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r375 r404 7 7 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n" 8 8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-07 09:54+0200\n" 9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 5-29 14:23+0200\n"9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-06-21 19:04+0200\n" 10 10 "Last-Translator: Oliver Mucafir <oliver.untwist@gmail.com>\n" 11 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde- croatia-list@lists.sourceforge.net>\n"11 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-i18n-doc@kde.org>\n" 12 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 633 633 "\t\t\tIn principle it is a glass bowl with cap that has a planar grinding, so that the bowl is air-tight. The dehydrator's lower part is ordinarily filled with a drying agent such as calcium chloride, silica gel, phosphoric anhydride or sulphuric acid. The sample to be dried is placed on a diaphanous cartridge of plastic or ceramic above the drying agent.\n" 634 634 "\t\t\tThe drying agent is hygroscopic, which means that it dehumidifies its environment by absorbing water vapor. The dry atmosphere then takes up water from the sample to be dried." 635 msgstr "Eksikator je " 635 msgstr "" 636 "Eksikator je laboratorijska posuda, najÄeÅ¡Äe naÄinjena od stakla, a koristi se za suÅ¡enje kemikalija, tj. za uklanjanje vode ili tekuÄine iz uzorka.\n" 637 "\t\t\tU naÄelu to je staklena posuda s poklopcem, a dodirne povrÅ¡ine poklopca i posude su izbruÅ¡ene tako da poklopac hermetiÄki zatvara posudu. Dno eksikatora je napunjeno sredstvom za suÅ¡enje kao Å¡to su kalcijev klorid, silikagel, anhidrid fosforne kiseline ili sumporna kiselina. Uzorak se stavlja na plastiÄni ili keramiÄki preforirani uloÅŸak iznad sredstva za suÅ¡enje.\n" 638 "\t\t\tSredstvo za suÅ¡enje je higroskopno, Å¡to znaÄi da odvlaÅŸuje okolinu vezanjem vodene pare. Suha atmosfera izvlaÄi vlagu iz uzorka i tako ga suÅ¡i." 636 639 637 640 #. +> trunk stable … … 643 646 #: data/tools.xml:18 644 647 msgid "The spatula is a laboratory tool to scrape off, grind, and transport chemicals. The material they are made of (e.g. iron, titanium, platinum) and their design (e.g. flat spatula or spoon spatula) varies." 645 msgstr " "648 msgstr "Spatula je laboratorijski alat za struganje i prenoÅ¡enje kemikalija. Materijal od kojeg je naÄinjena (npr. ÅŸeljezo, titanij, platina) i njezin dizajn (npr. ravna ili ÅŸlicolika spatula) variraju." 646 649 647 650 #. +> trunk stable … … 656 659 " This is caused by the negative pressure in a drifting fluid, and thus it is an application of the hydrodynamic paradox (objects close to drifting fluids are aspirated instead of being pushed away)." 657 660 msgstr "" 661 "Vodena mlazna crpka ima dvije ulazne cijevi i i jednu izlaznu, i sastoji se od dviju cijevi koje se nalaze jedna u drugoj. Na ulazu vode vodeni mlaz izbija pod punim pritiskom kroz sapnicu u malo Å¡iru cijev. Vodeni mlaz pritom povlaÄi zrak ili tekuÄinu iz druge ulazne cijevi. <br> " 662 "Uzrok tome je negativni tlak tekuÄine koja se giba, a to je primjer hidrodinamiÄkog paradoksa (tekuÄina koja se giba uvlaÄi umjesto da izbacuje bliske objekte)." 658 663 659 664 #. +> trunk stable … … 665 670 #: data/tools.xml:28 666 671 msgid "With a refractometer the refractive index of optical media is determined. If the refractive index of a chemical is known it can be used after a synthesis to determine the sample's purity or to audit the synthesis' success." 667 msgstr " "672 msgstr "Refraktometrom se odreÄuje indeks loma optiÄkog sredstva. Ako je indeks loma neke kemikalije poznat moÅŸe biti koriÅ¡ten u sintezi kako bi se odredila ÄistoÄa uzorka ili uspjeÅ¡nost sinteze." 668 673 669 674 #. +> trunk stable … … 675 680 #: data/tools.xml:33 676 681 msgid "A mortar is used for manually grinding solids. It can also be used to homogenize a mixture of powders by grinding. A club-shaped tool known as a pestle is used with the mortar for grinding." 677 msgstr " "682 msgstr "Tarionik se koristi za ruÄno usitnjavanje krutina. Isto tako moÅŸe se koristiti za homogeniziranje smjese mljevenjem. Za usitnjavanje se uz posudu tarionika koristi i tuÄak." 678 683 679 684 #. +> trunk stable … … 685 690 #: data/tools.xml:38 686 691 msgid "Heating coils are used to heat flasks and other containers. Multiple heating coils can be connected with a thermometer so that the heat will not exceed a specified temperature. It is possible to use a magnetic field inside the heating coil to stir fluids with a magnetic stirrer. This will homogenize the fluid in terms of temperature and composition." 687 msgstr "Grijalica se koristi za grijanje tikvica i drugih posuda. ViÅ¡efunkcijske grijalice sadrÅŸe termostat za grijanje na odreÄen oj temperaturi i magnetsko polje tako da se tekuÄina moÅŸe i mijeÅ¡ati magnetnim Å¡tapiÄem."692 msgstr "Grijalica se koristi za grijanje tikvica i drugih posuda. ViÅ¡efunkcijske grijalice sadrÅŸe termostat za grijanje na odreÄenu temperaturu i magnetsko polje tako da se tekuÄina moÅŸe i mijeÅ¡ati magnetnim Å¡tapiÄem. Ti postupci homogeniziraju sastav smjese i ravnomjerno griju sadrÅŸaj." 688 693 689 694 #. +> trunk stable … … 705 710 #: data/tools.xml:48 706 711 msgid "A dropping funnel can be used to drop precise amounts of fluid. The dropping speed can be controlled with a valve." 707 msgstr " "712 msgstr "Lijevak za dokapavanje sluÅŸi za precizno dodavanje tekuÄina u reakcijsku smjesu. Brzina dokapavanja nadzire se pipcem." 708 713 709 714 #. +> trunk stable … … 715 720 #: data/tools.xml:53 716 721 msgid "A separating funnel can be used to separate a mixture of fluids of differing densities. A valve at the bottom allows the denser fluid to be drained for transfer to another container." 717 msgstr " "722 msgstr "Lijevak za odjeljivanje sluÅŸi za odjeljivanje smjesa tekuÄina razliÄitih gustoÄa i najÄeÅ¡Äe onih koje se ne mijeÅ¡aju. Pipac na dnu lijevka omoguÄuje odlijevanje tekuÄine veÄe gustoÄe u drugu posudu." 718 723 719 724 #. +> trunk stable … … 725 730 #: data/tools.xml:58 726 731 msgid "This rack is useful when many small amounts of chemicals are to be tested in a row; or alternatively, to dry test tubes." 727 msgstr " "732 msgstr "Stalak je koristan kada ÅŸelimo testirati viÅ¡e kemikalija u manjim koliÄinama usporedo, ili za suÅ¡enje i drÅŸanje epruveta." 728 733 729 734 #. +> trunk stable 730 735 #: data/tools.xml:62 731 736 msgid "Vortexer" 732 msgstr " "737 msgstr "VrtloÅŸni homogenizator" 733 738 734 739 #. +> trunk stable 735 740 #: data/tools.xml:63 736 741 msgid "A vortexer serves to homogenize reagents found in laboratories. The container containing liquid to be homogenized is put on a platform. The platform shakes by rotary agitation up to 3000RPM at which point a contact sensor is activated. In this way extremely small volumes of fluid can be homogenized quickly. It is the opposite of a centrifuge, used to separate fluids." 737 msgstr " "742 msgstr "VrtloÅŸni homogenizator (engl. vortexer) sluÅŸi za homogeniziranje laboratorijskih uzoraka. Posuda (najÄeÅ¡Äe epruveta) s tekuÄinom koju ÅŸelimo homogenizirati stavi se na platformu. Platforma se trese kruÅŸnim kruÅŸno do 3000 okretaja u minuti i tada se aktivira kontaktni senzor. Tako se moÅŸe brzo homogenizirati vrlo maleni volumeni tekuÄina. Obrnuto od centrifuge, koja odvaja tekuÄine." 738 743 739 744 #. +> trunk stable 740 745 #: data/tools.xml:67 741 746 msgid "Wash Bottle" 742 msgstr " "747 msgstr "PlastiÄna boca s Å¡trcaljkom" 743 748 744 749 #. +> trunk stable 745 750 #: data/tools.xml:68 746 751 msgid "These bottles are used for many purposes. In most laboratories they are usually filled with water, salt, acid or other commonly used fluids. They make it easy to apply the fluid if a precisely measured amount is not needed." 747 msgstr " "752 msgstr "Ovakve boce se koriste za razliÄite svrhe. U veÄini laboratorija one su najÄeÅ¡Äe napunjene destiliranom vodom i sluÅŸe za ispiranje ili za dodavanje vode. Lako se koriste kada nije potrebno precizno mjeriti koliÄinu tekuÄina." 748 753 749 754 #. +> trunk stable 750 755 #: data/tools.xml:72 751 756 msgid "Rotary Evaporator" 752 msgstr " "757 msgstr "Rotacijski isparivaÄ" 753 758 754 759 #. +> trunk stable 755 760 #: data/tools.xml:73 756 761 msgid "A rotary evaporator consists of a round flask in a bath of hot water, and is designed to evaporate solvents. The flask is rotated and the solvent collects under a vacuum onto a condenser and drips into a condensate collecting flask. In this way solutions can be concentrated or purified. By attaching a vacuum pump, the air pressure and therefore the boiling point of the fluid can be decreased." 757 msgstr " "762 msgstr "Rotacijski isparivaÄ sastoji se od okrugle posude u vodenoj kupelji i dizajniran je za isparavanje otapala. Posuda kruÅŸi a otapalo se skuplja pod vakuumom u hladilu i kapa u posudu za skupljanje kondenzata. Ovako se otopine mogu koncentrirati ili proÄistiti. Dodavanjem vakuumske crpke smanjuje se tlak zraka, a posljediÄno i vreliÅ¡te tekuÄine." 758 763 759 764 #. +> trunk stable 760 765 #: data/tools.xml:77 761 766 msgid "Reflux Condenser" 762 msgstr " "767 msgstr "Povratno hladilo" 763 768 764 769 #. +> trunk stable 765 770 #: data/tools.xml:78 766 771 msgid "A reflux condenser subjects fluid to a process where a gas produced by heating is collected on the reflux condenser. The fluid is cooled until it condenses and runs back into the original fluid. Usually it is put on a round-bottomed flask or several neck flasks." 767 msgstr " "772 msgstr "Povratno hladilo dovodi tekuÄinu u proces gdje se plin dobiven zagrijavanjem skuplja u povratnom hladilu. TekuÄina se hladi dokle god se kondenzira i vraÄa se u izvornu tekuÄinu. NajÄeÅ¡Äe se stavlja na tikvice s okruglim dnom ili na tikvice s viÅ¡e vratova." 768 773 769 774 #. +> trunk stable 770 775 #: data/tools.xml:82 771 776 msgid "Pipette Bulb" 772 msgstr " "777 msgstr "Propipeta" 773 778 774 779 #. +> trunk stable 775 780 #: data/tools.xml:83 776 781 msgid "A pipette bulb is used to fill pipettes. Squeezing then releasing the bulb produces a negative pressure, causing fluid to flow into the pipette; squeezing the bulb then causes the fluid to flow out of the pipette." 777 msgstr " "782 msgstr "Propipeta je gumeni nastavak koji se stavlja na pipete i sluÅŸi za punjenje pipeta. Stiskanje, a zatim Å¡irenje gumenog balona stvara se negativan tlak pomoÄu kojeg tekuÄina ulazi u pipetu. UvlaÄenje, odnosno ispuÅ¡tanje tekuÄine iz pipete regulira stiskanjem ventilima pri dnu propipete." 778 783 779 784 #. +> trunk stable 780 785 #: data/tools.xml:87 781 786 msgid "Test Tube" 782 msgstr " "787 msgstr "Epruveta" 783 788 784 789 #. +> trunk stable 785 790 #: data/tools.xml:88 786 791 msgid "In a test tube small reactions or experiments are performed. There are many different types of tubes. For example some have connectors, some are etched for measurements, some are hardened for durability." 787 msgstr " "792 msgstr "U epruveti se izvode reakcije ili eksperimenti s malim koliÄinama kemikalija. Postoje razliÄite vrste epruveta. Npr. neke imaju spojeve, neke su graduirane, a neke su kaljene radi veÄe ÄvrstoÄe." 788 793 789 794 #. +> trunk stable 790 795 #: data/tools.xml:92 791 796 msgid "Protective Goggles" 792 msgstr " "797 msgstr "ZaÅ¡titne naoÄale" 793 798 794 799 #. +> trunk stable 795 800 #: data/tools.xml:93 796 801 msgid "Most laboratories insist that protective goggles are worn. Without them, it is too risky to work with most chemicals. Usually, the lens is a special type of plastic that affords protection from both mechanical impacts, and acid and base chemicals." 797 msgstr " "802 msgstr "VeÄina laboratorija zahtjeva noÅ¡enje zaÅ¡titnih naoÄala. Bez njih, preriskantno je raditi s veÄinom kemikalija. UobiÄajeno su izraÄene od posebne vrste plastike koja osigurava zaÅ¡titu i od udaraca i od djelovanja kiselina i luÅŸina." 798 803 799 804 #. +> trunk stable 800 805 #: data/tools.xml:97 801 806 msgid "Round-Bottomed Flask" 802 msgstr " "807 msgstr "Tikvica s okruglim dnom" 803 808 804 809 #. +> trunk stable 805 810 #: data/tools.xml:98 806 811 msgid "A round-bottomed flask is used for many reactions. Some can be connected to other items, as the frosting on the neck shows. With cork rings they can be placed on a table." 807 msgstr " "812 msgstr "Tikvice s okruglim dnom koriste se za mnoge reakcije. Neke se mogu spajati s drugim elementima, kao Å¡to pokazuje ubruÅ¡eni vrat. Stavljanjem na plutene prstenove mogu stajati uspravno na ravnim povrÅ¡inama." 808 813 809 814 #. +> trunk stable 810 815 #: data/tools.xml:102 811 816 msgid "Full Pipette" 812 msgstr " "817 msgstr "TrbuÅ¡asta pipeta" 813 818 814 819 #. +> trunk stable 815 820 #: data/tools.xml:103 816 821 msgid "Unlike a regular pipette, a full pipette only has one marking for a specific volume." 817 msgstr " "822 msgstr "Za razliku od uobiÄajenih graduiranih pipeta, trbuÅ¡asta pipeta ima oznaku za toÄno odreÄeni volumen." 818 823 819 824 #. +> trunk stable 820 825 #: data/tools.xml:107 821 826 msgid "Drying Tube" 822 msgstr " "827 msgstr "Cijev za suÅ¡enje" 823 828 824 829 #. +> trunk stable 825 830 #: data/tools.xml:108 826 831 msgid "Some reactions need to be kept free of water: to make this possible a drying tube can be used. Drying tubes contains a hygroscopic chemical to absorb water from the atmosphere." 827 msgstr " "832 msgstr "Cijev za suÅ¡enje se koristi kod kemijskih reakcija kod kojih ne smije biti prisustva vode/vlage. Takve cijevi sadrÅŸe higroskopnu tvar koja veÅŸe vlagu iz atmosfere." 828 833 829 834 #. +> trunk stable 830 835 #: data/tools.xml:112 831 836 msgid "Test Tube Holder" 832 msgstr " "837 msgstr "Hvataljka za epruvete" 833 838 834 839 #. +> trunk stable 835 840 #: data/tools.xml:113 836 841 msgid "Test tube holders make it easier to hold test tubes. By using a holder, there is a safe distance between ones hand and the test tube when the tube is hot. Typically, test tube holders are used to hold test tubes over open flames." 837 msgstr " "842 msgstr "Hvataljke olakÅ¡avaju drÅŸanje epruvete. KoriÅ¡tenjem hvataljke, naroÄito kad se sadrÅŸaj epruvete zagrijava, osigurava se sigurni razmak ruke od epruvete. NaroÄito se koriste kada se sadrÅŸaj epruvete zagrijava otvorenim plamenom. NajÄeÅ¡Äe su izraÄene od drveta, a mogu biti i od metala." 838 843 839 844 #. +> trunk stable 840 845 #: data/tools.xml:117 841 846 msgid "Measuring Cylinder" 842 msgstr " "847 msgstr "Menzura" 843 848 844 849 #. +> trunk stable 845 850 #: data/tools.xml:118 846 851 msgid "A measuring cylinder can be used to measure amounts of liquids relatively precisely. Furthermore, the cylinder allows particulate matter to sink: following this, the particulates can be separated from the fluid by decanting." 847 msgstr " "852 msgstr "Menzura sluÅŸi za mjerenje volumena tekuÄina relativno precizno. Nadalje, u menzuri mogu se Äestice tvari istaloÅŸiti, a zatim odvojiti od tekuÄine dekantiranjem." 848 853 849 854 #. +> trunk stable 850 855 #: data/tools.xml:122 851 856 msgid "Thermometer" 852 msgstr " "857 msgstr "Termometar" 853 858 854 859 #. +> trunk stable 855 860 #: data/tools.xml:123 856 861 msgid "A thermometer can be used to determine the temperature of a sample. In a laboratory, special thermometers are used which can also be used within acids or bases." 857 msgstr " "862 msgstr "Termometar sluÅŸi za mjerenje temperature uzorka.U laboratoriju postoje posebni termometri koji se mogu koristiti u kiselinama i luÅŸinama." 858 863 859 864 #. +> trunk stable 860 865 #: data/tools.xml:127 861 #, fuzzy862 866 #| msgid "Melting Point: %1" 863 867 msgid "Magnetic Stir Bar" 864 msgstr " TaliÅ¡te: %1"868 msgstr "Magnetni Å¡tapiÄ" 865 869 866 870 #. +> trunk stable 867 871 #: data/tools.xml:128 868 872 msgid "Magnetic stir bars are highly chemically inert, small magnetic bars. Most heaters have a built-in magnet which can rotate: this causes the stir bar to rotate and the mixture to become homogenized." 869 msgstr " "873 msgstr "Magnetni Å¡tapiÄ je izrazito kemijski inertan. VeÄina grijalica ima ugraÄeni rotirajuÄi magnet, koji okreÄe Å¡tapiÄ i tako mijeÅ¡a tekuÄinu." 870 874 871 875 #. +> trunk stable 872 876 #: data/tools.xml:132 873 877 msgid "Magnetic Stir Bar Retriever" 874 msgstr " "878 msgstr "HvataÄ magnetnog stapiÄa" 875 879 876 880 #. +> trunk stable 877 881 #: data/tools.xml:133 878 882 msgid "A magnetic stir bar retriever can be used to retrieve magnetic stir bars from containers. The retriever is a bar with a magnet at the end which attracts the stir bars." 879 msgstr " "883 msgstr "HvataÄ magnetnog Å¡tapiÄa sluÅŸi za hvatanje i vaÄenje magnetnog Å¡tapiÄa iz posude. HvataÄ je Å¡tap koji na vrhu ima magnet kako bi privukao magnetni Å¡tapiÄ." 880 884 881 885 #. +> trunk stable 882 886 #: data/tools.xml:137 883 887 msgid "Pipette" 884 msgstr " "888 msgstr "Pipeta" 885 889 886 890 #. +> trunk stable 887 891 #: data/tools.xml:138 888 892 msgid "Pipettes are used to introduce small quantities of liquids in laboratories. A pipette has a volume scale and, as a rule, pipette bulbs are used as droppers for liquids. Both sorts of pipettes are calibrated for fluids with a temperature of 20°C and for time of outflow (signified by \"Ex.\"). If needed, times of outflow are indicated on the pipettes." 889 msgstr " "893 msgstr "Pipete se koriste za mjerenje malih volumena tekuÄina u laboratoriju. Postoje dvije vrste, trbuÅ¡aste koje mjere toÄno odreÄeni volumen i ravne graduirane koje mogu mjeriti razliÄite volumene. Pune se propipetom. Obje vrste pipeta su kalibrirane za tekuÄina na temperaturu od 20 °C i na vrijeme izljeva (oznaÄeno s \"Ex.\"). Ako je potrebno, vrijeme izljeva je oznaÄeno na pipeti." 890 894 891 895 #. +> trunk stable 892 896 #: data/tools.xml:142 893 897 msgid "Erlenmeyer Flask" 894 msgstr " "898 msgstr "Erlenmeyerova tikvica" 895 899 896 900 #. +> trunk stable … … 905 909 "\t\t\tAn Erlenmeyer flask is useful for mixing fluids or accelerating reactions by stirring or shaking, for example. The Erlenmeyer flask is particularly suited for a magnetic stirrer, since it can be placed directly on the stirring platform. A round-bottomed flask, by contrast, must be placed on a cork ring on the stirring platform.\n" 906 910 msgstr "" 911 "Erlenmeyerova tikvica, nazvana prema kemiÄaru Emilu Erlenmeyeru (1825-1909.), za razliku od ÄaÅ¡e ima koniÄnu bazu i cilindriÄan vrat. Postoje razliÄiti tipovi Erlenmeyerovih tikvica koje se koriste u laboratoriju: oblici s uskim i Å¡irokim vratom. Ovisno o primjeni, tikvica moÅŸe imati ubruÅ¡eni vrat za dobro spajanje s drugim posudama\n" 912 "\t\t\t<br>" 913 "\n" 914 "\t\t\tUski vrat smanjuje rizik da tekuÄina izaÄe iz posude, naroÄito za vrijeme vrenja ili tokom reakcija kod kojih dolazi do prskanja sadrÅŸaja.\n" 915 "\t\t\t<br>" 916 "\n" 917 "\t\t\tErlenmeyerova tikvica je korisna za mijeÅ¡anje tekuÄina ili za ubrzavanje reakcija, npr. mijeÅ¡anjem ili treÅ¡njom. Tikvica je naroÄito prikladna za magnetnu mijeÅ¡alicu jer se moÅŸe lako postaviti na platformu mijeÅ¡alice. Tikvice s okruglim dnom moraju se postaviti na plutene pstenove ili se priÄvrstiti klemama za stalak i takve postaviti na platformu mijeÅ¡alice.\n" 907 918 908 919 #. +> trunk stable 909 920 #: data/tools.xml:153 910 921 msgid "Ultrasonic Bath" 911 msgstr " "922 msgstr "UltrazvuÄna kada" 912 923 913 924 #. +> trunk stable 914 925 #: data/tools.xml:154 915 926 msgid "For some chemical reactions it is important that the solvent is gas free. To achieve this the reaction vessel is put for some time into a ultrasonic bath. Due to the high sound frequency, the vapor locks peel away and ascend. This procedure is called out-gassing." 916 msgstr " "927 msgstr "Za neke kemijske reakcije je jako vaÅŸno da otapala ne sadrÅŸe plinove. Kako bismo izveli takvu reakciju, posudu na neko vrijeme stavljamo u takvu kadu. ZahvaljujuÄi visokoj frekvenciji zvuka mjehuriÄi plinova izlaze van. Taj se postupak zove otplinjavanje (out-gassing)." 917 928 918 929 #. +> trunk stable 919 930 #: data/tools.xml:158 920 931 msgid "Scales" 921 msgstr " Skale"932 msgstr "Vage" 922 933 923 934 #. +> trunk stable 924 935 #: data/tools.xml:159 925 936 msgid "In a laboratory, very precise quantities of reagents often have to be weighed out. High precision scales can measure masses down to 1/10000 gram. As such, they stand on granite blocks to avoid vibrations and are protected against changes in airflow by a dome." 926 msgstr " "937 msgstr "U laboratoriju, vrlo precizne koliÄine reagensa Äesto moraju biti izvagane. Vrlo precizne vage mogu mjeriti mase manje od 1/10000 grama. Kao takve, postavljene su na granitne blokove kako bi se izbjegle vibracije i zaÅ¡tiÄene su kuÄiÅ¡tem kako bi se zaÅ¡titile od kretanja zraka." 927 938 928 939 #. +> trunk stable 929 940 #: data/tools.xml:163 930 #, fuzzy931 941 #| msgid "Distillation" 932 942 msgid "Distillation bridge" 933 msgstr " Destilacija"943 msgstr "Liebigovo hladilo" 934 944 935 945 #. +> trunk stable 936 946 #: data/tools.xml:164 937 947 msgid "One means of separating a mixture is to use distillation. In this setting, a distillation bridge acts as a conduit between the two pots. One pot contains the mixture to be separated, and through heating, a gas forms which is lead through the bridge. At the end of the bridge the gas phase is condensed and drips into a round flask. Typically, the bridge is cooled by return flow. Also, there is often a thermometer for controlling the temperature of the distillation bridge." 938 msgstr " "948 msgstr "Jedan naÄin odjeljivanja sastojaka iz smjese je destilacija. Za tu svrhu, hladilo sluÅŸi kao spojna cijev izmeÄu dviju posuda. Jedna posuda sadrÅŸi smjesu Äije sastojke ÅŸelimo odijeliti, a zagrijavanjem plinoviti sastojak se odvodi u hladilo. Na kraju hladila plinovita faza kondenzira i kapa u tikvicu. Hladilo se hladi obrnutim tokom. Isto tako, Äesto se koristi termometar za kontroliranje temperature plinovite faze na ulasku u hladilo." 939 949 940 950 #. +> trunk stable … … 946 956 #: data/tools.xml:170 947 957 msgid "A syringe consists of two parts, a glass tube and a plunger, both normally made of glass. Gasses flow into the glass tube, and as the syringe is a closed system, the plunger moves outwards. This can be used to measure the volume of a reaction." 948 msgstr " "958 msgstr "Å prica se sastoji od dva dijela, od cilindra i klipa. Oba dijela su najÄeÅ¡Äe od stakla. Å irenje plina u cilindru, kako je Å¡prica zatvoreni sustav, uzrokuje pomicanje klipa prema van. To se moÅŸe iskoristiti za mjerenje volumena reakcije." 949 959 950 960 #. +> trunk stable 951 961 #: data/tools.xml:174 952 962 msgid "Separation Beaker" 953 msgstr " "963 msgstr "ÄaÅ¡a za odjeljivanje" 954 964 955 965 #. +> trunk stable 956 966 #: data/tools.xml:175 957 967 msgid "First, four small caps are placed at the four ends of the separation beaker. Then, whilst distilling, the beaker is turned by 60 degrees after a certain temperate has been reached. In doing so, at the end of the distillation, all four caps contain a specific liquid, depending on the boiling point of the liquid distilled." 958 msgstr " "968 msgstr "Prvo, Äetiri male posudice su smjeÅ¡tene na Äetiri kraja ÄaÅ¡e za odjeljivanje. Zatim, tokom destilacije, ÄaÅ¡a se okreÄe za 60 stupnjeva kada se postigne odreÄena temperatura. Isto tako, na kraju destilacije, sve Äetiri posudice sadrÅŸe drugu tekuÄinu ovisno o vreliÅ¡tu sastojka tekuÄe smjese." 959 969 960 970 #. +> trunk stable … … 966 976 #: data/tools.xml:180 967 977 msgid "There are several types of burners; this picture shows a Teclu-Burner. Each type of burner has specific uses, and they vary in peak temperature and overall heating capacity." 968 msgstr " "978 msgstr "Postoji nekoliko tipova plamenika. na slici je prikazan Tecluov plamenik. Svaki tip plamenika ima posebnu svrhu i variraju prema najviÅ¡oj temperaturi koju mogu postiÄi i prema kapacitetu zagrijavanja." 969 979 970 980 #. +> trunk stable 971 981 #: data/tools.xml:184 972 #, fuzzy973 982 msgid "Extractor Hood" 974 msgstr " Ekstrakcija"983 msgstr "Digestor" 975 984 976 985 #. +> trunk stable 977 986 #: data/tools.xml:185 978 987 msgid "Extractor hoods are used to filter out gasses from chemical reactions. The air, once cleaned, is pumped outside of the building." 979 msgstr " "988 msgstr "Digestori sluÅŸe za uklanjanje plinova koji nastaju kemijskim reakcijama. Plinovi se izvlaÄe iz digestora ventilatorima i cijevima i odvode izvan zgrade." 980 989 981 990 #. +> trunk stable 982 991 #: data/tools.xml:189 983 992 msgid "Contact Thermometer" 984 msgstr " "993 msgstr "Kontaktni termometar" 985 994 986 995 #. +> trunk stable 987 996 #: data/tools.xml:190 988 997 msgid "Contact thermometers differ from regular thermometers in that they are connected to a heating coil, and are hence able to both sense and control the current temperature. In doing so, they allow experiments to be performed under a constant temperature. Contact thermometers work using a negative feedback loop: once the desired temperature has been reached, the heating coil is deactivated; when the temperature falls, the heating coil is reactivated." 989 msgstr " "998 msgstr "Kontaktni termometar za razliku od obiÄnog termometra je povezan na grijaÄu zavojnicu, a ima moguÄnost kontrole trenutne temperature. Tako omoguÄava da se pokusi izvode na konstantnoj temperaturi. Rade koristeÄi negativnu povratnu petlju: jednom kad se postigne ÅŸeljena temperatura, grijaÄa zavojnica se deaktivira, a kada temperatura padne, grijaÄa zavojnica se reaktivira." 990 999 991 1000 #. +> trunk stable 992 1001 #: data/tools.xml:194 993 1002 msgid "Clamps" 994 msgstr " "1003 msgstr "Stezaljke" 995 1004 996 1005 #. +> trunk stable 997 1006 #: data/tools.xml:195 998 1007 msgid "Laboratory clamps make it easier to hold many kinds of tools." 999 msgstr " "1008 msgstr "Laboratorijske kleme olakÅ¡avaju drÅŸanje raznih vrsta alata, posuda i pomaÅŸu kod konstruiranja aparatura." 1000 1009 1001 1010 #. +> trunk stable 1002 1011 #: data/tools.xml:199 1003 1012 msgid "Indicator Paper" 1004 msgstr " "1013 msgstr "Indikatorski papir" 1005 1014 1006 1015 #. +> trunk stable 1007 1016 #: data/tools.xml:200 1008 1017 msgid "There are multiple ways of measuring the pH value of a solution, one of which is to use indicator paper. Indicator paper changes color depending on the pH of the solution applied to it, and by comparing to a chart a fairly accurate measure of the solution's pH can be obtained. If a more accurate measure is needed, a glass electrode can be used, which works by measuring the conductivity of the solution." 1009 msgstr " "1018 msgstr "Ima mnogo naÄina kako izmjeriti pH-vrijednost otopine. Jedan od njih je koristeÄi indikatorski papir. S obzirom na vrstu, postoje crveni lakmus papir (za luÅŸine, poplavi), plavi lakmus papir (za kiseline, pocrveni), univerzalni indikatorski papir za razliÄita pH-podruÄja (na slici mjeri od 1 do 14). Indikatorski papir mijenja boju ovisno o pH otopine, a usporedbom s ljestvicom boja moÅŸe se pribliÅŸno odrediti pH otopine. Za toÄnija mjerenja koristi se pH-metar sa staklenom elektrodom, koji zapravo mjeri provodnost otopine." 1010 1019 1011 1020 #. +> trunk stable 1012 1021 #: data/tools.xml:204 1013 1022 msgid "Short-Stem Funnel" 1014 msgstr " "1023 msgstr "Kratkocjevi lijevak" 1015 1024 1016 1025 #. +> trunk stable 1017 1026 #: data/tools.xml:205 1018 1027 msgid "A funnel can be used to fill a narrow-necked vessel with a liquid or fine powder." 1019 msgstr " "1028 msgstr "Lijevak se moÅŸe koristiti za punjenje posuda uskog grla s tekuÄinom ili finim prahom." 1020 1029 1021 1030 #. +> trunk stable 1022 1031 #: data/tools.xml:209 1023 #, fuzzy1024 1032 #| msgid "Burner" 1025 1033 msgid "Buret" 1026 msgstr " Plamenik"1034 msgstr "Bireta" 1027 1035 1028 1036 #. +> trunk stable 1029 1037 #: data/tools.xml:210 1030 1038 msgid "Burets are used to titrate liquids. A buret is filled with a specific volume of a liquid, and placed beneath it is a container such as an Erlenmeyer flask. By opening the valve on the buret, the liquid in the container will then be titrated. High-quality burets have a venting mechanism with which they can be very easily refilled with the exact volume for which the buret is calibrated." 1031 msgstr " "1039 msgstr "Birete sluÅŸe za titriranje tekuÄina. Pune se odreÄenim volumenom tekuÄine, a ispod nje se stavlja posuda kao Erlenmeyerova tikvica. Otvaranjem pipca na dnu birete, tekuÄina curi iz birete u posudu, tj. titrira se.Visokokvalitetne birete imaju poseban sustav nadopunjavanja na volumen na koji je bireta kalibrirana." 1032 1040 1033 1041 #. +> trunk stable 1034 1042 #: data/tools.xml:214 1035 1043 msgid "Beaker" 1036 msgstr " Epruveta"1044 msgstr "ÄaÅ¡a" 1037 1045 1038 1046 #. +> trunk stable 1039 1047 #: data/tools.xml:215 1040 1048 msgid "Beakers can be used for many tasks. For instance, they are used to store chemicals and to perform chemical reactions. They are often also used for titrations." 1041 msgstr " "1049 msgstr "ÄaÅ¡e se mogu koristiti za razliÄite stvari. Na primjer, mogu se koristiti za drÅŸanje kemikalija i za izvoÄenje komijeskih reakcija. Äesto se koriste za titracije." 1042 1050 1043 1051 #. +> trunk stable 1044 1052 #: data/tools.xml:219 1045 1053 msgid "DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter)" 1046 msgstr " "1054 msgstr "DSC (diferencijalni skenirajuÄi kolorimetar)" 1047 1055 1048 1056 #. +> trunk stable 1049 1057 #: data/tools.xml:220 1050 1058 msgid "A DSC measures the heat flow volume of a compound. This value is very specific for every kind of matter, and thus a DSC can be used to identify chemicals or to describe them." 1051 msgstr " "1059 msgstr "DSC mjeri koliÄinu toplinskog toka tvari. Ta vrijednost je jako specifiÄna za svaku vrstu tvari, pa se DSC moÅŸe koristiti za identifikaciju ili opis kemikalija." 1052 1060 1053 1061 #. +> trunk stable 1054 1062 #: data/tools.xml:224 1055 1063 msgid "Dewar Vessel" 1056 msgstr " "1064 msgstr "Dewarova posuda" 1057 1065 1058 1066 #. +> trunk stable 1059 1067 #: data/tools.xml:225 1060 1068 msgid "A Dewar vessel (or Dewar flask), named after the physicist Sir James Dewar (1842-1923), is a double-walled vacuum flask, designed to provide good thermal insulation. As such, they are useful for keeping liquids cool or warm. One well-known example of a Dewar vessel is a Thermos flask." 1061 msgstr " "1069 msgstr "Dewarova posuda (ili Dewarova tikvica), nazvana prema fiziÄaru Sir Jamesu Dewaru (1842-1923.), je tikvica s dvostrukim stijenakama izmeÄu kojih je vakuum. Dizajnirana je da osigura dobru toplinsku izolaciju. Kao takva, omoguÄava odrÅŸavanje tekuÄina hladnima ili toplima. Jako poznat primjer Dewarove posude je termos-boca." 1062 1070 1063 1071 #. +> trunk stable
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