Sep 27, 2010, 3:06:30 AM (14 years ago)

SF-KDE: Ažuriranje datoteka bazirano na zadnjim template datotekama + padeži.

1 edited


  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-network/kcm_knemo.po

    r557 r607  
    66"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    77"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-27 09:43+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-09-26 12:22+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:39+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <adundovi@gmail.com>\n"
    572572#. +> trunk
    573573#: configdlg.ui:567
    574 msgid ""
    575 "In this area you can add the custom entries for your context menu: "
    576 "<ol>"
    577 "<li>push the <b>Add</b> button to add a new entry in the list;</li>"
    578 "<li>edit the entry by double clicking in the <b>Menu text</b> and <b>Command</b> columns.</li>"
    579 "</ol>"
    580 "If you need to execute the command as root user check the corresponding <b>Root</b> check box."
     574msgid "In this area you can add the custom entries for your context menu: <ol><li>push the <b>Add</b> button to add a new entry in the list;</li><li>edit the entry by double clicking in the <b>Menu text</b> and <b>Command</b> columns.</li></ol>If you need to execute the command as root user check the corresponding <b>Root</b> check box."
    581575msgstr ""
    786780msgstr ""
    788 #. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, StatsCfg)
    789 #. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, WarnCfg)
    790 #. +> trunk
    791 #: statscfg.ui:14 warncfg.ui:14
    792 #, fuzzy
    793 msgid "Form"
    794 msgstr "Obrazac"
    796782#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab)
    797783#. +> trunk
    798 #: statscfg.ui:24
     784#: statscfg.ui:21
    799785#, fuzzy
    800786msgid "Billing Period Rules"
    803789#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, billingStartLabel)
    804790#. +> trunk
    805 #: statscfg.ui:48
     791#: statscfg.ui:45
    806792#, fuzzy
    807793msgid "Start date:"
    810796#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KDateEdit, startDate)
    811797#. +> trunk
    812 #: statscfg.ui:55
    813 msgid ""
    814 "<p>By default, this shows the start date of the current month or billing period. If you change the date, KNemo will recalculate billing periods from that date forward. Any billing periods before that date will remain unmodified.</p>"
    815 "<p>If you set an erroneous date, just select an earlier good billing date, and KNemo will repair it.</p>"
     798#: statscfg.ui:52
     799msgid "<p>By default, this shows the start date of the current month or billing period. If you change the date, KNemo will recalculate billing periods from that date forward. Any billing periods before that date will remain unmodified.</p><p>If you set an erroneous date, just select an earlier good billing date, and KNemo will repair it.</p>"
    816800msgstr ""
    818802#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
    819803#. +> trunk
    820 #: statscfg.ui:82
     804#: statscfg.ui:79
    821805#, fuzzy
    822806msgid "Billing period length:"
    825809#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2)
    826810#. +> trunk
    827 #: statscfg.ui:118
     811#: statscfg.ui:115
    828812msgid "Off-Peak Rules"
    829813msgstr ""
    831815#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, logOffpeak)
    832816#. +> trunk
    833 #: statscfg.ui:124
     817#: statscfg.ui:121
    834818msgid "Log off-peak traffic"
    835819msgstr ""
    837821#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4)
    838822#. +> trunk
    839 #: statscfg.ui:152
     823#: statscfg.ui:149
    840824#, fuzzy
    841825msgid "Off-peak start time:"
    847831#. i18n: ectx: property (displayFormat), widget (QTimeEdit, weekendStopTime)
    848832#. +> trunk
    849 #: statscfg.ui:162 statscfg.ui:202 statscfg.ui:279 statscfg.ui:326
     833#: statscfg.ui:159 statscfg.ui:199 statscfg.ui:276 statscfg.ui:323
    850834msgid "h:00 AP"
    851835msgstr ""
    853837#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6)
    854838#. +> trunk
    855 #: statscfg.ui:192
     839#: statscfg.ui:189
    856840#, fuzzy
    857841msgid "Off-peak end time:"
    860844#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, doWeekend)
    861845#. +> trunk
    862 #: statscfg.ui:232
     846#: statscfg.ui:229
    863847msgid "Weekends count as off-peak"
    864848msgstr ""
    866850#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9)
    867851#. +> trunk
    868 #: statscfg.ui:262
     852#: statscfg.ui:259
    869853#, fuzzy
    870854msgid "Weekend starts:"
    873857#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_10)
    874858#. +> trunk
    875 #: statscfg.ui:309
     859#: statscfg.ui:306
    876860#, fuzzy
    877861msgid "Weekend ends:"
    965949#. +> trunk
    966950#: themecfg.ui:97
    967 msgid ""
    968 "<p>The maximum incoming rate for this connection.</p>"
    969 "<p>This does <b>not</b> affect the actual traffic rate, only how KNemo displays it.</p>"
     951msgid "<p>The maximum incoming rate for this connection.</p><p>This does <b>not</b> affect the actual traffic rate, only how KNemo displays it.</p>"
    970952msgstr ""
    988970#. +> trunk
    989971#: themecfg.ui:144
    990 msgid ""
    991 "<p>The maximum outgoing rate for this connection.</p>"
    992 "<p>This does <b>not</b> affect the actual traffic rate, only how KNemo displays it.</p>"
     972msgid "<p>The maximum outgoing rate for this connection.</p><p>This does <b>not</b> affect the actual traffic rate, only how KNemo displays it.</p>"
    993973msgstr ""
    995975#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
    996976#. +> trunk
    997 #: warncfg.ui:20
     977#: warncfg.ui:17
    998978#, fuzzy
    999979msgid "Notification Rules"
    1002982#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, trafficTypeLabel)
    1003983#. +> trunk
    1004 #: warncfg.ui:28
     984#: warncfg.ui:25
    1005985#, fuzzy
    1006986msgid "Traffic type:"
    1009989#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QComboBox, trafficType)
    1010990#. +> trunk
    1011 #: warncfg.ui:36
     991#: warncfg.ui:33
    1012992#, fuzzy
    1013993#| msgid "GLPlanet"
    1017997#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QComboBox, trafficType)
    1018998#. +> trunk
    1019 #: warncfg.ui:41
     999#: warncfg.ui:38
    10201000#, fuzzy
    10211001msgid "Offpeak"
    10241004#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QComboBox, trafficType)
    10251005#. +> trunk
    1026 #: warncfg.ui:46
     1006#: warncfg.ui:43
    10271007msgid "Peak and offpeak"
    10281008msgstr ""
    10301010#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    10311011#. +> trunk
    1032 #: warncfg.ui:58
     1012#: warncfg.ui:55
    10331013#, fuzzy
    10341014msgid "Traffic direction:"
    10371017#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QComboBox, trafficDirection)
    10381018#. +> trunk
    1039 #: warncfg.ui:66
     1019#: warncfg.ui:63
    10401020#, fuzzy
    10411021msgid "Incoming"
    10441024#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QComboBox, trafficDirection)
    10451025#. +> trunk
    1046 #: warncfg.ui:71
     1026#: warncfg.ui:68
    10471027#, fuzzy
    10481028msgid "Outgoing"
    10511031#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (QComboBox, trafficDirection)
    10521032#. +> trunk
    1053 #: warncfg.ui:76
     1033#: warncfg.ui:73
    10541034#, fuzzy
    10551035msgid "Incoming and outgoing"
    10581038#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4)
    10591039#. +> trunk
    1060 #: warncfg.ui:98
     1040#: warncfg.ui:95
    10611041#, fuzzy
    10621042msgid "Notify when traffic exceeds:"
    10651045#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, warnPer)
    10661046#. +> trunk
    1067 #: warncfg.ui:105
     1047#: warncfg.ui:102
    10681048#, fuzzy
    10691049#| msgid "with"
    10731053#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KDoubleNumInput, threshold)
    10741054#. +> trunk
    1075 #: warncfg.ui:142
     1055#: warncfg.ui:139
    10761056msgid "When traffic for a month or billing period exceeds this limit, KNemo will emit a notification. The notification will appear once per session."
    10771057msgstr ""
    10791059#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2)
    10801060#. +> trunk
    1081 #: warncfg.ui:207
     1061#: warncfg.ui:204
    10821062#, fuzzy
    10831063msgid "Notification Text"
    10861066#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, customTextCheck)
    10871067#. +> trunk
    1088 #: warncfg.ui:213
     1068#: warncfg.ui:210
    10891069#, fuzzy
    10901070msgid "Custom notification text"
    11231103#. +> trunk
    11241104#: warnconfig.cpp:60
    1125 msgid ""
    1126 "<i>%i</i> = interface, <i>%a</i> = interface alias,<br/>"
    1127 "<i>%t</i> = traffic threshold, <i>%c</i> = current traffic"
     1105msgid "<i>%i</i> = interface, <i>%a</i> = interface alias,<br/><i>%t</i> = traffic threshold, <i>%c</i> = current traffic"
    11281106msgstr ""
    11331111msgid "This traffic notification rule already exists."
    11341112msgstr "Ovaj unos već postoji."
     1114#, fuzzy
     1115#~ msgid "Form"
     1116#~ msgstr "Obrazac"
    11361118#, fuzzy
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