Jun 10, 2010, 3:05:57 AM (15 years ago)

SF-KDE: Ažuriranje datoteka bazirano na zadnjim template datotekama + padeži.

1 edited


  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdesdk/kate.po

    r377 r378  
    77"Project-Id-Version: kate 0\n"
    88"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.kde.org\n"
    9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-08 11:21+0200\n"
     9"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-06-09 09:45+0200\n"
    1010"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-15 15:31+0100\n"
    1111"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <adundovi@gmail.com>\n"
    189189"<p>Writes the current document(s) to disk. It can be called in two ways:<br />"
    190190" <tt>w</tt> &mdash; writes the current document to disk<br />"
    191 " <tt>wa</tt> &mdash; writes all document to disk.</p>"
     191" <tt>wa</tt> &mdash; writes all documents to disk.</p>"
    192192"<p>If no file name is associated with the document, a file dialog will be shown.</p>"
    193193msgstr ""
    200200"<p>Quits the application. If <tt>w</tt> is prepended, it also writes the document(s) to disk. This command can be called in several ways:<br />"
    201201" <tt>q</tt> &mdash; closes the current view.<br />"
    202 " <tt>qa</tt> &mdash; closes all view, effectively quitting the application.<br />"
     202" <tt>qa</tt> &mdash; closes all views, effectively quitting the application.<br />"
    203203" <tt>wq</tt> &mdash; writes the current document to disk and closes its view.<br />"
    204204" <tt>wqa</tt> &mdash; writes all documents to disk and quits.</p>"
    213213"<p>Saves document(s) and quits (e<b>x</b>its). This command can be called in two ways:<br />"
    214214" <tt>x</tt> &mdash; closes the current view.<br />"
    215 " <tt>xa</tt> &mdash; closes all view, effectively quitting the application.</p>"
     215" <tt>xa</tt> &mdash; closes all views, effectively quitting the application.</p>"
    216216"<p>In all cases, if the view being closed is the last view, the application quits. If no file name is associated with the document and it should be written to disk, a file dialog will be shown.</p>"
    217217"<p>Unlike the 'w' commands, this command only writes the document if it is modified.</p>"
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