- Timestamp:
- Jul 14, 2010, 6:38:53 PM (15 years ago)
- File:
- 1 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r467 r468 9 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" 10 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-07-13 11:25+0200\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-1 3 16:16+0200\n"11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-07-14 17:55+0200\n" 12 12 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <marko@dimjasevic.net>\n" 13 13 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@lists.sourceforge.net>\n" … … 385 385 #. +> trunk stable 386 386 #: antispamwizard.cpp:1016 387 #, fuzzy388 387 msgid "Move &probable spam to:" 389 msgstr "Premjesti poruku u smeÄe"388 msgstr "Premjesti moguÄu neÅŸeljenu &poÅ¡tu u:" 390 389 391 390 #. +> trunk stable … … 399 398 #: antispamwizard.cpp:1139 400 399 msgid "Check messages using the anti-virus tools" 401 msgstr " "400 msgstr "Provjeri poruke koristeÄi antivirusne alate" 402 401 403 402 #. +> trunk stable … … 431 430 #. +> trunk stable 432 431 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:47 433 #, fuzzy434 432 msgctxt "Start of the filename for a mail archive file" 435 433 msgid "Archive" … … 438 436 #. +> trunk stable 439 437 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:54 440 #, fuzzy441 438 msgid "Archive Folder" 442 msgstr " Izvorni direktorij"439 msgstr "Arhivna mapa" 443 440 444 441 #. +> trunk stable 445 442 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:70 446 #, fuzzy447 443 msgid "&Folder:" 448 444 msgstr "&Mapa:" … … 450 446 #. +> trunk stable 451 447 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:80 452 #, fuzzy453 448 msgid "F&ormat:" 454 msgstr " F&ormat"449 msgstr "&Oblik:" 455 450 456 451 #. +> trunk stable 457 452 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:86 458 #, fuzzy459 453 msgid "Compressed Zip Archive (.zip)" 460 msgstr " Jednostavna kompresovana arhiva"454 msgstr "Sabijena Zip-arhiva (.zip)" 461 455 462 456 #. +> trunk stable 463 457 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:87 464 #, fuzzy465 458 msgid "Uncompressed Archive (.tar)" 466 msgstr " Jednostavna kompresovana arhiva"459 msgstr "Nesabijena arhiva (.tar)" 467 460 468 461 #. +> trunk stable 469 462 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:88 470 #, fuzzy471 463 msgid "BZ2-Compressed Tar Archive (.tar.bz2)" 472 msgstr " Jednostavna kompresovana arhiva"464 msgstr "BZ2-sabijena tar-arhiva (.tar.bz2)" 473 465 474 466 #. +> trunk stable 475 467 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:89 476 #, fuzzy477 468 msgid "GZ-Compressed Tar Archive (.tar.gz)" 478 msgstr " Jednostavna kompresovana arhiva"469 msgstr "GZ-sabijena tar-arhiva (.tar.gz)" 479 470 480 471 #. +> trunk stable 481 472 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:96 482 #, fuzzy483 473 #| msgid "Archive &file:" 484 474 msgid "&Archive File:" 485 msgstr "&Arhiv iraj datoteku:"475 msgstr "&Arhivna datoteka:" 486 476 487 477 #. +> trunk stable 488 478 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:108 489 #, fuzzy490 479 msgid "&Delete folders after completion" 491 msgstr " Operacija brisanja je zavrÅ¡ena."480 msgstr "I&zbriÅ¡i mape nakon zavrÅ¡etka" 492 481 493 482 #. +> trunk stable 494 483 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:157 495 #, fuzzy496 484 msgid "Please select the folder that should be archived." 497 msgstr "Odaberite pravokutnik koji Äe biti prikazan."485 msgstr "Odaberite mapu koju treba arhivirati." 498 486 499 487 #. +> trunk stable 500 488 #: archivefolderdialog.cpp:158 501 #, fuzzy502 489 msgid "No folder selected" 503 msgstr " &DuÅŸi popismapa"490 msgstr "Nije odabrana ni jedna mapa" 504 491 505 492 #. +> trunk stable 506 493 #: backupjob.cpp:100 507 #, fuzzy508 494 msgid "Unable to retrieve folder list." 509 msgstr "Nije moguÄe dohvatiti popis pisaÄa."495 msgstr "Nije moguÄe dohvatiti listu mapa." 510 496 511 497 #. +> trunk stable 512 498 #: backupjob.cpp:124 513 #, fuzzy514 499 msgid "The operation was canceled by the user." 515 msgstr "Korisnik je prekinuo postupak "500 msgstr "Korisnik je prekinuo postupak." 516 501 517 502 #. +> trunk stable 518 503 #: backupjob.cpp:151 519 #, fuzzy,kde-format504 #, kde-format 520 505 msgid "Failed to archive the folder '%1'." 521 msgstr "Neuspjelo uklanjanje teme '%1'"506 msgstr "Neuspjelo arhiviranje mape '%1'." 522 507 523 508 #. +> trunk stable 524 509 #: backupjob.cpp:153 525 #, fuzzy526 510 #| msgid "Canceled." 527 511 msgid "Archiving failed." 528 msgstr " PoniÅ¡teno."512 msgstr "Arhiviranje nije uspjelo." 529 513 530 514 #. +> trunk stable 531 515 #: backupjob.cpp:162 532 #, fuzzy533 516 msgid "Unable to finalize the archive file." 534 msgstr "N e mogu pronaÄi arhivu teme %1"517 msgstr "Nije moguÄe dovrÅ¡iti arhivnu datoteku." 535 518 536 519 #. +> trunk stable 537 520 #: backupjob.cpp:167 538 #, fuzzy539 521 msgid "Archiving finished" 540 msgstr " Otvori dijalog za raspakiravanje, izaÄi nakon zavrÅ¡etka."522 msgstr "Arhiviranje je zavrÅ¡eno." 541 523 542 524 #. +> trunk stable … … 544 526 #, kde-format 545 527 msgid "Archiving folder '%1' successfully completed. The archive was written to the file '%2'." 546 msgstr " "528 msgstr "Arhiviranje mape '%1' je uspjeÅ¡no zavrÅ¡eno. Arhiva je zapisana u datoteku '%2'." 547 529 548 530 #. +> trunk stable … … 622 604 #. +> trunk stable 623 605 #: codecaction.cpp:68 624 #, fuzzy625 606 #| msgid "Encoding" 626 607 msgctxt "Menu item" 627 608 msgid "Encoding" 628 msgstr " Kodiranje"609 msgstr "UznaÄivanje" 629 610 630 611 #. +> trunk stable … … 805 786 #. +> trunk stable 806 787 #: collectiongeneralpage.cpp:142 807 #, fuzzy808 788 #| msgid "&Name:" 809 789 msgctxt "@label:textbox Name of the folder." 810 790 msgid "&Name:" 811 msgstr "& Ime:"791 msgstr "&Naziv:" 812 792 813 793 #. +> trunk stable … … 984 964 #. +> trunk stable 985 965 #: collectionmaintenancepage.cpp:83 986 #, fuzzy987 966 #| msgid "Size" 988 967 msgid "Size:" 989 msgstr "VeliÄina "968 msgstr "VeliÄina:" 990 969 991 970 #. +> trunk stable … … 1963 1942 #. +> trunk stable 1964 1943 #: configuredialog.cpp:2725 1965 #, fuzzy1966 1944 #| msgid "&Name:" 1967 1945 msgctxt "@label:textbox Name of the mime header." 1968 1946 msgid "&Name:" 1969 msgstr "& Ime:"1947 msgstr "&Naziv:" 1970 1948 1971 1949 #. +> trunk stable … … 4347 4325 #. +> trunk 4348 4326 #: kmcomposewin.cpp:2514 4349 #, fuzzy4350 4327 msgid "You must specify at least one receiver in order to be able to encrypt a draft." 4351 msgstr "Morate odreditti bar jednog primatelja u polju âZa:â."4328 msgstr "Morate navesti barem jednog primatelja kako biste mogli kriptirati skicu." 4352 4329 4353 4330 #. +> stable 4354 4331 #: kmcomposewin.cpp:2513 4355 #, fuzzy4356 4332 msgid "You must specify at least one receiverin order to be able to encrypt a draft." 4357 msgstr "Morate odreditti bar jednog primatelja u polju âZa:â."4333 msgstr "Morate navesti barem jednog primatelja kako biste mogli kriptirati skicu." 4358 4334 4359 4335 #. +> trunk stable … … 4485 4461 #. +> trunk stable 4486 4462 #: kmcomposewin.cpp:3115 4487 #, fuzzy4488 4463 msgid "Message will not be encrypted" 4489 msgstr "Po hrani poslane poruke u Å¡i&frovanom obliku"4464 msgstr "Poruka neÄe biti kriptirana" 4490 4465 4491 4466 #. +> trunk stable … … 5023 4998 #: kmfilterdlg.cpp:243 5024 4999 msgid "Type" 5025 msgstr " Tip"5000 msgstr "Vrsta" 5026 5001 5027 5002 #. +> trunk stable … … 8042 8017 #. +> trunk stable 8043 8018 #: ui/composercryptoconfiguration.ui:35 8044 #, fuzzy8045 8019 msgid "Encrypting" 8046 msgstr " Å i&firiraj"8020 msgstr "Kriptiranje" 8047 8021 8048 8022 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, mEncToSelf) … … 8062 8036 #: ui/composercryptoconfiguration.ui:51 8063 8037 msgid "Show s&igned/encrypted text after composing" 8064 msgstr " "8038 msgstr "PrikaÅŸi potp&isan/kriptiran tekst nakon pisanja" 8065 8039 8066 8040 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, mShowEncryptionResult) … … 8073 8047 #. +> trunk stable 8074 8048 #: ui/composercryptoconfiguration.ui:61 8075 #, fuzzy8076 8049 msgid "Store sent messages encry&pted" 8077 msgstr " Pohrani poslane poruke u Å¡i&frovanom obliku"8050 msgstr "Kri&ptirano pohrani poslane poruke" 8078 8051 8079 8052 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, mStoreEncrypted) … … 8081 8054 #: ui/composercryptoconfiguration.ui:67 8082 8055 msgid "Check to store messages encrypted " 8083 msgstr " Kliknite ovdje da biste pohranjivali poruke u kriptiranom obliku"8056 msgstr "ObiljeÅŸite kako biste kriptirano pohranili poruke " 8084 8057 8085 8058 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, mStoreEncrypted) … … 8107 8080 #: ui/composercryptoconfiguration.ui:82 8108 8081 msgid "Always show the encryption keys &for approval" 8109 msgstr " "8082 msgstr "&Uvijek traÅŸi odobrenje za kljuÄeve za kriptiranje" 8110 8083 8111 8084 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, mShowKeyApprovalDlg) … … 8118 8091 #. +> trunk stable 8119 8092 #: ui/composercryptoconfiguration.ui:92 8120 #, fuzzy8121 8093 msgid "Automatically encrypt &messages whenever possible" 8122 msgstr "Auto matski kriptiraj poruke &kad god je to moguÄe"8094 msgstr "Auto&matski kriptiraj poruke kad god je to moguÄe" 8123 8095 8124 8096 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, mAutoEncrypt) … … 8131 8103 #. +> trunk stable 8132 8104 #: ui/composercryptoconfiguration.ui:102 8133 #, fuzzy8134 8105 msgid "Never sign/encrypt when sa&ving as draft" 8135 msgstr "N emoj enkriptirati kada se sprema kao nacrt"8106 msgstr "Nikad ne potpisuj/kriptiraj kada spremam kao ski&cu" 8136 8107 8137 8108 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QPushButton, mButtonAdd) … … 8901 8872 #. +> trunk stable 8902 8873 #: ui/warningconfiguration.ui:102 8903 #, fuzzy8904 8874 msgid "For Encryption" 8905 msgstr " Å i&firiraj"8875 msgstr "Za kriptiranje" 8906 8876 8907 8877 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KIntSpinBox, mWarnSignKeyExpiresSB)
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