Changeset 234 for kde-croatia

Apr 15, 2010, 3:08:34 AM (15 years ago)

SF-KDE: Ažuriranje datoteka bazirano na zadnjim template datotekama + padeži.

31 edited


  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-graphics/kipiplugin_picasawebexport.po

    r232 r234  
    66"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:53+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:53+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:28+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    3737#. +> trunk
    38 #: picasawebalbum.cpp:61 picasawebwidget.cpp:107
     38#: picasawebalbum.cpp:61 picasawebwidget.cpp:109
    3939#, fuzzy
    4040msgid "Album"
    147147#. +> trunk
     148#: picasawebimglist.cpp:101
     149#, fuzzy, kde-format
     150msgid "%1|All supported files"
     151msgstr "Sve podrÅŸane datoteke"
     153#. +> trunk
     154#: picasawebimglist.cpp:113
     155#, fuzzy, kde-format
     156msgid "%1|Camera RAW files"
     157msgstr "Profil kamere:"
     159#. +> trunk
     160#: picasawebimglist.cpp:115
     161#, fuzzy, kde-format
     162msgid "%1|Video files"
     163msgstr "Detalji videa"
     165#. +> trunk
     166#: picasawebimglist.cpp:127
     167#, fuzzy
     168msgid "Select Images"
     169msgstr "Odaberite sliku"
     171#. +> trunk
    148172#: picasaweblogin.cpp:68
    149173msgid "Google Login:"
    221245#. +> trunk
    222 #: picasawebreplacedialog.cpp:132 picasawebwidget.cpp:128
     246#: picasawebreplacedialog.cpp:132 picasawebwidget.cpp:130
    223247#, fuzzy
    224248msgid "Destination"
    348372#. +> trunk
    349 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:65
     373#: picasawebwidget.cpp:67
    350374msgid "This is the list of images to upload to your Picasaweb account."
    351375msgstr ""
    353377#. +> trunk
    354 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:72
     378#: picasawebwidget.cpp:74
    355379msgid "This is a clickable link to open the Picasaweb home page in a web browser."
    356380msgstr ""
    358382#. +> trunk
    359 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:78
     383#: picasawebwidget.cpp:80
    360384#, fuzzy
    361385msgid "Account"
    364388#. +> trunk
    365 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:80
     389#: picasawebwidget.cpp:82
    366390#, fuzzy
    367391msgid "This is the Picasaweb account that will be used to authenticate."
    370394#. +> trunk
    371 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:83
     395#: picasawebwidget.cpp:85
    372396#, fuzzy
    373397msgctxt "Picasaweb account login"
    377401#. +> trunk
    378 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:85
     402#: picasawebwidget.cpp:87
    379403msgid "Login as anonymous to Picasaweb web service."
    380404msgstr ""
    382406#. +> trunk
    383 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:87
     407#: picasawebwidget.cpp:89
    384408#, fuzzy
    385409msgid "Picasaweb Account"
    388412#. +> trunk
    389 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:89
     413#: picasawebwidget.cpp:91
    390414#, fuzzy
    391415msgid "Login to Picasaweb web service using username and password."
    394418#. +> trunk
    395 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:91
     419#: picasawebwidget.cpp:93
    396420#, fuzzy
    397421msgctxt "Picasaweb account settings"
    401425#. +> trunk
    402 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:94
     426#: picasawebwidget.cpp:96
    403427#, fuzzy
    404428#| msgid "Change Font..."
    408432#. +> trunk
    409 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:95
     433#: picasawebwidget.cpp:97
    410434msgid "Change Picasaweb Account used to authenticate"
    411435msgstr ""
    413437#. +> trunk
    414 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:109
     438#: picasawebwidget.cpp:111
    415439#, fuzzy
    416440msgid "This is the Picasaweb album that will be used for transfer."
    419443#. +> trunk
    420 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:116
     444#: picasawebwidget.cpp:118
    421445#, fuzzy
    422446#| msgid "Album"
    426450#. +> trunk
    427 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:117
     451#: picasawebwidget.cpp:119
    428452#, fuzzy
    429453msgid "Create new Picasaweb album"
    432456#. +> trunk
    433 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:119
     457#: picasawebwidget.cpp:121
    434458#, fuzzy
    435459msgctxt "reload album list"
    439463#. +> trunk
    440 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:120
     464#: picasawebwidget.cpp:122
    441465#, fuzzy
    442466msgid "Reload album list"
    445469#. +> trunk
    446 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:130
     470#: picasawebwidget.cpp:132
    447471#, fuzzy
    448472msgid "This is the location where Picasaweb images will be downloaded."
    451475#. +> trunk
    452 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:137
     476#: picasawebwidget.cpp:139
    453477#, fuzzy
    454478msgid "Options"
    457481#. +> trunk
    458 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:139
     482#: picasawebwidget.cpp:141
    459483msgid "These are options that will be applied to images before upload."
    460484msgstr ""
    462486#. +> trunk
    463 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:143
     487#: picasawebwidget.cpp:145
    464488#, fuzzy
    465489msgid "Resize photos before uploading"
    468492#. +> trunk
    469 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:153
     493#: picasawebwidget.cpp:155
    470494#, fuzzy
    471495msgid "Maximum dimension:"
    474498#. +> trunk
    475 #: picasawebwidget.cpp:161
     499#: picasawebwidget.cpp:163
    476500#, fuzzy
    477501msgid "JPEG quality:"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.po

    r232 r234  
    88"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:54+0200\n"
     10"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:53+0200\n"
    1111"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-12 13:53+0100\n"
    1212"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundović <>\n"
    36403640#, fuzzy
    36413641msgctxt "@info"
    3642 msgid "Do you really want to refetch lyrics for this track ? All changes you may have made will be lost."
     3642msgid "Do you really want to refetch lyrics for this track? All changes you may have made will be lost."
    36433643msgstr "Da li zaista ÅŸelite isprazniti smeće? Sve stavke će biti nepovratno izbrisane."
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/desktop_extragear-multimedia_kmid.po

    r229 r234  
    66"Project-Id-Version: desktop files\n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-12 13:02+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:53+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:33+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    8989#. +> trunk
    90 #: win/kmid_win.desktop:21
     90#: win/kmid_win.desktop:22
    9191#, fuzzy
    9292msgctxt "Comment"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-network/desktop_extragear-network_choqok.po

    r232 r234  
    77"Project-Id-Version: desktop files\n"
    9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:54+0200\n"
     9"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:54+0200\n"
    1010"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-27 20:49+0100\n"
    1111"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"
    347347#. +> trunk
    348 #: plugins/videopreview/choqok_videopreview.desktop:21
     348#: plugins/videopreview/choqok_videopreview.desktop:22
    349349msgctxt "Comment"
    350350msgid "Load a preview of youtube, vimeo videos"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-sdk/kdevcmake.po

    r232 r234  
    66"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:55+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:55+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:58+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    207207#. +> trunk
    208 #: cmakemanager.cpp:934
     208#: cmakemanager.cpp:923
    209209msgid "Jump to target definition"
    210210msgstr ""
    212212#. +> trunk
    213 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1009
     213#: cmakemanager.cpp:998
    214214#, kde-format
    215215msgid "Create a folder called '%1'."
    218218#. +> trunk
    219 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1022 cmakemanager.cpp:1031 cmakemanager.cpp:1064
    220 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1235
     219#: cmakemanager.cpp:1011 cmakemanager.cpp:1020 cmakemanager.cpp:1053
     220#: cmakemanager.cpp:1224
    221221msgid "KDevelop - CMake Support"
    222222msgstr ""
    224224#. +> trunk
    225 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1023
     225#: cmakemanager.cpp:1012
    226226msgid "Could not create the directory's CMakeLists.txt file."
    227227msgstr ""
    229229#. +> trunk
    230 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1032 cmakemanager.cpp:1065
     230#: cmakemanager.cpp:1021 cmakemanager.cpp:1054
    231231msgid "Could not save the change."
    232232msgstr ""
    234234#. +> trunk
    235 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1052
     235#: cmakemanager.cpp:1041
    236236#, kde-format
    237237msgid "Remove a folder called '%1'."
    240240#. +> trunk
    241 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1174 cmakemanager.cpp:1327
     241#: cmakemanager.cpp:1163 cmakemanager.cpp:1316
    242242#, kde-format
    243243msgid "Remove a file called '%1'."
    246246#. +> trunk
    247 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1224
     247#: cmakemanager.cpp:1213
    248248#, kde-format
    249249msgid "Add a file called '%1' to target '%2'."
    252252#. +> trunk
    253 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1236
     253#: cmakemanager.cpp:1225
    254254msgid "Cannot save the change."
    255255msgstr ""
    257257#. +> trunk
    258 #: cmakemanager.cpp:1374
     258#: cmakemanager.cpp:1363
    259259#, kde-format
    260260msgid "Rename a folder called '%1'."
    279279#. +> trunk
    280 #: parser/cmakeprojectvisitor.cpp:2065
     280#: parser/cmakeprojectvisitor.cpp:2079
    281281#, kde-format
    282282msgid "%1 is a deprecated command and should not be used"
    285285#. +> trunk
    286 #: parser/cmakeprojectvisitor.cpp:2084
     286#: parser/cmakeprojectvisitor.cpp:2098
    287287msgid "Unfinished function. "
    288288msgstr ""
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-sdk/kdevcpp.po

    r232 r234  
    66"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:55+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:55+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:59+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    120120#. +> trunk
    121 #: codegen/cppnewclass.cpp:156
     121#: codegen/cppnewclass.cpp:162
    122122msgid "Did not select anything, not adding to a target."
    123123msgstr ""
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-sysadmin/partitionmanager.po

    r232 r234  
    66"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:56+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:55+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-21 11:18+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundović <>\n"
    581581#. +> trunk
     582#: core/partitionalignment.cpp:143
     583#, kde-format
     584msgctxt "@info/plain"
     585msgid "Partition <filename>%1</filename> is not properly aligned (first sector: %2, modulo: %3)."
     586msgstr ""
     588#. +> trunk
     589#: core/partitionalignment.cpp:151
     590#, fuzzy, kde-format
     591msgctxt "@info/plain"
     592msgid "Partition <filename>%1</filename> is not properly aligned (last sector: %2, modulo: %3)."
     593msgstr "<filename>%1</filename>: %2"
     595#. +> trunk
    582596#: core/partitionrole.cpp:29
    583597msgctxt "@item partition role"
    611625#. +> trunk
    612 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:153
     626#: core/partitiontable.cpp:154
    613627msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    614628msgid "boot"
    617631#. +> trunk
    618 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:154
     632#: core/partitiontable.cpp:155
    619633msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    620634msgid "root"
    623637#. +> trunk
    624 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:155
     638#: core/partitiontable.cpp:156
    625639msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    626640msgid "swap"
    629643#. +> trunk
    630 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:156
     644#: core/partitiontable.cpp:157
    631645msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    632646msgid "hidden"
    635649#. +> trunk
    636 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:157
     650#: core/partitiontable.cpp:158
    637651msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    638652msgid "raid"
    641655#. +> trunk
    642 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:158
     656#: core/partitiontable.cpp:159
    643657msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    644658msgid "lvm"
    647661#. +> trunk
    648 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:159
     662#: core/partitiontable.cpp:160
    649663msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    650664msgid "lba"
    653667#. +> trunk
    654 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:160
     668#: core/partitiontable.cpp:161
    655669msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    656670msgid "hpservice"
    659673#. +> trunk
    660 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:161
     674#: core/partitiontable.cpp:162
    661675msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    662676msgid "palo"
    665679#. +> trunk
    666 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:162
     680#: core/partitiontable.cpp:163
    667681msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    668682msgid "prep"
    671685#. +> trunk
    672 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:163
     686#: core/partitiontable.cpp:164
    673687msgctxt "@item partition flag"
    674688msgid "msft-reserved"
    677691#. +> trunk
    678 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:264
    679 #, kde-format
    680 msgctxt "@info/plain"
    681 msgid "Partition <filename>%1</filename> is not properly aligned (first sector: %2, modulo: %3)."
    682 msgstr ""
    684 #. +> trunk
    685 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:272
    686 #, fuzzy, kde-format
    687 msgctxt "@info/plain"
    688 msgid "Partition <filename>%1</filename> is not properly aligned (last sector: %2, modulo: %3)."
    689 msgstr "<filename>%1</filename>: %2"
    691 #. +> trunk
    692 #: core/partitiontable.cpp:625
     692#: core/partitiontable.cpp:394
    693693#, fuzzy
    694694msgctxt "@item/plain partition table name"
    51635163#. +> trunk
    5164 #: plugins/dummy/dummybackend.cpp:53 plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:67
     5164#: plugins/dummy/dummybackend.cpp:53 plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:68
    51655165#: util/helpers.cpp:130
    51665166msgctxt "@info:credit"
    51705170#. +> trunk
    5171 #: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:61
     5171#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:62
    51725172#, fuzzy
    51735173msgctxt "@title"
    51775177#. +> trunk
    5178 #: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:63
     5178#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:64
    51795179msgid "KDE Partition Manager backend for libparted."
    51805180msgstr ""
    51825182#. +> trunk
    5183 #: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:65
     5183#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:66
    51845184#, fuzzy
    51855185#| msgctxt "@info:credit"
    51905190#. +> trunk
    5191 #: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:100
     5191#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:101
    51925192#, kde-format
    51935193msgctxt "@info/plain"
    51975197#. +> trunk
    5198 #: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:375
     5198#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:376
    51995199#, fuzzy, kde-format
    52005200msgctxt "@info/plain"
    52065206#. +> trunk
    5207 #: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:379
     5207#: plugins/libparted/libpartedbackend.cpp:380
    52085208#, kde-format
    52095209msgctxt "@info/plain"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/desktop_kdebase.po

    r232 r234  
    1111"Project-Id-Version: desktop_kdebase 0\n"
    13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:57+0200\n"
     13"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:56+0200\n"
    1414"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-10 22:47+0200\n"
    1515"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"
    14511451#. +> trunk
    1452 #: runtime/attica/kcm/kcm_attica.desktop:17
     1452#: runtime/attica/kcm/kcm_attica.desktop:21
    14531453#, fuzzy
    14541454msgctxt "Comment"
    1140811408#. +> trunk stable
    11409 #: workspace/plasma/desktop/containments/panel/plasma-containment-panel.desktop:7
     11409#: workspace/plasma/desktop/containments/panel/plasma-containment-panel.desktop:11
    1141011410#: workspace/plasma/netbook/containments/netpanel/plasma-containment-midpanel.desktop:65
    1141111411#: workspace/plasma/netbook/containments/netpanel/plasma-containment-netpanel.desktop:55
    1346213462msgstr "Izgled & osjećaj"
     13464#. +> trunk
     13465#: workspace/systemsettings/categories/settings-lost-and-found.desktop:9
     13466#, fuzzy
     13467msgctxt "Name"
     13468msgid "Lost and Found"
     13469msgstr "Izgubljeno-nađeno"
    1346413471#. +> trunk stable
    1346513472#: workspace/systemsettings/categories/settings-network-and-connectivity.desktop:9
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/dolphin.po

    r215 r234  
    99"Project-Id-Version: dolphin\n"
    11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-06 12:18+0200\n"
     11"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:56+0200\n"
    1212"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-19 17:09+0100\n"
    1313"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    23882388#. +> trunk stable
    2389 #: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:60
     2389#: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:61
    23902390msgctxt "@label"
    23912391msgid "Show previews for:"
    23922392msgstr "PrikaÅŸi preglede za:"
    2394 #. +> trunk stable
    2395 #: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:71
     2394#. +> trunk
     2395#: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:69
     2396#, fuzzy
     2397msgctxt "@label"
     2398msgid "Local file size maximum:"
     2399msgstr "Proračunaj koristeći maksimum"
     2401#. +> stable
     2402#: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:72
    23962403msgctxt "@label:slider"
    23972404msgid "Maximum file size:"
    23982405msgstr "Maksimalna veličina datoteke:"
    2400 #. +> trunk stable
    2401 #: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:93
     2407#. +> trunk
     2408#: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:78
     2409#, fuzzy
     2410msgctxt "@label"
     2411msgid "Remote file size maximum:"
     2412msgstr "&udaljene datoteke"
     2414#. +> stable
     2415#: settings/previewssettingspage.cpp:94
    24022416msgctxt "@option:check"
    24032417msgid "Use thumbnails embedded in files"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/kcm_kwindesktop.po

    r21 r234  
    88"Project-Id-Version: kcm_kwindesktop\n"
    10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-08 10:11+0100\n"
     10"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:56+0200\n"
    1111"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-12-31 02:10+0100\n"
    1212"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    4646#. +> trunk stable
    47 #: desktopnameswidget.cpp:110 main.cpp:241
     47#: desktopnameswidget.cpp:114 main.cpp:241
    4848#, kde-format
    4949msgid "Desktop %1"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/kinfocenter.po

    r229 r234  
    99"Project-Id-Version: kcontrol 0\n"
    11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-12 13:05+0200\n"
     11"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:57+0200\n"
    1212"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-13 09:41+0100\n"
    1313"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundović <>\n"
    12081208#. +> trunk
    1209 #: infocenter.cpp:234
     1209#: infocenter.cpp:236
    12101210msgid "Export of the module has produced no output."
    12111211msgstr ""
    12131213#. +> trunk
    1214 #: infocenter.cpp:244
     1214#: infocenter.cpp:246
    12151215#, fuzzy
    12161216msgid "Unable to open file to write export information"
    12191219#. +> trunk
    1220 #: infocenter.cpp:248
     1220#: infocenter.cpp:251
    12211221#, fuzzy, kde-format
    12221222msgid "Export information for %1"
    12251225#. +> trunk
    1226 #: infocenter.cpp:252
     1226#: infocenter.cpp:255
    12271227#, fuzzy
    12281228msgid "Information exported"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/kwin_effects.po

    r184 r234  
    99"Project-Id-Version: kwin_effects\n"
    11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-29 11:10+0200\n"
     11"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:57+0200\n"
    1212"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-18 11:02+0100\n"
    1313"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    642642msgstr "Primijeni efekt na &radnoj površini"
     644#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkKeepAbove)
     645#. +> trunk
     646#: diminactive/diminactive_config.ui:30
     647#, fuzzy
     648#| msgid "Apply effect to &panels"
     649msgid "Apply effect to &keep-above windows"
     650msgstr "Primijeni efekt na &panelima"
    644652#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkGroup)
    645653#. +> trunk stable
    646 #: diminactive/diminactive_config.ui:30
     654#: diminactive/diminactive_config.ui:37
    647655msgid "Apply effect to &groups"
    648656msgstr "Primijeni efekt na &grupama"
    650658#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    651659#. +> trunk stable
    652 #: diminactive/diminactive_config.ui:37
     660#: diminactive/diminactive_config.ui:44
    653661msgid "&Strength:"
    654662msgstr "&Jačina:"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/nepomuk.po

    r229 r234  
    88"Project-Id-Version: nepomuk\n"
    10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-12 13:06+0200\n"
     10"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:57+0200\n"
    1111"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-10 22:43+0200\n"
    1212"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"
    182182#. +> trunk stable
    183 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:85
     183#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:86
    184184msgid "Nepomuk Configuration Module"
    185185msgstr "Nepomuk Konfiguracijski Modul"
    187187#. +> trunk stable
    188 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:87
     188#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:88
    189189msgid "Copyright 2007 Sebastian TrÃŒg"
    190190msgstr "Copyright 2007 Sebastian TrÃŒg"
    192192#. +> trunk stable
    193 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:88 server/main.cpp:96 servicestub/main.cpp:75
     193#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:89 server/main.cpp:96 servicestub/main.cpp:75
    194194msgid "Sebastian TrÃŒg"
    195195msgstr "Sebastian TrÃŒg"
    197197#. +> trunk stable
    198 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:143
     198#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:149
    199199msgid "No Soprano Database backend available. Please check your installation."
    200200msgstr "Nije dostupan pozadinski sustav za Soprano bazu podataku. Molim provjerite vašu instalaciju."
    202202#. +> trunk stable
    203 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:144
     203#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:150
    204204msgid "Nepomuk cannot be started"
    205205msgstr "Nepomuk ne moÅŸe biti pokrenut"
    207207#. +> trunk stable
    208 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:152
     208#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:158
    209209msgid "The Nepomuk Server is not running. The settings will be used the next time the server is started."
    210210msgstr "Nepomuk posluÅŸitelj nije pokrenut. Postavke će biti koriÅ¡tene sljedeći put kad se posluÅŸitelj pokrene."
    212212#. +> trunk stable
    213 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:154 kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:231
     213#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:160 kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:237
    214214msgid "Nepomuk server not running"
    215215msgstr "Nepomuk posluÅŸitelj nije pokrenut"
    217217#. +> trunk stable
    218 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:229
     218#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:235
    219219msgid "The Nepomuk Server is not running. The settings have been saved and will be used the next time the server is started."
    220220msgstr "Nepomuk posluÅŸitelj nije pokrenut. Postavke su spremljene i bit će koriÅ¡tene sljedeći put kad se posluÅŸitelj pokrene."
    222222#. +> trunk stable
    223 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:258
     223#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:264
    224224#, kde-format
    225225msgctxt "@info:status %1 is an error message returned by a dbus interface."
    229229#. +> trunk stable
    230 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:268
     230#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:274
    231231msgctxt "@info:status"
    232232msgid "Strigi service failed to initialize, most likely due to an installation problem."
    235235#. +> trunk stable
    236 #: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:272
     236#: kcm/nepomukserverkcm.cpp:278
    237237msgctxt "@info:status"
    238238msgid "Strigi service not running."
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/plasma_applet_battery.po

    r100 r234  
    77"Project-Id-Version: plasma_applet_battery\n"
    9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-03 09:00+0100\n"
     9"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:57+0200\n"
    1010"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-02-10 06:27+0100\n"
    1111"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    2323#. +> trunk stable
    24 #: battery.cpp:273
     24#: battery.cpp:282
    2525msgid "General"
    2626msgstr "Općenito"
    2828#. +> trunk stable
    29 #: battery.cpp:429
     29#: battery.cpp:438
    3030msgid "Screen Brightness"
    3131msgstr "Osvjetljenje zaslona"
    3333#. +> trunk stable
    34 #: battery.cpp:453
     34#: battery.cpp:462
    3535msgid "Power Profile"
    3636msgstr "Energetski profil"
    3838#. +> trunk stable
    39 #: battery.cpp:486
     39#: battery.cpp:495
    4040msgid "Sleep"
    4141msgstr "Spavanje"
    4343#. +> trunk stable
    44 #: battery.cpp:500
     44#: battery.cpp:509
    4545msgid "Hibernate"
    4646msgstr "Hibernacija"
    4848#. +> trunk stable
    49 #: battery.cpp:514
     49#: battery.cpp:523
    5050msgctxt "tooltip on the config button in the popup"
    5151msgid "Configure Power Management..."
    5454#. +> trunk stable
    55 #: battery.cpp:536
     55#: battery.cpp:545
    5656msgid "Power Management"
    5757msgstr "Upravljanje potrošnjom energije"
    5959#. +> trunk stable
    60 #: battery.cpp:590
     60#: battery.cpp:599
    6161msgid "Battery:"
    6262msgstr "Baterija:"
    6464#. +> trunk stable
    65 #: battery.cpp:593 battery.cpp:610
     65#: battery.cpp:602 battery.cpp:619
    6666#, kde-format
    6767msgid "%1% (charged)"
    7070#. +> trunk stable
    71 #: battery.cpp:595
     71#: battery.cpp:604
    7272#, kde-format
    7373msgctxt "Shown when a time estimate is not available"
    7777#. +> trunk stable
    78 #: battery.cpp:597 battery.cpp:614
     78#: battery.cpp:606 battery.cpp:623
    7979#, kde-format
    8080msgid "%1% (charging)"
    8383#. +> trunk stable
    84 #: battery.cpp:600 battery.cpp:636
     84#: battery.cpp:609 battery.cpp:645
    8585msgctxt "Battery is not plugged in"
    8686msgid "Not present"
    8989#. +> trunk stable
    90 #: battery.cpp:608
     90#: battery.cpp:617
    9191#, kde-format
    9292msgctxt "Placeholder is the battery ID"
    9696#. +> trunk stable
    97 #: battery.cpp:612
     97#: battery.cpp:621
    9898#, kde-format
    9999msgid "%1% (discharging)"
    102102#. +> trunk stable
    103 #: battery.cpp:618
     103#: battery.cpp:627
    104104msgid "AC Adapter:"
    105105msgstr "AC adapter:"
    107107#. +> trunk stable
    108 #: battery.cpp:620
     108#: battery.cpp:629
    109109msgid "Plugged in "
    110110msgstr "Priključen "
    112112#. +> trunk stable
    113 #: battery.cpp:622
     113#: battery.cpp:631
    114114msgid "Not plugged in"
    115115msgstr "Nije priključen"
    117117#. +> trunk stable
    118 #: battery.cpp:635
     118#: battery.cpp:644
    119119msgid "<b>Battery:</b> "
    120120msgstr "<b>Baterija:</b> "
    122122#. +> trunk stable
    123 #: battery.cpp:895 battery.cpp:923
     123#: battery.cpp:904 battery.cpp:932
    124124#, kde-format
    125125msgctxt "overlay on the battery, needs to be really tiny"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/plasma_applet_panel.po

    r121 r234  
    55"Project-Id-Version: plasma_applet_panel\n"
    7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-10 10:34+0100\n"
     7"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:57+0200\n"
    88"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-18 09:32+0200\n"
    99"Last-Translator: \n"
    2121#. +> trunk stable
    22 #: panel.cpp:166
     22#: panel.cpp:165
    2323msgid "Panel Settings"
    2424msgstr "Postavke panela"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/systemsettings.po

    r232 r234  
    88"Project-Id-Version: systemsettings\n"
    10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-13 09:59+0200\n"
     10"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:58+0200\n"
    1111"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-30 19:52+0100\n"
    1212"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    9595msgstr "TraÅŸi"
    97 #. +> trunk
    98 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:88
    99 #, fuzzy
    100 msgid "Lost and Found"
    101 msgstr "Izgubljeno-nađeno"
    103 #. +> trunk stable
    104 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:128
     97#. +> trunk stable
     98#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:126
    10599msgid "Configure"
    106100msgstr "Postavke"
    108102#. +> trunk stable
    109 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:154
     103#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:152
    110104msgid "Help"
    111105msgstr "Pomoć"
    113107#. +> trunk stable
    114 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:159 app/SettingsBase.cpp:341
     108#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:157 app/SettingsBase.cpp:343
    115109msgid "About Active Module"
    116110msgstr "O aktivnom modulu"
    118112#. +> trunk stable
    119 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:173
     113#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:171
    120114msgctxt "General config for System Settings"
    121115msgid "General"
    124118#. +> trunk stable
    125 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:252
     119#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:254
    126120msgid "System Settings was unable to find any views, and hence nothing is available to configure."
    127121msgstr "Postavke sustava nisu u mogućnosti pronaći nijedan prikaz te se stoga nema što podesiti."
    129123#. +> trunk stable
    130 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:252 app/SettingsBase.cpp:292
     124#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:254 app/SettingsBase.cpp:294
    131125msgid "No views found"
    132126msgstr "Prikazi nisu pronađeni"
    134128#. +> trunk stable
    135 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:292
     129#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:294
    136130msgid "System Settings was unable to find any views, and hence has nothing to display."
    137131msgstr "Postavke sustava nisu u mogućnosti pronaći nijedan prikaz te se stoga nema što prikazati."
    139133#. +> trunk stable
    140 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:323
     134#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:325
    141135msgid "About Active View"
    142136msgstr "O aktivnom prikazu"
    144138#. +> trunk stable
    145 #: app/SettingsBase.cpp:382
     139#: app/SettingsBase.cpp:384
    146140#, kde-format
    147141msgid "About %1"
    264258msgstr "Prečica tipkovnice: %1"
     260#, fuzzy
     261#~ msgid "Lost and Found"
     262#~ msgstr "Izgubljeno-nađeno"
    266264#~ msgid "View style:"
    267265#~ msgstr "Stil prikaza:"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdeedu/libkdeedu.po

    r229 r234  
    55"Project-Id-Version: libkdeedu\n"
    7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-12 13:08+0200\n"
     7"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 10:59+0200\n"
    88"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-12-09 05:11+0100\n"
    99"Last-Translator: Renato Pavicic <>\n"
    16931693#. +> trunk stable
    1694 #: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtml2reader.cpp:289
     1694#: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtml2reader.cpp:288
    16951695msgid "entry missing id"
    16961696msgstr ""
    19621962#. +> trunk stable
    1963 #: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtmlreader.cpp:905
     1963#: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtmlreader.cpp:906
    19641964#, kde-format
    19651965msgctxt "A generic name for a new lesson and its number."
    19691969#. +> trunk stable
    1970 #: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtmlreader.cpp:945
     1970#: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtmlreader.cpp:946
    19711971msgid "Data for original language missing"
    19721972msgstr ""
    19741974#. +> trunk stable
    1975 #: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtmlreader.cpp:1086
     1975#: keduvocdocument/keduvockvtmlreader.cpp:1087
    19761976msgid "Ambiguous definition of language code"
    19771977msgstr ""
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdeedu/parley.po

    r211 r234  
    66"Project-Id-Version: kvoctrain 0\n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-03 10:28+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-14 11:00+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-11 22:17+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Ivo Ugrina <>\n"
    5656msgstr "Dno:"
     58#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTableWidget, tableWidget)
    5859#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
    5960#. +> trunk stable
    60 #: plasmoid/config.ui:81
     61#: plasmoid/config.ui:81 src/practice/practicesummarywidget.ui:33
    6162msgid "Solution"
    6263msgstr "&Pokaşi rješenje"
    194195msgstr "Pot&rebno je 3 puta zaredom ispravno odgovoriti da bi se brojalo kao točno"
     197#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_IgnoreAccentMistakes)
     198#. +> trunk stable
     199#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:38
     200#: src/configure-practice/writtenpracticeoptionswidget.ui:16
     201msgid "Ignore accent mistakes"
     202msgstr "Zanemari pogreÅ¡ke u akcentima"
    196204#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowMore)
    197 #. +> trunk stable
    198 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:41
     205#. +> stable
     206#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:40
    199207msgid "Enable the Show More button on the Random Query screen"
    200208msgstr ""
    202210#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowMore)
    203 #. +> trunk stable
    204 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:44
     211#. +> stable
     212#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:43
    205213msgid "When this is checked, you will be able to use a Show More button which allow you to get the next letter in your answer in the query. If this is unchecked, the Show More button will not be enabled, you will not be able to use it."
    206214msgstr ""
    208 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowMore)
    209 #. +> trunk stable
    210 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:47
    211 msgid "Enable S&how More button"
    212 msgstr ""
     216#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_IgnoreCapitalizationMistakes)
     217#. +> trunk stable
     218#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:45
     219#: src/configure-practice/writtenpracticeoptionswidget.ui:23
     220msgid "Ignore capitalization mistakes"
     221msgstr "Zanemari pogreÅ¡ke u velikim/malim slovima"
     223#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_FlashcardsFrontImage)
     224#. +> trunk
     225#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:52
     226#, fuzzy
     227msgid "Show images with the question"
     228msgstr "PrikaÅŸi sliku "
     230#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_FlashcardsBackImage)
     231#. +> trunk
     232#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:59
     233#, fuzzy
     234msgid "Show images with the solution"
     235msgstr "PrikaÅŸi sliku "
     237#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SkipKnownEnabled)
     238#. +> stable
     239#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:63
     240msgid "Enable the I Know It button on the Random Query screen"
     241msgstr ""
     243#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowHints)
     244#. +> trunk stable
     245#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:66
     246msgid "Enable Hints"
     247msgstr ""
     249#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SkipKnownEnabled)
     250#. +> stable
     251#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:66
     252msgid "If this is checked, the I Know button will be available. It allows you to tell the query that you know the result without writing it or having it checked. This is available by default. If you uncheck this, the I Know button will not be available."
     253msgstr ""
     255#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SkipKnownEnabled)
     256#. +> stable
     257#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:69
     258msgid "Enable Skip (I Know it) &button"
     259msgstr "Omogući &Znam to dugme"
    214261#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_PracticeSoundEnabled)
    215262#. +> trunk stable
    216 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:54
     263#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:73
    217264msgid "Enable Sound"
    218265msgstr "Omogući zvuk"
    220 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SkipKnownEnabled)
    221 #. +> trunk stable
    222 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:64
    223 msgid "Enable the I Know It button on the Random Query screen"
    224 msgstr ""
    226 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SkipKnownEnabled)
    227 #. +> trunk stable
    228 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:67
    229 msgid "If this is checked, the I Know button will be available. It allows you to tell the query that you know the result without writing it or having it checked. This is available by default. If you uncheck this, the I Know button will not be available."
    230 msgstr ""
    232 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SkipKnownEnabled)
    233 #. +> trunk stable
    234 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:70
    235 msgid "Enable Skip (I Know it) &button"
    236 msgstr "Omogući &Znam to dugme"
     267#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowMore)
     268#. +> stable
     269#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:46
     270msgid "Enable S&how More button"
     271msgstr ""
    238273#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_PracticeImagesEnabled)
    239274#. +> trunk stable
    240 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:77
     275#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:80
    241276msgid "Enable Images"
    242277msgstr "Omogući slike"
    244279#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_CountSynonymsAsCorrect)
    245280#. +> trunk stable
    246 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:84
     281#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:87
    247282msgid "Accept synonyms as correct"
    248283msgstr "Prihvati sinonime kao ispravan odgovor"
    250285#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SwapDirection)
     286#. +> stable
     287#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:93
     288msgid "S&wap direction randomly"
     289msgstr ""
     291#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_TestOrderLesson)
    251292#. +> trunk stable
    252293#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:94
    253 msgid "S&wap direction randomly"
    254 msgstr ""
    256 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_TestOrderLesson)
    257 #. +> trunk stable
    258 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:101
    259294msgid "When practicing, new words will be chosen loosely in lesson order if this is selected.  Otherwise, they will be chosen completely at random."
    260295msgstr ""
    262297#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_TestOrderLesson)
    263298#. +> trunk stable
    264 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:104
     299#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:97
    265300msgid "&Practice in lesson order"
    266301msgstr "VjeÅŸbaj &po redoslijedu lekcija"
    268 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowHints)
    269 #. +> trunk stable
    270 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:111
    271 msgid "Enable Hints"
    272 msgstr ""
    274303#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QLabel, label)
    275304#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KIntSpinBox, kcfg_TestNumberOfEntries)
    276305#. +> trunk stable
    277 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:122
    278 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:135
     306#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:108
     307#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:121
    279308msgid "The number of times vocabulary will show up repeatedly until it is answered correctly."
    280309msgstr ""
    282311#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    283312#. +> trunk stable
    284 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:125
     313#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:111
    285314msgid "&Active entries during practice:"
    286315msgstr ""
    289318#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KIntSpinBox, kcfg_ShowSolutionAfterAnswerTime)
    290319#. +> trunk stable
    291 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:171
    292 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:181
     320#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:157
     321#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:167
    293322msgid "After the answer was given the solution will be shown for this long"
    294323msgstr "Nakon što je dan odgovor rješenje će biti prikazano ovoliko dugo"
    296325#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_ShowSolutionAfterAnswer)
    297326#. +> trunk stable
    298 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:174
     327#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:160
    299328msgid "&Show solution after answering:"
    300329msgstr "Prikaşi rješenje nakon odgovaranja:"
    302331#. i18n: ectx: property (specialValueText), widget (KIntSpinBox, kcfg_ShowSolutionAfterAnswerTime)
    303332#. +> trunk stable
    304 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:184
     333#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:170
    305334msgid "unlimited"
    306335msgstr "neograničeno"
    309338#. i18n: ectx: property (suffix), widget (KIntSpinBox, kcfg_PracticeTimeoutTimePerAnswer)
    310339#. +> trunk stable
    311 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:187
    312 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:280
     340#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:173
     341#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:266
    313342msgctxt "Seconds (suffix)"
    314343msgid "s"
    317346#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_PracticeTimeout)
    318347#. +> trunk stable
    319 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:218
     348#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:204
    320349msgid "If a time limit is set, an answer has to have been given within the time set when practicing."
    321350msgstr "Ako je postavljeno vremensko ograničenje tada odgovor mora biti dan unutar tog vremena."
    323352#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, kcfg_PracticeTimeout)
    324353#. +> trunk stable
    325 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:221
     354#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:207
    326355msgid "&Time Limit in Tests"
    327356msgstr "Vremensko ograničenje u &testovima"
    329358#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, ShowSolutionRadio)
    330359#. +> trunk stable
    331 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:245
     360#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:231
    332361msgid "&Show solution"
    333362msgstr "&Prikaşi rješenje"
    335364#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, ContinueRadio)
    336365#. +> trunk stable
    337 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:252
     366#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:238
    338367msgid "&Continue after timeout"
    339368msgstr "&Nastavi poslije pauze"
    341370#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_mqtime)
    342371#. +> trunk stable
    343 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:264
     372#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:250
    344373msgid "Limit:"
    345374msgstr "Granica:"
    347376#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KIntSpinBox, kcfg_PracticeTimeoutTimePerAnswer)
    348377#. +> trunk stable
    349 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:274
     378#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:260
    350379msgid "Set the maximum time allowed per answer."
    351380msgstr "Podesi maksimalno dopušteno vrijeme po odgovoru."
    353382#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KIntSpinBox, kcfg_PracticeTimeoutTimePerAnswer)
    354383#. +> trunk stable
    355 #: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:277
     384#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:263
    356385msgid "Set here the maximum time you want to allow per answer."
    357386msgstr "Ovdje podesite maksimalno dopušteno vrijeme po odgovoru."
     388#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox2)
     389#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, multipleChoice)
     390#. +> trunk stable
     391#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:284
     392#: src/editor/editor.cpp:229 src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:82
     393msgid "Multiple Choice"
     394msgstr "ViÅ¡estruki odabir"
     396#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_MultipleChoiceWordTypeConsistancy)
     397#. +> trunk stable
     398#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:290
     399#: src/configure-practice/multiplechoiceoptionswidget.ui:16
     400msgid "Use choices of the same word type"
     401msgstr ""
     403#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
     404#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
     405#. +> trunk stable
     406#: src/configure-practice/advancedpracticeoptions.ui:318
     407#: src/configure-practice/multiplechoiceoptionswidget.ui:44
     408msgid "Number of choices"
     409msgstr "Broj izbora"
    359411#. +> trunk stable
    664716msgstr "Napredne postavke vjeÅŸbe"
    666 #. +> trunk stable
    667 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.cpp:67
    668 msgid "No options"
    669 msgstr "Bez opcija"
    671718#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (KButtonGroup, kcfg_TestType)
    672 #. +> trunk stable
     719#. +> stable
    673720#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:18
    674721msgid "Type of Test"
    675722msgstr "Tip testa"
    677 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, MixedLettersRadio)
    678 #. +> trunk stable
    679 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:37
    680 msgid "Mixed Letters"
    681 msgstr "MijeÅ¡ana slova"
    683 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, MultipleChoiceRadio)
    684 #. +> trunk stable
    685 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:44
    686 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:253 src/practiceold/MCQueryDlg.cpp:42
    687 msgid "Multiple Choice"
    688 msgstr "ViÅ¡estruki odabir"
    690 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, WrittenRadio)
    691 #. +> trunk stable
    692 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:54
    693 msgid "Written"
    694 msgstr "Pisano"
    696 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, ExampleRadio)
    697 #. +> trunk stable
    698 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:64
    699 msgid "Example Sentences"
    700 msgstr "Rečenice koje sluÅŸe kao primjer"
    702 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5)
    703 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, ParaphraseRadio)
    704 #. +> trunk stable
    705 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:71
    706 #: src/entry-dialogs/summarywordwidget.ui:87
    707 #: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:113
    708 #: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:304
    709 msgid "Paraphrase"
    710 msgstr ""
     724#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, tenseSelectionTreeWidget)
     725#. +> trunk
     726#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:28
     727#, fuzzy
     728#| msgid "Conjugation"
     729msgid "Conjugation Tenses"
     730msgstr "Konjugacija"
    712732#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, ArticleRadio)
    713 #. +> trunk stable
     733#. +> stable
    714734#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:78
    715735#, fuzzy
    719739#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, ComparisonRadio)
    720 #. +> trunk stable
     740#. +> stable
    721741#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:85
    722742msgid "Comparison"
    723743msgstr "Usporedba"
    725 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, ConjugationRadio)
    726 #. +> trunk stable
    727 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:92
    728 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:212
    729 msgid "Conjugation"
    730 msgstr "Konjugacija"
    732 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, synonymButton)
    733 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, SynonymRadio)
    734 #. +> trunk stable
    735 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:99
    736 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.ui:26 src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:296
    737 msgid "Synonym"
    738 msgstr "Sinonimi"
    740 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, AntonymRadio)
    741 #. +> trunk stable
    742 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:106
    743 #: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:298
    744 msgid "Antonym"
    745 msgstr "Antonimi"
    747745#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, OptionsGroupBox)
    748 #. +> trunk stable
     746#. +> stable
    749747#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:117
    750748msgid "Options"
    751749msgstr "Postavke"
    753 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
    754 #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, languageGroupBox)
    755 #. +> trunk stable
    756 #: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:126
    757 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:344 src/settings/documentproperties.ui:167
    758 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:237
    759 msgid "Languages"
    760 msgstr "Jezici"
    762751#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    763 #. +> trunk stable
     752#. +> stable
    764753#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:134
    765754msgctxt "the language that is shown to the user in a test"
    769758#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
    770 #. +> trunk stable
     759#. +> stable
    771760#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.ui:141
    772761msgctxt "the language to which the user translates to in a test"
    804793msgstr "PrikaÅŸi slike na poleđini memorijske kartice"
    806 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_MultipleChoiceWordTypeConsistancy)
    807 #. +> trunk stable
    808 #: src/configure-practice/multiplechoiceoptionswidget.ui:16
    809 msgid "Use choices of the same word type"
    810 msgstr ""
    812 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    813 #. +> trunk stable
    814 #: src/configure-practice/multiplechoiceoptionswidget.ui:44
    815 msgid "Number of choices"
    816 msgstr "Broj izbora"
    818795#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_8)
    819796#. +> trunk stable
    860837#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTreeWidget, PracticeWordTypesTreeWidget)
    861838#. +> trunk stable
    862 #: src/configure-practice/thresholdoptions.ui:160 src/editor/editor.cpp:162
     839#: src/configure-practice/thresholdoptions.ui:160 src/editor/editor.cpp:164
    863840msgid "Word Types"
    864841msgstr "Vrste riječi"
    866 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_IgnoreAccentMistakes)
    867 #. +> trunk stable
    868 #: src/configure-practice/writtenpracticeoptionswidget.ui:16
    869 msgid "Ignore accent mistakes"
    870 msgstr "Zanemari pogreÅ¡ke u akcentima"
    872 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_IgnoreCapitalizationMistakes)
    873 #. +> trunk stable
    874 #: src/configure-practice/writtenpracticeoptionswidget.ui:23
    875 msgid "Ignore capitalization mistakes"
    876 msgstr "Zanemari pogreÅ¡ke u velikim/malim slovima"
    878 #. +> trunk stable
    879 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:134
     843#. +> trunk stable
     844#: src/editor/editor.cpp:136
    880845msgid "Lessons"
    881846msgstr "Lekcije"
    883848#. +> trunk stable
    884 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:147
     849#: src/editor/editor.cpp:149
    885850msgid ""
    886851"Right click to add, delete, or rename lessons. \n"
    892857"Samo će potvrđene lekcije [x] biti pitane u testu!"
    894 #. +> trunk stable
     859#. +> stable
    895860#: src/editor/editor.cpp:189
    896861msgid "Grade Boxes"
    899864#. +> trunk stable
    900 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:240
     865#: src/editor/editor.cpp:191
     866msgid "Conjugation"
     867msgstr "Konjugacija"
     869#. +> trunk stable
     870#: src/editor/editor.cpp:217
    901871msgid "Comparison forms"
    902872msgstr "Usporedbene forme"
    904874#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, synonymLabel)
    905875#. +> trunk stable
    906 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:265 src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.ui:16
     876#: src/editor/editor.cpp:241 src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.ui:16
    907877msgid "Synonyms"
    908878msgstr "Sinonimi"
    910880#. +> trunk stable
    911 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:276
     881#: src/editor/editor.cpp:252
    912882msgid "Antonyms"
    913883msgstr "Antonimi"
    915885#. +> trunk stable
    916 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:287
     886#: src/editor/editor.cpp:263
    917887msgid "False Friends"
    918888msgstr "LaÅŸni prijatelj"
    920890#. +> trunk stable
    921 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:299
     891#: src/editor/editor.cpp:275
    922892msgid "Phonetic Symbols"
    923893msgstr "Fonetski simboli"
    925895#. +> trunk stable
    926 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:311
     896#: src/editor/editor.cpp:287
    927897msgid "Image"
    928898msgstr "Slika"
    930900#. +> trunk stable
    931 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:323
     901#: src/editor/editor.cpp:299
    932902msgid "Summary"
    933903msgstr "SaÅŸetak"
    935905#. +> trunk stable
    936 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:337
     906#: src/editor/editor.cpp:311
    937907msgid "Sound"
    938908msgstr "Zvuk"
    940910#. +> trunk stable
    941 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:349
     911#: src/editor/editor.cpp:323
    942912msgid "Internet"
    943913msgstr "Internet"
    945 #. +> trunk stable
    946 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:377
    947 msgid "&Upload Vocabulary Document..."
    948 msgstr ""
    950 #. +> trunk stable
     915#. +> stable
    951916#: src/editor/editor.cpp:378
    952917msgid "Share the current vocabulary collection with other users."
    955920#. +> trunk stable
    956921#: src/editor/editor.cpp:387
    957 msgid "&Languages..."
    958 msgstr "&Jezici
    960 #. +> trunk stable
    961 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:388
    962 msgid "Edit which languages are in the collection and their grammar properties."
    963 msgstr "Uredi koji jezici su u kolekciji i koja su njihova gramatička svojstva."
    965 #. +> trunk stable
    966 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:397
    967 msgid "Remove Grades"
    968 msgstr "Ukloni ocjene"
    970 #. +> trunk stable
    971 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:399
    972 msgid "Remove all grades from the current document"
    973 msgstr "Ukloni sve ocjene iz trenutnog dokumenta"
    975 #. +> trunk stable
    976 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:406
    977 msgid "Show Entries from Child Lessons"
    978 msgstr ""
    980 #. +> trunk stable
    981 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:408
    982 msgid "Enable to also see the entries of child lessons in each lesson."
    983 msgstr ""
    985 #. +> trunk stable
    986 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:414
    987 msgid "Automatic Translation"
    988 msgstr "Automatski prijevod"
    990 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutomaticTranslation), group (General)
    991 #. +> trunk stable
    992 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:416 src/settings/parley.kcfg:46
    993 msgid "Enable automatic translation of the lesson entries."
    994 msgstr ""
    996 #. +> trunk stable
    997 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:422
    998 msgid "Start Practice..."
    999 msgstr "Pokreni vjeÅŸbu
    1001 #. +> trunk stable
    1002 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:424
    1003 msgid "Start a test"
    1004 msgstr "Pokreni test"
    1006 #. +> trunk stable
    1007 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:433
    1008 msgid "Configure Practice..."
    1009 msgstr "Podesi vjeÅŸbu
    1011 #. +> trunk stable
    1012 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:435
    1013 msgid "Change practice settings"
    1014 msgstr "Promijeni postavke vjeÅŸbe"
    1016 #. +> trunk stable
     922msgid "Enter search terms here"
     923msgstr "Unesite termine za pretraÅŸivanje ovdje"
     925#. +> trunk stable
     926#: src/editor/editor.cpp:391
     927msgid "S&earch:"
     928msgstr "PretraÅŸivanje:"
     930#. +> stable
    1017931#: src/editor/editor.cpp:444
    1018932msgid "&Statistics..."
    1019933msgstr "&Statistike
    1021 #. +> trunk stable
     935#. +> stable
    1022936#: src/editor/editor.cpp:446
    1023937msgid "Show statistics for the current collection"
    1024938msgstr "PrikaÅŸi statistiku trenutne kolekcije"
    1026 #. +> trunk stable
    1027 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:452
    1028 msgid "Show Se&arch"
    1029 msgstr ""
    1031 #. +> trunk stable
    1032 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:454
    1033 msgid "Toggle display of the search bar"
    1034 msgstr ""
    1036 #. +> trunk stable
    1037 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:466
    1038 #, fuzzy
    1039 #| msgid "Languages"
    1040 msgid "&Script Manager"
    1041 msgstr "Jezici"
    1043 #. +> trunk stable
    1044 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:501
    1045 msgid "Enter search terms here"
    1046 msgstr "Unesite termine za pretraÅŸivanje ovdje"
    1048 #. +> trunk stable
    1049 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:505
    1050 msgid "S&earch:"
    1051 msgstr "PretraÅŸivanje:"
    1053 #. +> trunk stable
    1054 #: src/editor/editor.cpp:584 src/parleydocument.cpp:118
    1055 #, kde-format
    1056 msgctxt "@title:window document properties"
    1057 msgid "Properties for %1"
    1058 msgstr "Svojstva za %1"
    1060940#. i18n: ectx: Menu (file)
    1061941#. +> trunk stable
    1062 #: src/editor/editorui.rc:7
     942#: src/editor/editorui.rc:7 src/practice/practicesummaryui.rc:7
     943#: src/practice/practiceui.rc:7 src/statistics/statisticsui.rc:7
    1063944msgid "&File"
    1064945msgstr "&Datoteka"
    1084965#. i18n: ectx: Menu (learning)
    1085966#. +> trunk stable
    1086 #: src/editor/editorui.rc:59 src/welcomescreen/buttondelegate.cpp:45
     967#: src/editor/editorui.rc:59 src/practice/practicesummaryui.rc:11
     968#: src/statistics/statisticsui.rc:11 src/welcomescreen/buttondelegate.cpp:45
    1087969msgid "&Practice"
    1088970msgstr "&VjeÅŸba"
    1090972#. i18n: ectx: Menu (scripts)
    1091973#. +> trunk stable
    1092 #: src/editor/editorui.rc:66
     974#: src/editor/editorui.rc:64
    1093975msgid "&Scripts"
    1094976msgstr "&Skripte"
    1096978#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (editorToolBar)
    1097979#. +> trunk stable
    1098 #: src/editor/editorui.rc:75
     980#: src/editor/editorui.rc:73
    1099981#, fuzzy
    1100982msgid "Editor Toolbar"
    1103985#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, playButton)
    1104986#. +> trunk stable
    1105 #: src/entry-dialogs/audiowidget.ui:18
     987#: src/entry-dialogs/audiowidget.ui:18 src/practice/audiobutton.cpp:26
     988#: src/practice/audiobutton.cpp:27 src/practice/audiobutton.cpp:64
     989#: src/practice/audiobutton.cpp:65
    1106990#, fuzzy
    1107991msgid "Play"
    11281012#. +> trunk stable
    1129 #: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.cpp:86
     1013#: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.cpp:87
    11301014msgid "Could not determine word type of adjectives"
    11311015msgstr ""
    11331017#. +> trunk stable
    1134 #: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.cpp:105
     1018#: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.cpp:106
    11351019msgid "Could not determine word type of adverbs"
    11361020msgstr ""
    11701054#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, makeAdjectiveButton)
    11711055#. +> trunk stable
    1172 #: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.ui:116 src/parleydocument.cpp:325
    1173 #: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:101
     1056#: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.ui:116 src/parleydocument.cpp:314
     1057#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:103
    11741058msgid "Adjective"
    11751059msgstr "Pridjev"
    11771061#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, makeAdverbButton)
    11781062#. +> trunk stable
    1179 #: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.ui:123 src/parleydocument.cpp:329
    1180 #: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:109
     1063#: src/entry-dialogs/comparisonwidget.ui:123 src/parleydocument.cpp:318
     1064#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:111
    11811065msgid "Adverb"
    11821066msgstr "Prilog"
    11841068#. +> trunk stable
    1185 #: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.cpp:135
     1069#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.cpp:136
    11861070#, kde-format
    11871071msgid "\"%1\" is a verb"
    11901074#. +> trunk stable
    1191 #: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.cpp:170
     1075#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.cpp:171
    11921076msgid "Could not determine word type of verbs"
    11931077msgstr ""
    11961080#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, ConjugationWidget)
    11971081#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, DeclensionWidget)
    1198 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, queryLabel)
    1199 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, instructionLabel)
    12001082#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, OptionListForm)
    12011083#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, DocumentProperties)
    12041086#: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.ui:25
    12051087#: src/entry-dialogs/FromToEntryPageForm.ui:20
    1206 #: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlgForm.ui:43
    1207 #: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlgForm.ui:83
    12081088#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:19 src/settings/optionlistform.ui:19
    12091089msgid "-"
    12351115#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:102
    12361116#: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.ui:186
    1237 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:118
    12381117#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:342
    12391118#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:456
    12481127#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:197
    12491128#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:286
    1250 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:124
    1251 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:213
    1252 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:319
    12531129msgid "First"
    12541130msgstr "Prvi"
    12611137#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:213
    12621138#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:302
    1263 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:140
    1264 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:229
    1265 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:335
    12661139msgid "Second"
    12671140msgstr "Drugi"
    12741147#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:229
    12751148#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:318
    1276 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:156
    1277 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:245
    1278 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:351
    12791149msgid "Third Male"
    12801150msgstr ""
    12871157#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:245
    12881158#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:334
    1289 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:172
    1290 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:261
    1291 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:367
    12921159msgid "Third Female"
    12931160msgstr ""
    13001167#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:261
    13011168#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:350
    1302 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:188
    1303 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:277
    1304 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:383
    13051169msgid "Third Neutral"
    13061170msgstr ""
    13121176#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:191
    13131177#: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.ui:193
    1314 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:313
    13151178#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:463
    13161179msgid "Dual"
    13241187#: src/entry-dialogs/conjugationwidget.ui:280
    13251188#: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.ui:200
    1326 #: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:207
    13271189#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:355
    13281190#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:470
    13321194#. +> trunk stable
    1333 #: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.cpp:140
     1195#: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.cpp:141
    13341196#, kde-format
    13351197msgid "\"%1\" is a noun"
    13381200#. +> trunk stable
    1339 #: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.cpp:165
     1201#: src/entry-dialogs/declensionwidget.cpp:166
    13401202msgid "Could not determine word type of nouns"
    13411203msgstr ""
    14221284#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, fauxami_label)
    1423 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, falsefriendCheckBox)
    14241285#. +> trunk stable
    14251286#: src/entry-dialogs/FromToEntryPageForm.ui:95
    1426 #: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:362
    14271287msgid "&False friend:"
    14281288msgstr "&LaÅŸni prijatelj:"
    14881348msgstr ""
    1490 #. +> trunk stable
    1491 #: src/entry-dialogs/imagechooserwidget.cpp:49
    1492 msgctxt "@label image preview is empty"
    1493 msgid "No Preview"
    1494 msgstr ""
    1496 #. +> trunk stable
    1497 #: src/entry-dialogs/imagechooserwidget.cpp:60
    1498 msgctxt "@label image preview is empty"
    1499 msgid "No Image"
    1500 msgstr ""
    15021350#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, addChoiceButton)
    15031351#. +> trunk stable
    15211369#. +> trunk stable
    15221370#: src/entry-dialogs/summarywordwidget.ui:32
    1523 #: src/vocabulary/containermodel.cpp:171
     1371#: src/vocabulary/containermodel.cpp:174
    15241372msgid "Lesson"
    15251373msgstr "Lekcija"
    15451393msgstr "Primjer"
     1395#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_5)
     1396#. +> trunk stable
     1397#: src/entry-dialogs/summarywordwidget.ui:87
     1398#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:304
     1399msgid "Paraphrase"
     1400msgstr ""
    15471402#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_6)
    15481403#. +> trunk stable
    15541409#. +> trunk stable
    1555 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:59
     1410#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:60
    15561411msgid "Select Synonyms"
    15571412msgstr "Odaberi sinonime"
    15591414#. +> trunk stable
    1560 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:65
     1415#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:66
    15611416#, kde-format
    15621417msgid "%1 and %2 are not Synonyms"
    15651420#. +> trunk stable
    1566 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:67
     1421#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:68
    15671422#, kde-format
    15681423msgid "%1 and %2 are Synonyms"
    15711426#. +> trunk stable
    1572 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:72
     1427#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:73
    15731428#, kde-format
    15741429msgid "%1 and %2 are not Antonyms"
    15771432#. +> trunk stable
    1578 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:74
     1433#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:75
    15791434#, kde-format
    15801435msgid "%1 and %2 are Antonyms"
    15831438#. +> trunk stable
    1584 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:79
     1439#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:80
    15851440#, kde-format
    15861441msgid "%1 and %2 are not False Friends"
    15891444#. +> trunk stable
    1590 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:81
     1445#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:82
    15911446#, kde-format
    15921447msgid "%1 and %2 are False Friends"
    15951450#. +> trunk stable
    1596 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:90
     1451#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:91
    15971452#, kde-format
    15981453msgctxt "Title for a list of synonyms for a word"
    16021457#. +> trunk stable
    1603 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:93
     1458#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:94
    16041459#, kde-format
    16051460msgctxt "Title for a list of antonyms (opposites) for a word"
    16091464#. +> trunk stable
    1610 #: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:96
     1465#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.cpp:97
    16111466#, kde-format
    16121467msgctxt "Title for a list of false friend (things that sound similar but have different meanings) for a word"
    16141469msgstr "LaÅŸni prijatelj od %1:"
     1471#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, synonymButton)
     1472#. +> trunk stable
     1473#: src/entry-dialogs/synonymwidget.ui:26 src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:296
     1474msgid "Synonym"
     1475msgstr "Sinonimi"
    16161477#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, ExportOptions)
    16171478#. +> trunk stable
    1618 #: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:46 src/export/exportdialog.ui:13
     1479#: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:45 src/export/exportdialog.ui:13
    16191480msgid "Export"
    16201481msgstr "Izvoz"
    16221483#. +> trunk stable
    1623 #: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:72
     1484#: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:71
    16241485msgid "HTML document"
    16251486msgstr "HTML dokument"
    16271488#. +> trunk stable
    1628 #: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:107 src/parleydocument.cpp:233
    1629 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:136
     1489#: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:106 src/parleydocument.cpp:221
     1490#: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:137
    16301491msgid "Untitled"
    16311492msgstr "Bezimeno"
    16331494#. +> trunk stable
    1634 #: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:110
     1495#: src/export/exportdialog.cpp:109
    16351496msgid "Export As"
    16361497msgstr "Izvezi kao"
    16571518#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, flashCardRadio)
    1658 #. +> trunk stable
    1659 #: src/export/exportdialog.ui:42
     1519#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, flashCard)
     1520#. +> trunk stable
     1521#: src/export/exportdialog.ui:42 src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:96
    16601522msgid "Flash Cards"
    16611523msgstr "Memorijske kartice"
    18531715#. +> trunk stable
    1854 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:168
     1716#: src/parleyactions.cpp:69
     1717msgid "Creates a new vocabulary collection"
     1718msgstr "Stvara novi rječnik"
     1720#. +> trunk stable
     1721#: src/parleyactions.cpp:73
     1722msgid "Opens an existing vocabulary collection"
     1723msgstr "Otvara postojeći rječnik"
     1725#. +> trunk stable
     1726#: src/parleyactions.cpp:77
     1727msgid "Open &Downloaded Vocabularies..."
     1728msgstr "Otvori &preuzete rječnike
     1730#. +> trunk stable
     1731#: src/parleyactions.cpp:78
     1732msgid "Open downloaded vocabulary collections"
     1733msgstr ""
     1735#. +> trunk stable
     1736#: src/parleyactions.cpp:82
     1737msgid "Save the active vocabulary collection"
     1738msgstr ""
     1740#. +> trunk stable
     1741#: src/parleyactions.cpp:87
     1742msgid "Save the active vocabulary collection with a different name"
     1743msgstr ""
     1745#. +> trunk stable
     1746#: src/parleyactions.cpp:91
     1747msgid "&Export..."
     1748msgstr "&Izvoz 
     1750#. +> trunk stable
     1751#: src/parleyactions.cpp:92
     1752msgid "Export to HTML or CSV"
     1753msgstr "Izvezi u HTML ili CSV"
     1755#. +> trunk stable
     1756#: src/parleyactions.cpp:96
     1757msgid "&Properties..."
     1758msgstr "&Svojstva
     1760#. +> trunk stable
     1761#: src/parleyactions.cpp:97
     1762msgid "Edit document properties"
     1763msgstr "Uredi svojstva dokumenta"
     1765#. +> trunk stable
     1766#: src/parleyactions.cpp:101
     1767msgid "Close the current collection"
     1768msgstr "Zatvori trenutnu kolekciju"
     1770#. +> trunk stable
     1771#: src/parleyactions.cpp:105
     1772msgid "Quit Parley"
     1773msgstr "Izađi iz Parleya"
     1775#. +> trunk stable
     1776#: src/parleyactions.cpp:109
     1777msgid "Show the configuration dialog"
     1778msgstr "PrikaÅŸi prozor s postavkama"
     1780#. +> trunk stable
     1781#: src/parleyactions.cpp:113
     1782msgid "&Languages..."
     1783msgstr "&Jezici
     1785#. +> trunk stable
     1786#: src/parleyactions.cpp:114
     1787msgid "Edit which languages are in the collection and their grammar properties."
     1788msgstr "Uredi koji jezici su u kolekciji i koja su njihova gramatička svojstva."
     1790#. +> trunk stable
     1791#: src/parleyactions.cpp:118
     1792msgid "Remove Grades"
     1793msgstr "Ukloni ocjene"
     1795#. +> trunk stable
     1796#: src/parleyactions.cpp:119
     1797msgid "Remove all grades from the current document"
     1798msgstr "Ukloni sve ocjene iz trenutnog dokumenta"
     1800#. +> trunk stable
     1801#: src/parleyactions.cpp:126
     1802msgid "Show Entries from Child Lessons"
     1803msgstr ""
     1805#. +> trunk stable
     1806#: src/parleyactions.cpp:127
     1807msgid "Enable to also see the entries of child lessons in each lesson."
     1808msgstr ""
     1810#. +> trunk stable
     1811#: src/parleyactions.cpp:133
     1812msgid "Automatic Translation"
     1813msgstr "Automatski prijevod"
     1815#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutomaticTranslation), group (General)
     1816#. +> trunk stable
     1817#: src/parleyactions.cpp:134 src/settings/parley.kcfg:46
     1818msgid "Enable automatic translation of the lesson entries."
     1819msgstr ""
     1821#. +> trunk stable
     1822#: src/parleyactions.cpp:140 src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:87
     1823#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:104
     1824msgid "Start Practice..."
     1825msgstr "Pokreni vjeÅŸbu
     1827#. +> trunk
     1828#: src/parleyactions.cpp:141
     1829#, fuzzy
     1830#| msgid "Start Practice"
     1831msgid "Start practicing"
     1832msgstr "Pokreni vjeÅŸbu"
     1834#. +> trunk stable
     1835#: src/parleyactions.cpp:145 src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:96
     1836msgid "Configure Practice..."
     1837msgstr "Podesi vjeÅŸbu
     1839#. +> trunk stable
     1840#: src/parleyactions.cpp:146 src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:98
     1841msgid "Change practice settings"
     1842msgstr "Promijeni postavke vjeÅŸbe"
     1844#. +> trunk
     1845#: src/parleyactions.cpp:150
     1846#, fuzzy
     1847msgid "Edit..."
     1848msgstr "Uredi 
     1850#. +> trunk
     1851#: src/parleyactions.cpp:151
     1852#, fuzzy
     1853msgid "Edit the document"
     1854msgstr "Tekstualni dokumenti"
     1856#. +> trunk stable
     1857#: src/parleyactions.cpp:155
     1858msgid "Show Se&arch"
     1859msgstr ""
     1861#. +> trunk stable
     1862#: src/parleyactions.cpp:156
     1863msgid "Toggle display of the search bar"
     1864msgstr ""
     1866#. +> trunk stable
     1867#: src/parleyactions.cpp:165
     1868#, fuzzy
     1869#| msgid "Languages"
     1870msgid "&Script Manager"
     1871msgstr "Jezici"
     1873#. +> trunk
     1874#: src/parleyactions.cpp:166
     1875#, fuzzy
     1876msgid "Enable and disable scripts"
     1877msgstr "Omogući ili onemogući dijeljenje datoteka"
     1879#. +> trunk stable
     1880#: src/parleyactions.cpp:182
     1881msgid "Download New Vocabularies..."
     1882msgstr "Preuzmi nove rječnike
     1884#. +> trunk stable
     1885#: src/parleyactions.cpp:184
     1886#, fuzzy
     1887msgid "Downloads new vocabulary collections"
     1888msgstr "Otvori datoteka rječnika"
     1890#. +> trunk stable
     1891#: src/parleyactions.cpp:190
     1892msgid "&Upload Vocabulary Document..."
     1893msgstr ""
     1895#. +> trunk
     1896#: src/parleyactions.cpp:191
     1897#, fuzzy
     1898#| msgid "Share the current vocabulary collection with other users."
     1899msgid "Share the current vocabulary collection with other users"
     1900msgstr "Podijeli trenutni rječnik s ostalim korisnicima."
     1902#. +> trunk stable
     1903#: src/parleydocument.cpp:122 src/parleydocument.cpp:403
     1904#, kde-format
     1905msgctxt "@title:window document properties"
     1906msgid "Properties for %1"
     1907msgstr "Svojstva za %1"
     1909#. +> trunk stable
     1910#: src/parleydocument.cpp:156
    18551911msgid "Open in practice &mode"
    18561912msgstr "Otvori u načinu za vjeşbanje"
    18581914#. +> trunk stable
    1859 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:170
     1915#: src/parleydocument.cpp:158
    18601916msgid "Open Vocabulary Collection"
    18611917msgstr "Otvori rječnik"
    18631919#. +> trunk stable
    1864 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:223
     1920#: src/parleydocument.cpp:211
    18651921msgid "Open Downloaded Vocabulary Collection"
    18661922msgstr "Otvori preuzeti rječnik"
    18681924#. +> trunk stable
    1869 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:249 src/parleydocument.cpp:299
     1925#: src/parleydocument.cpp:238 src/parleydocument.cpp:288
    18701926#, kde-format
    18711927msgid "Writing file \"%1\" resulted in an error: %2"
    18741930#. +> trunk stable
    1875 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:250 src/parleydocument.cpp:300
     1931#: src/parleydocument.cpp:239 src/parleydocument.cpp:289
    18761932msgid "Save File"
    18771933msgstr "Spremi datoteku"
    18791935#. +> trunk stable
    1880 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:268
     1936#: src/parleydocument.cpp:257
    18811937msgid "Save Vocabulary As"
    18821938msgstr "Spremi rječnik kao"
    18841940#. +> trunk stable
    1885 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:277
     1941#: src/parleydocument.cpp:266
    18861942#, kde-format
    18871943msgid ""
    18961952#. +> trunk stable
    1897 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:283
     1953#: src/parleydocument.cpp:272
    18981954#, kde-format
    18991955msgctxt "@info:status saving a file"
    19031959#. +> trunk stable
    1904 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:307 src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:69
     1960#: src/parleydocument.cpp:296 src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:71
    19051961msgid "Noun"
    19061962msgstr "Imenica"
    19081964#. +> trunk stable
    1909 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:311
     1965#: src/parleydocument.cpp:300
    19101966msgid "Masculine"
    19111967msgstr "Muški"
    19131969#. +> trunk stable
    1914 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:314
     1970#: src/parleydocument.cpp:303
    19151971msgid "Feminine"
    19161972msgstr "Åœenski"
    19181974#. +> trunk stable
    1919 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:317
     1975#: src/parleydocument.cpp:306
    19201976msgid "Neuter"
    19211977msgstr "Srednji"
    19231979#. +> trunk stable
    1924 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:321 src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:118
     1980#: src/parleydocument.cpp:310 src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:120
    19251981msgid "Verb"
    19261982msgstr "Glagol"
    19281984#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, licenseComboBox)
    19291985#. +> trunk stable
    1930 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:343 src/settings/documentproperties.ui:221
     1986#: src/parleydocument.cpp:332 src/settings/documentproperties.ui:221
    19311987msgid "Public Domain"
    19321988msgstr "Javna domena"
    1934 #. +> trunk stable
    1935 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:352
     1990#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
     1991#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, languageGroupBox)
     1992#. +> trunk stable
     1993#: src/parleydocument.cpp:333 src/settings/documentproperties.ui:167
     1994#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:237
     1995msgid "Languages"
     1996msgstr "Jezici"
     1998#. +> trunk stable
     1999#: src/parleydocument.cpp:341
    19362000msgid "A Second Language"
    19372001msgstr "Drugi jezik"
    19392003#. +> trunk stable
    1940 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:355
     2004#: src/parleydocument.cpp:344
    19412005msgid "Lesson 1"
    19422006msgstr "Lekcija 1"
    19442008#. +> trunk stable
    1945 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:359
     2009#: src/parleydocument.cpp:348
    19462010msgid "Box 7 (best)"
    19472011msgstr ""
    19492013#. +> trunk stable
    1950 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:360
     2014#: src/parleydocument.cpp:349
    19512015msgid "Box 6"
    19522016msgstr ""
    19542018#. +> trunk stable
    1955 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:361
     2019#: src/parleydocument.cpp:350
    19562020msgid "Box 5"
    19572021msgstr ""
    19592023#. +> trunk stable
    1960 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:362
     2024#: src/parleydocument.cpp:351
    19612025msgid "Box 4"
    19622026msgstr ""
    19642028#. +> trunk stable
    1965 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:363
     2029#: src/parleydocument.cpp:352
    19662030msgid "Box 3"
    19672031msgstr ""
    19692033#. +> trunk stable
    1970 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:364
     2034#: src/parleydocument.cpp:353
    19712035msgid "Box 2"
    19722036msgstr ""
    19742038#. +> trunk stable
    1975 #: src/parleydocument.cpp:365
     2039#: src/parleydocument.cpp:354
    19762040msgid "Box 1 (lowest)"
    19772041msgstr ""
    19792043#. +> trunk stable
    1980 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:221
     2044#: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:200
    19812045msgid ""
    19822046"Vocabulary is modified.\n"
    19882052"Snimiti prije izlaska?\n"
    1990 #. +> trunk stable
    1991 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:255
    1992 msgid "Creates a new vocabulary collection"
    1993 msgstr "Stvara novi rječnik"
    1995 #. +> trunk stable
    1996 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:260
    1997 msgid "Opens an existing vocabulary collection"
    1998 msgstr "Otvara postojeći rječnik"
    2000 #. +> trunk stable
    2001 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:264
    2002 msgid "Download New Vocabularies..."
    2003 msgstr "Preuzmi nove rječnike
    2005 #. +> trunk stable
    2006 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:266
    2007 #, fuzzy
    2008 msgid "Downloads new vocabulary collections"
    2009 msgstr "Otvori datoteka rječnika"
    2011 #. +> trunk stable
    2012 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:273
    2013 msgid "Open &Downloaded Vocabularies..."
    2014 msgstr "Otvori &preuzete rječnike
    2016 #. +> trunk stable
    2017 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:275
    2018 msgid "Open downloaded vocabulary collections"
    2019 msgstr ""
    2021 #. +> trunk stable
    2022 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:294
    2023 msgid "Save the active vocabulary collection"
    2024 msgstr ""
    2026 #. +> trunk stable
    2027 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:300
    2028 msgid "Save the active vocabulary collection with a different name"
    2029 msgstr ""
    2031 #. +> trunk stable
    2032 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:314
    2033 msgid "&Export..."
    2034 msgstr "&Izvoz 
    2036 #. +> trunk stable
    2037 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:317
    2038 msgid "Export to HTML or CSV"
    2039 msgstr "Izvezi u HTML ili CSV"
    2041 #. +> trunk stable
    2042 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:324
    2043 msgid "&Properties..."
    2044 msgstr "&Svojstva
    2046 #. +> trunk stable
    2047 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:327
    2048 msgid "Edit document properties"
    2049 msgstr "Uredi svojstva dokumenta"
    2051 #. +> trunk stable
    2052 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:332
    2053 msgid "Close the current collection"
    2054 msgstr "Zatvori trenutnu kolekciju"
    2056 #. +> trunk stable
    2057 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:337
    2058 msgid "Quit Parley"
    2059 msgstr "Izađi iz Parleya"
    2061 #. +> trunk stable
    2062 #: src/parleymainwindow.cpp:343
    2063 msgid "Show the configuration dialog"
    2064 msgstr "PrikaÅŸi prozor s postavkama"
    20662054#. i18n: ectx: Menu (help)
    20672055#. +> trunk stable
    20762064msgstr "Glavna alatna traka"
    2078 #. +> trunk stable
     2066#. +> trunk
     2067#: src/practice/audiobutton.cpp:59 src/practice/audiobutton.cpp:60
     2068#, fuzzy
     2069msgid "Stop"
     2070msgstr "Zaustavi"
     2072#. +> stable
     2073#: src/statistics-dialogs/StatisticsDialog.cpp:49
     2074msgid "Configure practice settings"
     2075msgstr "Podesi postavke vjeÅŸbe"
     2077#. +> stable
     2078#: src/statistics-dialogs/StatisticsDialog.cpp:50
     2079msgid "Select the lessons to practice:"
     2080msgstr "Odaberite lekcije za vjeÅŸbanje"
     2082#. +> stable
     2083#: src/statistics-dialogs/StatisticsDialog.cpp:54
     2084msgid "Document Statistics"
     2085msgstr "Statistika dokumenta"
     2087#. +> stable
     2088#: src/statistics-dialogs/StatisticsDialog.cpp:56
     2089msgid "Average grades for each lesson:"
     2090msgstr "Prosječne ocjene za svaku lekciju:"
     2092#. +> trunk stable
     2093#: src/practice/entryfilter.cpp:74
     2094msgid "The vocabulary document contains no entries that can be used for the chosen type of practice."
     2095msgstr ""
     2097#. +> stable
     2098#: src/practiceold/entryfilter.cpp:100
     2099msgid "The vocabulary document contains no articles for the current language. Please add some in the Edit->Grammar menu."
     2100msgstr ""
     2102#. +> trunk stable
     2103#: src/practice/entryfilter.cpp:103
     2104msgid "Start Practice"
     2105msgstr "Pokreni vjeÅŸbu"
     2107#. +> stable
     2108#: src/statistics-dialogs/StatisticsDialog.cpp:49
     2109msgid "Configure Practice"
     2110msgstr "Podesi vjeÅŸbu"
     2112#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
     2113#. +> trunk stable
     2114#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:16
     2115msgid ""
     2116"<p>Your selection of vocabulary for the practice is empty.</p>"
     2117"<p>Below you can choose to ignore some of your configuration settings to start a practice anyway.</p>"
     2118msgstr ""
     2120#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
     2121#. +> trunk stable
     2122#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:26
     2123msgid "Ignore Configuration for:"
     2124msgstr "Ignoriraj postavke za:"
     2126#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, lessonCheckBox)
     2127#. +> trunk stable
     2128#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:32
     2129msgid "Ignore Lessons"
     2130msgstr "Ignoriraj lekcije"
     2132#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, wordTypeCheckBox)
     2133#. +> trunk stable
     2134#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:52
     2135msgid "Ignore Word Types"
     2136msgstr "Ignoriraj vrste riječi"
     2138#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, blockedCheckBox)
     2139#. +> trunk stable
     2140#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:72
     2141msgid "Ignore Blocked"
     2142msgstr "Ignoriraj blokirane"
     2144#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, timesWrongCheckBox)
     2145#. +> trunk stable
     2146#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:92
     2147msgid "Ignore Times Answered Incorrectly"
     2148msgstr ""
     2150#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, timesPracticedCheckBox)
     2151#. +> trunk stable
     2152#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:112
     2153msgid "Ignore Times Practiced"
     2154msgstr "Ignoriraj broj vjeÅŸbanja"
     2156#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, minMaxGradeCheckBox)
     2157#. +> trunk stable
     2158#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:132
     2159msgid "Ignore Minimum/Maximum Grade"
     2160msgstr "Ignoriraj minimalnu/maksimalnu ocjenu"
     2162#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lessonLabel_2)
     2163#. +> trunk stable
     2164#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:152
     2165msgid "Words"
     2166msgstr "Riječi"
     2168#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
     2169#. +> trunk stable
     2170#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:167
     2171msgid "Total number of entries:"
     2172msgstr "Ukupan broj unosa:"
     2174#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9)
     2175#. +> trunk stable
     2176#: src/practice/entryfilter.ui:188
     2177msgid "Resulting number of words to practice:"
     2178msgstr ""
     2180#. +> trunk
     2181#: src/practice/genderbackendmode.cpp:59
     2182#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2183#| msgid "Choose the level"
     2184msgid "Choose the right article for \"%1\""
     2185msgstr "Odaberite razinu"
     2187#. +> trunk
     2188#: src/practice/genderbackendmode.cpp:81
     2189#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2190#| msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: masculine"
     2191#| msgid "&masculine"
     2192msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: masculine"
     2193msgid "%1 is masculine"
     2194msgstr "&muÅ¡ki"
     2196#. +> trunk
     2197#: src/practice/genderbackendmode.cpp:86
     2198#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2199msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: feminine"
     2200msgid "%1 is feminine"
     2201msgstr "%1 je prisutan."
     2203#. +> trunk
     2204#: src/practice/genderbackendmode.cpp:91
     2205#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2206msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: neuter"
     2207msgid "%1 is neuter"
     2208msgstr "%1 nije mapa."
     2210#. +> trunk
     2211#: src/practice/guifrontend.cpp:115
     2212#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2213#| msgid "Lesson 1"
     2214msgctxt "Display of the current lesson during practice"
     2215msgid "Lesson: %1"
     2216msgstr "Lekcija 1"
     2218#. +> trunk
     2219#: src/practice/guifrontend.cpp:167
     2220#, kde-format
     2221msgid ""
     2222"You answered %1 of a total of %2 words.\n"
     2223"You are %3% done."
     2224msgstr ""
     2226#. +> trunk
     2227#: src/practice/multiplechoicebackendmode.cpp:126
     2228#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:135
     2229msgid "You revealed the answer by using too many hints."
     2230msgstr ""
     2232#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, StatisticsMainWindow)
     2233#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, FlashCardPracticeWidget)
     2234#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, MultiplechoicePracticeWidget)
     2235#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, PracticeMainWindow)
     2236#. i18n: ectx: property (windowTitle), widget (QWidget, WrittenPracticeWidget)
     2237#. +> trunk
     2238#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:14
     2239#: src/practice/practice_widget_flashcard.ui:14
     2240#: src/practice/practice_widget_multiplechoice.ui:14
     2241#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:14
     2242#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:20
     2243#, fuzzy
     2244msgid "Form"
     2245msgstr "Obrazac"
     2247#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lessonLabel)
     2248#. +> trunk
     2249#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:20
     2250msgid "Lesson 2: Nature Destroyed"
     2251msgstr ""
     2253#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, toggleButton)
     2254#. +> trunk
     2255#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:120
     2256msgid "✓ → ✗"
     2257msgstr ""
     2259#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, answerLaterButton)
     2260#. +> trunk
     2261#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:130
     2262#, fuzzy
     2263msgid "Answer Later"
     2264msgstr "Pitaj me kasnije"
     2266#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, hintButton)
     2267#. +> trunk
     2268#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:140
     2269#, fuzzy
     2270msgid "Hint"
     2271msgstr "Savjet"
     2273#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, continueButton)
     2274#. +> trunk
     2275#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:188
     2276#, fuzzy
     2277msgid "Continue"
     2278msgstr "SadrÅŸano u"
     2280#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, countAsWrongButton)
     2281#. +> trunk
     2282#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:205
     2283#, fuzzy
     2284msgid "I didn't know it"
     2285msgstr "Ne znam"
     2287#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, countAsCorrectButton)
     2288#. +> trunk
     2289#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:212
     2290#, fuzzy
     2291#| msgid "I &Know It"
     2292msgid "I knew it"
     2293msgstr "&Znam to"
     2295#. i18n: ectx: property (format), widget (QProgressBar, totalProgress)
     2296#. +> trunk
     2297#: src/practice/practice_mainwindow.ui:298
     2298#, no-c-format
     2299msgid "%v/%m"
     2300msgstr ""
     2302#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, questionLabel)
     2303#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, mixedSolutionLabel)
     2304#. +> trunk
     2305#: src/practice/practice_widget_flashcard.ui:25
     2306#: src/practice/practice_widget_multiplechoice.ui:25
     2307#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:120
     2308#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:138
     2309msgid "Baum"
     2310msgstr ""
     2312#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, solutionLabel)
     2313#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KLineEdit, answerEdit)
     2314#. +> trunk
     2315#: src/practice/practice_widget_flashcard.ui:107
     2316#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:62
     2317#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:80
     2318#, fuzzy
     2319msgid "tree"
     2320msgstr "Ulica"
     2322#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, feedbackLabel)
     2323#. +> trunk
     2324#: src/practice/practice_widget_multiplechoice.ui:51
     2325#, fuzzy
     2326msgid "Feedback"
     2327msgstr "Potvrda pokretanja"
     2329#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, questionPronunciationLabel)
     2330#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, solutionPronunciationLabel)
     2331#. +> trunk
     2332#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:40
     2333#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:98
     2334msgid "[foo]"
     2335msgstr ""
     2337#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (Practice::AudioButton, questionSoundButton)
     2338#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (Practice::AudioButton, solutionSoundButton)
     2339#. +> trunk
     2340#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:50
     2341#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:108
     2342#, fuzzy
     2343msgid "..."
     2344msgstr "
     2346#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, helpLabel)
     2347#. +> trunk
     2348#: src/practice/practice_widget_written.ui:162
     2349#, fuzzy
     2350msgid "Waiting for an answer..."
     2351msgstr "Punim mapu 
     2353#. +> trunk
     2354#: src/practice/practicemainwindow.cpp:62
     2355#, fuzzy
     2356msgid "Stop Practice"
     2357msgstr "&Članovi"
     2359#. +> trunk
     2360#: src/practice/practicemainwindow.cpp:64
     2361#, fuzzy
     2362msgid "Stop practicing"
     2363msgstr "&Članovi"
     2365#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (statisticsToolBar)
     2366#. i18n: ectx: ToolBar (practiceSummaryToolbar)
     2367#. +> trunk
     2368#: src/practice/practicesummaryui.rc:18 src/practice/practiceui.rc:13
     2369#: src/statistics/statisticsui.rc:18
     2370#, fuzzy
     2371msgid "Statistics Toolbar"
     2372msgstr "Traka sa podeÅ¡avanjima"
     2374#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
     2375#. +> trunk
     2376#: src/practice/practicesummarywidget.ui:17
     2377#, fuzzy
     2378msgid "Your practice result:"
     2379msgstr "%1 rezultat"
     2381#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTableWidget, tableWidget)
     2382#. +> trunk
     2383#: src/practice/practicesummarywidget.ui:28
     2384#, fuzzy
     2385msgid "Question"
     2386msgstr "Pitanje"
     2388#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTableWidget, tableWidget)
     2389#. +> trunk
     2390#: src/practice/practicesummarywidget.ui:38
     2391#, fuzzy
     2392msgid "Your Answer"
     2393msgstr "VaÅ¡ odgovor"
     2395#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTableWidget, tableWidget)
     2396#. +> trunk
     2397#: src/practice/practicesummarywidget.ui:43
     2398msgid "Wrong Attempts"
     2399msgstr ""
     2401#. +> trunk
     2402#: src/practice/summarybarwidget.cpp:85
     2403#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2404msgctxt "test results"
     2405msgid "%1 % correct"
     2406msgstr "ZavrÅ¡eno"
     2408#. +> trunk
     2409#: src/practice/summarybarwidget.cpp:87
     2410#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2411msgctxt "test results"
     2412msgid "%1 % wrong"
     2413msgstr "%1 %2 na %3"
     2415#. +> trunk
     2416#: src/practice/summarybarwidget.cpp:89
     2417#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2418#| msgid "Not answered:"
     2419msgctxt "test results"
     2420msgid "%1 % not answered"
     2421msgstr "Nije odgovoreno:"
     2423#. +> trunk
     2424#: src/practice/summarybarwidget.cpp:148
     2425#, fuzzy, kde-format
     2426#| msgid "Answered correctly (first attempt):"
     2427msgid "Answered correctly on the first attempt: %1 of %2 (%3 %)"
     2428msgstr "Točno odgovoreno (prvi pokuÅ¡aj):"
     2430#. +> trunk
     2431#: src/practice/summarybarwidget.cpp:155
     2432#, kde-format
     2433msgid "Answered wrong on the first attempt: %1 of %2 (%3 %)"
     2434msgstr ""
     2436#. +> trunk
     2437#: src/practice/summarybarwidget.cpp:162
     2438#, kde-format
     2439msgid "Not answered during this practice: %1 of %2 (%3 %)"
     2440msgstr ""
     2442#. +> trunk
     2443#: src/practice/testentrymanager.cpp:60
     2444#, fuzzy
     2445msgid "Could not start practice"
     2446msgstr "Nije moguće pokrenuti proces %1."
     2448#. +> trunk
     2449#: src/practice/testentrymanager.cpp:60
     2450#, fuzzy
     2451#| msgid "Share the current vocabulary collection with other users."
     2452msgid "The vocabulary collection contains less than two languages."
     2453msgstr "Podijeli trenutni rječnik s ostalim korisnicima."
     2455#. +> trunk
     2456#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:75
     2457#, fuzzy
     2458#| msgid "Your answer was wrong."
     2459msgid "Your answer was right on the first attempt."
     2460msgstr "VaÅ¡ odgovor je netočan."
     2462#. +> trunk
     2463#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:83
     2464#, fuzzy
     2465#| msgid "Your answer was wrong."
     2466msgid "Your answer was an already entered synonym."
     2467msgstr "VaÅ¡ odgovor je netočan."
     2469#. +> trunk
     2470#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:85
     2471#, fuzzy
     2472#| msgid "Your answer was wrong."
     2473msgid "Your answer was a synonym."
     2474msgstr "VaÅ¡ odgovor je netočan."
     2476#. +> trunk
     2477#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:95
     2478#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:116
     2479#, fuzzy
     2480#| msgid "Your answer was wrong."
     2481msgid "Your answer was wrong. Please try again."
     2482msgstr "VaÅ¡ odgovor je netočan."
     2484#. +> trunk
     2485#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:103
     2486#, fuzzy
     2487#| msgid "Count answers as right when only the accentuation is wrong."
     2488msgid "Your answer was right... but not on the first try."
     2489msgstr "Broji odgovore kao točne ako je pogreÅ¡ka samo u akcentima."
     2491#. +> trunk
     2492#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:110
     2493#, fuzzy
     2494#| msgid "Answered incorrectly"
     2495msgid "You did not answer correctly."
     2496msgstr "Netočno odgovoreno"
     2498#. +> trunk
     2499#: src/practice/writtenbackendmode.cpp:145
     2500#, kde-format
     2501msgid "The solution starts with: %1"
     2502msgstr ""
     2504#. +> trunk
     2505#: src/practice/writtenpracticewidget.cpp:115
     2506#, fuzzy
     2507#| msgid "Synonym"
     2508msgid "Synonym: "
     2509msgstr "Sinonimi"
     2511#. +> trunk stable
     2512#: src/scripts/script.cpp:54
     2513msgid "The script file does not exist."
     2514msgstr "Skripta ne postoji."
     2516#. +> trunk stable
     2517#: src/scripts/script.cpp:86
     2518#, kde-format
     2519msgid "Error in file %1 at line %2:"
     2520msgstr "PogreÅ¡ka u datoteci %1 na liniji %2:"
     2522#. +> trunk stable
     2523#: src/scripts/script.cpp:88
     2524msgctxt "debug information in error message"
     2525msgid "Backtrace:"
     2526msgstr ""
     2528#. +> trunk stable
     2529#: src/scripts/scriptdialog.cpp:33
     2530msgid "Script Dialog"
     2531msgstr ""
     2533#. +> trunk stable
     2534#: src/scripts/scriptmanager.cpp:133
     2535#, kde-format
     2536msgid "A script could not be activated and has been disabled."
     2537msgid_plural "%1 scripts could not be activated and have been disabled."
     2538msgstr[0] "NeuspjeÅ¡no aktiviranje %1 skripte. Skripta će biti onemogućena."
     2539msgstr[1] "NeuspjeÅ¡no aktiviranje %1 skripte. Skripte će biti onemogućene."
     2540msgstr[2] "NeuspjeÅ¡no aktiviranje %1 skripti. Skripte će biti onemogućene."
     2542#. +> trunk stable
     2543#: src/scripts/scriptmanager.cpp:133
     2544msgid "This probably means that there are errors in the script or that the required packages are not installed."
     2545msgstr "Ovo vjerojatno znači da postoje pogreÅ¡ke u skripti ili da potrebni paketi nedostaju."
     2547#. +> trunk stable
     2548#: src/scripts/scriptmanager.cpp:135
     2549msgid "Script Activation"
     2550msgstr "Aktiviranje skripte"
     2552#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, tiltle_group)
     2553#. +> trunk stable
     2554#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:25
     2555msgid "General Document Properties"
     2556msgstr "Opća svojstva dokumenta"
     2558#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_title)
     2559#. +> trunk stable
     2560#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:37
     2561msgid "&Title:"
     2562msgstr "&Naslov:"
     2564#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KLineEdit, titleLineEdit)
     2565#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KLineEdit, authorLineEdit)
     2566#. +> trunk stable
     2567#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:56 src/settings/documentproperties.ui:82
     2568msgid "A title for your document."
     2569msgstr "Naziv za vaÅ¡ dokument."
     2571#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_author)
     2572#. +> trunk stable
     2573#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:63
     2574msgid "&Author:"
     2575msgstr "&Autor:"
     2577#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_author_2)
     2578#. +> trunk stable
     2579#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:89
     2580msgid "&Email:"
     2581msgstr "&E-poÅ¡ta:\t"
     2583#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KLineEdit, contactLineEdit)
     2584#. +> trunk stable
     2585#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:108
     2586msgid "A way to contact you (email or a webpage)."
     2587msgstr "Način da vas se kontaktira (e-poÅ¡ta ili web stranica)."
     2589#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_remark)
     2590#. +> trunk stable
     2591#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:115
     2592msgid "&Comment:"
     2593msgstr "&Komentar:"
     2595#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KTextEdit, commentTextEdit)
     2596#. +> trunk stable
     2597#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:134
     2598msgid "Any additional information."
     2599msgstr "Dodatna informacije."
     2601#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
     2602#. +> trunk stable
     2603#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:147
     2604msgid "Cat&egory"
     2605msgstr "Kategorija"
     2607#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
     2608#. +> trunk stable
     2609#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:160
     2610msgid "A general category into which your document belongs."
     2611msgstr "Opća kategorija kojoj pripadaju vaÅ¡i dokumenti."
     2613#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
     2614#. +> trunk stable
     2615#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:172
     2616msgid "Music"
     2617msgstr "Glazba"
     2619#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
     2620#. +> trunk stable
     2621#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:177
     2622msgid "Geography"
     2623msgstr "Geografija"
     2625#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
     2626#. +> trunk stable
     2627#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:182
     2628msgid "Anatomy"
     2629msgstr "Anatomija"
     2631#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
     2632#. +> trunk stable
     2633#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:187
     2634msgid "History"
     2635msgstr "Povijest"
     2637#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
     2638#. +> trunk stable
     2639#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:192
     2640msgid "Test Preparation"
     2641msgstr "Pripreme za test"
     2643#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_license)
     2644#. +> trunk stable
     2645#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:200
     2646msgid "&License:"
     2647msgstr "&Licenca:"
     2649#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, licenseComboBox)
     2650#. +> trunk stable
     2651#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:214
     2652msgid ""
     2653"The license under which your document will be.\n"
     2654"If you consider contributing your file to KDE in the future, an appropriate license is required."
     2655msgstr ""
     2656"Licenca pod kojom će biti vaÅ¡ dokument.\n"
     2657"Ako mislite priloÅŸiti ovaj dokument KDEu u budućnosti potrebna je odgovarajuća licenca."
     2659#. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, licenseComboBox)
     2660#. +> trunk stable
     2661#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:226
     2662msgid "GPLv2+ (GNU General Public License version 2 or later)"
     2663msgstr "GPLv2+ (GNU General Public License verzija 2 ili poslije)"
     2665#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_language_1)
     2666#. +> trunk stable
     2667#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:243
     2668msgid "&First language:"
     2669msgstr "&Prvi jezik:"
     2671#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_language_2)
     2672#. +> trunk stable
     2673#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:269
     2674msgid "&Second language:"
     2675msgstr "&Drugi jezik:"
     2677#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, grammarCheckBox)
     2678#. +> trunk stable
     2679#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:298
     2680msgid "&Setup Grammar Details"
     2681msgstr "Pode&si gramatičke detalje"
     2683#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, downloadGrammarCheckBox)
     2684#. +> trunk stable
     2685#: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:308
     2686msgctxt "Attept to download grammar properties for the selected languages"
     2687msgid "Download Grammar"
     2688msgstr "Preuzmi gramatiku"
     2690#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Document $(fileurl))
     2691#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Document $(fileurl))
     2692#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Locale $(locale))
     2693#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Locale $(locale))
     2694#. +> trunk stable
     2695#: src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:11 src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:12
     2696#: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:21 src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:22
     2697msgid "Selected tenses for conjugation practice."
     2698msgstr "Odabrana glagolska vremena za vjeÅŸbu konjugacija."
     2700#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Document $(fileurl))
     2701#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Document $(fileurl))
     2702#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Locale $(locale))
     2703#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Locale $(locale))
     2704#. +> trunk stable
     2705#: src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:16 src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:17
     2706#: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:26 src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:27
     2707msgid "Visible columns in the main editor window."
     2708msgstr ""
     2710#. +> trunk stable
     2711#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:60
     2712msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2713msgid ";"
     2714msgstr ";"
     2716#. +> trunk stable
     2717#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:61
     2718msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2719msgid "#"
     2720msgstr "#"
     2722#. +> trunk stable
     2723#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:62
     2724msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2725msgid "!"
     2726msgstr "!"
     2728#. +> trunk stable
     2729#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:63
     2730msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2731msgid "|"
     2732msgstr "|"
     2734#. +> trunk stable
     2735#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:64
     2736msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2737msgid ","
     2738msgstr ","
     2740#. +> trunk stable
     2741#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:65
     2742msgctxt "CSV separator: tabulator"
     2743msgid "TAB"
     2744msgstr "TAB"
     2746#. +> trunk stable
     2747#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:66
     2748msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2749msgid ">= 2 SPACES"
     2750msgstr ">= 2 RAZMAKA"
     2752#. +> trunk stable
     2753#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:67
     2754msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2755msgid " : "
     2756msgstr " : "
     2758#. +> trunk stable
     2759#: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:68
     2760msgctxt "CSV separator"
     2761msgid " :: "
     2762msgstr " :: "
     2764#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
     2765#. +> trunk stable
     2766#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:17
     2767msgid "Open/Save"
     2768msgstr "Otvori / Spremi"
     2770#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoOpenLast)
     2771#. +> trunk stable
     2772#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:23
     2773msgid "Always open the collection that was active when quitting Parley"
     2774msgstr "Uvijek otvori posljednju aktivnu kolekciju."
     2776#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoOpenLast)
     2777#. +> trunk stable
     2778#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:26
     2779msgid "When this option is checked, the last active collection will be loaded automatically when starting Parley instead of showing the welcome screen."
     2780msgstr "Kada je ova opcija označena, umjesto pozdravnoga ekrana, zadnja aktivna kolekcija biti će automatski učitana pri pokretanju Parleya."
     2782#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoOpenLast)
     2783#. +> trunk stable
     2784#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:29
     2785msgid "Always load the last opened collection on start"
     2786msgstr "Uvijek na početku učitaj zadnju otvorenu kolekciju"
     2788#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoSave)
     2789#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoBackup)
     2790#. +> trunk stable
     2791#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:39 src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:60
     2792msgid "Allow automatic saving of your work"
     2793msgstr "Automatsko spremanje vaÅ¡eg rada"
     2795#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoSave)
     2796#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoBackup)
     2797#. +> trunk stable
     2798#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:42 src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:63
     2799msgid "Your work will be automatically saved if you check this option"
     2800msgstr "VaÅ¡ će rad biti automatski spremljen ako označite ovu opciju"
     2802#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoSave)
     2803#. +> trunk stable
     2804#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:45
     2805msgid "&Save vocabularies automatically on close and quit"
     2806msgstr "Automatski &spremi rječnik na zatvaranju ili izlaÅŸenju"
     2808#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoBackup)
     2809#. +> trunk stable
     2810#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:66
     2811msgid "&Create a backup every"
     2812msgstr "&Napravi rezervnu kopiju svako"
     2814#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackupInterva)
     2815#. +> trunk stable
     2816#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:89
     2817msgid "minutes"
     2818msgstr "minuta"
     2820#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_sep)
     2821#. +> trunk stable
     2822#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:103
     2823msgid "Sep&arator for text file import/export (CSV):"
     2824msgstr "R&azdjelnik za unoÅ¡enje tekstualnih datoteka (CSV):"
     2826#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, kcfg_SeparatorCombo)
     2827#. +> trunk stable
     2828#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:119
     2829msgid "Choose which separator you want to use to separate your data when importing and exporting text."
     2830msgstr "Izaberite koji razdjelnik ÅŸelite koristiti za razdjeljivanje vaÅ¡ih podataka pri uvozu i izvozu teksta."
     2832#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KComboBox, kcfg_SeparatorCombo)
     2833#. +> trunk stable
     2834#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:122
     2835msgid "Choose the separator to use to divide the parts of an expression when importing or exporting data as text."
     2836msgstr "Izaberite koji razdjelnik ÅŸelite koristiti za razdvajanje dijelova izraza pri uvozu ili izvozu podataka kao teksta."
     2838#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2)
     2839#. +> trunk stable
     2840#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:147
     2841msgid "Editing"
     2842msgstr "Uređivanje"
     2844#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SmartAppend)
     2845#. +> trunk stable
     2846#: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:165
     2847msgid "&Append new rows automatically when editing"
     2848msgstr "Automatski dod&aj nove retke pri uređivanju"
     2850#. +> trunk stable
     2851#: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:28
     2852msgid "Edit Languages"
     2853msgstr "Uredi jezike"
     2855#. +> trunk stable
     2856#: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:32
     2857msgid "Add language"
     2858msgstr "Dodaj jezik"
     2860#. +> trunk stable
     2861#: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:34
     2862msgid "Remove language"
     2863msgstr "Ukloni jezik"
     2865#. +> trunk stable
     2866#: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:49
     2867msgid "New Language"
     2868msgstr "Novi jezik"
     2870#. +> trunk stable
     2871#: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:61
     2872#, kde-format
     2873msgctxt "Edit language properties"
     2874msgid "Properties for %1"
     2875msgstr "Svojstva za %1"
     2877#. +> trunk stable
     2878#: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:95
     2879#, kde-format
     2880msgid "Really delete language: %1?"
     2881msgstr "Stvarno ÅŸelite izbrisati jezik: %1?"
     2883#. +> trunk stable
     2884#: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:95
     2885msgid "Remove Language"
     2886msgstr "Ukloni jezik"
     2888#. +> trunk stable
     2889#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:78
     2890msgid "without name"
     2891msgstr "bez naziva"
     2893#. +> trunk stable
     2894#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:89
     2895msgid "No icon"
     2896msgstr "Bez ikone"
     2898#. +> trunk stable
     2899#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:380
     2900#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:402
     2901msgid "Tense Name"
     2902msgstr "Ime glagolskog vremena"
     2904#. +> trunk stable
     2905#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:380
     2906#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:402
     2907msgid "Enter name of tense:"
     2908msgstr "Unesite ime glagolskog vremena:"
     2910#. +> trunk stable
     2911#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:431
     2912msgid ""
     2913"The selected user defined tense could not be deleted\n"
     2914"because it is in use."
     2915msgstr ""
     2916"Nisam mogao obrisati ovo vrijeme definirano od strane korisnika\n"
     2917"zato jer se trenutno koristi."
     2919#. +> trunk stable
     2920#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:431
     2921msgid "Deleting Tense Description"
     2922msgstr "BriÅ¡em opis vremena"
     2924#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab)
     2925#. +> trunk stable
     2926#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:20
     2927msgid "General"
     2928msgstr "Opće"
     2930#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, localeSelectionLabel)
     2931#. +> trunk stable
     2932#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:26
     2933msgid "Language:"
     2934msgstr "Jezik:"
     2936#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, nameLabel)
     2937#. +> trunk stable
     2938#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:39
     2939msgid "Name:"
     2940msgstr "Ime:"
     2942#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, iconSelectionLabel)
     2943#. +> trunk stable
     2944#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:55
     2945msgid "Flag:"
     2946msgstr "Zastava:"
     2948#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, keyboardLayoutLabel)
     2949#. +> trunk stable
     2950#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:68
     2951msgid "Keyboard layout:"
     2952msgstr "Raspored tipkovnice:"
     2954#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, downloadGrammarButton)
     2955#. +> trunk stable
     2956#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:94
     2957msgid "&Download Grammar"
     2958msgstr "&Preuzmi gramatiku"
     2960#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2)
     2961#. +> trunk stable
     2962#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:105
     2963msgid "Articles"
     2964msgstr "Članovi"
     2966#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel3)
     2967#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel3_2)
     2968#. +> trunk stable
     2969#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:117
     2970#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:374
     2971msgid "Definite"
     2972msgstr "Određen"
     2974#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel4)
     2975#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel4_2)
     2976#. +> trunk stable
     2977#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:124
     2978#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:381
     2979msgid "Indefinite"
     2980msgstr "Neodređen"
     2982#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, male_label)
     2983#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, male_label_2)
     2984#. +> trunk stable
     2985#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:131
     2986#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:329
     2987msgid "&Male:"
     2988msgstr "&MuÅ¡ki:"
     2990#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, female_label)
     2991#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, female_label_2)
     2992#. +> trunk stable
     2993#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:154
     2994#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:316
     2995msgid "&Female:"
     2996msgstr "&Åœenski:"
     2998#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, natural_label)
     2999#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, natural_label_2)
     3000#. +> trunk stable
     3001#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:187
     3002#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:303
     3003msgid "&Neutral:"
     3004msgstr "&Srednji"
     3006#. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3)
     3007#. +> trunk stable
     3008#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:421
     3009msgid "Personal Pronouns"
     3010msgstr "Osobne zamjenice"
     3012#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, pers1_label)
     3013#. +> trunk stable
     3014#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:477
     3015msgid "&1. Person:"
     3016msgstr "&1. lice:"
     3018#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, pers2_label)
     3019#. +> trunk stable
     3020#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:513
     3021msgid "&2. Person:"
     3022msgstr "&2. lice:"
     3024#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, pers3_label)
     3025#. +> trunk stable
     3026#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:549
     3027msgid "3. Person:"
     3028msgstr "3. lice:"
     3030#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, male_c_label)
     3031#. +> trunk stable
     3032#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:559
     3033#, fuzzy
     3034msgid "M&ale:"
     3035msgstr "M&uÅ¡ki:"
     3037#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, female_c_label)
     3038#. +> trunk stable
     3039#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:595
     3040#, fuzzy
     3041msgid "F&emale:"
     3042msgstr "Åœ&enski:"
     3044#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, natural_c_label)
     3045#. +> trunk stable
     3046#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:631
     3047#, fuzzy
     3048msgid "Neu&ter:"
     3049msgstr "Sre&dnji:"
     3051#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, dualCheckBox)
     3052#. +> trunk stable
     3053#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:667
     3054msgid "Dual conjugations"
     3055msgstr ""
     3057#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, neutralCheckBox)
     3058#. +> trunk stable
     3059#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:674
     3060msgid "A neutral conjugation form exists"
     3061msgstr ""
     3063#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, maleFemaleDifferCheckBox)
     3064#. +> trunk stable
     3065#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:687
     3066msgid "Male/female have different conjugations"
     3067msgstr ""
     3069#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, newButton)
     3070#. +> trunk stable
     3071#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:722 src/settings/optionlistform.ui:63
     3072msgid "&New..."
     3073msgstr "&Novi
     3075#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, modifyButton)
     3076#. +> trunk stable
     3077#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:735 src/settings/optionlistform.ui:78
     3078msgid "&Modify..."
     3079msgstr "&Promijeni
     3081#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton)
     3082#. +> trunk stable
     3083#: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:748 src/settings/optionlistform.ui:93
     3084msgid "&Delete"
     3085msgstr "&IzbriÅ¡i"
     3087#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Icon), group (Locale $(locale))
     3088#. +> trunk stable
     3089#: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:11
     3090msgid "Icon for an identifier"
     3091msgstr ""
     3093#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (Icon), group (Locale $(locale))
     3094#. +> trunk stable
     3095#: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:12
     3096msgid "The icon shown for the identifier (locale)"
     3097msgstr ""
     3099#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (KeyboardLayout), group (Locale $(locale))
     3100#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (KeyboardLayout), group (Locale $(locale))
     3101#. +> trunk stable
     3102#: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:16 src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:17
     3103msgid "Keyboard layout for this locale"
     3104msgstr ""
     3106#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, cleanUpButton)
     3107#. +> trunk stable
     3108#: src/settings/optionlistform.ui:124
     3109msgid "&Clean Up"
     3110msgstr "&Očisti"
     3112#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (NumPreSetting), group (General)
     3113#. +> trunk stable
     3114#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:11
     3115msgid "Number of stored setting profiles"
     3116msgstr "Broj spremljenih profila postavki"
     3118#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SmartAppend), group (General)
     3119#. +> trunk stable
     3120#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:15
     3121msgid "If true, when using the entry dialog, new rows will be appended as needed"
     3122msgstr ""
     3124#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Separator), group (General)
     3125#. +> trunk stable
     3126#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:19
     3127msgid "This sets the separator used when copying/pasting text, default is Tab"
     3128msgstr "Ovo postavlja razdjelnik koji se koristi pri kopiranje/lijepljenju teksta. Osnovni je TAB."
     3130#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (EntriesPerLesson), group (General)
     3131#. +> trunk stable
     3132#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:23
     3133msgid "The number of entries per lesson"
     3134msgstr "Broj unosa po lekciji"
     3136#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutoOpenLast), group (General)
     3137#. +> trunk stable
     3138#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:27
     3139msgid "If true, on each application start the last opened file will be loaded"
     3140msgstr "Ako je istina, na svakom pokretanju aplikacije zadnji otvorena datoteka biti će učitana"
     3142#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutoSave), group (General)
     3143#. +> trunk stable
     3144#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:31
     3145msgid "If true, vocabularies are automatically saved on close and exit"
     3146msgstr "Ako je točno, rječnici se automatski spremaju na zatvaranju ili izlazu"
     3148#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutoBackup), group (General)
     3149#. +> trunk stable
     3150#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:38
     3151msgid "If true, a backup is saved every BackupTime minutes"
     3152msgstr "Ako je točno, rezervna kopija se sprema svakih BackupTime minuta"
     3154#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (BackupTime), group (General)
     3155#. +> trunk stable
     3156#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:42
     3157msgid "Time interval between two automatic backups"
     3158msgstr "Interval između dva automatska stvaranja rezervnih kopija"
     3160#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (FlashcardsFrontImage), group (PracticeOptions)
     3161#. +> trunk stable
     3162#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:53
     3163msgid "Show images on the front of the flashcard."
     3164msgstr "PrikaÅŸi slike na prednjoj strani memorijske kartice."
     3166#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (FlashcardsBackImage), group (PracticeOptions)
     3167#. +> trunk stable
     3168#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:57
     3169msgid "Show images on the back of the flashcard."
     3170msgstr "PrikaÅŸi slike na poleđini memorijske kartice."
     3172#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Theme), group (PracticeOptions)
     3173#. +> trunk stable
     3174#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:61
     3175msgid "Practice theme to use"
     3176msgstr "Tema vjeÅŸbe za koristiti"
     3178#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Block), group (PracticeOptions)
     3179#. +> trunk stable
     3180#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:65
     3181msgid "In Blocking Query Tab Dialog, if checked then the Query is blocked"
     3182msgstr ""
     3184#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Expire), group (PracticeOptions)
     3185#. +> trunk stable
     3186#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:69
     3187msgid "In Blocking Query Tab Dialog, if checked then the Query accepts an expiring time"
     3188msgstr ""
     3190#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AltLearn), group (PracticeOptions)
     3191#. +> trunk stable
     3192#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:73
     3193msgid "Use the Leitner learning method"
     3194msgstr "Koristi Leitner algoritam za učenje"
     3196#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TestOrderLesson), group (PracticeOptions)
     3197#. +> trunk stable
     3198#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:77
     3199msgid "Append new vocabulary in a test in order of their lessons. Note that this will not be a hard transition, but a slow mix from one lesson to the next."
     3200msgstr "Dodaj novi rječnik u test u redoslijedu odgovarajućih lekcija. Primijetite da ovo neće biti snaÅŸan prijelaz, već spora mjeÅ¡avina iz jedne lekcije u sljedeću."
     3202#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TestNumberOfEntries), group (PracticeOptions)
     3203#. +> trunk stable
     3204#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:81
     3205msgid "The number of entries that are practiced at the same time. If one of these is answered correctly another entry will be appended."
     3206msgstr "Broj unosa za vjeÅŸbanje u isto vrijeme. Ako je jedan od ovih odgovoren točno drugi će biti dodan."
     3208#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SwapDirection), group (PracticeOptions)
     3209#. +> trunk stable
     3210#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:85
     3211msgid "Swap direction randomly"
     3212msgstr "Nasumično mijenjaj smjer"
     3214#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeTimeout), group (PracticeOptions)
     3215#. +> trunk stable
     3216#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:90
     3217msgid "Limit the time for the user to answer in a test."
     3218msgstr "Ograniči vrijeme dopuÅ¡ten korisniku za odgovor u testu."
     3220#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeTimeoutMode), group (PracticeOptions)
     3221#. +> trunk stable
     3222#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:94
     3223msgid "Show - show the solution after the given time; Continue - go to the next question after the given time."
     3224msgstr ""
     3226#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeTimeoutTimePerAnswer), group (PracticeOptions)
     3227#. +> trunk stable
     3228#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:102
     3229msgid "Maximum time allowed to answer."
     3230msgstr "Maksimalno vrijeme dopuÅ¡teno za odgovor."
     3232#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Suggestions), group (PracticeOptions)
     3233#. +> trunk stable
     3234#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:107
     3235msgid "Enable suggestion lists in written practice."
     3236msgstr ""
     3238#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowHints), group (PracticeOptions)
     3239#. +> trunk stable
     3240#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:111
     3241msgid "Enable the showing of hints."
     3242msgstr ""
     3244#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (IgnoreAccentMistakes), group (PracticeOptions)
     3245#. +> trunk stable
     3246#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:115
     3247msgid "Count answers as right when only the accentuation is wrong."
     3248msgstr "Broji odgovore kao točne ako je pogreÅ¡ka samo u akcentima."
     3250#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (IgnoreCapitalizationMistakes), group (PracticeOptions)
     3251#. +> trunk stable
     3252#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:119
     3253msgid "Count answers as right when only the capitalization is wrong."
     3254msgstr "Broji odgovore kao točne ako je pogreÅ¡ka samo u velikim/malim slovima."
     3256#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SplitTranslations), group (PracticeOptions)
     3257#. +> trunk stable
     3258#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:124
     3259msgid "Split translations in written practice."
     3260msgstr ""
     3262#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Periods), group (PracticeOptions)
     3263#. +> trunk stable
     3264#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:128
     3265msgid "Split translations at periods."
     3266msgstr "Razdjeli prijevode na točkama."
     3268#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Colons), group (PracticeOptions)
     3269#. +> trunk stable
     3270#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:132
     3271msgid "Split translations at colons."
     3272msgstr "Razdijeli prijevode na dvotočkama."
     3274#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Semicolons), group (PracticeOptions)
     3275#. +> trunk stable
     3276#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:136
     3277msgid "Split translations at semicolons."
     3278msgstr "Razdijeli prijevode na točka-zarezima."
     3280#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Commas), group (PracticeOptions)
     3281#. +> trunk stable
     3282#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:140
     3283msgid "Split translations at commas."
     3284msgstr "Razdijeli prijevode na zarezima."
     3286#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowMore), group (PracticeOptions)
     3287#. +> trunk stable
     3288#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:146
     3289msgid "Enable Show More button to reveal parts of the solution in written practice."
     3290msgstr ""
     3292#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SkipKnownEnabled), group (PracticeOptions)
     3293#. +> trunk stable
     3294#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:150
     3295msgid "Enable Skip (I Know It) button in written practice."
     3296msgstr ""
     3298#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (CountSynonymsAsCorrect), group (PracticeOptions)
     3299#. +> trunk stable
     3300#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:154
     3301msgid "When the synonym instead of the word was entered, does it count as correct?"
     3302msgstr "Ako je sinonim umjesto traÅŸene riječi unesen, broji li se kao točan?"
     3304#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeImagesEnabled), group (PracticeOptions)
     3305#. +> trunk stable
     3306#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:158
     3307msgid "Enable image display in the practice dialogs."
     3308msgstr ""
     3310#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeSoundEnabled), group (PracticeOptions)
     3311#. +> trunk stable
     3312#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:162
     3313msgid "Enable sound playback in the practice dialogs."
     3314msgstr ""
     3316#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (MultipleChoiceWordTypeConsistancy), group (PracticeOptions)
     3317#. +> trunk stable
     3318#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:166
     3319msgid "Use the same word type as the solution for the incorrect answers in a multiple choice practice."
     3320msgstr ""
     3322#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (NumberMultipleChoiceAnswers), group (PracticeOptions)
     3323#. +> trunk stable
     3324#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:170
     3325msgid "How many answers are provided for a multiple choice question, including the correct answer."
     3326msgstr "Koliko je odgovora dostupno za pitanja s viÅ¡e izbora, uključujući točan odgovor."
     3328#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowSearch), group (Appearance)
     3329#. +> trunk stable
     3330#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:177
     3331msgid "Toggle display of the search bar."
     3332msgstr ""
     3334#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowSublessonentries), group (Appearance)
     3335#. +> trunk stable
     3336#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:182
     3337msgid "When enabled a lesson also shows entries from its sublessons."
     3338msgstr ""
     3340#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TableLessonColumnVisible), group (Appearance)
     3341#. +> trunk stable
     3342#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:187
     3343msgid "Show/hide the lesson column."
     3344msgstr "PrikaÅŸi/Sakrij lekcija stupac"
     3346#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TableActiveColumnVisible), group (Appearance)
     3347#. +> trunk stable
     3348#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:192
     3349msgid "Show/hide the active column."
     3350msgstr "PrikaÅŸi/Sakrij aktivni stupac."
     3352#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (LessonEditingSelection), group (Appearance)
     3353#. +> trunk stable
     3354#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:197
     3355msgid "Select which lessons are displayed for editing"
     3356msgstr "Označite koje su lekcije dostupne za uređivanje"
     3358#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (MainWindowSplitter), group (Appearance)
     3359#. +> trunk stable
     3360#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:207
     3361msgid "How the main window is divided."
     3362msgstr "Kako je podijeljen glavni prozor."
     3364#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TableFont), group (Appearance)
     3365#. +> trunk stable
     3366#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:211
     3367msgid "The font used in the vocabulary table"
     3368msgstr ""
     3370#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (IPAFont), group (Appearance)
     3371#. +> trunk stable
     3372#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:215
     3373msgid "The font used for phonetics"
     3374msgstr ""
     3376#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (CurrentCol), group (Appearance)
     3377#. +> trunk stable
     3378#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:219
     3379msgid "Currently selected column"
     3380msgstr "Trenutno odabrani stupac"
     3382#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (CurrentRow), group (Appearance)
     3383#. +> trunk stable
     3384#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:223
     3385msgid "Currently selected row"
     3386msgstr "Trenutno odabrani redak"
     3388#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (UseGradeColors), group (Appearance)
     3389#. +> trunk stable
     3390#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:227
     3391msgid "Use your own colors"
     3392msgstr "Koristi vlastite boje"
     3394#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (GradeColor$(Number)), group (Appearance)
     3395#. +> trunk stable
     3396#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:232
     3397msgid "Colors used to display different grades"
     3398msgstr "Boje za označavanje različitim ocjena"
     3400#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeMinimumTimesAsked), group (Thresholds)
     3401#. +> trunk stable
     3402#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:247
     3403msgid "The entry must have been asked at least this often to be included in the practice."
     3404msgstr "Unos mora biti pitan barem ovoliko često da bi bio uključen u vjeÅŸbu."
     3406#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeMaximumTimesAsked), group (Thresholds)
     3407#. +> trunk stable
     3408#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:251
     3409msgid "The entry must have been asked at most this often to be included in the practice."
     3410msgstr "Unos mora biti pitan najviÅ¡e ovoliko često da bi bio uključen u vjeÅŸbu."
     3412#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeMinimumWrongCount), group (Thresholds)
     3413#. +> trunk stable
     3414#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:256
     3415msgid "The entry must have been answered incorrectly at least this often to be included in the practice."
     3416msgstr "Unos mora biti odgovoren netočno barem ovoliko često da bi bio uključen u vjeÅŸbu."
     3418#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeMaximumWrongCount), group (Thresholds)
     3419#. +> trunk stable
     3420#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:260
     3421msgid "The entry must have been answered incorrectly at most this often to be included in the practice."
     3422msgstr "Unos mora biti odgovoren netočno najviÅ¡e ovoliko često da bi bio uključen u vjeÅŸbu."
     3424#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeMinimumGrade), group (Thresholds)
     3425#. +> trunk stable
     3426#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:265
     3427msgid "The entry must have at least this grade to be included in the practice (0..7)."
     3428msgstr "Unos mora imati barem ovoliku ocjenu da bi bio uključen u vjeÅŸbu (0..7)."
     3430#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeMaximumGrade), group (Thresholds)
     3431#. +> trunk stable
     3432#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:269
     3433msgid "The entry must have at most this grade to be included in the practice (0..7)."
     3434msgstr "Unos mora imati najviÅ¡e ovoliku ocjenu da bi bio uključen u vjeÅŸbu (0..7)."
     3436#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (WordTypesInPracticeEnabled), group (Thresholds)
     3437#. +> trunk stable
     3438#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:273
     3439msgid "Only selected word types will be included in practice."
     3440msgstr "Samo označene vrste riječi biti će uključene u vjeÅŸbu."
     3442#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (WordTypesInPractice), group (Thresholds)
     3443#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (WordTypesInPractice), group (Thresholds)
     3444#. +> trunk stable
     3445#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:277 src/settings/parley.kcfg:278
     3446msgid "Selected word types for practices."
     3447msgstr "Označene vrste riječi za vjeÅŸbu."
     3449#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SubWordTypesInPractice), group (Thresholds)
     3450#. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (SubWordTypesInPractice), group (Thresholds)
     3451#. +> trunk stable
     3452#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:281 src/settings/parley.kcfg:282
     3453msgid "Selected sub word types for practices."
     3454msgstr ""
     3456#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (QuestionLanguage), group (PracticeManager)
     3457#. +> trunk stable
     3458#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:288
     3459msgid "The language that is displayed in a test."
     3460msgstr ""
     3462#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SolutionLanguage), group (PracticeManager)
     3463#. +> trunk stable
     3464#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:292
     3465msgid "The language in which the user has to answer."
     3466msgstr "Jezik u kojem korisnik mora odgovoriti."
     3468#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowSolutionAfterAnswer), group (PracticeManager)
     3469#. +> trunk stable
     3470#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:297
     3471msgid "Show the solution after an answer was given."
     3472msgstr "PrikaÅŸi rjeÅ¡enje nakon Å¡to je odgovor već dan."
     3474#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowSolutionAfterAnswerTime), group (PracticeManager)
     3475#. +> trunk stable
     3476#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:301
     3477msgid "The time the solution is shown (seconds). 0 is unlimited."
     3478msgstr "Vrijeme u kojem će odgovor biti prikazan (sekunde). 0 znači neograničeno."
     3480#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeMode), group (PracticeManager)
     3481#. +> trunk
     3482#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:316
     3483#, fuzzy
     3484#| msgid "The test type that is currently selected."
     3485msgid "The practice mode that is currently selected."
     3486msgstr "Vrsta testa koja je trenutno odabrana."
     3488#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TestType), group (PracticeManager)
     3489#. +> stable
     3490#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:318
     3491msgid "The test type that is currently selected."
     3492msgstr "Vrsta testa koja je trenutno odabrana."
     3494#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (BlockItem$(Grade)), group (PracticeManager)
     3495#. +> trunk stable
     3496#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:322
     3497msgid "Amount of time different grades should be blocked"
     3498msgstr ""
     3500#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ComparisonIncludeAdjective), group (PracticeManager)
     3501#. +> stable
     3502#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:322
     3503msgid "In a comparison forms test, include adjectives."
     3504msgstr ""
     3506#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ComparisonIncludeAdverb), group (PracticeManager)
     3507#. +> stable
     3508#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:326
     3509msgid "In a comparison forms test, include adverbs."
     3510msgstr ""
     3512#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ExpireItem$(Grade)), group (PracticeManager)
     3513#. +> trunk stable
     3514#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:333
     3515msgid "Amount of time after which different grades should expire"
     3516msgstr ""
     3518#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ProvidersUrl), group (KNewStuff)
     3519#. +> trunk stable
     3520#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:345
     3521msgid "The Providers path for Parley"
     3522msgstr ""
     3524#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (InstallationCommand), group (KNewStuff)
     3525#. +> trunk stable
     3526#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:349
     3527msgid "The command used to start a downloaded vocabulary"
     3528msgstr "Naredba koja se koristi za pokretanje preuzetoga rječnika"
     3530#. i18n: ectx: label, entry (InstallPath), group (KNewStuff)
     3531#. +> trunk stable
     3532#: src/settings/parley.kcfg:353
     3533msgid "The folder where downloaded vocabularies are saved by default"
     3534msgstr "Podrazumijevana mapa u koju se spremaju preuzeti rječnici"
     3536#. +> trunk stable
     3537#: src/settings/parleyprefs.cpp:38
     3538msgctxt "title:window general settings"
     3539msgid "General"
     3540msgstr "Opće"
     3542#. +> trunk stable
     3543#: src/settings/parleyprefs.cpp:38
     3544msgid "General Settings"
     3545msgstr "Opće postavke"
     3547#. +> trunk stable
     3548#: src/settings/parleyprefs.cpp:41
     3549msgid "View"
     3550msgstr "Pogled"
     3552#. +> trunk stable
     3553#: src/settings/parleyprefs.cpp:41
     3554msgid "View Settings"
     3555msgstr "Postavke prikazivanja"
     3557#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KFontRequester, kcfg_IPAFont)
     3558#. +> trunk stable
     3559#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:46
     3560msgid "Specify which font to use for displaying pronunciations using phonetic symbols."
     3561msgstr ""
     3563#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, IPAFontLabel)
     3564#. +> trunk stable
     3565#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:53
     3566msgid "&IPA font:"
     3567msgstr "&IPA pismo:"
     3569#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TableFontLabel)
     3570#. +> trunk stable
     3571#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:66
     3572msgid "&Table font:"
     3573msgstr ""
     3575#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KFontRequester, kcfg_TableFont)
     3576#. +> trunk stable
     3577#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:79
     3578msgid "Specify which font to use for editing of the main table."
     3579msgstr ""
     3581#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, gradegroup)
     3582#. +> trunk stable
     3583#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:94
     3584msgid "Grade Colors"
     3585msgstr "Boje ocjena"
     3587#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_UseGradeColors)
     3588#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_UseGradeColors)
     3589#. +> trunk stable
     3590#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:100 src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:103
     3591msgid "If it is unchecked, you will just have black on white for the grades; if it is checked, the colors below will be chosen."
     3592msgstr "Ako ovo nije označeno imati ćete samo crno na bijelom za ocjene; ako je označeno donje boje će biti odabrane."
     3594#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_UseGradeColors)
     3595#. +> trunk stable
     3596#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:106
     3597msgid "&Use colors"
     3598msgstr "&Koristi boje"
     3600#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor7)
     3601#. +> trunk stable
     3602#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:138
     3603msgid "Color for the grade 7"
     3604msgstr "Boja za ocjenu 7"
     3606#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor7)
     3607#. +> trunk stable
     3608#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:141
     3609msgid "Click here to change the color for grade 7."
     3610msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za promijeniti boju za ocjenu 7."
     3612#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor7)
     3613#. +> trunk stable
     3614#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:144
     3615msgid "&7"
     3616msgstr "&7"
     3618#. i18n: ectx: property (shortcut), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor7)
     3619#. +> trunk stable
     3620#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:147
     3621msgid "Alt+7"
     3622msgstr "Alt+7"
     3624#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor6)
     3625#. +> trunk stable
     3626#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:179
     3627msgid "Color for the grade 6"
     3628msgstr "Boja za ocjenu 6"
     3630#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor6)
     3631#. +> trunk stable
     3632#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:182
     3633msgid "Click here to change the color for grade 6."
     3634msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za promijeniti boju za ocjenu 6."
     3636#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor6)
     3637#. +> trunk stable
     3638#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:185
     3639msgid "&6"
     3640msgstr "&6"
     3642#. i18n: ectx: property (shortcut), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor6)
     3643#. +> trunk stable
     3644#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:188
     3645msgid "Alt+6"
     3646msgstr "Alt+6"
     3648#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor5)
     3649#. +> trunk stable
     3650#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:220
     3651msgid "Color for the grade 5"
     3652msgstr "Boja za ocjenu 5"
     3654#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor5)
     3655#. +> trunk stable
     3656#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:223
     3657msgid "Click here to change the color for grade 5."
     3658msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za promijeniti boju za ocjenu 5."
     3660#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor5)
     3661#. +> trunk stable
     3662#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:226
     3663msgid "&5"
     3664msgstr "&5"
     3666#. i18n: ectx: property (shortcut), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor5)
     3667#. +> trunk stable
     3668#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:229
     3669msgid "Alt+5"
     3670msgstr "Alt+5"
     3672#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor4)
     3673#. +> trunk stable
     3674#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:261
     3675msgid "Color for the grade 4"
     3676msgstr "Boja za ocjenu 4"
     3678#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor4)
     3679#. +> trunk stable
     3680#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:264
     3681msgid "Click here to change the color for grade 4."
     3682msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za promijeniti boju za ocjenu 4."
     3684#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor4)
     3685#. +> trunk stable
     3686#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:267
     3687msgid "&4"
     3688msgstr "&4"
     3690#. i18n: ectx: property (shortcut), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor4)
     3691#. +> trunk stable
     3692#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:270
     3693msgid "Alt+4"
     3694msgstr "Alt+4"
     3696#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor3)
     3697#. +> trunk stable
     3698#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:302
     3699msgid "Color for the grade 3"
     3700msgstr "Boja za ocjenu 3"
     3702#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor3)
     3703#. +> trunk stable
     3704#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:305
     3705msgid "Click here to change the color for grade 3."
     3706msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za promijeniti boju za ocjenu 3."
     3708#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor3)
     3709#. +> trunk stable
     3710#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:308
     3711msgid "&3"
     3712msgstr "&3"
     3714#. i18n: ectx: property (shortcut), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor3)
     3715#. +> trunk stable
     3716#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:311
     3717msgid "Alt+3"
     3718msgstr "Alt+3"
     3720#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor2)
     3721#. +> trunk stable
     3722#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:343
     3723msgid "Color for the grade 2"
     3724msgstr "Boja za ocjenu 2"
     3726#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor2)
     3727#. +> trunk stable
     3728#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:346
     3729msgid "Click here to change the color for grade 2."
     3730msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za promijeniti boju za ocjenu 2."
     3732#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor2)
     3733#. +> trunk stable
     3734#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:349
     3735msgid "&2"
     3736msgstr "&2"
     3738#. i18n: ectx: property (shortcut), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor2)
     3739#. +> trunk stable
     3740#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:352
     3741msgid "Alt+2"
     3742msgstr "Alt+2"
     3744#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor1)
     3745#. +> trunk stable
     3746#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:384
     3747msgid "Color for the grade 1"
     3748msgstr "Boja za ocjenu 1"
     3750#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor1)
     3751#. +> trunk stable
     3752#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:387
     3753msgid "Click here to change the color for grade 1."
     3754msgstr "Kliknite ovdje za promijeniti boju za ocjenu 1."
     3756#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor1)
     3757#. +> trunk stable
     3758#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:390
     3759msgid "&1"
     3760msgstr "&1"
     3762#. i18n: ectx: property (shortcut), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor1)
     3763#. +> trunk stable
     3764#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:393
     3765msgid "Alt+1"
     3766msgstr "Alt+1"
     3768#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, l_lev0)
     3769#. +> trunk stable
     3770#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:406
     3771msgid "Not &practiced:"
     3772msgstr "Nije &vjeÅŸbano:"
     3774#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KColorButton, kcfg_GradeColor0)
     3775#. +> trunk stable
     3776#: src/settings/viewoptionsbase.ui:425
     3777msgid "&N"
     3778msgstr "&N"
     3780#. +> trunk stable
     3781#: src/statistics/lessonstatistics.cpp:92
     3782msgid "Remove &Grades"
     3783msgstr "Ukloni &ocjene"
     3785#. +> trunk stable
     3786#: src/statistics/lessonstatistics.cpp:94
     3787msgid "Remove all grades from this lesson"
     3788msgstr "Ukloni sve ocjene iz ove lekcije"
     3790#. +> trunk
     3791#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:55
     3792#, fuzzy, kde-format
     3793msgctxt "caption for an overview of the grades for a document"
     3794msgid "Statistics for \"%1\""
     3795msgstr ""
     3796"Postavke za %1 "
     3798" Postavke za $[aku %1]"
     3800#. +> trunk stable
     3801#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:89
     3802msgid "Start a test"
     3803msgstr "Pokreni test"
     3805#. +> trunk
     3806#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:171
     3807#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.cpp:182
     3808#, fuzzy, kde-format
     3809msgctxt "pair of two languages that the user chooses to practice"
     3810msgid "%1 to %2"
     3811msgstr "%1 do %2"
     3813#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, gender)
     3814#. +> trunk
     3815#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:58
     3816#, fuzzy
     3817msgid "Gender of Nouns"
     3818msgstr "Broj stupaca:"
     3820#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, exampleSentence)
     3821#. +> trunk stable
     3822#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:68
     3823msgid "Example Sentences"
     3824msgstr "Rečenice koje sluÅŸe kao primjer"
     3826#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, written)
     3827#. +> trunk stable
     3828#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:75
     3829msgid "Written"
     3830msgstr "Pisano"
     3832#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, mixedLetters)
     3833#. +> trunk stable
     3834#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:89
     3835msgid "Mixed Letters"
     3836msgstr "MijeÅ¡ana slova"
     3838#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, conjugations)
     3839#. +> trunk
     3840#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:109
     3841#, fuzzy
     3842#| msgid "Conjugation"
     3843msgid "Conjugations"
     3844msgstr "Konjugacija"
     3846#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, comparisonForms)
     3847#. +> trunk
     3848#: src/statistics/statisticsmainwindow.ui:119
     3849#, fuzzy
     3850#| msgid "Comparison forms"
     3851msgid "Comparison Forms"
     3852msgstr "Usporedbene forme"
     3854#. +> trunk stable
     3855#: src/statistics/statisticsmodel.cpp:31
     3856#, kde-format
     3857msgctxt "Grade in language, table header"
     3858msgid "Grade (%1)"
     3859msgstr "Ocjena (%1)"
     3861#. +> trunk stable
     3862#: src/vocabulary/basiccontainermodel.cpp:134
     3863msgid "None"
     3864msgstr "NiÅ¡ta"
     3866#. +> trunk stable
     3867#: src/vocabulary/containermodel.cpp:182
     3868msgid "Number of entries in this lesson."
     3869msgstr "Broj unosa u ovoj lekciji."
     3871#. +> trunk stable
     3872#: src/vocabulary/leitnerview.cpp:117 src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:133
     3873msgid "The root lesson cannot be deleted."
     3874msgstr "IshodiÅ¡na lekcija ne moÅŸe biti izbrisana."
     3876#. +> trunk stable
     3877#: src/vocabulary/leitnerview.cpp:126 src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:142
     3878#, kde-format
     3879msgid "There is %1 word left in this lesson. Do you want to delete it?"
     3880msgid_plural "There are %1 words left in this lesson. Do you want to delete them?"
     3881msgstr[0] "Postoji joÅ¡ %1 riječ u ovoj lekciji. Åœelite li ju izbrisati?"
     3882msgstr[1] "Postoji joÅ¡ %1 riječi u ovoj lekciji. Åœelite li ih izbrisati?"
     3883msgstr[2] "Postoji joÅ¡ %1 riječi u ovoj lekciji. Åœelite li ih izbrisati?"
     3885#. +> trunk stable
     3886#: src/vocabulary/lessonmodel.cpp:61
     3887#, kde-format
     3888msgctxt "display of the name of the vocabulary collection"
     3889msgid "Collection: %1"
     3890msgstr "Kolekcija: %1"
     3892#. +> trunk stable
     3893#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:34
     3894msgid "New Lesson"
     3895msgstr "Nova lekcija"
     3897#. +> trunk stable
     3898#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:36
     3899msgid "Add a new lesson to your document"
     3900msgstr "Dodajte novu lekciju u vaÅ¡ dokument"
     3902#. +> trunk stable
     3903#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:42
     3904msgid "Rename Lesson"
     3905msgstr "Preimenuj lekciju"
     3907#. +> trunk stable
     3908#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:50
     3909msgid "Delete Lesson"
     3910msgstr "IzbriÅ¡i lekciju"
     3912#. +> trunk stable
     3913#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:52
     3914msgid "Delete the selected lesson."
     3915msgstr "IzbriÅ¡i odabranu lekciju."
     3917#. +> stable
     3918#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:42
     3919msgid "Rename the selected lesson"
     3920msgstr "Preimenuj odabranu lekciju"
     3922#. +> trunk stable
     3923#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:58
     3924msgid "Split Lesson into Smaller Lessons"
     3925msgstr "Rastavi lekciju u manje lekcije"
     3927#. +> trunk stable
     3928#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:60
     3929msgid "Make multiple smaller lessons out of one big lesson."
     3930msgstr "Stvori viÅ¡estruke manje lekcije iz jedne velike."
     3932#. +> trunk stable
     3933#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:156
     3934msgid "Entries per Lesson"
     3935msgstr "Unosi po lekciji"
     3937#. +> trunk stable
     3938#: src/vocabulary/lessonview.cpp:156
     3939msgid "The lesson will be split into smaller lessons. How many entries in each lesson do you want?"
     3940msgstr "Lekcija će biti razdvojena na manje lekcije. Koliko unosa ÅŸelite po novim lekcijama?"
     3942#. +> trunk stable
     3943#: src/vocabulary/vocabularycolumnsdialog.cpp:53
     3944msgid "Vocabulary Columns"
     3945msgstr ""
     3947#. +> trunk stable
     3948#: src/vocabulary/vocabularycolumnsdialog.cpp:62
     3949msgid "Enable/Disable the columns for each language"
     3950msgstr "Omogući/Onemogući stupce za svaku lekciju"
     3952#. +> trunk stable
     3953#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:197
     3954msgid "You can drag and drop words onto their word type."
     3955msgstr ""
     3957#. +> trunk stable
     3958#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:199
     3959msgid "Enable the synonym view to edit synonyms."
     3960msgstr ""
     3962#. +> trunk stable
     3963#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:201
     3964msgid "Enable the antonym view to edit antonyms."
     3965msgstr ""
     3967#. +> trunk stable
     3968#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:294
     3969msgid "Word Type"
     3970msgstr "Vrsta riječi"
     3972#. +> trunk stable
     3973#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:298
     3974msgid "Antonym"
     3975msgstr "Antonimi"
     3977#. +> trunk stable
     3978#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:323
     3979msgid "Please use Edit -> Languages to set up your document."
     3980msgstr "Molim vas da upotrijebite Uredi → Jezici za podeÅ¡avanje vaÅ¡eg dokumenta."
     3982#. +> trunk stable
     3983#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:323
     3984msgid "No Languages Defined"
     3985msgstr "Nisu definirani jezici"
     3987#. +> trunk stable
     3988#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:328
     3989msgid "Select a lesson before adding vocabulary."
     3990msgstr "Odaberite lekciju prije dodavanja rječnika."
     3992#. +> trunk stable
     3993#: src/vocabulary/vocabularymodel.cpp:328
     3994msgid "No Lesson Selected"
     3995msgstr "Nema odabrane lekcije"
     3997#. +> trunk stable
     3998#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:86
     3999msgid "&Add New Entry"
     4000msgstr "Dod&aj novi unos"
     4002#. +> trunk stable
     4003#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:89
     4004msgid "Append a new row to the vocabulary"
     4005msgstr "Dodaj novi redak u rječnik"
     4007#. +> trunk stable
     4008#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:97
     4009msgid "&Delete Entry"
     4010msgstr "I&zbriÅ¡i unos"
     4012#. +> trunk stable
     4013#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:100
     4014msgid "Delete the selected rows"
     4015msgstr "IzbriÅ¡i odabrane retke"
     4017#. +> trunk stable
     4018#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:110
     4019msgid "Copy"
     4020msgstr "Kopiraj"
     4022#. +> trunk stable
     4023#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:116
     4024msgid "Cut"
     4025msgstr "IzreÅŸi"
     4027#. +> trunk stable
     4028#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:122
     4029msgid "Paste"
     4030msgstr "Zalijepi"
     4032#. +> trunk stable
     4033#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:128
     4034msgid "Select all rows"
     4035msgstr "Označi sve retke"
     4037#. +> trunk stable
     4038#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:133
     4039msgid "Deselect all rows"
     4040msgstr "Odznači sve retke"
     4042#. +> trunk stable
     4043#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:141
     4044msgid "Vocabulary Columns..."
     4045msgstr ""
     4047#. +> trunk stable
     4048#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:142
     4049msgid "Toggle display of individual vocabulary columns"
     4050msgstr ""
     4052#. +> trunk stable
     4053#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:250
     4054#, kde-format
     4055msgid "Do you really want to delete the selected entry?"
     4056msgid_plural "Do you really want to delete the selected %1 entries?"
     4057msgstr[0] "Åœelite li stvarno izbrisati %1 označeni unos?"
     4058msgstr[1] "Åœelite li stvarno izbrisati %1 označena unosa?"
     4059msgstr[2] "Åœelite li stvarno izbrisati %1 označenih unosa?"
     4061#. +> trunk stable
     4062#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:250
     4063msgid "Delete"
     4064msgstr "IzbriÅ¡i"
     4066#. +> trunk stable
     4067#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:400
     4068msgctxt "@title of a popup"
     4069msgid "No Spell Checker Available"
     4070msgstr "Provjera pravopisa nije dostupna"
     4072#. +> trunk stable
     4073#: src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:400
     4074#, kde-format
     4075msgctxt "@popupmessage"
     4076msgid "Either the language set up is incorrect or no spellchecker was installed for this locale: %1."
     4077msgstr ""
     4079#. +> trunk stable
     4080#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:38
     4081msgid "New"
     4082msgstr "Novi"
     4084#. +> trunk stable
     4085#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:40
     4086msgid "Add a new word type to your document"
     4087msgstr "Dodajte novu vrstu riječi u vaÅ¡ dokument"
     4089#. +> trunk stable
     4090#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:46
     4091msgid "Rename"
     4092msgstr "Preimenuj"
     4094#. +> trunk stable
     4095#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:48
     4096msgid "Rename the selected word type"
     4097msgstr "Preimenuj označenu vrstu riječi"
     4099#. +> trunk stable
     4100#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:54
     4101msgid "Delete Word Type"
     4102msgstr "IzbriÅ¡i vrstu riječi"
     4104#. +> trunk stable
     4105#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:56
     4106msgid "Delete the selected word type."
     4107msgstr "IzbriÅ¡i označenu vrstu riječi."
     4109#. +> trunk stable
     4110#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:62
     4111msgctxt "Let the user select what grammatical meaning is connected to a word type (nouns have gender, verbs conjugations etc)"
     4112msgid "Grammar"
     4113msgstr "Gramatika"
     4115#. +> trunk stable
     4116#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:64
     4117msgid "To let Parley know the grammatical meaning of a word type."
     4118msgstr "Da bi Parley znao gramatičko značenje vrste riječi."
     4120#. +> trunk stable
     4121#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:73
     4122msgid "This word type folder contains nouns."
     4123msgstr ""
     4125#. +> trunk stable
     4126#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:79
     4127msgid "Masculine Noun"
     4128msgstr ""
     4130#. +> trunk stable
     4131#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:81
     4132msgid "This word type folder contains masculine nouns."
     4133msgstr ""
     4135#. +> trunk stable
     4136#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:87
     4137msgid "Feminine Noun"
     4138msgstr ""
     4140#. +> trunk stable
     4141#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:89
     4142msgid "This word type folder contains feminine nouns."
     4143msgstr ""
     4145#. +> trunk stable
     4146#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:95
     4147msgid "Neuter Noun"
     4148msgstr ""
     4150#. +> trunk stable
     4151#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:97
     4152msgid "This word type folder contains neuter nouns."
     4153msgstr ""
     4155#. +> trunk stable
     4156#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:105
     4157msgid "This word type folder contains adjectives."
     4158msgstr ""
     4160#. +> trunk stable
     4161#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:113
     4162msgid "This word type folder contains adverbs."
     4163msgstr ""
     4165#. +> trunk stable
     4166#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:122
     4167msgid "This word type folder contains verbs."
     4168msgstr ""
     4170#. +> trunk stable
     4171#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:128
     4172msgid "No Special Type"
     4173msgstr ""
     4175#. +> trunk stable
     4176#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:131
     4177msgid "This word type folder contains no word type with special meaning."
     4178msgstr ""
     4180#. +> trunk stable
     4181#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:234
     4182msgid "The root word type cannot be deleted."
     4183msgstr ""
     4185#. +> trunk stable
     4186#: src/vocabulary/wordtypeview.cpp:243
     4187#, kde-format
     4188msgid "There is a word left with this word type. It will lose its type. Continue?"
     4189msgid_plural "There are %1 words left with this word type. They will lose their word type. Continue?"
     4190msgstr[0] ""
     4191msgstr[1] ""
     4192msgstr[2] ""
     4194#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, headingLabel)
     4195#. +> trunk stable
     4196#: src/welcomescreen/welcomescreen.ui:19
     4197msgid "<h1>Parley</h1>"
     4198msgstr "<h1>Parley</h1>"
     4200#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, newButton)
     4201#. +> trunk stable
     4202#: src/welcomescreen/welcomescreen.ui:26
     4203msgid "Create a New Collection"
     4204msgstr "Stvori novu kolekciju"
     4206#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, openButton)
     4207#. +> trunk stable
     4208#: src/welcomescreen/welcomescreen.ui:43
     4209msgid "Open an Existing Collection"
     4210msgstr "Otvori postojeću kolekciju"
     4212#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (KPushButton, ghnsButton)
     4213#. +> trunk stable
     4214#: src/welcomescreen/welcomescreen.ui:50
     4215msgid "Download New Collections"
     4216msgstr "Preuzmi nove kolekcije"
     4218#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, recentLabel)
     4219#. +> trunk stable
     4220#: src/welcomescreen/welcomescreen.ui:73
     4221msgid "Last Opened Collections"
     4222msgstr "Zadnje otvorene kolekcije"
     4224#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4225#. +> trunk stable
     4226#: tips:2
     4227msgid ""
     4228"<p>Parley enables you to edit many additional properties of the words you enter.</p>"
     4230"<p>Use \"Settings\" -> \"Tools\" to enable different tools that will help you set additional information for your vocabulary. These include images, sound, word types and many more. Choose the ones you like.</p>"
     4232msgstr ""
     4233"<p>Parley vam omogućava da uredite mnogo različitih svojstava riječi koje unosite.</p>"
     4235"<p>Upotrijebite \"Postavke\" → \"Alati\" za omogućavanje različitih alata koji će vam pomoći postaviti dodatne informacije za vaÅ¡ rječnik. To uključuje slike, zvukove, vrste riječi i joÅ¡ mnogo. Izaberite one koje volite.</p>"
     4238#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4239#. +> trunk stable
     4240#: tips:9
     4241msgid ""
     4242"<p>To <em>search</em> for a word, simply type it into the search bar.</p>"
     4244msgstr ""
     4245"<p>Za <em>traÅŸenje</em> riječi jednostavno ju ukucajte u traku za pretraÅŸivanje.</p>"
     4248#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4249#. +> trunk stable
     4250#: tips:15
     4251msgid ""
     4252"<p>If you do not want to see the answer again after pressing enter when practicing, you can configure Parley to directly skip to the next entry.</p>"
     4254"<p>You can even choose to display the answer for a fixed amount of time. Use \"Configure Practice...\" -> \"Advanced\" -> \"Show solution after answering\".</p>"
     4256msgstr ""
     4258#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4259#. +> trunk stable
     4260#: tips:22
     4261msgid ""
     4262"<p>If you want to see all words of a certain word type (e.g. nouns), simply select the word type in the list.</p>"
     4264"<p>To show the word type list, use \"Settings\" -> \"Tools\" -> \"Word Types\" in the menu.</p>"
     4266msgstr ""
     4268#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4269#. +> trunk stable
     4270#: tips:29
     4271msgid ""
     4272"<p>You can drag and drop your lessons to change their order or even make a lesson a child of another lesson.</p>"
     4274msgstr ""
     4276#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4277#. +> trunk stable
     4278#: tips:35
     4279msgid ""
     4280"<p>You can simply drag a word into the word types list to change its type.</p>"
     4282"<p>You can even select multiple words at the same time.</p>"
     4284msgstr ""
     4286#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4287#. +> trunk stable
     4288#: tips:42
     4289msgid ""
     4290"<p><em>Setting Images</em></p>"
     4292"<p>A fast way to set an image for a word is to simply drop it onto the image dock.</p>"
     4294msgstr ""
     4296#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4297#. +> trunk stable
     4298#: tips:49
     4299msgid ""
     4300"<p><em>Word Types</em></p>"
     4302"<p>You can set a special tag to some word types to let Parley know their grammatical meaning.</p>"
     4304"<p>For verbs for example you can then enter conjugations.</p>"
     4306msgstr ""
     4308#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4309#. +> trunk stable
     4310#: tips:57
     4311msgid ""
     4312"<p><em>Multiple Choice</em></p>"
     4314"<p>For some vocabularies multiple choice tests work best. You can add choices to a word that will always be displayed in Multiple Choice mode. Otherwise random choices are generated from the other entries in the document. (Use the Multiple Choice tool for that.)</p>"
     4316msgstr ""
     4318#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4319#. +> trunk stable
     4320#: tips:64
     4321msgid ""
     4322"<p>Want to enter pronunciation symbols quickly? <em>Double-click</em> the symbol you need to directly add it.</p>"
     4324msgstr ""
     4326#. i18n: ectx: @info:tipoftheday
     4327#. +> trunk stable
     4328#: tips:70
     4329msgid ""
     4330"<p>You can use the \"Download New Vocabulary\" dialog or visit the website listing many vocabulary documents:\n"
     4331"<a href=\"\"></a>.</p>"
     4333msgstr ""
     4335#. +> stable
     4336#: src/configure-practice/configurepracticewidget.cpp:67
     4337msgid "No options"
     4338msgstr "Bez opcija"
     4340#. +> stable
     4341#: src/entry-dialogs/imagechooserwidget.cpp:49
     4342msgctxt "@label image preview is empty"
     4343msgid "No Preview"
     4344msgstr ""
     4346#. +> stable
     4347#: src/entry-dialogs/imagechooserwidget.cpp:60
     4348msgctxt "@label image preview is empty"
     4349msgid "No Image"
     4350msgstr ""
     4352#. +> stable
    20794353#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlg.cpp:35
    20804354msgid "Comparison Training"
    20834357#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel1)
    2084 #. +> trunk stable
     4358#. +> stable
    20854359#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:46
    20864360msgid "Fill in the missing comparison expressions:"
    20894363#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lev1Label)
    2090 #. +> trunk stable
     4364#. +> stable
    20914365#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:55
    20924366msgctxt "Comparison form of adjective - the normal form of the adjective (good)"
    20964370#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lev2Label)
    2097 #. +> trunk stable
     4371#. +> stable
    20984372#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:78
    20994373msgctxt "comparison form of adjectives - comparison form (better)"
    21034377#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lev3Label)
    2104 #. +> trunk stable
     4378#. +> stable
    21054379#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:101
    21064380msgctxt "comparison of adjectives - (best)"
    21104384#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, verify)
    2111 #. +> trunk stable
     4385#. +> stable
    21124386#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:177
    21134387#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlgForm.ui:290
    21194393#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, know_it)
    2120 #. +> trunk stable
     4394#. +> stable
    21214395#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:190
    21224396#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:226
    21304404#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, show_all)
    21314405#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, showSolutionButton)
    2132 #. +> trunk stable
     4406#. +> stable
    21334407#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:203
    21344408#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:239
    21434417#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, dont_know)
    2144 #. +> trunk stable
     4418#. +> stable
    21454419#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:216
    21464420#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:252
    21544428#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, progressgroup)
    2155 #. +> trunk stable
     4429#. +> stable
    21564430#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:231
    21574431#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:122
    21664440#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, countlabel)
    2167 #. +> trunk stable
     4441#. +> stable
    21684442#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:255
    21694443#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:154
    21784452#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, timelabel)
    2179 #. +> trunk stable
     4453#. +> stable
    21804454#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:271
    21814455#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:170
    21904464#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, Cyclelabel)
    2191 #. +> trunk stable
     4465#. +> stable
    21924466#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:284
    21934467#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:189
    22024476#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, stopPracticeButton)
    2203 #. +> trunk stable
     4477#. +> stable
    22044478#: src/practiceold/AdjQueryDlgForm.ui:322
    22054479#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:292
    22124486msgstr "&Zaustavi vjeÅŸbu"
    2214 #. +> trunk stable
     4488#. +> stable
    22154489#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlg.cpp:36
    22164490msgctxt "@title:window"
    22184492msgstr "Vjeşbanje članova"
    2220 #. +> trunk stable
     4494#. +> stable
    22214495#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlg.cpp:112
    22224496msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: masculine"
    22244498msgstr "&muški"
    2226 #. +> trunk stable
     4500#. +> stable
    22274501#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlg.cpp:113
    22284502msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: feminine"
    22304504msgstr "&ÅŸenski"
    2232 #. +> trunk stable
     4506#. +> stable
    22334507#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlg.cpp:114
    22344508msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: neuter"
    22364510msgstr "&srednji"
    2238 #. +> trunk stable
     4512#. +> stable
    22394513#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlg.cpp:125
    22404514msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: masculine"
    22424516msgstr "&muški:\t"
    2244 #. +> trunk stable
     4518#. +> stable
    22454519#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlg.cpp:135
    22464520msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: feminine"
    22484522msgstr "&ÅŸenski:\t"
    2250 #. +> trunk stable
     4524#. +> stable
    22514525#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlg.cpp:148
    22524526msgctxt "@label the gender of the word: neuter"
    22564530#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel1)
    2257 #. +> trunk stable
     4531#. +> stable
    22584532#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:46
    22594533msgid "Select the correct article for this noun:"
    22624536#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, maleRadio)
    2263 #. +> trunk stable
     4537#. +> stable
    22644538#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:84
    22654539msgid "&male"
    22684542#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, femaleRadio)
    2269 #. +> trunk stable
     4543#. +> stable
    22704544#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:91
    22714545msgid "&female"
    22744548#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, neutralRadio)
    2275 #. +> trunk stable
     4549#. +> stable
    22764550#: src/practiceold/ArtQueryDlgForm.ui:98
    22774551msgid "&neutral"
    22784552msgstr "&srednji"
    2280 #. +> trunk stable
    2281 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.cpp:92 src/practiceold/testentrymanager.cpp:65
    2282 msgid "The vocabulary document contains no entries that can be used for the chosen type of practice."
    2283 msgstr ""
    2285 #. +> trunk stable
    2286 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.cpp:100
    2287 msgid "The vocabulary document contains no articles for the current language. Please add some in the Edit->Grammar menu."
    2288 msgstr ""
    2290 #. +> trunk stable
    2291 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.cpp:117
    2292 #: src/statistics-dialogs/StatisticsDialog.cpp:44
    2293 #: src/statistics-dialogs/StatisticsDialog.cpp:48
    2294 msgid "Start Practice"
    2295 msgstr "Pokreni vjeÅŸbu"
    2297 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    2298 #. +> trunk stable
    2299 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:16
    2300 msgid ""
    2301 "<p>Your selection of vocabulary for the practice is empty.</p>"
    2302 "<p>Below you can choose to ignore some of your configuration settings to start a practice anyway.</p>"
    2303 msgstr ""
    2305 #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
    2306 #. +> trunk stable
    2307 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:26
    2308 msgid "Ignore Configuration for:"
    2309 msgstr "Ignoriraj postavke za:"
    2311 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, lessonCheckBox)
    2312 #. +> trunk stable
    2313 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:32
    2314 msgid "Ignore Lessons"
    2315 msgstr "Ignoriraj lekcije"
    2317 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, wordTypeCheckBox)
    2318 #. +> trunk stable
    2319 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:52
    2320 msgid "Ignore Word Types"
    2321 msgstr "Ignoriraj vrste riječi"
    2323 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, blockedCheckBox)
    2324 #. +> trunk stable
    2325 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:72
    2326 msgid "Ignore Blocked"
    2327 msgstr "Ignoriraj blokirane"
    2329 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, timesWrongCheckBox)
    2330 #. +> trunk stable
    2331 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:92
    2332 msgid "Ignore Times Answered Incorrectly"
    2333 msgstr ""
    2335 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, timesPracticedCheckBox)
    2336 #. +> trunk stable
    2337 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:112
    2338 msgid "Ignore Times Practiced"
    2339 msgstr "Ignoriraj broj vjeÅŸbanja"
    2341 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, minMaxGradeCheckBox)
    2342 #. +> trunk stable
    2343 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:132
    2344 msgid "Ignore Minimum/Maximum Grade"
    2345 msgstr "Ignoriraj minimalnu/maksimalnu ocjenu"
    2347 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lessonLabel_2)
    2348 #. +> trunk stable
    2349 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:152
    2350 msgid "Words"
    2351 msgstr "Riječi"
    2353 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
    2354 #. +> trunk stable
    2355 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:167
    2356 msgid "Total number of entries:"
    2357 msgstr "Ukupan broj unosa:"
    2359 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_9)
    2360 #. +> trunk stable
    2361 #: src/practiceold/entryfilter.ui:188
    2362 msgid "Resulting number of words to practice:"
    2363 msgstr ""
    2365 #. +> trunk stable
     4554#. +> stable
    23664555#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlg.cpp:227
    23674556#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:394
    23694558msgstr "Bravo, znali ste točan odgovor."
    2371 #. +> trunk stable
     4560#. +> stable
    23724561#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlg.cpp:240
    23734562msgid "Your answer was wrong."
    23764565#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel1)
    2377 #. +> trunk stable
     4566#. +> stable
    23784567#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlgForm.ui:46
    23794568msgid "Select the correct translation:"
    23824571#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, choiceRadioButton1)
    2383 #. +> trunk stable
     4572#. +> stable
    23844573#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlgForm.ui:103
    23854574msgid "1"
    23884577#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, choiceRadioButton2)
    2389 #. +> trunk stable
     4578#. +> stable
    23904579#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlgForm.ui:127
    23914580msgid "2"
    23944583#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, choiceRadioButton3)
    2395 #. +> trunk stable
     4584#. +> stable
    23964585#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlgForm.ui:151
    23974586msgid "3"
    24004589#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, choiceRadioButton4)
    2401 #. +> trunk stable
     4590#. +> stable
    24024591#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlgForm.ui:175
    24034592msgid "4"
    24064595#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QRadioButton, choiceRadioButton5)
    2407 #. +> trunk stable
     4596#. +> stable
    24084597#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlgForm.ui:199
    24094598msgid "5"
    24124601#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, continueButton)
    2413 #. +> trunk stable
     4602#. +> stable
    24144603#: src/practiceold/MCQueryDlgForm.ui:230
    24154604#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:301
    24174606msgstr "&Nastavi"
    2419 #. +> trunk stable
     4608#. +> stable
    24204609#: src/practiceold/mixedletterpracticedialog.cpp:28
    24214610msgid "Image Practice"
    24244613#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
    2425 #. +> trunk stable
     4614#. +> stable
    24264615#: src/practiceold/mixedletterpracticedialog.ui:55
    24274616msgid "Can you order the letters?"
    24304619#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, verifySolutionButton)
    2431 #. +> trunk stable
     4620#. +> stable
    24324621#: src/practiceold/mixedletterpracticedialog.ui:92
    24334622msgid "Verify"
    24344623msgstr "Potvrdi"
    2436 #. +> trunk stable
     4625#. +> stable
    24374626#: src/practiceold/practicedialog.cpp:70
    24384627#, kde-format
    24414630msgstr "Ili je postavljeni jezik netočan ili provjera pravopisa nije instalirana za %1 (%2)."
    2443 #. +> trunk stable
    2444 #: src/practiceold/practicedialog.cpp:70 src/vocabulary/vocabularyview.cpp:400
    2445 msgctxt "@title of a popup"
    2446 msgid "No Spell Checker Available"
    2447 msgstr "Provjera pravopisa nije dostupna"
    2449 #. +> trunk stable
     4632#. +> stable
    24504633#: src/practiceold/practicesummarydialog.cpp:28
    24514634msgid "Practice Summary"
    24524635msgstr "SaÅŸetak vjeÅŸbe"
    2454 #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
    2455 #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab)
    2456 #. +> trunk stable
    2457 #: src/practiceold/practicesummarywidget.ui:16
    2458 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:20
    2459 msgid "General"
    2460 msgstr "Opće"
    24624637#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    2463 #. +> trunk stable
     4638#. +> stable
    24644639#: src/practiceold/practicesummarywidget.ui:22
    24654640msgid "Total:"
    24684643#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_2)
    2469 #. +> trunk stable
     4644#. +> stable
    24704645#: src/practiceold/practicesummarywidget.ui:45
    24714646msgid "Answered correctly (first attempt):"
    24744649#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_3)
    2475 #. +> trunk stable
     4650#. +> stable
    24764651#: src/practiceold/practicesummarywidget.ui:72
    24774652msgid "Wrong answer:"
    24804655#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_4)
    2481 #. +> trunk stable
     4656#. +> stable
    24824657#: src/practiceold/practicesummarywidget.ui:99
    24834658msgid "Not answered:"
    24864661#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, skipKnownLabel)
    2487 #. +> trunk stable
     4662#. +> stable
    24884663#: src/practiceold/practicesummarywidget.ui:126
    24894664msgid "Skipped:"
    24924667#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, skipUnknownLabel)
    2493 #. +> trunk stable
     4668#. +> stable
    24944669#: src/practiceold/practicesummarywidget.ui:153
    24954670msgid "Postponed:"
    24984673#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, dividerLabel)
    2499 #. +> trunk stable
     4674#. +> stable
    25004675#: src/practiceold/showsolutionwidget.ui:53
    25014676msgid " - "
    25044679#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, playQuestionSoundButton)
    25054680#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, playSolutionSoundButton)
    2506 #. +> trunk stable
     4681#. +> stable
    25074682#: src/practiceold/showsolutionwidget.ui:109
    25084683#: src/practiceold/showsolutionwidget.ui:162
    25114686msgstr ""
    2513 #. +> trunk stable
     4688#. +> stable
    25144689#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:90 src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:102
    25154690msgid "Expression"
    25164691msgstr "Izraz"
    2518 #. +> trunk stable
     4693#. +> stable
    25194694#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:91
    25204695msgid "Enter the synonym:"
    25214696msgstr "Unesite sinonim:"
    2523 #. +> trunk stable
     4698#. +> stable
    25244699#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:92
    25254700msgid "Synonym Training"
    25264701msgstr "VjeÅŸbanje sinonima"
    2528 #. +> trunk stable
     4703#. +> stable
    25294704#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:103
    25304705msgid "Enter the antonym:"
    25314706msgstr "Unesite antonim:"
    2533 #. +> trunk stable
     4708#. +> stable
    25344709#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:104
    25354710msgid "Antonym Training"
    25364711msgstr "VjeÅŸbanje antonima"
    2538 #. +> trunk stable
     4713#. +> stable
    25394714#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:114
    25404715msgid "Enter the word:"
    25414716msgstr "Unesite riječ:"
    2543 #. +> trunk stable
     4718#. +> stable
    25444719#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:115
    25454720msgid "Paraphrase Training"
    25464721msgstr "VjeÅŸbanje parafraza"
    2548 #. +> trunk stable
     4723#. +> stable
    25494724#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:123
    25504725msgid "Example sentence"
    25514726msgstr ""
    2553 #. +> trunk stable
     4728#. +> stable
    25544729#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:124
    25554730msgid "Fill in the missing word:"
    25564731msgstr "Dopunite riječ koja nedostaje:"
    2558 #. +> trunk stable
     4733#. +> stable
    25594734#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlg.cpp:125
    25604735msgid "Example Training"
    25634738#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, show_more)
    2564 #. +> trunk stable
     4739#. +> stable
    25654740#: src/practiceold/SimpleQueryDlgForm.ui:277
    25664741#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:181
    25684743msgstr "Prikaşi &više"
    2570 #. +> trunk stable
     4745#. +> stable
    25714746#: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlg.cpp:37
    25724747msgid "Verb Training"
    25734748msgstr "VjeÅŸbanje glagola"
    2575 #. +> trunk stable
     4750#. +> stable
    25764751#: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlg.cpp:401
    25774752#, kde-format
    25814756#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel2)
    2582 #. +> trunk stable
     4757#. +> stable
    25834758#: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:37
    25844759msgid "Verb:"
    25874762#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, verbNameLabel)
    2588 #. +> trunk stable
     4763#. +> stable
    25894764#: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:53
    25904765msgid "verb name"
    25934768#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lab1)
    2594 #. +> trunk stable
     4769#. +> stable
    25954770#: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:81
    25964771msgid "Enter the correct conjugation forms."
    25994774#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, instructionLabel)
    2600 #. +> trunk stable
     4775#. +> stable
    26014776#: src/practiceold/VerbQueryDlgForm.ui:105
    26024777#, kde-format, no-c-format
    26044779msgstr "Trenutne glagolsko vrijeme je %1."
    2606 #. +> trunk stable
     4781#. +> stable
    26074782#: src/practiceold/vocabularypractice.cpp:112
    26084783msgid ""
    26134788"Pretpostavlja se da trenutno nema nikoga ispred zaslona i iz toga razloga vjeÅŸba se zaustavlja."
    2615 #. +> trunk stable
     4790#. +> stable
    26164791#: src/practiceold/vocabularypractice.cpp:116
    26174792msgid "Stopping Test"
    26184793msgstr "Zaustavljanje testa"
    2620 #. +> trunk stable
     4795#. +> stable
    26214796#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:47
    26224797msgid "Written Practice"
    26234798msgstr ""
    2625 #. +> trunk stable
     4800#. +> stable
    26264801#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:170
    26274802msgid "<font color=\"#188C18\">You are right!</font>"
    26284803msgstr "<font color=\"#188C18\">U pravu ste!</font>"
    2630 #. +> trunk stable
     4805#. +> stable
    26314806#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:173
    26324807msgid "<font color=\"#222978\">Watch your capitalization!</font>"
    26334808msgstr "<font color=\"#222978\">Pripazite na velika/mala slova!</font>"
    2635 #. +> trunk stable
     4810#. +> stable
    26364811#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:176
    26374812msgid "<font color=\"#8C1818\">I think you made a spelling mistake. But the word is right.</font>"
    26384813msgstr "<font color=\"#8C1818\">Mislim da ste napravili pravopisnu pogrešku, ali riječ je dobra.</font>"
    2640 #. +> trunk stable
     4815#. +> stable
    26414816#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:179
    26424817msgid "<font color=\"#8C1818\">You made a mistake.</font>"
    26434818msgstr "<font color=\"#8C1818\">Napravili ste pogrešku.</font>"
    2645 #. +> trunk stable
     4820#. +> stable
    26464821#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:182
    26474822msgid "<font color=\"#222978\">Your accentuation was wrong.</font>"
    26484823msgstr "<font color=\"#222978\">Pogriješili ste u akcentima.</font>"
    2650 #. +> trunk stable
     4825#. +> stable
    26514826#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:185
    26524827msgid "<font color=\"#222978\">The article is wrong.</font>"
    26534828msgstr "<font color=\"#222978\">Član je pogrešan.</font>"
    2655 #. +> trunk stable
     4830#. +> stable
    26564831#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:188
    26574832msgid "<font color=\"#222978\">The article is missing.</font>"
    26584833msgstr "<font color=\"#222978\">Nedostaje član.</font>"
    2660 #. +> trunk stable
     4835#. +> stable
    26614836#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:191
    26624837msgid "<font color=\"#8C1818\">Watch out! This is a false friend!</font>"
    26634838msgstr "<font color=\"#8C1818\">Pripazite! Ovo je laÅŸni prijatelj!</font>"
    2665 #. +> trunk stable
     4840#. +> stable
    26664841#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:194
    26674842msgid "<font color=\"#8C1818\">Great, you entered a synonym.</font>"
    26684843msgstr "<font color=\"#8C1818\">Odlično, unijeli ste sinonim.</font>"
    2670 #. +> trunk stable
     4845#. +> stable
    26714846#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:197
    26724847msgid "<font color=\"#8C8C18\">Please enter something for me to check.</font>"
    26734848msgstr "<font color=\"#8C8C18\">Molim vas unesite nešto da mogu provjeriti.</font>"
    2675 #. +> trunk stable
     4850#. +> stable
    26764851#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:200
    26774852msgid "<font color=\"#8C1818\">I know that word, but are you sure it is the right one here?</font>"
    26784853msgstr "<font color=\"#8C1818\">Znam tu riječ, ali jeste li sigurni da je to prava riječ ovdje?</font>"
    2680 #. +> trunk stable
     4855#. +> stable
    26814856#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:204
    26824857msgid "There is a mistake."
    26834858msgstr "Postoji pogreška."
    2685 #. +> trunk stable
     4860#. +> stable
    26864861#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.cpp:231
    26874862msgid "The answer was wrong."
    26904865#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel1)
    2691 #. +> trunk stable
     4866#. +> stable
    26924867#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:103
    26934868msgid "Enter the correct translation:"
    26964871#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, countAsRightButton)
    2697 #. +> trunk stable
     4872#. +> stable
    26984873#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:327
    26994874msgid "Count as &Right"
    27024877#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, hintGroupBox)
    2703 #. +> trunk stable
     4878#. +> stable
    27044879#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:356
    27054880#, fuzzy
    27084883msgstr "minute"
    2710 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, commentCheckBox)
    2711 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_remark)
    2712 #. +> trunk stable
    2713 #: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:382
    2714 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:115
    2715 msgid "&Comment:"
    2716 msgstr "&Komentar:"
    27184885#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, typeCheckBox)
    2719 #. +> trunk stable
     4886#. +> stable
    27204887#: src/practiceold/writtenpracticedialog.ui:402
    27214888msgid "T&ype:"
    27224889msgstr "&Vrsta:"
    2724 #. +> trunk stable
    2725 #: src/scripts/script.cpp:54
    2726 msgid "The script file does not exist."
    2727 msgstr "Skripta ne postoji."
    2729 #. +> trunk stable
    2730 #: src/scripts/script.cpp:86
    2731 #, kde-format
    2732 msgid "Error in file %1 at line %2:"
    2733 msgstr "PogreÅ¡ka u datoteci %1 na liniji %2:"
    2735 #. +> trunk stable
    2736 #: src/scripts/script.cpp:88
    2737 msgctxt "debug information in error message"
    2738 msgid "Backtrace:"
    2739 msgstr ""
    2741 #. +> trunk stable
    2742 #: src/scripts/scriptdialog.cpp:35
    2743 msgid "Script Dialog"
    2744 msgstr ""
    2746 #. +> trunk stable
    2747 #: src/scripts/scriptmanager.cpp:131
    2748 #, kde-format
    2749 msgid "A script could not be activated and has been disabled."
    2750 msgid_plural "%1 scripts could not be activated and have been disabled."
    2751 msgstr[0] "NeuspjeÅ¡no aktiviranje %1 skripte. Skripta će biti onemogućena."
    2752 msgstr[1] "NeuspjeÅ¡no aktiviranje %1 skripte. Skripte će biti onemogućene."
    2753 msgstr[2] "NeuspjeÅ¡no aktiviranje %1 skripti. Skripte će biti onemogućene."
    2755 #. +> trunk stable
    2756 #: src/scripts/scriptmanager.cpp:131
    2757 msgid "This probably means that there are errors in the script or that the required packages are not installed."
    2758 msgstr "Ovo vjerojatno znači da postoje pogreÅ¡ke u skripti ili da potrebni paketi nedostaju."
    2760 #. +> trunk stable
    2761 #: src/scripts/scriptmanager.cpp:133
    2762 msgid "Script Activation"
    2763 msgstr "Aktiviranje skripte"
    2765 #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, tiltle_group)
    2766 #. +> trunk stable
    2767 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:25
    2768 msgid "General Document Properties"
    2769 msgstr "Opća svojstva dokumenta"
    2771 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_title)
    2772 #. +> trunk stable
    2773 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:37
    2774 msgid "&Title:"
    2775 msgstr "&Naslov:"
    2777 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KLineEdit, titleLineEdit)
    2778 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KLineEdit, authorLineEdit)
    2779 #. +> trunk stable
    2780 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:56 src/settings/documentproperties.ui:82
    2781 msgid "A title for your document."
    2782 msgstr "Naziv za vaÅ¡ dokument."
    2784 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_author)
    2785 #. +> trunk stable
    2786 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:63
    2787 msgid "&Author:"
    2788 msgstr "&Autor:"
    2790 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_author_2)
    2791 #. +> trunk stable
    2792 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:89
    2793 msgid "&Email:"
    2794 msgstr "&E-poÅ¡ta:\t"
    2796 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KLineEdit, contactLineEdit)
    2797 #. +> trunk stable
    2798 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:108
    2799 msgid "A way to contact you (email or a webpage)."
    2800 msgstr "Način da vas se kontaktira (e-poÅ¡ta ili web stranica)."
    2802 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KTextEdit, commentTextEdit)
    2803 #. +> trunk stable
    2804 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:134
    2805 msgid "Any additional information."
    2806 msgstr "Dodatna informacije."
    2808 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label)
    2809 #. +> trunk stable
    2810 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:147
    2811 msgid "Cat&egory"
    2812 msgstr "Kategorija"
    2814 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
    2815 #. +> trunk stable
    2816 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:160
    2817 msgid "A general category into which your document belongs."
    2818 msgstr "Opća kategorija kojoj pripadaju vaÅ¡i dokumenti."
    2820 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
    2821 #. +> trunk stable
    2822 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:172
    2823 msgid "Music"
    2824 msgstr "Glazba"
    2826 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
    2827 #. +> trunk stable
    2828 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:177
    2829 msgid "Geography"
    2830 msgstr "Geografija"
    2832 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
    2833 #. +> trunk stable
    2834 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:182
    2835 msgid "Anatomy"
    2836 msgstr "Anatomija"
    2838 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
    2839 #. +> trunk stable
    2840 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:187
    2841 msgid "History"
    2842 msgstr "Povijest"
    2844 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, categoryComboBox)
    2845 #. +> trunk stable
    2846 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:192
    2847 msgid "Test Preparation"
    2848 msgstr "Pripreme za test"
    2850 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_license)
    2851 #. +> trunk stable
    2852 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:200
    2853 msgid "&License:"
    2854 msgstr "&Licenca:"
    2856 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, licenseComboBox)
    2857 #. +> trunk stable
    2858 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:214
    2859 msgid ""
    2860 "The license under which your document will be.\n"
    2861 "If you consider contributing your file to KDE in the future, an appropriate license is required."
    2862 msgstr ""
    2863 "Licenca pod kojom će biti vaÅ¡ dokument.\n"
    2864 "Ako mislite priloÅŸiti ovaj dokument KDEu u budućnosti potrebna je odgovarajuća licenca."
    2866 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), item, widget (KComboBox, licenseComboBox)
    2867 #. +> trunk stable
    2868 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:226
    2869 msgid "GPLv2+ (GNU General Public License version 2 or later)"
    2870 msgstr "GPLv2+ (GNU General Public License verzija 2 ili poslije)"
    2872 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_language_1)
    2873 #. +> trunk stable
    2874 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:243
    2875 msgid "&First language:"
    2876 msgstr "&Prvi jezik:"
    2878 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_language_2)
    2879 #. +> trunk stable
    2880 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:269
    2881 msgid "&Second language:"
    2882 msgstr "&Drugi jezik:"
    2884 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, grammarCheckBox)
    2885 #. +> trunk stable
    2886 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:298
    2887 msgid "&Setup Grammar Details"
    2888 msgstr "Pode&si gramatičke detalje"
    2890 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, downloadGrammarCheckBox)
    2891 #. +> trunk stable
    2892 #: src/settings/documentproperties.ui:308
    2893 msgctxt "Attept to download grammar properties for the selected languages"
    2894 msgid "Download Grammar"
    2895 msgstr "Preuzmi gramatiku"
    2897 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Document $(fileurl))
    2898 #. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Document $(fileurl))
    2899 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Locale $(locale))
    2900 #. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (ConjugationTenses), group (Locale $(locale))
    2901 #. +> trunk stable
    2902 #: src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:11 src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:12
    2903 #: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:21 src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:22
    2904 msgid "Selected tenses for conjugation practice."
    2905 msgstr "Odabrana glagolska vremena za vjeÅŸbu konjugacija."
    2907 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Document $(fileurl))
    2908 #. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Document $(fileurl))
    2909 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Locale $(locale))
    2910 #. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (VisibleColumns), group (Locale $(locale))
    2911 #. +> trunk stable
    2912 #: src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:16 src/settings/documentsettings.kcfg:17
    2913 #: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:26 src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:27
    2914 msgid "Visible columns in the main editor window."
    2915 msgstr ""
    2917 #. +> trunk stable
    2918 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:60
    2919 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2920 msgid ";"
    2921 msgstr ";"
    2923 #. +> trunk stable
    2924 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:61
    2925 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2926 msgid "#"
    2927 msgstr "#"
    2929 #. +> trunk stable
    2930 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:62
    2931 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2932 msgid "!"
    2933 msgstr "!"
    2935 #. +> trunk stable
    2936 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:63
    2937 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2938 msgid "|"
    2939 msgstr "|"
    2941 #. +> trunk stable
    2942 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:64
    2943 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2944 msgid ","
    2945 msgstr ","
    2947 #. +> trunk stable
    2948 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:65
    2949 msgctxt "CSV separator: tabulator"
    2950 msgid "TAB"
    2951 msgstr "TAB"
    2953 #. +> trunk stable
    2954 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:66
    2955 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2956 msgid ">= 2 SPACES"
    2957 msgstr ">= 2 RAZMAKA"
    2959 #. +> trunk stable
    2960 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:67
    2961 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2962 msgid " : "
    2963 msgstr " : "
    2965 #. +> trunk stable
    2966 #: src/settings/generaloptions.cpp:68
    2967 msgctxt "CSV separator"
    2968 msgid " :: "
    2969 msgstr " :: "
    2971 #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox)
    2972 #. +> trunk stable
    2973 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:17
    2974 msgid "Open/Save"
    2975 msgstr "Otvori / Spremi"
    2977 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoOpenLast)
    2978 #. +> trunk stable
    2979 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:23
    2980 msgid "Always open the collection that was active when quitting Parley"
    2981 msgstr "Uvijek otvori posljednju aktivnu kolekciju."
    2983 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoOpenLast)
    2984 #. +> trunk stable
    2985 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:26
    2986 msgid "When this option is checked, the last active collection will be loaded automatically when starting Parley instead of showing the welcome screen."
    2987 msgstr "Kada je ova opcija označena, umjesto pozdravnoga ekrana, zadnja aktivna kolekcija biti će automatski učitana pri pokretanju Parleya."
    2989 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoOpenLast)
    2990 #. +> trunk stable
    2991 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:29
    2992 msgid "Always load the last opened collection on start"
    2993 msgstr "Uvijek na početku učitaj zadnju otvorenu kolekciju"
    2995 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoSave)
    2996 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoBackup)
    2997 #. +> trunk stable
    2998 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:39 src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:60
    2999 msgid "Allow automatic saving of your work"
    3000 msgstr "Automatsko spremanje vaÅ¡eg rada"
    3002 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoSave)
    3003 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoBackup)
    3004 #. +> trunk stable
    3005 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:42 src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:63
    3006 msgid "Your work will be automatically saved if you check this option"
    3007 msgstr "VaÅ¡ će rad biti automatski spremljen ako označite ovu opciju"
    3009 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoSave)
    3010 #. +> trunk stable
    3011 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:45
    3012 msgid "&Save vocabularies automatically on close and quit"
    3013 msgstr "Automatski &spremi rječnik na zatvaranju ili izlaÅŸenju"
    3015 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_AutoBackup)
    3016 #. +> trunk stable
    3017 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:66
    3018 msgid "&Create a backup every"
    3019 msgstr "&Napravi rezervnu kopiju svako"
    3021 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, lblBackupInterva)
    3022 #. +> trunk stable
    3023 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:89
    3024 msgid "minutes"
    3025 msgstr "minuta"
    3027 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, label_sep)
    3028 #. +> trunk stable
    3029 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:103
    3030 msgid "Sep&arator for text file import/export (CSV):"
    3031 msgstr "R&azdjelnik za unoÅ¡enje tekstualnih datoteka (CSV):"
    3033 #. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (KComboBox, kcfg_SeparatorCombo)
    3034 #. +> trunk stable
    3035 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:119
    3036 msgid "Choose which separator you want to use to separate your data when importing and exporting text."
    3037 msgstr "Izaberite koji razdjelnik ÅŸelite koristiti za razdjeljivanje vaÅ¡ih podataka pri uvozu i izvozu teksta."
    3039 #. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (KComboBox, kcfg_SeparatorCombo)
    3040 #. +> trunk stable
    3041 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:122
    3042 msgid "Choose the separator to use to divide the parts of an expression when importing or exporting data as text."
    3043 msgstr "Izaberite koji razdjelnik ÅŸelite koristiti za razdvajanje dijelova izraza pri uvozu ili izvozu podataka kao teksta."
    3045 #. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, groupBox_2)
    3046 #. +> trunk stable
    3047 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:147
    3048 msgid "Editing"
    3049 msgstr "Uređivanje"
    3051 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, kcfg_SmartAppend)
    3052 #. +> trunk stable
    3053 #: src/settings/generaloptionsbase.ui:165
    3054 msgid "&Append new rows automatically when editing"
    3055 msgstr "Automatski dod&aj nove retke pri uređivanju"
    3057 #. +> trunk stable
    3058 #: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:27
    3059 msgid "Edit Languages"
    3060 msgstr "Uredi jezike"
    3062 #. +> trunk stable
    3063 #: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:31
    3064 msgid "Add language"
    3065 msgstr "Dodaj jezik"
    3067 #. +> trunk stable
    3068 #: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:33
    3069 msgid "Remove language"
    3070 msgstr "Ukloni jezik"
    3072 #. +> trunk stable
    3073 #: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:48
    3074 msgid "New Language"
    3075 msgstr "Novi jezik"
    3077 #. +> trunk stable
    3078 #: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:60
    3079 #, kde-format
    3080 msgctxt "Edit language properties"
    3081 msgid "Properties for %1"
    3082 msgstr "Svojstva za %1"
    3084 #. +> trunk stable
    3085 #: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:94
    3086 #, kde-format
    3087 msgid "Really delete language: %1?"
    3088 msgstr "Stvarno ÅŸelite izbrisati jezik: %1?"
    3090 #. +> trunk stable
    3091 #: src/settings/languageproperties.cpp:94
    3092 msgid "Remove Language"
    3093 msgstr "Ukloni jezik"
    3095 #. +> trunk stable
    3096 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:79
    3097 msgid "without name"
    3098 msgstr "bez naziva"
    3100 #. +> trunk stable
    3101 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:90
    3102 msgid "No icon"
    3103 msgstr "Bez ikone"
    3105 #. +> trunk stable
    3106 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:377
    3107 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:399
    3108 msgid "Tense Name"
    3109 msgstr "Ime glagolskog vremena"
    3111 #. +> trunk stable
    3112 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:377
    3113 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:399
    3114 msgid "Enter name of tense:"
    3115 msgstr "Unesite ime glagolskog vremena:"
    3117 #. +> trunk stable
    3118 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:428
    3119 msgid ""
    3120 "The selected user defined tense could not be deleted\n"
    3121 "because it is in use."
    3122 msgstr ""
    3123 "Nisam mogao obrisati ovo vrijeme definirano od strane korisnika\n"
    3124 "zato jer se trenutno koristi."
    3126 #. +> trunk stable
    3127 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.cpp:428
    3128 msgid "Deleting Tense Description"
    3129 msgstr "BriÅ¡em opis vremena"
    3131 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, localeSelectionLabel)
    3132 #. +> trunk stable
    3133 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:26
    3134 msgid "Language:"
    3135 msgstr "Jezik:"
    3137 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, nameLabel)
    3138 #. +> trunk stable
    3139 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:39
    3140 msgid "Name:"
    3141 msgstr "Ime:"
    3143 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, iconSelectionLabel)
    3144 #. +> trunk stable
    3145 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:55
    3146 msgid "Flag:"
    3147 msgstr "Zastava:"
    3149 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, keyboardLayoutLabel)
    3150 #. +> trunk stable
    3151 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:68
    3152 msgid "Keyboard layout:"
    3153 msgstr "Raspored tipkovnice:"
    3155 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, downloadGrammarButton)
    3156 #. +> trunk stable
    3157 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:94
    3158 msgid "&Download Grammar"
    3159 msgstr "&Preuzmi gramatiku"
    3161 #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_2)
    3162 #. +> trunk stable
    3163 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:105
    3164 msgid "Articles"
    3165 msgstr "Članovi"
    3167 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel3)
    3168 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel3_2)
    3169 #. +> trunk stable
    3170 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:117
    3171 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:374
    3172 msgid "Definite"
    3173 msgstr "Određen"
    3175 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel4)
    3176 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, TextLabel4_2)
    3177 #. +> trunk stable
    3178 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:124
    3179 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:381
    3180 msgid "Indefinite"
    3181 msgstr "Neodređen"
    3183 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, male_label)
    3184 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, male_label_2)
    3185 #. +> trunk stable
    3186 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:131
    3187 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:329
    3188 msgid "&Male:"
    3189 msgstr "&MuÅ¡ki:"
    3191 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, female_label)
    3192 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, female_label_2)
    3193 #. +> trunk stable
    3194 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:154
    3195 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:316
    3196 msgid "&Female:"
    3197 msgstr "&Åœenski:"
    3199 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, natural_label)
    3200 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, natural_label_2)
    3201 #. +> trunk stable
    3202 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:187
    3203 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:303
    3204 msgid "&Neutral:"
    3205 msgstr "&Srednji"
    3207 #. i18n: ectx: attribute (title), widget (QWidget, tab_3)
    3208 #. +> trunk stable
    3209 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:421
    3210 msgid "Personal Pronouns"
    3211 msgstr "Osobne zamjenice"
    3213 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, pers1_label)
    3214 #. +> trunk stable
    3215 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:477
    3216 msgid "&1. Person:"
    3217 msgstr "&1. lice:"
    3219 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, pers2_label)
    3220 #. +> trunk stable
    3221 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:513
    3222 msgid "&2. Person:"
    3223 msgstr "&2. lice:"
    3225 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, pers3_label)
    3226 #. +> trunk stable
    3227 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:549
    3228 msgid "3. Person:"
    3229 msgstr "3. lice:"
    3231 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, male_c_label)
    3232 #. +> trunk stable
    3233 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:559
    3234 #, fuzzy
    3235 msgid "M&ale:"
    3236 msgstr "M&uÅ¡ki:"
    3238 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, female_c_label)
    3239 #. +> trunk stable
    3240 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:595
    3241 #, fuzzy
    3242 msgid "F&emale:"
    3243 msgstr "Åœ&enski:"
    3245 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, natural_c_label)
    3246 #. +> trunk stable
    3247 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:631
    3248 #, fuzzy
    3249 msgid "Neu&ter:"
    3250 msgstr "Sre&dnji:"
    3252 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, dualCheckBox)
    3253 #. +> trunk stable
    3254 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:667
    3255 msgid "Dual conjugations"
    3256 msgstr ""
    3258 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, neutralCheckBox)
    3259 #. +> trunk stable
    3260 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:674
    3261 msgid "A neutral conjugation form exists"
    3262 msgstr ""
    3264 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, maleFemaleDifferCheckBox)
    3265 #. +> trunk stable
    3266 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:687
    3267 msgid "Male/female have different conjugations"
    3268 msgstr ""
    3270 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, newButton)
    3271 #. +> trunk stable
    3272 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:722 src/settings/optionlistform.ui:63
    3273 msgid "&New..."
    3274 msgstr "&Novi
    3276 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, modifyButton)
    3277 #. +> trunk stable
    3278 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:735 src/settings/optionlistform.ui:78
    3279 msgid "&Modify..."
    3280 msgstr "&Promijeni
    3282 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, deleteButton)
    3283 #. +> trunk stable
    3284 #: src/settings/languagepropertiespage.ui:748 src/settings/optionlistform.ui:93
    3285 msgid "&Delete"
    3286 msgstr "&IzbriÅ¡i"
    3288 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Icon), group (Locale $(locale))
    3289 #. +> trunk stable
    3290 #: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:11
    3291 msgid "Icon for an identifier"
    3292 msgstr ""
    3294 #. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (Icon), group (Locale $(locale))
    3295 #. +> trunk stable
    3296 #: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:12
    3297 msgid "The icon shown for the identifier (locale)"
    3298 msgstr ""
    3300 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (KeyboardLayout), group (Locale $(locale))
    3301 #. i18n: ectx: whatsthis, entry (KeyboardLayout), group (Locale $(locale))
    3302 #. +> trunk stable
    3303 #: src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:16 src/settings/languagesettings.kcfg:17
    3304 msgid "Keyboard layout for this locale"
    3305 msgstr ""
    3307 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, cleanUpButton)
    3308 #. +> trunk stable
    3309 #: src/settings/optionlistform.ui:124
    3310 msgid "&Clean Up"
    3311 msgstr "&Očisti"
    3313 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (NumPreSetting), group (General)
    3314 #. +> trunk stable
    3315 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:11
    3316 msgid "Number of stored setting profiles"
    3317 msgstr "Broj spremljenih profila postavki"
    3319 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SmartAppend), group (General)
    3320 #. +> trunk stable
    3321 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:15
    3322 msgid "If true, when using the entry dialog, new rows will be appended as needed"
    3323 msgstr ""
    3325 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Separator), group (General)
    3326 #. +> trunk stable
    3327 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:19
    3328 msgid "This sets the separator used when copying/pasting text, default is Tab"
    3329 msgstr "Ovo postavlja razdjelnik koji se koristi pri kopiranje/lijepljenju teksta. Osnovni je TAB."
    3331 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (EntriesPerLesson), group (General)
    3332 #. +> trunk stable
    3333 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:23
    3334 msgid "The number of entries per lesson"
    3335 msgstr "Broj unosa po lekciji"
    3337 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutoOpenLast), group (General)
    3338 #. +> trunk stable
    3339 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:27
    3340 msgid "If true, on each application start the last opened file will be loaded"
    3341 msgstr "Ako je istina, na svakom pokretanju aplikacije zadnji otvorena datoteka biti će učitana"
    3343 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutoSave), group (General)
    3344 #. +> trunk stable
    3345 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:31
    3346 msgid "If true, vocabularies are automatically saved on close and exit"
    3347 msgstr "Ako je točno, rječnici se automatski spremaju na zatvaranju ili izlazu"
    3349 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AutoBackup), group (General)
    3350 #. +> trunk stable
    3351 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:38
    3352 msgid "If true, a backup is saved every BackupTime minutes"
    3353 msgstr "Ako je točno, rezervna kopija se sprema svakih BackupTime minuta"
    3355 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (BackupTime), group (General)
    3356 #. +> trunk stable
    3357 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:42
    3358 msgid "Time interval between two automatic backups"
    3359 msgstr "Interval između dva automatska stvaranja rezervnih kopija"
    3361 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (FlashcardsFrontImage), group (PracticeOptions)
    3362 #. +> trunk stable
    3363 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:53
    3364 msgid "Show images on the front of the flashcard."
    3365 msgstr "PrikaÅŸi slike na prednjoj strani memorijske kartice."
    3367 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (FlashcardsBackImage), group (PracticeOptions)
    3368 #. +> trunk stable
    3369 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:57
    3370 msgid "Show images on the back of the flashcard."
    3371 msgstr "PrikaÅŸi slike na poleđini memorijske kartice."
    3373 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Theme), group (PracticeOptions)
    3374 #. +> trunk stable
    3375 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:61
    3376 msgid "Practice theme to use"
    3377 msgstr "Tema vjeÅŸbe za koristiti"
    3379 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Block), group (PracticeOptions)
    3380 #. +> trunk stable
    3381 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:65
    3382 msgid "In Blocking Query Tab Dialog, if checked then the Query is blocked"
    3383 msgstr ""
    3385 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Expire), group (PracticeOptions)
    3386 #. +> trunk stable
    3387 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:69
    3388 msgid "In Blocking Query Tab Dialog, if checked then the Query accepts an expiring time"
    3389 msgstr ""
    3391 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (AltLearn), group (PracticeOptions)
    3392 #. +> trunk stable
    3393 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:73
    3394 msgid "Use the Leitner learning method"
    3395 msgstr "Koristi Leitner algoritam za učenje"
    3397 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TestOrderLesson), group (PracticeOptions)
    3398 #. +> trunk stable
    3399 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:77
    3400 msgid "Append new vocabulary in a test in order of their lessons. Note that this will not be a hard transition, but a slow mix from one lesson to the next."
    3401 msgstr "Dodaj novi rječnik u test u redoslijedu odgovarajućih lekcija. Primijetite da ovo neće biti snaÅŸan prijelaz, već spora mjeÅ¡avina iz jedne lekcije u sljedeću."
    3403 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (TestNumberOfEntries), group (PracticeOptions)
    3404 #. +> trunk stable
    3405 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:81
    3406 msgid "The number of entries that are practiced at the same time. If one of these is answered correctly another entry will be appended."
    3407 msgstr "Broj unosa za vjeÅŸbanje u isto vrijeme. Ako je jedan od ovih odgovoren točno drugi će biti dodan."
    3409 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SwapDirection), group (PracticeOptions)
    3410 #. +> trunk stable
    3411 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:85
    3412 msgid "Swap direction randomly"
    3413 msgstr "Nasumično mijenjaj smjer"
    3415 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeTimeout), group (PracticeOptions)
    3416 #. +> trunk stable
    3417 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:90
    3418 msgid "Limit the time for the user to answer in a test."
    3419 msgstr "Ograniči vrijeme dopuÅ¡ten korisniku za odgovor u testu."
    3421 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeTimeoutMode), group (PracticeOptions)
    3422 #. +> trunk stable
    3423 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:94
    3424 msgid "Show - show the solution after the given time; Continue - go to the next question after the given time."
    3425 msgstr ""
    3427 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (PracticeTimeoutTimePerAnswer), group (PracticeOptions)
    3428 #. +> trunk stable
    3429 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:102
    3430 msgid "Maximum time allowed to answer."
    3431 msgstr "Maksimalno vrijeme dopuÅ¡teno za odgovor."
    3433 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Suggestions), group (PracticeOptions)
    3434 #. +> trunk stable
    3435 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:107
    3436 msgid "Enable suggestion lists in written practice."
    3437 msgstr ""
    3439 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (ShowHints), group (PracticeOptions)
    3440 #. +> trunk stable
    3441 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:111
    3442 msgid "Enable the showing of hints."
    3443 msgstr ""
    3445 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (IgnoreAccentMistakes), group (PracticeOptions)
    3446 #. +> trunk stable
    3447 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:115
    3448 msgid "Count answers as right when only the accentuation is wrong."
    3449 msgstr "Broji odgovore kao točne ako je pogreÅ¡ka samo u akcentima."
    3451 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (IgnoreCapitalizationMistakes), group (PracticeOptions)
    3452 #. +> trunk stable
    3453 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:119
    3454 msgid "Count answers as right when only the capitalization is wrong."
    3455 msgstr "Broji odgovore kao točne ako je pogreÅ¡ka samo u velikim/malim slovima."
    3457 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (SplitTranslations), group (PracticeOptions)
    3458 #. +> trunk stable
    3459 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:124
    3460 msgid "Split translations in written practice."
    3461 msgstr ""
    3463 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Periods), group (PracticeOptions)
    3464 #. +> trunk stable
    3465 #: src/settings/parley.kcfg:128
    3466 msgid "Split translations at periods."
    3467 msgstr "Razdjeli prijevode na točkama."
    3469 #. i18n: ectx: label, entry (Colons), group (PracticeOptions)
    3470 #. +> trun