Changeset 349 for kde-croatia
- Timestamp:
- May 30, 2010, 6:07:31 PM (15 years ago)
- Location:
- kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase
- Files:
- 12 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r346 r349 12 12 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 13 13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-29 10:42+0200\n" 14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 4-10 22:47+0200\n"15 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"16 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 18:06+0200\n" 15 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 16 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 17 17 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 18 18 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 572 572 #. +> trunk 573 573 #: apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/chrome50oncurrent.desktop:2 574 #, fuzzy575 574 #| msgctxt "Name" 576 575 #| msgid "UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)" 577 576 msgctxt "Name" 578 577 msgid "UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)" 579 msgstr "UADescription (Google Chrome 1.0 on Windows XP)"578 msgstr "UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)" 580 579 581 580 #. +> trunk stable … … 593 592 #. +> trunk 594 593 #: apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop:2 595 #, fuzzy596 594 #| msgctxt "Name" 597 595 #| msgid "UADescription (Firefox 3.0 on current)" 598 596 msgctxt "Name" 599 597 msgid "UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)" 600 msgstr "UADescription (Firefox 3. 0 na trenutnom)"598 msgstr "UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)" 601 599 602 600 #. +> trunk stable … … 1458 1456 #. +> trunk 1459 1457 #: runtime/attica/kcm/kcm_attica.desktop:12 1460 #, fuzzy1461 1458 msgctxt "Name" 1462 1459 msgid "Social Desktop" 1463 msgstr " PrikaÅŸi radnu povrÅ¡inu"1460 msgstr "DruÅ¡tvena radna povrÅ¡ina" 1464 1461 1465 1462 #. +> stable … … 2132 2129 msgctxt "Name" 2133 2130 msgid "Images (GIF, PNG, BMP, ...)" 2134 msgstr " "2131 msgstr "Slike (GIF, PNG, BMP, ...)" 2135 2132 2136 2133 #. +> stable … … 2563 2560 #. +> trunk 2564 2561 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/7digital.desktop:25 2565 #, fuzzy2566 2562 #| msgctxt "Query" 2567 2563 #| msgid "\\\\{@}&submit=Search" 2568 2564 msgctxt "Query" 2569 2565 msgid "\\\\{@}&searchtype=global&submit=Search" 2570 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}&submit=Search"2566 msgstr "\\\\{@}&searchtype=global&submit=Search" 2571 2567 2572 2568 #. +> trunk stable … … 2607 2603 msgctxt "Query" 2608 2604 msgid "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0" 2609 msgstr " "2605 msgstr "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0" 2610 2606 2611 2607 #. +> trunk … … 2622 2618 msgctxt "Query" 2623 2619 msgid "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0" 2624 msgstr " "2620 msgstr "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0" 2625 2621 2626 2622 #. +> trunk stable … … 2676 2672 msgctxt "Name" 2677 2673 msgid "" 2678 msgstr " "2674 msgstr "" 2679 2675 2680 2676 #. +> trunk 2681 2677 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/blip.desktop:26 2682 #, fuzzy2683 2678 #| msgctxt "Query" 2684 2679 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 2685 2680 msgctxt "Query" 2686 2681 msgid "\\\\{@}" 2687 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"2682 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 2688 2683 2689 2684 #. +> trunk stable … … 2885 2880 msgctxt "Name" 2886 2881 msgid "Duck Duck Go" 2887 msgstr " "2882 msgstr "Duck Duck Go" 2888 2883 2889 2884 #. +> trunk 2890 2885 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/duckduckgo.desktop:25 2891 #, fuzzy2892 2886 #| msgctxt "Query" 2893 2887 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 2894 2888 msgctxt "Query" 2895 2889 msgid "\\\\{@}&v=" 2896 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"2890 msgstr "\\\\{@}&v=" 2897 2891 2898 2892 #. +> trunk … … 2905 2899 #. +> trunk 2906 2900 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/duckduckgo_info.desktop:25 2907 #, fuzzy2908 2901 #| msgctxt "Query" 2909 2902 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 2910 2903 msgctxt "Query" 2911 2904 msgid "\\\\{@}&v=r" 2912 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"2905 msgstr "\\\\{@}&v=r" 2913 2906 2914 2907 #. +> trunk … … 2916 2909 msgctxt "Name" 2917 2910 msgid "Duck Duck Go Shopping" 2918 msgstr " "2911 msgstr "Duck Duck Go Shopping" 2919 2912 2920 2913 #. +> trunk 2921 2914 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/duckduckgo_shopping.desktop:25 2922 #, fuzzy2923 2915 #| msgctxt "Query" 2924 2916 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 2925 2917 msgctxt "Query" 2926 2918 msgid "\\\\{@}&v=s" 2927 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"2919 msgstr "\\\\{@}&v=s" 2928 2920 2929 2921 #. +> trunk … … 3014 3006 #. +> trunk 3015 3007 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/facebook.desktop:26 3016 #, fuzzy3017 3008 #| msgctxt "Query" 3018 3009 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3019 3010 msgctxt "Query" 3020 3011 msgid "\\\\{@}&init=quick" 3021 msgstr "http://www.\\\\{@}"3012 msgstr "\\\\{@}&init=quick" 3022 3013 3023 3014 #. +> trunk stable … … 3042 3033 #. +> trunk 3043 3034 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/flickr.desktop:27 3044 #, fuzzy3045 3035 #| msgctxt "Query" 3046 3036 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3047 3037 msgctxt "Query" 3048 3038 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3049 msgstr "http://www.\\\\{@}"3039 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3050 3040 3051 3041 #. +> trunk … … 3058 3048 #. +> trunk 3059 3049 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/flickrcc.desktop:24 3060 #, fuzzy3061 3050 #| msgctxt "Query" 3062 3051 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3063 3052 msgctxt "Query" 3064 3053 msgid "\\\\{@}&l=cc&ct=0&mt=all&adv=1" 3065 msgstr "http://www.\\\\{@}"3054 msgstr "\\\\{@}&l=cc&ct=0&mt=all&adv=1" 3066 3055 3067 3056 #. +> trunk stable … … 3147 3136 msgctxt "Name" 3148 3137 msgid "GitHub" 3149 msgstr " "3138 msgstr "GitHub" 3150 3139 3151 3140 #. +> trunk 3152 3141 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/github.desktop:27 3153 #, fuzzy3154 3142 #| msgctxt "Query" 3155 3143 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3156 3144 msgctxt "Query" 3157 3145 msgid "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0" 3158 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"3146 msgstr "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0" 3159 3147 3160 3148 #. +> trunk 3161 3149 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/gitorious.desktop:5 3162 #, fuzzy3163 3150 #| msgctxt "Name" 3164 3151 #| msgid "Editors" 3165 3152 msgctxt "Name" 3166 3153 msgid "Gitorious" 3167 msgstr " UreÄivaÄi"3154 msgstr "Gitorious" 3168 3155 3169 3156 #. +> trunk 3170 3157 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/gitorious.desktop:26 3171 #, fuzzy3172 3158 #| msgctxt "Query" 3173 3159 #| msgid "\\\\{@}&meta=normal" 3174 3160 msgctxt "Query" 3175 3161 msgid "\\\\{@}&commit=Search" 3176 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}&meta=normal"3162 msgstr "\\\\{@}&commit=Search" 3177 3163 3178 3164 #. +> trunk stable … … 3211 3197 #. +> trunk 3212 3198 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/google_code.desktop:25 3213 #, fuzzy3214 3199 #| msgctxt "Query" 3215 3200 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3216 3201 msgctxt "Query" 3217 3202 msgid "\\\\{%2520}" 3218 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"3203 msgstr "\\\\{%2520}" 3219 3204 3220 3205 #. +> trunk stable … … 3359 3344 #. +> trunk 3360 3345 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/identica_groups.desktop:25 3361 #, fuzzy3362 3346 #| msgctxt "Query" 3363 3347 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3364 3348 msgctxt "Query" 3365 3349 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3366 msgstr "http://i\\\\{@}"3350 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3367 3351 3368 3352 #. +> trunk … … 3375 3359 #. +> trunk 3376 3360 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/identica_notices.desktop:24 3377 #, fuzzy3378 3361 #| msgctxt "Query" 3379 3362 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3380 3363 msgctxt "Query" 3381 3364 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3382 msgstr "http://i\\\\{@}"3365 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3383 3366 3384 3367 #. +> trunk … … 3391 3374 #. +> trunk 3392 3375 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/identica_people.desktop:24 3393 #, fuzzy3394 3376 #| msgctxt "Query" 3395 3377 #| msgid "\\\\{@}&meta=normal" 3396 3378 msgctxt "Query" 3397 3379 msgid "\\\\{@}&search=Search" 3398 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}&meta=normal"3380 msgstr "\\\\{@}&search=Search" 3399 3381 3400 3382 #. +> trunk stable … … 3433 3415 #. +> trunk 3434 3416 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/jamendo.desktop:26 3435 #, fuzzy3436 3417 #| msgctxt "Query" 3437 3418 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3438 3419 msgctxt "Query" 3439 3420 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3440 msgstr "http://www.\\\\{@}"3421 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3441 3422 3442 3423 #. +> trunk stable … … 3499 3480 msgctxt "Query" 3500 3481 msgid "\\\\{@}&terms=all&author=&tags=&sv=0&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&feed_type=NONE&feed_style=HTML&countlimit=100&t=0&sid=77c16bc0abb91ff1347597c69835d5bd&submit=Search" 3501 msgstr " "3482 msgstr "\\\\{@}&terms=all&author=&tags=&sv=0&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&feed_type=NONE&feed_style=HTML&countlimit=100&t=0&sid=77c16bc0abb91ff1347597c69835d5bd&submit=Search" 3502 3483 3503 3484 #. +> trunk … … 3510 3491 #. +> trunk 3511 3492 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde_look.desktop:26 3512 #, fuzzy3513 3493 #| msgctxt "Query" 3514 3494 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3515 3495 msgctxt "Query" 3516 3496 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3517 msgstr "http://www.kde-\\\\{@}"3497 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3518 3498 3519 3499 #. +> trunk 3520 3500 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde_techbase.desktop:5 3521 #, fuzzy3522 3501 msgctxt "Name" 3523 3502 msgid "KDE TechBase" 3524 msgstr " TechBase"3503 msgstr "KDE TechBase" 3525 3504 3526 3505 #. +> trunk 3527 3506 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde_techbase.desktop:24 3528 #, fuzzy3529 3507 #| msgctxt "Query" 3530 3508 #| msgid "\\\\{@}&go=Go" 3531 3509 msgctxt "Query" 3532 3510 msgid "\\\\{@}&fulltext=Search" 3533 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}&go=Go"3511 msgstr "\\\\{@}&fulltext=Search" 3534 3512 3535 3513 #. +> trunk … … 3542 3520 #. +> trunk 3543 3521 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/kde_userbase.desktop:24 3544 #, fuzzy3545 3522 #| msgctxt "Query" 3546 3523 #| msgid "\\\\{@}&go=Go" 3547 3524 msgctxt "Query" 3548 3525 msgid "\\\\{@}&fulltext=Search" 3549 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}&go=Go"3526 msgstr "\\\\{@}&fulltext=Search" 3550 3527 3551 3528 #. +> trunk stable … … 3582 3559 #. +> trunk 3583 3560 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/magnatune.desktop:26 3584 #, fuzzy3585 3561 #| msgctxt "Query" 3586 3562 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3587 3563 msgctxt "Query" 3588 3564 msgid "\\\\{@}&t=m&x=0&y=0" 3589 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"3565 msgstr "\\\\{@}&t=m&x=0&y=0" 3590 3566 3591 3567 #. +> trunk stable … … 3730 3706 #. +> trunk 3731 3707 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/opendesktop.desktop:24 3732 #, fuzzy3733 3708 #| msgctxt "Query" 3734 3709 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3735 3710 msgctxt "Query" 3736 3711 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3737 msgstr "http://www.\\\\{@}"3712 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3738 3713 3739 3714 #. +> trunk stable … … 3907 3882 #. +> trunk 3908 3883 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/urbandictionary.desktop:5 3909 #, fuzzy3910 3884 #| msgctxt "Name" 3911 3885 #| msgid "Dictionary" 3912 3886 msgctxt "Name" 3913 3887 msgid "Urban Dictionary" 3914 msgstr " RjeÄnik"3888 msgstr "Urbani rjeÄnik" 3915 3889 3916 3890 #. +> trunk 3917 3891 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/urbandictionary.desktop:25 3918 #, fuzzy3919 3892 #| msgctxt "Query" 3920 3893 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3921 3894 msgctxt "Query" 3922 3895 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3923 msgstr "http://www.\\\\{@}"3896 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3924 3897 3925 3898 #. +> trunk stable … … 3937 3910 #. +> trunk 3938 3911 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/vimeo.desktop:5 3939 #, fuzzy3940 3912 #| msgctxt "Name" 3941 3913 #| msgid "Video" 3942 3914 msgctxt "Name" 3943 3915 msgid "Vimeo" 3944 msgstr "Vi deo"3916 msgstr "Vimeo" 3945 3917 3946 3918 #. +> trunk 3947 3919 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/vimeo.desktop:26 3948 #, fuzzy3949 3920 #| msgctxt "Query" 3950 3921 #| msgid "\\\\{@}" 3951 3922 msgctxt "Query" 3952 3923 msgid "\\\\{@}" 3953 msgstr "http://\\\\{@}"3924 msgstr "\\\\{@}" 3954 3925 3955 3926 #. +> trunk stable … … 3991 3962 #. +> trunk 3992 3963 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wikia.desktop:5 3993 #, fuzzy3994 3964 msgctxt "Name" 3995 3965 msgid "Wikia" 3996 msgstr "Wiki pedija"3966 msgstr "Wikia" 3997 3967 3998 3968 #. +> trunk 3999 3969 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/wikia.desktop:26 4000 #, fuzzy4001 3970 #| msgctxt "Query" 4002 3971 #| msgid "\\\\{@}&submit=Search" 4003 3972 msgctxt "Query" 4004 3973 msgid "\\\\{@}&wikia_search_submit=Search" 4005 msgstr "http://www.\\\\{@}&submit=Search"3974 msgstr "\\\\{@}&wikia_search_submit=Search" 4006 3975 4007 3976 #. +> trunk stable … … 4055 4024 #. +> trunk 4056 4025 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo.desktop:5 4057 #, fuzzy4058 4026 msgctxt "Name" 4059 4027 msgid "Yahoo" … … 4064 4032 msgctxt "Query" 4065 4033 msgid "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0&=Web+Search" 4066 msgstr " "4034 msgstr "\\\\{@}&x=0&y=0&=Web+Search" 4067 4035 4068 4036 #. +> trunk … … 4077 4045 msgctxt "Query" 4078 4046 msgid ";_ylt=A0geuy0K6JZLsVkB4m1XNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-701" 4079 msgstr " "4047 msgstr ";_ylt=A0geuy0K6JZLsVkB4m1XNyoA?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-web&fr=yfp-t-701" 4080 4048 4081 4049 #. +> trunk 4082 4050 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo_local.desktop:5 4083 #, fuzzy4084 4051 msgctxt "Name" 4085 4052 msgid "Yahoo Local" 4086 msgstr "Yahoo Mail"4053 msgstr "Yahoo Local" 4087 4054 4088 4055 #. +> trunk … … 4090 4057 msgctxt "Query" 4091 4058 msgid "\\\\{@}&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701&fr2=tab-img" 4092 msgstr " "4059 msgstr "\\\\{@}&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701&fr2=tab-img" 4093 4060 4094 4061 #. +> trunk … … 4096 4063 msgctxt "Name" 4097 4064 msgid "Yahoo Shopping" 4098 msgstr " "4065 msgstr "Yahoo Shopping" 4099 4066 4100 4067 #. +> trunk … … 4102 4069 msgctxt "Query" 4103 4070 msgid ";_ylt=A0SO8ZgG65ZLyX8AsLX7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpcjIxMDllBHNlYwN0YWJzBHZ0aWQDVjEwOQ--?cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&fr2=tab-video&fr=yfp-t-701" 4104 msgstr " "4071 msgstr ";_ylt=A0SO8ZgG65ZLyX8AsLX7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBpcjIxMDllBHNlYwN0YWJzBHZ0aWQDVjEwOQ--?cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&fr2=tab-video&fr=yfp-t-701" 4105 4072 4106 4073 #. +> trunk 4107 4074 #: runtime/kurifilter-plugins/ikws/searchproviders/yahoo_video.desktop:5 4108 #, fuzzy4109 4075 msgctxt "Name" 4110 4076 msgid "Yahoo Video" 4111 msgstr "Yahoo Mail"4077 msgstr "Yahoo Video" 4112 4078 4113 4079 #. +> trunk … … 4115 4081 msgctxt "Query" 4116 4082 msgid ";_ylt=A0WTb_3a6JZLSHwAK7.JzbkF?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-img&fr=yfp-t-701" 4117 msgstr " "4083 msgstr ";_ylt=A0WTb_3a6JZLSHwAK7.JzbkF?ei=UTF-8&p=\\\\{@}&y=0&fr2=tab-img&fr=yfp-t-701" 4118 4084 4119 4085 #. +> trunk … … 7248 7214 #. +> trunk 7249 7215 #: runtime/nepomuk/services/activities/nepomukactivitiesservice.desktop:7 7250 #, fuzzy7251 7216 msgctxt "Name" 7252 7217 msgid "Nepomuk Activities Service" 7253 msgstr "Uslu fa Nepomuk Strigi"7218 msgstr "Usluga Aktivnosti Nepomuka" 7254 7219 7255 7220 #. +> trunk stable … … 7459 7424 #. +> trunk 7460 7425 #: runtime/phonon/kcm/kcm_phonon.desktop:13 7461 #, fuzzy7462 7426 msgctxt "Name" 7463 7427 msgid "Phonon" 7464 msgstr " TelefonUlaz"7428 msgstr "Phonon" 7465 7429 7466 7430 #. +> trunk stable … … 7706 7670 msgctxt "Comment" 7707 7671 msgid "Warns when running out of space on your home folder" 7708 msgstr " "7672 msgstr "Upozori kada nestaje prostora u mojoj korisniÄkoj mapi" 7709 7673 7710 7674 #. +> trunk … … 7717 7681 #. +> trunk 7718 7682 #: workspace/freespacenotifier/freespacenotifier.notifyrc:22 7719 #, fuzzy7720 7683 msgctxt "Name" 7721 7684 msgid "Low Disk Space" 7722 msgstr " Prostorna disku"7685 msgstr "Malo prostora na disku" 7723 7686 7724 7687 #. +> trunk stable … … 7949 7912 #. +> trunk 7950 7913 #: workspace/kcontrol/desktoptheme/desktoptheme.desktop:12 7951 #, fuzzy7952 7914 msgctxt "Name" 7953 7915 msgid "Desktop Theme" … … 8080 8042 #. +> trunk 8081 8043 #: workspace/kcontrol/kdm/kcmkdm_actions.actions:17 8082 #, fuzzy8083 8044 #| msgctxt "Name" 8084 8045 #| msgid "Save the date/time settings" 8085 8046 msgctxt "Name" 8086 8047 msgid "Save the Login Manager settings" 8087 msgstr "Spremi datumske/vremenske postavke"8048 msgstr "Spremi postavke Upravitelja prijavom" 8088 8049 8089 8050 #. +> trunk … … 8098 8059 msgctxt "Name" 8099 8060 msgid "Manage user images shown in the Login Manager" 8100 msgstr " "8061 msgstr "Uredi korisniÄke slike prikazane u Upravitelju prijavom" 8101 8062 8102 8063 #. +> trunk … … 8104 8065 msgctxt "Description" 8105 8066 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to manage user images for the Login Manager" 8106 msgstr " "8067 msgstr "Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili korisniÄke slike u Upravitelju prijavom" 8107 8068 8108 8069 #. +> trunk … … 8117 8078 msgctxt "Description" 8118 8079 msgid "Administrator authorization is required to manage themes for the Login Manager" 8119 msgstr " "8080 msgstr "Potrebna je administratorska autorizacija kako bi ste uredili teme Upravitelja prijave" 8120 8081 8121 8082 #. +> trunk 8122 8083 #: workspace/kcontrol/kdm/kdm.desktop:16 8123 #, fuzzy8124 8084 msgctxt "Name" 8125 8085 msgid "Login Screen" 8126 msgstr "Za kljuÄaj zaslon"8086 msgstr "Zaslon prijave" 8127 8087 8128 8088 #. +> stable … … 8167 8127 msgctxt "Comment" 8168 8128 msgid "Applet to display and switch layouts" 8169 msgstr " "8129 msgstr "Applet koji prikazuje i mijenja rasporede tipaka tipkovnice" 8170 8130 8171 8131 #. +> trunk stable … … 9057 9017 msgctxt "Comment" 9058 9018 msgid "Input Actions service performing configured actions on key presses" 9059 msgstr " "9019 msgstr "Usluga akcije preÄaca izvrÅ¡ava podeÅ¡ene akcije na pritisak tipke" 9060 9020 9061 9021 #. +> stable … … 9479 9439 #. +> trunk 9480 9440 #: workspace/khotkeys/kcm_hotkeys/khotkeys.desktop:12 9481 #, fuzzy9482 9441 msgctxt "Name" 9483 9442 msgid "Custom Shortcuts" 9484 msgstr "Pr eÄaci"9443 msgstr "PrilagoÄeni preÄaci" 9485 9444 9486 9445 #. +> trunk stable … … 9594 9553 #. +> trunk 9595 9554 #: workspace/kinfocenter/Modules/infosummary/kcm_infosummary.desktop:11 9596 #, fuzzy9597 9555 msgctxt "Name" 9598 9556 msgid "Summary" … … 9950 9908 #. +> trunk 9951 9909 #: workspace/ksmserver/kcm/kcmsmserver.desktop:13 9952 #, fuzzy9953 9910 msgctxt "Name" 9954 9911 msgid "Session Management" … … 10287 10244 msgctxt "Name" 10288 10245 msgid "Aurorae Decoration Theme Engine" 10289 msgstr "Tematski mehanizam za ukrase iz Aurora teme"10246 msgstr "Tematski mehanizam za ukrase Aurorae" 10290 10247 10291 10248 #. +> trunk stable … … 11044 11001 #. +> trunk 11045 11002 #: workspace/kwin/kcmkwin/kwindecoration/kwindecoration.desktop:14 11046 #, fuzzy11047 11003 msgctxt "Name" 11048 11004 msgid "Window Decorations" 11049 msgstr " &Ukrasi prozora"11005 msgstr "Prozorski ukrasi" 11050 11006 11051 11007 #. +> stable … … 11063 11019 #. +> trunk 11064 11020 #: workspace/kwin/kcmkwin/kwindesktop/desktop.desktop:14 11065 #, fuzzy11066 11021 msgctxt "Name" 11067 11022 msgid "Virtual Desktops" … … 11174 11129 #. +> trunk 11175 11130 #: workspace/kwin/kcmkwin/kwintabbox/kwintabbox.desktop:13 11176 #, fuzzy11177 11131 msgctxt "Name" 11178 11132 msgid "Task Switcher" 11179 msgstr " RasporeÄivaÄ zadataka"11133 msgstr "PrebacivaÄ zadataka" 11180 11134 11181 11135 #. +> stable … … 11738 11692 #. +> trunk 11739 11693 #: workspace/kwin/kwin.notifyrc:6923 11740 #, fuzzy11741 11694 msgctxt "Comment" 11742 11695 msgid "Tiling mode has been disabled" 11743 msgstr " Spore tipke su onemoguÄene."11696 msgstr "PoploÄavanje je onemoguÄeno" 11744 11697 11745 11698 #. +> trunk … … 12054 12007 #: workspace/plasma/desktop/shell/data/layouts/org.kde.plasma-desktop.defaultPanel/metadata.desktop:3 12055 12008 #: workspace/plasma/desktop/shell/data/layouts/plasma-layout-org.kde.plasma-desktop.defaultPanel.desktop:3 12056 #, fuzzy12057 12009 msgctxt "Name" 12058 12010 msgid "Default Panel" 12059 msgstr "Zadan a veliÄina"12011 msgstr "Zadani panel" 12060 12012 12061 12013 #. +> trunk stable … … 12960 12912 #. +> trunk 12961 12913 #: workspace/plasma/generic/runners/windowedwidgets/plasma-runner-windowedwidgets.desktop:2 12962 #, fuzzy12963 12914 msgctxt "Name" 12964 12915 msgid "Windowed widgets" 12965 msgstr " Å irina prozora"12916 msgstr "Widgeti u prozorima" 12966 12917 12967 12918 #. +> trunk … … 13329 13280 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultPage/metadata.desktop:3 13330 13281 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/plasma-layout-org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultPage.desktop:3 13331 #, fuzzy13332 13282 msgctxt "Name" 13333 13283 msgid "Page one" … … 13337 13287 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultPage/metadata.desktop:21 13338 13288 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/plasma-layout-org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultPage.desktop:21 13339 #, fuzzy13340 13289 msgctxt "Comment" 13341 13290 msgid "Default Netbook Page" 13342 msgstr "Zadana veliÄina"13291 msgstr "Zadana Netbook stranica" 13343 13292 13344 13293 #. +> trunk 13345 13294 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultPanel/metadata.desktop:3 13346 13295 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/plasma-layout-org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultPanel.desktop:3 13347 #, fuzzy13348 13296 msgctxt "Name" 13349 13297 msgid "Default Netbook Panel" 13350 msgstr "Zadan a veliÄina"13298 msgstr "Zadani Netbook panel" 13351 13299 13352 13300 #. +> trunk 13353 13301 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultSal/metadata.desktop:3 13354 13302 #: workspace/plasma/netbook/shell/data/layouts/plasma-layout-org.kde.plasma-netbook.defaultSal.desktop:3 13355 #, fuzzy13356 13303 msgctxt "Name" 13357 13304 msgid "Search and launch" … … 14129 14076 #. +> trunk 14130 14077 #: workspace/systemsettings/categories/settings-desktop-appearance.desktop:9 14131 #, fuzzy14132 14078 msgctxt "Name" 14133 14079 msgid "Workspace Appearance" 14134 msgstr " Preferirani raspored aplikacija"14080 msgstr "Izgled radnog prostora" 14135 14081 14136 14082 #. +> trunk 14137 14083 #: workspace/systemsettings/categories/settings-display.desktop:8 14138 #, fuzzy14139 14084 msgctxt "Name" 14140 14085 msgid "Display and Monitor" 14141 msgstr " UpravljaÄ zaslona"14086 msgstr "Zaslon i monitor" 14142 14087 14143 14088 #. +> trunk stable … … 14205 14150 #. +> trunk 14206 14151 #: workspace/systemsettings/categories/settings-security.desktop:8 14207 #, fuzzy14208 14152 msgctxt "Name" 14209 14153 msgid "Security" 14210 msgstr " Äistunski"14154 msgstr "Sigurnost" 14211 14155 14212 14156 #. +> trunk stable … … 14241 14185 #. +> trunk 14242 14186 #: workspace/systemsettings/categories/settings-workspace-appearance-and-behavior.desktop:9 14243 #, fuzzy14244 14187 msgctxt "Name" 14245 14188 msgid "Workspace Appearance and Behavior" 14246 msgstr " Preferirani raspored aplikacija"14189 msgstr "Izgled i ponaÅ¡anje radnog prostora" 14247 14190 14248 14191 #. +> trunk stable -
r347 r349 8 8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 9 9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-26 09:25+0200\n" 10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 1 2:03+0200\n"10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:12+0200\n" 11 11 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 12 12 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" … … 153 153 #. +> trunk 154 154 #: DeviceModel.cpp:53 155 #, fuzzy156 155 #| msgid "Automount on attach" 157 156 msgid "Automount on Attach" … … 199 198 msgstr "Odspojeni ureÄaji" 200 199 200 -
r295 r349 12 12 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 13 13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-07 14:42+0200\n" 14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 1-06 02:27+0100\n"14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:43+0200\n" 15 15 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 16 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"16 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 17 17 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 18 18 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 988 988 #. +> trunk 989 989 #: ruleswidgetbase.ui:1685 990 #, fuzzy991 990 msgid "T&iling" 992 msgstr " MoguÄa tuÄa"991 msgstr "&PoploÄavanje" 993 992 994 993 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, tilingoption) 995 994 #. +> trunk 996 995 #: ruleswidgetbase.ui:1718 997 #, fuzzy998 996 msgid "Tiled" 999 997 msgstr "PoploÄeno" … … 1002 1000 #. +> trunk 1003 1001 #: ruleswidgetbase.ui:1723 1004 #, fuzzy1005 1002 msgid "Floating" 1006 msgstr " Plutanje"1003 msgstr "Slobodno" 1007 1004 1008 1005 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, enable_skippager) -
r307 r349 4 4 # Oliver Mucafir <>, 2009. 5 5 # Zarko Pintar <>, 2009. 6 # Andrej Dundovic <>, 2009 .6 # Andrej Dundovic <>, 2009, 2010. 7 7 # Andrej DundoviÄ <>, 2010. 8 8 # Marko Dimjasevic <>, 2010. … … 12 12 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 13 13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-12 09:48+0200\n" 14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 3-02 15:27+0100\n"15 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"16 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"14 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:22+0200\n" 15 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 16 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 17 17 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 18 18 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 562 562 #: localetime.cpp:70 563 563 msgid "SHORTERANAME" 564 msgstr " "564 msgstr "KRATKOIMEERE" 565 565 566 566 #. +> trunk 567 567 #: localetime.cpp:71 568 568 msgid "DAYOFYEAR" 569 msgstr " "569 msgstr "DANGODINE" 570 570 571 571 #. +> trunk … … 579 579 #: localetime.cpp:73 580 580 msgid "DAYOFISOWEEK" 581 msgstr " "581 msgstr "DANISOTJEDNA" 582 582 583 583 #. +> trunk stable … … 588 588 #. +> trunk 589 589 #: localetime.cpp:159 590 #, fuzzy591 590 msgid "Use Common Era" 592 msgstr " UobiÄajeno Ime"591 msgstr "Koristi \"NaÅ¡a era\"" 593 592 594 593 #. +> trunk stable … … 863 862 "</tr>" 864 863 "<tr>" 865 "<td><b>KRATKI 864 "<td><b>KRATKIMJESEC</b></td>" 866 865 "<td>Prva tri slova imena mjeseca. </td>" 867 866 "</tr>" … … 1025 1024 #. +> trunk 1026 1025 #: localetime.cpp:639 1027 #, fuzzy1028 1026 #| msgid "<p>This option determines whether possessive form of month names should be used in dates.</p>" 1029 1027 msgid "<p>This option determines if the Common Era (CE/BCE) should be used instead of the Christian Era (AD/BC).</p>" 1030 msgstr "<p>Ova opcija odreÄuje da li se u datumima koristi duÅŸi oblik imena mjeseca.</p>"1028 msgstr "<p>Ova opcija odreÄuje da li se koristi \"NaÅ¡a era\" (CE/BCE) umjesto \"KrÅ¡Äanska era\" (AD/BC).</p>" 1031 1029 1032 1030 #. +> trunk stable -
r295 r349 3 3 # DoDo <>, 2009. 4 4 # Marko Dimjasevic <>, 2009, 2010. 5 # Andrej Dundovic <>, 2010. 5 6 msgid "" 6 7 msgstr "" … … 8 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 9 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-07 14:43+0200\n" 10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 1-16 22:02+0100\n"11 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"12 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:39+0200\n" 12 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 13 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 13 14 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 14 15 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 48 49 #: main.cpp:235 49 50 msgid "(C) 2000, The KDE Developers" 50 msgstr "© 2000 razvijatelji KDE-a"51 msgstr "© 2000, Razvijatelji KDE-a" 51 52 52 53 #. +> trunk stable … … 86 87 #. +> trunk 87 88 #: server.cpp:1008 88 #, fuzzy89 89 msgid "Log Out" 90 90 msgstr "Odjava" … … 92 92 #. +> trunk 93 93 #: server.cpp:1013 94 #, fuzzy95 94 msgid "Log Out Without Confirmation" 96 95 msgstr "Odjava bez potvrde" … … 98 97 #. +> trunk 99 98 #: server.cpp:1018 100 #, fuzzy101 99 msgid "Halt Without Confirmation" 102 100 msgstr "Zaustavljanje bez potvrde" … … 104 102 #. +> trunk 105 103 #: server.cpp:1023 106 #, fuzzy107 104 msgid "Reboot Without Confirmation" 108 105 msgstr "Ponovno pokreni bez potvrde" … … 148 145 msgctxt "default option in boot loader" 149 146 msgid " (default)" 150 msgstr " ( uobiÄajeno)"147 msgstr " (zadano)" 151 148 152 149 #. +> trunk stable … … 181 178 msgstr[1] "Ponovno pokretanje raÄunala za %1 sekunde." 182 179 msgstr[2] "Ponovno pokretanje raÄunala za %1 sekundi." 180 -
r295 r349 2 2 # 3 3 # Zarko Pintar <>, 2009. 4 # Andrej Dundovic <>, 2010. 4 5 msgid "" 5 6 msgstr "" … … 7 8 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 8 9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-07 14:43+0200\n" 9 "PO-Revision-Date: 20 09-08-20 10:34+0200\n"10 "Last-Translator: Zarko Pintar <>\n"11 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"10 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:30+0200\n" 11 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 12 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 12 13 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 14 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" 14 15 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" 15 16 "Language: hr\n" 16 "X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n"17 "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" 17 18 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" 18 19 "X-Environment: kde\n" … … 22 23 #. +> trunk 23 24 #: kcommondecoration.cpp:291 24 #, fuzzy,kde-format25 #, kde-format 25 26 #| msgid "<center><b>%1 preview</b></center>" 26 27 msgid "<center><b>%1</b></center>" 27 msgstr "<center><b>%1 pregled</b></center>"28 msgstr "<center><b>%1</b></center>" 28 29 29 30 #. +> stable … … 120 121 msgid "The library %1 is not a KWin plugin." 121 122 msgstr "Biblioteka %1 nije KWin prikljuÄak." 123 -
r316 r349 9 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 10 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-20 10:13+0200\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 4-10 22:43+0200\n"12 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"13 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 18:06+0200\n" 12 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 13 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 14 14 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 15 15 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 183 183 #. +> trunk 184 184 #: kcm/nepomukconfigwidget.ui:225 185 #, fuzzy186 185 msgid " MiB" 187 186 msgstr " MiB" -
r346 r349 10 10 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 11 11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-29 10:43+0200\n" 12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 4-10 22:31+0200\n"13 "Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"14 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:16+0200\n" 13 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 14 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 15 15 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 16 16 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 35 35 #. +> trunk 36 36 #: activity.cpp:113 37 #, fuzzy,kde-format37 #, kde-format 38 38 msgctxt "%1 is the name of the activity" 39 39 msgid "Do you really want to remove %1?" 40 msgstr " Zaista ÅŸelite li ukloniti '%1'?"40 msgstr "Åœelite li zaista ukloniti %1?" 41 41 42 42 #. +> trunk 43 43 #: activity.cpp:114 44 #, fuzzy,kde-format44 #, kde-format 45 45 msgctxt "@title:window %1 is the name of the activity" 46 46 msgid "Remove %1" … … 95 95 #. +> trunk 96 96 #: desktopcorona.cpp:543 plasmaapp.cpp:1260 97 #, fuzzy98 97 msgid "unnamed" 99 msgstr "bez imena"98 msgstr "bezimeno" 100 99 101 100 #. +> trunk stable … … 284 283 #. +> trunk 285 284 #: plasmaapp.cpp:768 286 #, fuzzy287 285 msgid "Activities..." 288 msgstr "Aktivnosti "286 msgstr "Aktivnosti..." 289 287 290 288 #. +> trunk 291 289 #: plasmaapp.cpp:1097 292 #, fuzzy,kde-format290 #, kde-format 293 291 msgctxt "%1 is the activity name" 294 292 msgid "copy of %1" 295 msgstr " Posao%1"293 msgstr "kopiranje %1" 296 294 297 295 #. +> trunk stable -
r338 r349 9 9 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 10 10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-27 10:20+0200\n" 11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 4-16 10:37+0200\n"11 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:35+0200\n" 12 12 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 13 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"13 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 14 14 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 15 15 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 58 58 #. +> trunk 59 59 #: deviceitem.cpp:285 60 #, fuzzy61 60 msgid "Click to eject this disc." 62 msgstr "Kliknite kako bi ste izbrisali oznaÄene datoteke"61 msgstr "Kliknite kako bi ste izbacili ovaj disk." 63 62 64 63 #. +> trunk 65 64 #: deviceitem.cpp:287 66 #, fuzzy67 65 #| msgid "Click to safely remove this device from the computer." 68 66 msgid "Click to safely remove this device." 69 msgstr "Kliknite kako bi ste sigurno uklonili ovaj ureÄaj s vaÅ¡eg raÄunala."67 msgstr "Kliknite kako bi ste sigurno uklonili ovaj ureÄaj." 70 68 71 69 #. +> stable … … 77 75 #: deviceitem.cpp:289 78 76 msgid "It is currently <b>not safe</b> to remove this device: applications may be accessing it. Click the eject button to safely remove this device." 79 msgstr " "77 msgstr "Trenutno <b>nije sigurno</b> ukloniti ovaj ureÄaj: moÅŸda mu pristupaju aplikacije. Kliknite na gumb izbaci kako bi ste sigurno uklonili ovaj ureÄaj." 80 78 81 79 #. +> trunk stable … … 86 84 #. +> trunk 87 85 #: deviceitem.cpp:293 88 #, fuzzy89 86 msgid "It is currently safe to remove this device." 90 msgstr " Nemate dopuÅ¡tenja za uklanjanje ove usluge."87 msgstr "Sada je sigurno ukloniti ovaj ureÄaj." 91 88 92 89 #. +> trunk … … 94 91 msgid "It is currently <b>not safe</b> to remove this device: applications may be accessing other volumes on this device. Click the eject button on these other volumes to safely remove this device." 95 92 msgstr "" 93 "Trenutno <b>nije sigurno</b> ukloniti ovaj ureÄaj: aplikacije moÅŸda pristupaju drugim particijama na ovom ureÄaju. Kliknite na gumb izbaci i na drugim particijama kako bi ste sigurno uklonili " 94 "ovaj ureÄaj." 96 95 97 96 #. +> trunk stable … … 104 103 #. +> trunk 105 104 #: deviceitem.cpp:442 106 #, fuzzy107 105 msgctxt "Accessing is a less technical word for Mounting; translation should be short and mean 'Currently mounting this device'" 108 106 msgid "Accessing..." 109 msgstr " ObradaÂâŠ"107 msgstr "PristupanjeâŠ" 110 108 111 109 #. +> trunk 112 110 #: deviceitem.cpp:445 113 #, fuzzy114 111 msgctxt "Removing is a less technical word for Unmounting; translation shoud be short and mean 'Currently unmounting this device'" 115 112 msgid "Removing..." 116 msgstr "Uklanjanje "113 msgstr "Uklanjanje..." 117 114 118 115 #. +> trunk stable -
r347 r349 10 10 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 11 11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-07 14:43+0200\n" 12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 1 2:02+0200\n"12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:14+0200\n" 13 13 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 14 14 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" … … 31 31 #: icongrid.cpp:456 32 32 msgid "Add launchers by Drag and Drop or by using the context menu." 33 msgstr " "33 msgstr "Dodajte pokretaÄe povlaÄenjem i ispuÅ¡tanjem ili koristeÄi kontekstni izbornik." 34 34 35 35 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, forceMaxRowsOrColumnsLabel) 36 36 #. +> trunk 37 37 #: quicklaunch.cpp:155 quicklaunchConfig.ui:102 38 #, fuzzy39 38 msgid "Force row settings:" 40 msgstr " Forsiraj postavke reda:"39 msgstr "Prisili postavke redova:" 41 40 42 41 #. +> trunk -
r300 r349 1 1 # Translation of plasma_wallpaper_color to Croatian 2 2 # 3 # Andrej Dundovic <>, 2009 .3 # Andrej Dundovic <>, 2009, 2010. 4 4 msgid "" 5 5 msgstr "" … … 7 7 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 8 8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-10 12:42+0200\n" 9 "PO-Revision-Date: 20 09-11-07 01:10+0100\n"9 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:42+0200\n" 10 10 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 11 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"11 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 12 12 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 13 13 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 71 71 #. +> trunk 72 72 #: config.ui:65 73 #, fuzzy74 73 #| msgid "&First Color:" 75 74 msgid "&First color:" 76 msgstr "P&rva boja "75 msgstr "P&rva boja:" 77 76 78 77 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5) … … 80 79 #: config.ui:65 81 80 msgid "&First Color:" 82 msgstr "P&rva boja "81 msgstr "P&rva boja:" 83 82 84 83 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6) 85 84 #. +> trunk 86 85 #: config.ui:121 87 #, fuzzy88 86 msgid "&Second color:" 89 87 msgstr "&Druga boja:" … … 98 96 #. +> trunk 99 97 #: config.ui:174 100 #, fuzzy101 98 #| msgid "&Background Mode" 102 99 msgid "&Background mode:" 103 msgstr "& NaÄin pozadine"100 msgstr "&Vrsta pozadine:" 104 101 105 102 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_7) … … 107 104 #: config.ui:174 108 105 msgid "&Background Mode" 109 msgstr "& NaÄin pozadine"106 msgstr "&Vrsta pozadine:" 110 107 111 108 #~ msgid "&Color:" -
r300 r349 10 10 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" 11 11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-10 12:43+0200\n" 12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-0 4-16 10:37+0200\n"12 "PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-30 16:38+0200\n" 13 13 "Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n" 14 "Language-Team: Croatian <kde-croatia-list@>\n"14 "Language-Team: Croatian <>\n" 15 15 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" 16 16 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" … … 66 66 #. +> trunk 67 67 #: daemon/PowerDevilDaemon.cpp:224 68 #, fuzzy69 68 msgctxt "Global shortcut" 70 69 msgid "Increase Screen Brightness" 71 msgstr " Osvjetljenje zaslona"70 msgstr "PoveÄaj osvjetljenje ekrana" 72 71 73 72 #. +> trunk 74 73 #: daemon/PowerDevilDaemon.cpp:229 75 #, fuzzy76 74 msgctxt "Global shortcut" 77 75 msgid "Decrease Screen Brightness" 78 msgstr " Osvjetljenje zaslona"76 msgstr "Smanji osvjetljenje ekrana" 79 77 80 78 #. +> trunk stable … … 261 259 #: kcmodule/GeneralPage.cpp:86 262 260 msgid "Standby" 263 msgstr " Äekanje"261 msgstr "Na Äekanju" 264 262 265 263 #. +> stable … … 888 886 #: kcmodule/profileEditPage.ui:374 kcmodule/profileEditPage.ui:390 889 887 msgid "Choose the period of inactivity after which the display should enter \"standby\" mode. This is the first level of power saving." 890 msgstr "Odaberite razdoblje neaktivnosti nakon kojeg Äe zaslon prijeÄi u \"Äekanje\". Ovo je prva razina Å¡tednje energije."888 msgstr "Odaberite razdoblje neaktivnosti nakon kojeg Äe zaslon prijeÄi naÄin \"na Äekanje\". Ovo je prva razina Å¡tednje energije." 891 889 892 890 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, DPMSStandbyEnabled) … … 894 892 #: kcmodule/profileEditPage.ui:377 895 893 msgid "&Standby after" 896 msgstr " Ä&ekajnakon"894 msgstr "Na Ä&ekanju nakon" 897 895 898 896 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, DPMSSuspendEnabled)
Note: See TracChangeset
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