgstr ""
     716"Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili korisničke "
     717"slike u Upravitelju prijavom"
    689719#. +> trunk stable
    696726#: kdm/kcm/kcmkdm_actions.actions:327
    697727msgctxt "Description"
    698 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to manage themes for the Login Manager"
    699 msgstr "Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili teme Upravitelja prijave"
     728msgid ""
     729"Administrator authorization is required to manage themes for the Login Manager"
     730msgstr ""
     731"Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili teme "
     732"Upravitelja prijave"
    701734#. +> trunk stable
    738771#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/aewm++.desktop:92
    739772msgctxt "Comment"
    740 msgid "A minimal window manager based on AEWM, enhanced by virtual desktops and partial GNOME support"
    741 msgstr "Minimalistički upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AEWM, unaprijeđen virtualnim radnim povrÅ¡inama i djelomičnom podrÅ¡kom za GNOME"
     773msgid ""
     774"A minimal window manager based on AEWM, enhanced by virtual desktops and "
     775"partial GNOME support"
     776msgstr ""
     777"Minimalistički upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AEWM, unaprijeđen virtualnim "
     778"radnim povrÅ¡inama i djelomičnom podrÅ¡kom za GNOME"
    743780#. +> trunk stable
    763800msgctxt "Comment"
    764801msgid "A window manager with the NeXTStep look and feel, based on FVWM"
    765 msgstr "Upravitelj prozora s NeXTStep izgledom i načinom rada, zasnovan na FVWM-u"
     802msgstr ""
     803"Upravitelj prozora s NeXTStep izgledom i načinom rada, zasnovan na FVWM-u"
    767805#. +> trunk stable
    799837msgctxt "Comment"
    800838msgid "AfterStep Classic, a window manager based on AfterStep v1.1"
    801 msgstr "Klasični AfterStep, upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AfterStepu verzija 1.1"
     839msgstr ""
     840"Klasični AfterStep, upravitelj prozora zasnovan na AfterStepu verzija 1.1"
    803842#. +> trunk stable
    834873#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/cde.desktop:94
    835874msgctxt "Comment"
    836 msgid "The Common Desktop Environment, a proprietary industry standard desktop environment"
    837 msgstr "Opće okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine, standardizirano industrijskim vlasniÅ¡tvima"
     875msgid ""
     876"The Common Desktop Environment, a proprietary industry standard desktop "
     878msgstr ""
     879"Opće okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine, standardizirano industrijskim vlasniÅ¡tvima"
    839881#. +> trunk stable
    847889msgctxt "Comment"
    848890msgid "Claude's Tab Window Manager, TWM enhanced by virtual screens, etc."
    849 msgstr "Claudov Tab upravitelj prozora, TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima, itd."
     891msgstr ""
     892"Claudov Tab upravitelj prozora, TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima, itd."
    851894#. +> trunk stable
    902945msgctxt "Comment"
    903946msgid "A highly configurable and low resource window manager based on Blackbox"
    904 msgstr "Visoko konfigurabilan upravitelj prozora, male potroÅ¡nje resursa, zasnovan na Blackbox-u"
     947msgstr ""
     948"Visoko konfigurabilan upravitelj prozora, male potroÅ¡nje resursa, zasnovan na "
    906951#. +> trunk stable
    926971msgctxt "Comment"
    927972msgid "A powerful ICCCM-compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager"
    928 msgstr "Comment=Moćni, ICCCM kompatibilan, upravitelj prozora s viÅ¡e virtualnih radnih povrÅ¡ina"
     973msgstr ""
     974"Comment=Moćni, ICCCM kompatibilan, upravitelj prozora s viÅ¡e virtualnih "
     975"radnih povrÅ¡ina"
    930977#. +> trunk stable
    949996#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/gnome.desktop:92
    950997msgctxt "Comment"
    951 msgid "The GNU Network Object Model Environment. A complete, free and easy-to-use desktop environment"
    952 msgstr "GNOME – GNU Network Object Model Environment – Cjelokupno, besplatno i jednostavno okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine"
     998msgid ""
     999"The GNU Network Object Model Environment. A complete, free and easy-to-use "
     1000"desktop environment"
     1001msgstr ""
     1002"GNOME – GNU Network Object Model Environment – Cjelokupno, besplatno i "
     1003"jednostavno okruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine"
    9541005#. +> trunk stable
    9861037msgctxt "Comment"
    9871038msgid "A keyboard-friendly window manager with tiled windows, based on PWM"
    988 msgstr "Comment=Upravitelj prozora s popločenim prozorima, namijenjen tipkovnici i zasnovan na PWM-u"
     1039msgstr ""
     1040"Comment=Upravitelj prozora s popločenim prozorima, namijenjen tipkovnici i "
     1041"zasnovan na PWM-u"
    9901043#. +> trunk stable
    10101063msgctxt "Comment"
    10111064msgid "The Lightweight Window Manager. A non-configurable, bare window manager"
    1012 msgstr "LWM – Lightweight Window Manager (Lagani upravitelj prozora) – Temeljni upravitelj prozora bez mogućnosti konfiguriranja"
     1065msgstr ""
     1066"LWM – Lightweight Window Manager (Lagani upravitelj prozora) – Temeljni "
     1067"upravitelj prozora bez mogućnosti konfiguriranja"
    10141069#. +> trunk stable
    10691124#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/olvwm.desktop:92
    10701125msgctxt "Comment"
    1071 msgid "The OpenLook Virtual Window Manager. OLWM enhanced for handling of virtual desktops"
    1072 msgstr "OpenLook virtualni upravitelj prozora – OLWM unaprijeđen mogućnošću rukovanja s virtualnim radnim povrÅ¡inama"
     1126msgid ""
     1127"The OpenLook Virtual Window Manager. OLWM enhanced for handling of virtual "
     1129msgstr ""
     1130"OpenLook virtualni upravitelj prozora – OLWM unaprijeđen mogućnošću rukovanja "
     1131"s virtualnim radnim povrÅ¡inama"
    10741133#. +> trunk stable
    11291188#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/pwm.desktop:91
    11301189msgctxt "Comment"
    1131 msgid "A lightweight window manager able to attach multiple windows to one frame"
    1132 msgstr "Lagani upravitelj prozora koji jednom okviru moÅŸe pridodati viÅ¡e prozora"
     1190msgid ""
     1191"A lightweight window manager able to attach multiple windows to one frame"
     1192msgstr ""
     1193"Lagani upravitelj prozora koji jednom okviru moÅŸe pridodati viÅ¡e prozora"
    11341195#. +> trunk stable
    11541215msgctxt "Comment"
    11551216msgid "A simple keyboard-only window manager modeled after Screen"
    1156 msgstr "Jednostavan, samo za tipkovnicu, upravitelj prozora napravljen prema Screenu"
     1217msgstr ""
     1218"Jednostavan, samo za tipkovnicu, upravitelj prozora napravljen prema Screenu"
    11581220#. +> trunk stable
    11771239#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/sawfish.desktop:92
    11781240msgctxt "Comment"
    1179 msgid "An extensible window manager scriptable with an Emacs Lisp-like language"
     1241msgid ""
     1242"An extensible window manager scriptable with an Emacs Lisp-like language"
    11801243msgstr "Proširivi upravitelj prozora pisan u skripti nalik na jezik Emacs Lisp"
    12141277msgctxt "Comment"
    12151278msgid "The Virtual Tab Window Manager. TWM enhanced by virtual screens, etc."
    1216 msgstr "Comment=Virtual Tab Window Manager. TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima itd."
     1279msgstr ""
     1280"Comment=Virtual Tab Window Manager. TWM poboljÅ¡an virtualnim zaslonima itd."
    12181282#. +> trunk stable
    12251289#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/w9wm.desktop:92
    12261290msgctxt "Comment"
    1227 msgid "A window manager based on 9WM, enhanced by virtual screens and keyboard bindings"
    1228 msgstr "Upravitelj prozora zasnovan na 9WM, unaprijeđen virtualnim zaslonima i prečacima tipkovnice"
     1291msgid ""
     1292"A window manager based on 9WM, enhanced by virtual screens and keyboard "
     1294msgstr ""
     1295"Upravitelj prozora zasnovan na 9WM, unaprijeđen virtualnim zaslonima i "
     1296"prečacima tipkovnice"
    12301298#. +> trunk stable
    12621330msgctxt "Comment"
    12631331msgid "A simple window manager that resembles the NeXTStep look very closely"
    1264 msgstr "Jednostavan upravitelj prozora koji odraÅŸava vrlo blisko izgled NeXTStepa"
     1332msgstr ""
     1333"Jednostavan upravitelj prozora koji odraÅŸava vrlo blisko izgled NeXTStepa"
    12661335#. +> trunk stable
    12731342#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/xfce.desktop:92
    12741343msgctxt "Comment"
    1275 msgid "The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment. A desktop environment reminiscent of CDE"
    1276 msgstr "Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine koje podsjeća na CDE"
     1344msgid ""
     1345"The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment. A desktop environment reminiscent "
     1346"of CDE"
     1347msgstr ""
     1348"Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine koje podsjeća "
     1349"na CDE"
    12781351#. +> trunk
    12941367#: kdm/kfrontend/sessions/xfce4.desktop:91
    12951368msgctxt "Comment"
    1296 msgid "The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment, version 4. A desktop environment reminiscent of CDE"
    1297 msgstr "Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment verzija 4 – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine koje podsjeća na CDE"
     1369msgid ""
     1370"The Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment, version 4. A desktop environment "
     1371"reminiscent of CDE"
     1372msgstr ""
     1373"Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment verzija 4 – OkruÅŸenje radne povrÅ¡ine "
     1374"koje podsjeća na CDE"
    12991376#. +> trunk stable
    13851462#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:5
    13861463msgctxt "Comment"
    1387 msgid "This group contains various examples demonstrating most of the features of KHotkeys. (Note that this group and all its actions are disabled by default.)"
    1388 msgstr "Ova grupa sadrÅŸi razne primjere koji pokazuju većinu mogućnosti KHotkeysa. (Primijetite da je ta grupa i sve njene akcije na početku onemogućena.)"
     1464msgid ""
     1465"This group contains various examples demonstrating most of the features of "
     1466"KHotkeys. (Note that this group and all its actions are disabled by default.)"
     1467msgstr ""
     1468"Ova grupa sadrÅŸi razne primjere koji pokazuju većinu mogućnosti KHotkeysa. "
     1469"(Primijetite da je ta grupa i sve njene akcije na početku onemogućena.)"
    13901471#. +> trunk stable
    13971478#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:167
    13981479msgctxt "Comment"
    1399 msgid "After pressing Ctrl+Alt+I, the KSIRC window will be activated, if it exists. Simple."
    1400 msgstr "Nakon pritiska tipaka Ctrl+Alt+I, KSIRC prozor će biti akticiran, ako postoji. Jednostavno."
     1480msgid ""
     1481"After pressing Ctrl+Alt+I, the KSIRC window will be activated, if it exists. "
     1483msgstr ""
     1484"Nakon pritiska tipaka Ctrl+Alt+I, KSIRC prozor će biti akticiran, ako postoji."
     1485" Jednostavno."
    14021487#. +> trunk stable
    14211506#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:595
    14221507msgctxt "Comment"
    1423 msgid "After pressing Alt+Ctrl+H the input of 'Hello' will be simulated, as if you typed it.  This is especially useful if you have call to frequently type a word (for instance, 'unsigned').  Every keypress in the input is separated by a colon ':'. Note that the keypresses literally mean keypresses, so you have to write what you would press on the keyboard. In the table below, the left column shows the input and the right column shows what to type.\\n\\n\"enter\" (i.e. new line)                Enter or Return\\na (i.e. small a)                          A\\nA (i.e. capital a)                       Shift+A\\n: (colon)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  (space)                              Space"
    1424 msgstr "Nakon pritiska tipaka Alt+Ctrl+H, ulaz \"Zdravo\" će biti simuliran, kao da ste ga upisali. Ovo je posebno korisno ako često trebate pisati istu riječ (na primjer, 'unsigned').  Svaki pritisak tipke u ulazu je odvojen s dvotočkom ':'. Primjetite da pritisci tipke doslovno znače pritisak tipke, tako da morate napisati ono Å¡to biste pritisnuli na tipkovnici. U tablici ispod, lijevi stupac prikazuje ulaz, a desni prikazuje Å¡to treba upisati\\n\\n\"enter\" (tj. novi red)                Enter ili Return\\na (tj. malo a)                          A\\nA (tj. veliko a)                       Shift+A\\n: (dvotočka)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  (razmak)                              Space"
     1508msgid ""
     1509"After pressing Alt+Ctrl+H the input of 'Hello' will be simulated, as if you "
     1510"typed it.  This is especially useful if you have call to frequently type a "
     1511"word (for instance, 'unsigned').  Every keypress in the input is separated by "
     1512"a colon ':'. Note that the keypresses literally mean keypresses, so you have "
     1513"to write what you would press on the keyboard. In the table below, the left "
     1514"column shows the input and the right column shows what to type."
     1515"\\n\\n\"enter\" (i.e. new line)                Enter or Return\\na (i.e. "
     1516"small a)                          A\\nA (i.e. capital a)                      "
     1517" Shift+A\\n: (colon)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  (space)  "
     1518"                            Space"
     1519msgstr ""
     1520"Nakon pritiska tipaka Alt+Ctrl+H, ulaz \"Zdravo\" će biti simuliran, kao da "
     1521"ste ga upisali. Ovo je posebno korisno ako često trebate pisati istu riječ "
     1522"(na primjer, 'unsigned').  Svaki pritisak tipke u ulazu je odvojen s "
     1523"dvotočkom ':'. Primjetite da pritisci tipke doslovno znače pritisak tipke, "
     1524"tako da morate napisati ono Å¡to biste pritisnuli na tipkovnici. U tablici "
     1525"ispod, lijevi stupac prikazuje ulaz, a desni prikazuje Å¡to treba "
     1526"upisati\\n\\n\"enter\" (tj. novi red)                Enter ili Return\\na (tj."
     1527" malo a)                          A\\nA (tj. veliko a)                       "
     1528"Shift+A\\n: (dvotočka)                                  Shift+;\\n' '  "
     1529"(razmak)                              Space"
    14261531#. +> trunk stable
    14481553#| msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    14491554msgctxt "Comment"
    1450 msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in Qt Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    1451 msgstr "Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj naslov."
     1555msgid ""
     1556"Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses "
     1557"Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for "
     1558"going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in Qt Designer.  "
     1559"Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the "
     1560"window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when "
     1561"the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time "
     1562"Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other "
     1563"applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify "
     1564"three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action "
     1565"sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer."
     1566"\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the "
     1567"condition will check for the active window having that title."
     1568msgstr ""
     1569"Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner "
     1570"koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica "
     1571"za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt "
     1572"dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za "
     1573"zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate "
     1574"Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan "
     1575"prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti "
     1576"poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje "
     1577"nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice "
     1578"na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti "
     1579"aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt "
     1580"Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj "
    14531583#. +> stable
    14571587#| msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    14581588msgctxt "Comment"
    1459 msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer.\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the condition will check for the active window having that title."
    1460 msgstr "Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj naslov."
     1589msgid ""
     1590"Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nQt Designer uses "
     1591"Ctrl+F4 for closing windows.  In KDE, however, Ctrl+F4 is the shortcut for "
     1592"going to virtual desktop 4, so this shortcut does not work in QT Designer.  "
     1593"Further, Qt Designer does not use KDE's standard Ctrl+W for closing the "
     1594"window.\\n\\nThis problem can be solved by remapping Ctrl+W to Ctrl+F4 when "
     1595"the active window is Qt Designer. When Qt Designer is active, every time "
     1596"Ctrl+W is pressed, Ctrl+F4 will be sent to Qt Designer instead. In other "
     1597"applications, the effect of Ctrl+W is unchanged.\\n\\nWe now need to specify "
     1598"three things: A new shortcut trigger on 'Ctrl+W', a new keyboard input action "
     1599"sending Ctrl+F4, and a new condition that the active window is Qt Designer."
     1600"\\nQt Designer seems to always have title 'Qt Designer by Trolltech', so the "
     1601"condition will check for the active window having that title."
     1602msgstr ""
     1603"Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nQt dizajner "
     1604"koristi Ctrl+F4 za zatvaranje prozora. U KDE-u, međutim, Ctrl+F4 je prečica "
     1605"za prijelaz na virtualnu radnu povrÅ¡inu 4, tako da ta prečica ne radi u Qt "
     1606"dizajneru. Nadalje, Qt dizajner ne koristi KDE-ov standard Ctrl+W za "
     1607"zatvaranje prozora.\\n\\nTaj problem moÅŸe biti rijeÅ¡en tako da premapirate "
     1608"Ctrl+W u Ctrl+F4 kad je aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera. Onda, ako je aktivan "
     1609"prozor Qt dizajnera, svaki put kad će biti pritisnuto Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 će biti "
     1610"poslano Qt dizajneru. U drugim aplikacijama, efekt Ctrl+W-a ostaje "
     1611"nepromijenjen.\\n\\nSada trebamo definirati tri stvari: novi okidač prečice "
     1612"na 'Ctrl+W', novu akciju slanja ulaza Ctrl+F4, i novi uvjet da mora biti "
     1613"aktivan prozor Qt dizajnera.\\nČini se da Qt dizajner uvijek ima naslov 'Qt "
     1614"Designer by Trolltech', pa će uvjet za provjeru aktivnog prozora imati taj "
    14621617#. +> trunk stable
    14751630#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:1293
    14761631msgctxt "Comment"
    1477 msgid "By pressing Alt+Ctrl+W a D-Bus call will be performed that will show the minicli. You can use any kind of D-Bus call, just like using the command line 'qdbus' tool."
    1478 msgstr "Pritiskom na Alt+Ctrl+W bit će izveden poziv D-Busa koji će prikazati minicli. MoÅŸete koristiti bilo koju vrstu D-Bus poziva, baÅ¡ kao da koristite konzolni alat 'qdbus'."
     1632msgid ""
     1633"By pressing Alt+Ctrl+W a D-Bus call will be performed that will show the "
     1634"minicli. You can use any kind of D-Bus call, just like using the command line "
     1635"'qdbus' tool."
     1636msgstr ""
     1637"Pritiskom na Alt+Ctrl+W bit će izveden poziv D-Busa koji će prikazati minicli."
     1638" MoÅŸete koristiti bilo koju vrstu D-Bus poziva, baÅ¡ kao da koristite konzolni "
     1639"alat 'qdbus'."
    14801641#. +> trunk stable
    14871648#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:1492
    14881649msgctxt "Comment"
    1489 msgid "Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nJust like the \"Type 'Hello'\" action, this one simulates keyboard input, specifically, after pressing Ctrl+Alt+B, it sends B to XMMS (B in XMMS jumps to the next song). The 'Send to specific window' checkbox is checked and a window with its class containing 'XMMS_Player' is specified; this will make the input always be sent to this window. This way, you can control XMMS even if, for instance, it is on a different virtual desktop.\\n\\n(Run 'xprop' and click on the XMMS window and search for WM_CLASS to see 'XMMS_Player')."
    1490 msgstr "Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nBaÅ¡ kao i u \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciji, ova će isto simulirati ulaz s tipkovnice. Točnije, nakon pritiska Ctrl+Alt+B, poslat će B XMMS-u (B u XMMS-u prelazi na sljedeću pjesmu). Kućica 'PoÅ¡alji određenom prozoru' je uključena i prozor sa klasom 'XMMS_Player' je definiran – to će osigurati da se ulaz uvijek poÅ¡alje tom prozoru. Na taj način, moÅŸete upravljati XMMS-om čak i ako je, na primjer, na drugoj virtualnoj radnoj povrÅ¡ini.\\n\\n(Pokrenite 'xprop' i kliknite na prozor XMMS-a i potraÅŸite WM_CLASS da biste vidjeli 'XMMS_Player')."
     1650msgid ""
     1651"Read the comment on the \"Type 'Hello'\" action first.\\n\\nJust like the "
     1652"\"Type 'Hello'\" action, this one simulates keyboard input, specifically, "
     1653"after pressing Ctrl+Alt+B, it sends B to XMMS (B in XMMS jumps to the next "
     1654"song). The 'Send to specific window' checkbox is checked and a window with "
     1655"its class containing 'XMMS_Player' is specified; this will make the input "
     1656"always be sent to this window. This way, you can control XMMS even if, for "
     1657"instance, it is on a different virtual desktop.\\n\\n(Run 'xprop' and click "
     1658"on the XMMS window and search for WM_CLASS to see 'XMMS_Player')."
     1659msgstr ""
     1660"Prvo pročitajte komentar na \"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciju.\\n\\nBaÅ¡ kao i u "
     1661"\"NapiÅ¡i 'Zdravo'\" akciji, ova će isto simulirati ulaz s tipkovnice. "
     1662"Točnije, nakon pritiska Ctrl+Alt+B, poslat će B XMMS-u (B u XMMS-u prelazi na "
     1663"sljedeću pjesmu). Kućica 'PoÅ¡alji određenom prozoru' je uključena i prozor sa "
     1664"klasom 'XMMS_Player' je definiran – to će osigurati da se ulaz uvijek poÅ¡alje "
     1665"tom prozoru. Na taj način, moÅŸete upravljati XMMS-om čak i ako je, na "
     1666"primjer, na drugoj virtualnoj radnoj povrÅ¡ini.\\n\\n(Pokrenite 'xprop' i "
     1667"kliknite na prozor XMMS-a i potraÅŸite WM_CLASS da biste vidjeli "
    14921670#. +> trunk stable
    15111689#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:1898
    15121690msgctxt "Comment"
    1513 msgid "Konqueror in KDE3.1 has tabs, and now you can also have gestures.\\n\\nJust press the middle mouse button and start drawing one of the gestures, and after you are finished, release the mouse button. If you only need to paste the selection, it still works, just click the middle mouse button. (You can change the mouse button to use in the global settings).\\n\\nRight now, there are the following gestures available:\\nmove right and back left - Forward (Alt+Right)\\nmove left and back right - Back (Alt+Left)\\nmove up and back down  - Up (Alt+Up)\\ncircle anticlockwise - Reload (F5)\\n\\nThe gesture shapes can be entered by performing them in the configuration dialog. You can also look at your numeric pad to help you: gestures are recognized like a 3x3 grid of fields, numbered 1 to 9.\\n\\nNote that you must perform exactly the gesture to trigger the action. Because of this, it is possible to enter more gestures for the action. You should try to avoid complicated gestures where you change the direction of mouse movement more than once.  For instance, 45654 or 74123 are simple to perform, but 1236987 may be already quite difficult.\\n\\nThe conditions for all gestures are defined in this group. All these gestures are active only if the active window is Konqueror (class contains 'konqueror')."
    1514 msgstr "Konqueror u KDE-u 3.1 ima kartice, a sad moÅŸete također imati i kretnje.\\n\\nSamo pritisnite srednju tipku miÅ¡a i počnite crtati neku od kretnji, a nakon Å¡to zavrÅ¡ite, pustite srednju tipku miÅ¡a. Ako samo trebate zalijepiti odabranu stavku, to i dalje radi, samo kliknite srednjom tipkom miÅ¡a. (U globalnim postavkama moÅŸete odrediti koju tipku miÅ¡a ÅŸelite koristiti).\\n\\nTrenutno su dostupne slijedeće kretnje:\\npomaknite desno pa natrag lijevo – Naprijed (Alt+Desno)\\npomaknite lijevo pa natrag desno – Natrag (Alt+Lijevo)\\npomaknite gore pa natrag dolje – Gore (Alt+Gore)\\nkrug u smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu – Ponovno učitavanje (F5)\\n\\nLikovi kretnji se mogu unijeti tako da ih izvedete u konfiguracijskom dialogu. Također moÅŸete baciti pogled na vaÅ¡ numerički dio tipkovnice za pomoć: kretnje se prepoznaju kao 3x3 mreÅŸa polja, numeriranih od 1 do 9.\\n\\nPrimijetite da morate izvesti točnu kretnju za pokretanje akcije. Zbog toga, moguće je unijeti viÅ¡e kretnji za neku akciju. Trebali biste izbjegavati komplicirane kretnje gdje smjer kretnje miÅ¡a mijenjate viÅ¡e od jednom. Na primjer, 45654 ili 74123 je jednostavno izvesti, ali 1236987 bi već moglo biti prilično teÅ¡ko.\\n\\nUvjeti svih kretnji su definirane u ovoj grupi. Sve ove kretnje su aktivne samo ako je aktivni prozor Konqueror (klasa sadrÅŸi 'konqueror')."
     1691msgid ""
     1692"Konqueror in KDE3.1 has tabs, and now you can also have gestures.\\n\\nJust "
     1693"press the middle mouse button and start drawing one of the gestures, and "
     1694"after you are finished, release the mouse button. If you only need to paste "
     1695"the selection, it still works, just click the middle mouse button. (You can "
     1696"change the mouse button to use in the global settings).\\n\\nRight now, there "
     1697"are the following gestures available:\\nmove right and back left - Forward "
     1698"(Alt+Right)\\nmove left and back right - Back (Alt+Left)\\nmove up and back "
     1699"down  - Up (Alt+Up)\\ncircle anticlockwise - Reload (F5)\\n\\nThe gesture "
     1700"shapes can be entered by performing them in the configuration dialog. You can "
     1701"also look at your numeric pad to help you: gestures are recognized like a 3x3 "
     1702"grid of fields, numbered 1 to 9.\\n\\nNote that you must perform exactly the "
     1703"gesture to trigger the action. Because of this, it is possible to enter more "
     1704"gestures for the action. You should try to avoid complicated gestures where "
     1705"you change the direction of mouse movement more than once.  For instance, "
     1706"45654 or 74123 are simple to perform, but 1236987 may be already quite "
     1707"difficult.\\n\\nThe conditions for all gestures are defined in this group. "
     1708"All these gestures are active only if the active window is Konqueror (class "
     1709"contains 'konqueror')."
     1710msgstr ""
     1711"Konqueror u KDE-u 3.1 ima kartice, a sad moÅŸete također imati i kretnje."
     1712"\\n\\nSamo pritisnite srednju tipku miÅ¡a i počnite crtati neku od kretnji, a "
     1713"nakon Å¡to zavrÅ¡ite, pustite srednju tipku miÅ¡a. Ako samo trebate zalijepiti "
     1714"odabranu stavku, to i dalje radi, samo kliknite srednjom tipkom miÅ¡a. (U "
     1715"globalnim postavkama moÅŸete odrediti koju tipku miÅ¡a ÅŸelite koristiti)."
     1716"\\n\\nTrenutno su dostupne slijedeće kretnje:\\npomaknite desno pa natrag "
     1717"lijevo – Naprijed (Alt+Desno)\\npomaknite lijevo pa natrag desno – Natrag "
     1718"(Alt+Lijevo)\\npomaknite gore pa natrag dolje – Gore (Alt+Gore)\\nkrug u "
     1719"smjeru suprotnom od kazaljke na satu – Ponovno učitavanje (F5)\\n\\nLikovi "
     1720"kretnji se mogu unijeti tako da ih izvedete u konfiguracijskom dialogu. "
     1721"Također moÅŸete baciti pogled na vaÅ¡ numerički dio tipkovnice za pomoć: "
     1722"kretnje se prepoznaju kao 3x3 mreÅŸa polja, numeriranih od 1 do 9."
     1723"\\n\\nPrimijetite da morate izvesti točnu kretnju za pokretanje akcije. Zbog "
     1724"toga, moguće je unijeti viÅ¡e kretnji za neku akciju. Trebali biste "
     1725"izbjegavati komplicirane kretnje gdje smjer kretnje miÅ¡a mijenjate viÅ¡e od "
     1726"jednom. Na primjer, 45654 ili 74123 je jednostavno izvesti, ali 1236987 bi "
     1727"već moglo biti prilično teÅ¡ko.\\n\\nUvjeti svih kretnji su definirane u ovoj "
     1728"grupi. Sve ove kretnje su aktivne samo ako je aktivni prozor Konqueror (klasa "
     1729"sadrÅŸi 'konqueror')."
    15161731#. +> trunk stable
    15871802#: khotkeys/data/kde32b1.khotkeys:3053
    15881803msgctxt "Comment"
    1589 msgid "After pressing Win+E (Tux+E) a WWW browser will be launched, and it will open http://www.kde.org . You may run all kind of commands you can run in minicli (Alt+F2)."
    1590 msgstr "Nakon pritiska Win+E (Tux+E), web preglednik će biti pokrenut i otvorit će http://www.kde.org. MoÅŸete pokrenuti bilo koju naredbu koju moÅŸete pokrenuti i u minicliu (Alt+F2)."
     1804msgid ""
     1805"After pressing Win+E (Tux+E) a WWW browser will be launched, and it will open "
     1806"http://www.kde.org . You may run all kind of commands you can run in minicli "
     1808msgstr ""
     1809"Nakon pritiska Win+E (Tux+E), web preglednik će biti pokrenut i otvorit će "
     1810"http://www.kde.org. MoÅŸete pokrenuti bilo koju naredbu koju moÅŸete pokrenuti "
     1811"i u minicliu (Alt+F2)."
    15921813#. +> trunk stable
    16171838#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:601
    16181839msgctxt "Comment"
    1619 msgid "Opera-style: Press, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with 'New Tab', and as such is disabled by default."
    1620 msgstr "Opera stil: pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukob s 'Nova kartica' i slično su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
     1840msgid ""
     1841"Opera-style: Press, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with 'New Tab', and "
     1842"as such is disabled by default."
     1843msgstr ""
     1844"Opera stil: pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukob s 'Nova kartica' "
     1845"i slično su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
    16221847#. +> trunk stable
    16291854#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:845
    16301855msgctxt "Comment"
    1631 msgid "Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nMozilla-style: Press, move up, move left, move up, release."
    1632 msgstr "Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nMozilla-stil: pritisni, pomakni gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti"
     1856msgid ""
     1857"Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nMozilla-style: Press, move up, move "
     1858"left, move up, release."
     1859msgstr ""
     1860"Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nMozilla-stil: pritisni, pomakni "
     1861"gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti"
    16341863#. +> trunk stable
    16351864#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:1090
    16361865msgctxt "Comment"
    1637 msgid "Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nOpera-style: Press, move up, move left, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with  \"Activate Previous Tab\", and as such is disabled by default."
    1638 msgstr "Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nOpera stil: Pritisni, pomakni gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukobi sa \"Aktiviranje prethodne kartice\" i slični su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
     1866msgid ""
     1867"Going up in URL/directory structure.\\nOpera-style: Press, move up, move "
     1868"left, move up, release.\\nNOTE: Conflicts with  \"Activate Previous Tab\", "
     1869"and as such is disabled by default."
     1870msgstr ""
     1871"Odlazak gore u strukturi URL-a/direktorija.\\nOpera stil: Pritisni, pomakni "
     1872"gore, pomakni lijevo, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nNAPOMENA: Sukobi sa "
     1873"\"Aktiviranje prethodne kartice\" i slični su uobičajeno onemogućeni."
    16401875#. +> trunk stable
    17011936#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:2669
    17021937msgctxt "Comment"
    1703 msgid "Press, move down, move half up, move right, move down, release.\\n(Drawing a lowercase 'h'.)"
    1704 msgstr "Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni za pola gore, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, pusti.\\n(Crtanje malog slova 'h'.)"
     1938msgid ""
     1939"Press, move down, move half up, move right, move down, release.\\n(Drawing a "
     1940"lowercase 'h'.)"
     1941msgstr ""
     1942"Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni za pola gore, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, "
     1943"pusti.\\n(Crtanje malog slova 'h'.)"
    17061945#. +> trunk stable
    17131952#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:2925
    17141953msgctxt "Comment"
    1715 msgid "Press, move right, move down, move right, release.\\nMozilla-style: Press, move down, move right, release."
    1716 msgstr "Pritisni, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti.\\nMozilla stil:Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti."
     1954msgid ""
     1955"Press, move right, move down, move right, release.\\nMozilla-style: Press, "
     1956"move down, move right, release."
     1957msgstr ""
     1958"Pritisni, pomakni desno, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti.\\nMozilla "
     1959"stil:Pritisni, pomakni dolje, pomakni desno, pusti."
    17181961#. +> trunk stable
    17251968#: khotkeys/data/konqueror_gestures_kde321.khotkeys:3174
    17261969msgctxt "Comment"
    1727 msgid "Press, move up, release.\\nConflicts with Opera-style 'Up #2', which is disabled by default."
    1728 msgstr "Pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nSukob sa Opera stilom 'Gore #2', koji je uobičajeno onemogućen."
     1970msgid ""
     1971"Press, move up, release.\\nConflicts with Opera-style 'Up #2', which is "
     1972"disabled by default."
     1973msgstr ""
     1974"Pritisni, pomakni gore, pusti.\\nSukob sa Opera stilom 'Gore #2', koji je "
     1975"uobičajeno onemogućen."
    17301977#. +> trunk stable
    27673014msgctxt "Comment"
    27683015msgid "Display a Cover Flow effect for the alt+tab window switcher"
    2769 msgstr "Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab prikazuje se efekt pokrivanja neaktivnih prozora s aktivnim"
     3016msgstr ""
     3017"Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab prikazuje se efekt pokrivanja neaktivnih "
     3018"prozora s aktivnim"
    27713020#. +> trunk stable
    28193068msgctxt "Comment"
    28203069msgid "Zoom out so all desktops are displayed side-by-side in a grid"
    2821 msgstr "Takvo smanjenje da se sve radne povrÅ¡ine vide jedna pored druge u mreÅŸi"
     3070msgstr ""
     3071"Takvo smanjenje da se sve radne povrÅ¡ine vide jedna pored druge u mreÅŸi"
    28233073#. +> trunk stable
    28803130msgctxt "Comment"
    28813131msgid "Make windows smoothly fade in and out when they are shown or hidden"
    2882 msgstr "Prozori će se lagano pojavljivati i nestajati kad ih se prikazuje ili sakriva"
     3132msgstr ""
     3133"Prozori će se lagano pojavljivati i nestajati kad ih se prikazuje ili sakriva"
    28843135#. +> trunk stable
    29163167#: kwin/effects/flipswitch/flipswitch.desktop:69
    29173168msgctxt "Comment"
    2918 msgid "Flip through windows that are in a stack for the alt+tab window switcher"
    2919 msgstr "Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab, prozori se prikazuju naslagani jedan na drugog u 3 dimenzije"
     3169msgid ""
     3170"Flip through windows that are in a stack for the alt+tab window switcher"
     3171msgstr ""
     3172"Prilikom promjene prozora sa alt+tab, prozori se prikazuju naslagani jedan na "
     3173"drugog u 3 dimenzije"
    29213175#. +> trunk stable
    29413195msgctxt "Comment"
    29423196msgid "Highlight the appropriate window when hovering over taskbar entries"
    2943 msgstr "Označi odgovarajući prozor kad se miÅ¡em prijeđe preko stavki u programskoj traci"
     3197msgstr ""
     3198"Označi odgovarajući prozor kad se miÅ¡em prijeđe preko stavki u programskoj "
    29453201#. +> trunk stable
    29843240msgctxt "Comment"
    29853241msgid "Desaturate the desktop when displaying the logout dialog"
    2986 msgstr "Prijelaz boja radne povrÅ¡ine u crno-bijele tonove prilikom prikaza dialoga za odjavu"
     3242msgstr ""
     3243"Prijelaz boja radne povrÅ¡ine u crno-bijele tonove prilikom prikaza dialoga za "
    29883246#. +> trunk stable
    31103368#: kwin/effects/sheet/sheet.desktop:68
    31113369msgctxt "Comment"
    3112 msgid "Make modal dialogs smoothly fly in and out when they are shown or hidden"
    3113 msgstr "Modalni dialozi glatko dolijeću i odlijeću kad ih se prikaÅŸe ili sakrije"
     3370msgid ""
     3371"Make modal dialogs smoothly fly in and out when they are shown or hidden"
     3372msgstr ""
     3373"Modalni dialozi glatko dolijeću i odlijeću kad ih se prikaÅŸe ili sakrije"
    31153375#. +> trunk stable
    31483408msgctxt "Comment"
    31493409msgid "Slide windows across the screen when switching virtual desktops"
    3150 msgstr "Pomakne prozore preko ekrana prilikom promjene virtualne radne povrÅ¡ine"
     3410msgstr ""
     3411"Pomakne prozore preko ekrana prilikom promjene virtualne radne povrÅ¡ine"
    31523413#. +> trunk stable
    32083469msgctxt "Comment"
    32093470msgid "Display window thumbnails when hovering over taskbar entries"
    3210 msgstr "Prikazuje sličice prozora pri prelasku miÅ¡em preko stavaka programske trake"
     3471msgstr ""
     3472"Prikazuje sličice prozora pri prelasku miÅ¡em preko stavaka programske trake"
    32123474#. +> trunk stable
    39094171#: kwin/kwin.notifyrc:6696
    39104172msgctxt "Comment"
    3911 msgid "The compositing performance was too slow and compositing has been suspended"
     4173msgid ""
     4174"The compositing performance was too slow and compositing has been suspended"
    39124175msgstr "Brzina miješanja je bila prespora pa je miješanje pauzirano"
    40714334#: libs/ksysguard/processcore/actions.actions:482
    40724335msgctxt "Description"
    4073 msgid "Change which CPU scheduler is to schedule the running of a given process"
    4074 msgstr "Promijenite koji će CPU raspoređivač rasporediti izvođenje danog procesa."
     4336msgid ""
     4337"Change which CPU scheduler is to schedule the running of a given process"
     4338msgstr ""
     4339"Promijenite koji će CPU raspoređivač rasporediti izvođenje danog procesa."
    40764341#. +> trunk stable
    42714536msgctxt "Comment"
    42724537msgid "Default desktop toolbox for the Plasma desktop shell"
    4273 msgstr "Zadana alatna kutija radne povrÅ¡ine za Plasma ljusku radne povrÅ¡ine"
     4538msgstr "Zadani okvir s alatima radne povrÅ¡ine za Plasma ljusku radne povrÅ¡ine"
    42754540#. +> trunk stable
    42774542msgctxt "Name"
    42784543msgid "Desktop toolbox"
    4279 msgstr "Alatna kutija radne povrÅ¡ine"
     4544msgstr "Okvir s alatima radne povrÅ¡ine"
    42814546#. +> trunk stable
    48545119msgctxt "Comment"
    48555120msgid "Places, as seen in the file manager and in file dialogs."
    4856 msgstr "Mjesta, kao Å¡to ih se vidi u pregledniku datoteka i dialozima za izbor datoteka"
     5121msgstr ""
     5122"Mjesta, kao Å¡to ih se vidi u pregledniku datoteka i dialozima za izbor "
    48585125# pmap: =/nom=Upravljanje potrošnjom energije/gen=upravljanja potrošnjom energije/dat=upravljanju potrošnjom energije/
    50645331#: plasma/generic/dataengines/statusnotifieritem/plasma_engine_statusnotifieritem.desktop:53
    50655332msgctxt "Comment"
    5066 msgid "Engine for applications' status information, based on the Status Notifier protocol."
    5067 msgstr "Mehanizam za statusne informacije aplikacija baziran na protokolu glasnika stanja."
     5333msgid ""
     5334"Engine for applications' status information, based on the Status Notifier "
     5336msgstr ""
     5337"Mehanizam za statusne informacije aplikacija baziran na protokolu glasnika "
    50695340#. +> trunk stable
    56325903msgctxt "Comment"
    56335904msgid "Internet related applications, such as Web browser, Email and chat"
    5634 msgstr "Aplikacije vezane za Internet, poput web preglednika, te programa za e-poÅ¡tu i čavrljanje"
     5905msgstr ""
     5906"Aplikacije vezane za Internet, poput web preglednika, te programa za e-poÅ¡tu "
     5907"i čavrljanje"
    56365909#. +> trunk stable
    58536126msgctxt "Comment"
    58546127msgid "Use KDE Power Management system through freedesktop.org HAL daemon"
    5855 msgstr "Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis freedesktop.org HAL"
     6128msgstr ""
     6129"Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis freedesktop.org "
    58576132#. +> trunk stable
    58956170msgctxt "Comment"
    58966171msgid "Use KDE Power Management system through freedesktop.org upower daemon"
    5897 msgstr "Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis freedesktop.org upower"
     6172msgstr ""
     6173"Koristi KDE-ovo upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije kroz servis freedesktop.org "
    58996176# pmap: =/nom=Upravljanje potrošnjom energije/gen=upravljanja potrošnjom energije/dat=upravljanju potrošnjom energije/
    59106187msgctxt "Comment"
    59116188msgid "Battery, Display and CPU power management and notification"
    5912 msgstr "Upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije baterije, ekrana i CPU-a i pripadajućim obavijestima."
     6189msgstr ""
     6190"Upravljanje potroÅ¡njom energije baterije, ekrana i CPU-a i pripadajućim "
    59146193#. +> trunk stable
    60056284#: powerdevil/powerdevil.notifyrc:923
    60066285msgctxt "Comment"
    6007 msgid "Your battery has reached critical level. This notification triggers a countdown before doing the configured action, hence it is strongly advised to leave that on."
    6008 msgstr "Baterija je kritično oslabila. Ova obavijest uključuje odbrojavanje prije obavljanja podeÅ¡ene akcije, pa je zbog toga jako preporučeno da ostavite ovo upaljeno."
     6286msgid ""
     6287"Your battery has reached critical level. This notification triggers a "
     6288"countdown before doing the configured action, hence it is strongly advised to "
     6289"leave that on."
     6290msgstr ""
     6291"Baterija je kritično oslabila. Ova obavijest uključuje odbrojavanje prije "
     6292"obavljanja podeÅ¡ene akcije, pa je zbog toga jako preporučeno da ostavite ovo "
    60106295#. +> trunk stable
    60656350#: powerdevil/powerdevil.notifyrc:1666
    60666351msgctxt "Comment"
    6067 msgid "This notification is displayed when a suspension job is about to be done, and it triggers a countdown. Hence, it is strongly advised to leave it on."
    6068 msgstr "Ova obavijest se prikaÅŸe kad je odlaz na spavanje pri kraju, i pokrene odbrojavanje. Zato je strogo preporučeno ostaviti to upaljeno."
     6352msgid ""
     6353"This notification is displayed when a suspension job is about to be done, and "
     6354"it triggers a countdown. Hence, it is strongly advised to leave it on."
     6355msgstr ""
     6356"Ova obavijest se prikaÅŸe kad je odlaz na spavanje pri kraju, i pokrene "
     6357"odbrojavanje. Zato je strogo preporučeno ostaviti to upaljeno."
    60706359#. +> trunk stable
    60786367msgctxt "Comment"
    60796368msgid "The KDE Power Management System has triggered an internal error"
    6080 msgstr "KDE-ov sustav upravljanja potroÅ¡njom energije je naiÅ¡ao na internu pogreÅ¡ku"
     6369msgstr ""
     6370"KDE-ov sustav upravljanja potroÅ¡njom energije je naiÅ¡ao na internu pogreÅ¡ku"
    60826372#. +> trunk stable
    61016391#: powerdevil/powerdevil.notifyrc:1996
    61026392msgctxt "Comment"
    6103 msgid "This notification will pop up if KDE Power Management System detects some troubles with one of your batteries"
     6393msgid ""
     6394"This notification will pop up if KDE Power Management System detects some "
     6395"troubles with one of your batteries"
    61046396msgstr ""
    65166808#: solid/solid-actions-kcm/solid-actions.desktop:80
    65176809msgctxt "Comment"
    6518 msgid "A configuration tool for managing the actions available to the user when connecting new devices to the computer"
    6519 msgstr "Konfiguracijski alat za upravljanje akcijama dostupnima korisniku kad spoji novi uređaj na računalo"
     6810msgid ""
     6811"A configuration tool for managing the actions available to the user when "
     6812"connecting new devices to the computer"
     6813msgstr ""
     6814"Konfiguracijski alat za upravljanje akcijama dostupnima korisniku kad spoji "
     6815"novi uređaj na računalo"
    65216817#. +> trunk stable
    65476843msgctxt "Comment"
    65486844msgid "Manages services that provide status notifier user interfaces"
    6549 msgstr "Upravlja uslugama koje omogućuju obavjeÅ¡tavanje o stanju korisničkog sučelja"
     6845msgstr ""
     6846"Upravlja uslugama koje omogućuju obavjeÅ¡tavanje o stanju korisničkog sučelja"
    65516848#. +> trunk stable
    67967093msgid "Linux Infrared Remote Control"
    67977094msgstr "Linuxov infracrveni daljinski"
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