Changeset 1076 for kde-croatia

Jun 17, 2011, 3:07:39 AM (14 years ago)

SF-KDE: Ažuriranje datoteka bazirano na zadnjim template datotekama + padeži.

14 edited


  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-graphics/desktop_extragear-graphics_kipi-plugins.po

    r1056 r1076  
    66"Project-Id-Version: desktop files\n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-06 09:01+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 08:59+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:23+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    564564#. +> trunk
    565 #: kmlexport/kipiplugin_kmlexport.desktop:20
     565#: kmlexport/kipiplugin_kmlexport.desktop:21
    566566#, fuzzy
    567567msgctxt "Name"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/amarok.po

    r1074 r1076  
    99"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-15 08:55+0200\n"
     11"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 08:59+0200\n"
    1212"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-12 11:09+0200\n"
    1313"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"
    16321632#. +> trunk
    1633 #: amarokurls/BookmarkTreeView.cpp:118 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:431
     1633#: amarokurls/BookmarkTreeView.cpp:118 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:438
    16341634msgid "&Delete"
    16351635msgstr "&Izbriši"
    18911891#. +> trunk
    1892 #: browsers/BrowserCategoryList.cpp:48
     1892#: browsers/BrowserCategoryList.cpp:45
    18931893msgid "Filter Music Sources"
    18941894msgstr ""
    21532153#. +> trunk
    2154 #: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:271 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:134
     2154#: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:271 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:133
    21552155msgid "Copy to Collection"
    21562156msgstr ""
    21582158#. +> trunk
    2159 #: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:279 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:125
     2159#: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:279 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:124
    21602160msgid "Move to Collection"
    21612161msgstr ""
    21682168#. +> trunk
    2169 #: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:851 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:396
     2169#: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:851 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:397
    21702170#: browsers/playlistbrowser/PlaylistBrowserModel.cpp:43
    21712171#: context/applets/albums/AlbumsView.cpp:240
    21762176#. +> trunk
    2177 #: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:860 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:405
     2177#: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:860 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:409
    21782178#: browsers/playlistbrowser/PlaylistBrowserModel.cpp:50
    21792179#: context/applets/albums/AlbumsView.cpp:241
    21912191#. +> trunk
    2192 #: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:938 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:414
     2192#: browsers/CollectionTreeView.cpp:938 browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:421
    21932193msgid "&Edit Track Details"
    21942194msgstr ""
    22012201#. +> trunk
    2202 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:64
     2202#: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:65
    22032203#, fuzzy
    22042204msgctxt "Show Dolphin Places the user configured"
    22082208#. +> trunk
    2209 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:73
     2209#: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:75
    22102210#, fuzzy
    22112211msgid "Filter Files"
    22142214#. +> trunk
    2215 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:173
     2215#: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:174
    22162216msgid "The file browser lets you browse files anywhere on your system, regardless of whether these files are part of your local collection. You can then add these files to the playlist as well as perform basic file operations."
    22172217msgstr ""
    22192219#. +> trunk
    2220 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:400 browsers/InfoProxy.cpp:164
     2220#: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:398 browsers/InfoProxy.cpp:164
    22212221#, fuzzy
    22222222msgid "Home"
    22252225#. +> trunk
    2226 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:541
     2226#: browsers/filebrowser/FileBrowser.cpp:542
    22272227#, fuzzy
    22282228msgid "Places"
    22312231#. +> trunk
    2232 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:569
     2232#: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:571
    22332233#, fuzzy
    22342234#| msgid "Confirm Delete"
    22392239#. +> trunk
    2240 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:570
     2240#: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:572
    22412241#, fuzzy, kde-format
    22422242msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this item?"
    22482248#. +> trunk
    2249 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:576
     2249#: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:578
    22502250#: core-impl/collections/support/CollectionLocationDelegateImpl.cpp:70
    22512251#, fuzzy
    22562256#. +> trunk
    2257 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:577
     2257#: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:579
    22582258#, fuzzy, kde-format
    22592259msgid "Are you sure you want to move this item to trash?"
    22652265#. +> trunk
    2266 #: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:612
     2266#: browsers/filebrowser/FileView.cpp:613
    22672267#, fuzzy, kde-format
    22682268#| msgid "Moving messages failed."
    49014901#. +> trunk
    4902 #: context/engines/current/CurrentEngine.cpp:136 EngineController.cpp:1424
     4902#: context/engines/current/CurrentEngine.cpp:136 EngineController.cpp:1427
    49034903#: mac/GrowlInterface.cpp:43 widgets/Osd.cpp:651
    49044904msgid "No track playing"
    57825782#. +> trunk
    5783 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:397
     5783#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:392
    57845784msgid "Already on device"
    57855785msgstr ""
    57875787#. +> trunk
    5788 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:413
     5788#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:408
    57895789msgid "Tracks not copied: the device already has these tracks"
    57905790msgstr ""
    57925792#. +> trunk
    5793 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:434
     5793#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:429
    57945794msgid "Tracks not copied: the device has insufficient space"
    57955795msgstr ""
    57975797#. +> trunk
    5798 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:443
     5798#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:438
    57995799msgid "Transferring Tracks to Device"
    58005800msgstr ""
    58025802#. +> trunk
    5803 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:487
     5803#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:482
    58045804#, kde-format
    58055805msgid "%1 track failed to copy to the device"
    58115811#. +> trunk
    5812 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:589
     5812#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:584
    58135813msgid "The track failed to copy to the device"
    58145814msgstr ""
    58165816#. +> trunk
    5817 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:599
     5817#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:594
    58185818#, fuzzy
    58195819msgid "Track not deleted:"
    58255825#. +> trunk
    5826 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:600
     5826#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:595
    58275827#, fuzzy
    58285828msgid "Deleting Track Failed"
    58345834#. +> trunk
    5835 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:604
     5835#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:599
    58365836#, kde-format
    58375837msgid "%1 tracks are already being deleted from the device."
    58405840#. +> trunk
    5841 #: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:621
     5841#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/handler/MediaDeviceHandler.cpp:616
    58425842#, fuzzy
    58435843msgid "Removing Track from Device"
    58545854#. +> trunk
    58555855#: core-impl/collections/mediadevicecollection/MediaDeviceMeta.cpp:152
    5856 #: EngineController.cpp:1406
     5856#: EngineController.cpp:1409
    58575857msgid "Unknown track"
    58585858msgstr ""
    66246624#. +> trunk
    66256625#: core/meta/support/MetaConstants.cpp:113
    6626 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:157
     6626#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:163
    66276627#, fuzzy
    66286628msgid "Track Number"
    90269026#. +> trunk
    9027 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:151
    9028 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:154
     9027#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:157
     9028#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:160
    90299029#, kde-format
    90309030msgid "%1 or %2"
    90339033#. +> trunk
    9034 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:155
     9034#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:161
    90359035msgid "Artist's Initial"
    90369036msgstr "Inicijali umjetnika"
    90389038#. +> trunk
    9039 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:156
     9039#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:162
    90409040msgid "File Extension of Source"
    90419041msgstr ""
    90439043#. +> trunk
    9044 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:159
     9044#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:165
    90459045msgid "<h3>Custom Format String</h3>"
    90469046msgstr ""
    90489048#. +> trunk
    9049 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:160
     9049#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:166
    90509050msgid "You can use the following tokens:"
    90519051msgstr ""
    90539053#. +> trunk
    9054 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:167
     9054#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:173
    90559055msgid "If you surround sections of text that contain a token with curly-braces, that section will be hidden if the token is empty."
    90569056msgstr ""
    90589058#. +> trunk
    9059 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:266
     9059#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:258
    90609060msgid "There is a filename conflict, existing files will be overwritten."
    90619061msgstr ""
    90639063#. +> trunk
    9064 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:268
     9064#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:260
    90659065msgid "There is a filename conflict, existing files will not be changed."
    90669066msgstr ""
    90689068#. +> trunk
    9069 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:401
     9069#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:391
    90709070#, fuzzy
    90719071msgid "New Format Preset"
    90749074#. +> trunk
    9075 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:401
     9075#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:391
    90769076#, fuzzy
    90779077msgid "Preset Name"
    90809080#. +> trunk
    9081 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:401
     9081#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialog.cpp:391
    90829082#, fuzzy
    90839083msgid "New Preset"
    92969296#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTableWidget, previewTableWidget)
    9297 #. +> trunk
    9298 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:329
     9297#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, previewButton)
     9298#. +> trunk
     9299#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:344
     9300#: playlist/layouts/PlaylistLayoutEditDialog.ui:336
     9301#, fuzzy
     9302msgid "Preview"
     9303msgstr "Pregled"
     9305#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTableWidget, previewTableWidget)
     9306#. +> trunk
     9307#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:352
    92999308#, fuzzy
    93009309msgid "Original"
    93019310msgstr "Original"
    9303 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QTableWidget, previewTableWidget)
    9304 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, previewButton)
    9305 #. +> trunk
    9306 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:334
    9307 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:344
    9308 #: playlist/layouts/PlaylistLayoutEditDialog.ui:336
    9309 #, fuzzy
    9310 msgid "Preview"
    9311 msgstr "Pregled"
    9313 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, autoPreviewCheck)
    9314 #. +> trunk
    9315 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:351
    9316 #, fuzzy
    9317 msgid "Automatic Preview"
    9318 msgstr "Automatsko lijepljenje"
    93209312#. i18n: ectx: property (toolTip), widget (QCheckBox, overwriteCheck)
    93219313#. +> trunk
    9322 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:390
     9314#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:397
    93239315msgid "If checked, overwrite files of the same name without asking."
    93249316msgstr ""
    93269318#. i18n: ectx: property (whatsThis), widget (QCheckBox, overwriteCheck)
    93279319#. +> trunk
    9328 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:397
     9320#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:404
    93299321#, fuzzy
    93309322msgid ""
    93439335#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, overwriteCheck)
    93449336#. +> trunk
    9345 #: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:400
     9337#: dialogs/OrganizeCollectionDialogBase.ui:407
    93469338msgid "Overwrite &Destination"
    93479339msgstr ""
    1011610108#. +> trunk
    10117 #: EngineController.cpp:272
     10109#: EngineController.cpp:275
    1011810110msgid "<p>Phonon claims it <b>cannot</b> play MP3 files. You may want to examine the installation of the backend that phonon uses.</p><p>You may find useful information in the <i>FAQ</i> section of the <i>Amarok Handbook</i>.</p>"
    1011910111msgstr ""
    1012110113#. +> trunk
    10122 #: EngineController.cpp:293
     10114#: EngineController.cpp:296
    1012310115msgid "Install MP3 Support"
    1012410116msgstr ""
    1012610118#. +> trunk
    10127 #: EngineController.cpp:295
     10119#: EngineController.cpp:298
    1012810120msgid "Amarok currently cannot play MP3 files. Do you want to install support for MP3?"
    1012910121msgstr ""
    1013110123#. +> trunk
    10132 #: EngineController.cpp:296
     10124#: EngineController.cpp:299
    1013310125msgid "No MP3 Support"
    1013410126msgstr ""
    1013610128#. +> trunk
    10137 #: EngineController.cpp:873
     10129#: EngineController.cpp:876
    1013810130msgid "Preamp"
    1013910131msgstr ""
    1014110133#. +> trunk
    10142 #: EngineController.cpp:879
     10134#: EngineController.cpp:882
    1014310135msgid ""
    1014810140#. +> trunk
    10149 #: EngineController.cpp:883
     10141#: EngineController.cpp:886
    1015010142msgid ""
    1015510147#. +> trunk
    10156 #: EngineController.cpp:1175
     10148#: EngineController.cpp:1178
    1015710149msgid "Too many errors encountered in playlist. Playback stopped."
    1015810150msgstr ""
    1016010152#. +> trunk
    10161 #: EngineController.cpp:1394
     10153#: EngineController.cpp:1397
    1016210154#, kde-format
    1016310155msgctxt "track by artist on album"
    1016710159#. +> trunk
    10168 #: EngineController.cpp:1397
     10160#: EngineController.cpp:1400
    1016910161#, kde-format
    1017010162msgctxt "track by artist"
    1017410166#. +> trunk
    10175 #: EngineController.cpp:1401
     10167#: EngineController.cpp:1404
    1017610168#, kde-format
    1017710169msgctxt "track on album"
    1018110173#. +> trunk
    10182 #: EngineController.cpp:1413
     10174#: EngineController.cpp:1416
    1018310175#, fuzzy, kde-format
    1018410176msgctxt "track from source"
    1545715449#. +> trunk
    1545815450#: statusbar/CompoundProgressBar.cpp:67 statusbar/CompoundProgressBar.cpp:169
    15459 #: statusbar/ProgressBar.cpp:54
     15451#: statusbar/ProgressBar.cpp:48
    1546015452#, fuzzy
    1546115453msgid "Abort"
    1616516157msgid "Volume: <i>Muted</i>"
    1616616158msgstr "Glasnoća: <i>utišano</i>"
     16160#, fuzzy
     16161#~ msgid "Automatic Preview"
     16162#~ msgstr "Automatsko lijepljenje"
    1616816164#, fuzzy
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/k3b.po

    r1045 r1076  
    77"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-25 09:37+0200\n"
     9"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 08:59+0200\n"
    1010"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-29 15:49+0200\n"
    1111"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    1515"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    1616"Language: hr\n"
    17 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<"
    18 "=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
     17"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
    1918"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n"
    2019"X-Environment: kde\n"
    275274#: ../plugins/encoder/external/base_k3bexternalencoderconfigwidget.ui:22
    276275msgid ""
    277 "<p>This dialog can be used to setup external command line applications as "
    278 "audio encoders. These can then be used by K3b to encode audio data (Tracks "
    279 "from an audio CD or the titles from an audio project) to formats that are "
    280 "normally not supported (i.e. no encoder plugin exists).\n"
    281 "<p>K3b comes with a selection of predefined external applications that "
    282 "depends on the installed applications."
     276"<p>This dialog can be used to setup external command line applications as audio encoders. These can then be used by K3b to encode audio data (Tracks from an audio CD or the titles from an audio project) to formats that are normally not supported (i.e. no encoder plugin exists).\n"
     277"<p>K3b comes with a selection of predefined external applications that depends on the installed applications."
    283278msgstr ""
    352347#, no-c-format
    353348msgid ""
    354 "Please insert the command used to encode the audio data. The command has to "
    355 "read raw little endian (see <em>Swap Byte Order</em>) 16-bit stereo audio "
    356 "frames from stdin.\n"
     349"Please insert the command used to encode the audio data. The command has to read raw little endian (see <em>Swap Byte Order</em>) 16-bit stereo audio frames from stdin.\n"
    357350"<p>The following strings will be replaced by K3b:<br>\n"
    358 "<b>%f</b> - The filename of the resulting file. This is where the command has "
    359 "to write its output to.<br>\n"
    360 "<em>The following refer to metadata stored for example in the ID3 tag of an "
    361 "mp3 file (Be aware that these values might be empty).</em><br>\n"
     351"<b>%f</b> - The filename of the resulting file. This is where the command has to write its output to.<br>\n"
     352"<em>The following refer to metadata stored for example in the ID3 tag of an mp3 file (Be aware that these values might be empty).</em><br>\n"
    362353"<b>%t</b> - Title<br>\n"
    363354"<b>%a</b> - Artist<br>\n"
    390381#: ../plugins/encoder/external/base_k3bexternalencodereditwidget.ui:119
    391382msgid ""
    392 "<p> If this option is checked K3b will swap the byte order of the input data. "
    393 "Thus, the command has to read big endian audio frames.\n"
    394 "<p>If the resulting audio file sounds bad it is highly likely that the byte "
    395 "order is wrong and this option has to be checked."
     383"<p> If this option is checked K3b will swap the byte order of the input data. Thus, the command has to read big endian audio frames.\n"
     384"<p>If the resulting audio file sounds bad it is highly likely that the byte order is wrong and this option has to be checked."
    396385msgstr ""
    411400#. +> trunk stable
    412401#: ../plugins/encoder/external/base_k3bexternalencodereditwidget.ui:132
    413 msgid ""
    414 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will write a wave header. This is useful in "
    415 "case the encoder application cannot read plain raw audio data."
     402msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will write a wave header. This is useful in case the encoder application cannot read plain raw audio data."
    416403msgstr ""
    587574#: ../plugins/encoder/lame/base_k3blameencodersettingswidget.ui:267
    588575msgid ""
    589 "<p>Bitrate is of course the main influence on quality. The higher the "
    590 "bitrate, the higher the quality. But for a given bitrate, we have a choice of "
    591 "algorithms to determine the best scalefactors and huffman encoding (noise "
    592 "shaping).\n"
     576"<p>Bitrate is of course the main influence on quality. The higher the bitrate, the higher the quality. But for a given bitrate, we have a choice of algorithms to determine the best scalefactors and huffman encoding (noise shaping).\n"
    593577"<p>The quality increases from 0 to 9 while the encoding speed drops.\n"
    594578"<p>9 uses the slowest & best possible version of all algorithms.\n"
    595 "<p><b>7 is the recommended setting</b> while 4 still produced reasonable "
    596 "quality at good speed.\n"
    597 "<p>0 disables almost all algorithms including psy-model resulting in poor "
    598 "quality.\n"
     579"<p><b>7 is the recommended setting</b> while 4 still produced reasonable quality at good speed.\n"
     580"<p>0 disables almost all algorithms including psy-model resulting in poor quality.\n"
    599581"<p><b>This setting has no influence on the size of the resulting file.</b>"
    600582msgstr ""
    640622#: ../plugins/encoder/lame/base_k3blameencodersettingswidget.ui:347
    641623msgid ""
    642 "<p>If this option is checked, LAME will enforce the 7680 bit limitation on "
    643 "total frame size.<br>\n"
    644 "This results in many wasted bits for high bitrate encodings but will ensure "
    645 "strict ISO compatibility. This compatibility might be important for hardware "
    646 "players."
     624"<p>If this option is checked, LAME will enforce the 7680 bit limitation on total frame size.<br>\n"
     625"This results in many wasted bits for high bitrate encodings but will ensure strict ISO compatibility. This compatibility might be important for hardware players."
    647626msgstr ""
    662641#. +> trunk stable
    663642#: ../plugins/encoder/lame/base_k3blameencodersettingswidget.ui:360
    664 msgid ""
    665 "<p>If this option is checked, a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code will be "
    666 "added to each frame, allowing transmission errors that could occur on the MP3 "
    667 "stream to be detected; however, it takes 16 bits per frame that would "
    668 "otherwise be used for encoding, thus slightly reducing the sound quality."
     643msgid "<p>If this option is checked, a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) code will be added to each frame, allowing transmission errors that could occur on the MP3 stream to be detected; however, it takes 16 bits per frame that would otherwise be used for encoding, thus slightly reducing the sound quality."
    669644msgstr ""
    741716"<p>Select the channel mode of the resulting Mp3 file:\n"
    743 "In this mode, the encoder makes no use of potential correlations between the "
    744 "two input channels; it can, however, negotiate the bit demand between both "
    745 "channel, i.e. give one channel more bits if the other contains silence or "
    746 "needs fewer bits because of a lower complexity.\n"
     718"In this mode, the encoder makes no use of potential correlations between the two input channels; it can, however, negotiate the bit demand between both channel, i.e. give one channel more bits if the other contains silence or needs fewer bits because of a lower complexity.\n"
    748 "In this mode, the encoder will make use of correlations between both channels."
    749 " The signal will be matrixed into a sum (\"mid\"), computed by L+R, and "
    750 "difference (\"side\") signal, computed by L-R, and more bits are allocated to "
    751 "the mid channel. This will effectively increase the bandwidth if the signal "
    752 "does not have too much stereo separation, thus giving a significant gain in "
    753 "encoding quality.\n"
     720"In this mode, the encoder will make use of correlations between both channels. The signal will be matrixed into a sum (\"mid\"), computed by L+R, and difference (\"side\") signal, computed by L-R, and more bits are allocated to the mid channel. This will effectively increase the bandwidth if the signal does not have too much stereo separation, thus giving a significant gain in encoding quality.\n"
    755 "The input will be encoded as a mono signal. If it was a stereo signal, it "
    756 "will be downsampled to mono. The downmix is calculated as the sum of the left "
    757 "and right channel, attenuated by 6 dB."
     722"The input will be encoded as a mono signal. If it was a stereo signal, it will be downsampled to mono. The downmix is calculated as the sum of the left and right channel, attenuated by 6 dB."
    758723msgstr ""
    855820#. +> trunk stable
    856821#: ../plugins/encoder/ogg/base_k3boggvorbisencodersettingswidget.ui:32
    857 msgid ""
    858 "<p>Vorbis' audio quality is not best measured in kilobits per second, but on "
    859 "a scale from -1 to 10 called \"quality\". <p>For now, quality -1 is roughly "
    860 "equivalent to 45kbps average, 5 is roughly 160kbps, and 10 gives about "
    861 "400kbps. Most people seeking very-near-CD-quality audio encode at a quality "
    862 "of 5 or, for lossless stereo coupling, 6. The default setting is quality 3, "
    863 "which at approximately 110kbps gives a smaller filesize and significantly "
    864 "better fidelity than .mp3 compression at 128kbps. <p><em>This explanation was "
    865 "copied from the FAQ.</em>"
     822msgid "<p>Vorbis' audio quality is not best measured in kilobits per second, but on a scale from -1 to 10 called \"quality\". <p>For now, quality -1 is roughly equivalent to 45kbps average, 5 is roughly 160kbps, and 10 gives about 400kbps. Most people seeking very-near-CD-quality audio encode at a quality of 5 or, for lossless stereo coupling, 6. The default setting is quality 3, which at approximately 110kbps gives a smaller filesize and significantly better fidelity than .mp3 compression at 128kbps. <p><em>This explanation was copied from the FAQ.</em>"
    866823msgstr ""
    913870#. +> trunk stable
    914871#: ../plugins/encoder/ogg/k3boggvorbisencoderconfigwidget.cpp:64
    915 msgid ""
    916 "<p>Vorbis' audio quality is not best measured in kilobits per second, but on "
    917 "a scale from -1 to 10 called <em>quality</em>.<p>For now, quality -1 is "
    918 "roughly equivalent to 45kbps average, 5 is roughly 160kbps, and 10 gives "
    919 "about 400kbps. Most people seeking very-near-CD-quality audio encode at a "
    920 "quality of 5 or, for lossless stereo coupling, 6. The quality 3 gives, at "
    921 "approximately 110kbps a smaller filesize and significantly better fidelity "
    922 "than .mp3 compression at 128kbps.<p><em>This explanation is based on the one "
    923 "from the FAQ.</em>"
     872msgid "<p>Vorbis' audio quality is not best measured in kilobits per second, but on a scale from -1 to 10 called <em>quality</em>.<p>For now, quality -1 is roughly equivalent to 45kbps average, 5 is roughly 160kbps, and 10 gives about 400kbps. Most people seeking very-near-CD-quality audio encode at a quality of 5 or, for lossless stereo coupling, 6. The quality 3 gives, at approximately 110kbps a smaller filesize and significantly better fidelity than .mp3 compression at 128kbps.<p><em>This explanation is based on the one from the FAQ.</em>"
    924873msgstr ""
    946895#: ../plugins/encoder/sox/base_k3bsoxencoderconfigwidget.ui:63
    947896msgid ""
    948 "<p>The sample data encoding is signed linear (2's complement), unsigned "
    949 "linear, u-law (logarithmic), A-law (logarithmic), ADPCM, IMA_ADPCM, GSM, or "
    950 "Floating-point.</p>\n"
    951 "<p><b>U-law</b> (actually shorthand for mu-law) and <b>A-law</b> are the U.S. "
    952 "and international standards for logarithmic telephone sound compression. When "
    953 "uncompressed u-law has roughly the precision of 14-bit PCM audio and A-law "
    954 "has roughly the precision of 13-bit PCM audio. A-law and u-law data is "
    955 "sometimes encoded using a reversed bit-ordering (i.e. MSB becomes LSB).<br> <"
    956 "b>ADPCM </b> is a form of sound compression that has a good compromise "
    957 "between good sound quality and fast encoding/decoding time. It is used for "
    958 "telephone sound compression and places where full fidelity is not as "
    959 "important. When uncompressed it has roughly the precision of 16-bit PCM audio."
    960 " Popular versions of ADPCM include G.726, MS ADPCM, and IMA ADPCM. It has "
    961 "different meanings in different file handlers. In .wav files it represents MS "
    962 "ADPCM files, in all others it means G.726 ADPCM. <br> <b>IMA ADPCM</b> is a "
    963 "specific form of ADPCM compression, slightly simpler and slightly lower "
    964 "fidelity than Microsoft's flavor of ADPCM. IMA ADPCM is also called DVI ADPCM."
    965 "<br> <b>GSM</b> is a standard used for telephone sound compression in "
    966 "European countries and is gaining popularity because of its good quality. It "
    967 "is usually CPU intensive to work with GSM audio data.</p> <p><em>Description "
    968 "based on the SoX manpage</em></p>"
     897"<p>The sample data encoding is signed linear (2's complement), unsigned linear, u-law (logarithmic), A-law (logarithmic), ADPCM, IMA_ADPCM, GSM, or Floating-point.</p>\n"
     898"<p><b>U-law</b> (actually shorthand for mu-law) and <b>A-law</b> are the U.S. and international standards for logarithmic telephone sound compression. When uncompressed u-law has roughly the precision of 14-bit PCM audio and A-law has roughly the precision of 13-bit PCM audio. A-law and u-law data is sometimes encoded using a reversed bit-ordering (i.e. MSB becomes LSB).<br> <b>ADPCM </b> is a form of sound compression that has a good compromise between good sound quality and fast encoding/decoding time. It is used for telephone sound compression and places where full fidelity is not as important. When uncompressed it has roughly the precision of 16-bit PCM audio. Popular versions of ADPCM include G.726, MS ADPCM, and IMA ADPCM. It has different meanings in different file handlers. In .wav files it represents MS ADPCM files, in all others it means G.726 ADPCM. <br> <b>IMA ADPCM</b> is a specific form of ADPCM compression, slightly simpler and slightly lower fidelity than Microsoft's flavor of ADPCM. IMA ADPCM is also called DVI ADPCM.<br> <b>GSM</b> is a standard used for telephone sound compression in European countries and is gaining popularity because of its good quality. It is usually CPU intensive to work with GSM audio data.</p> <p><em>Description based on the SoX manpage</em></p>"
    969899msgstr ""
    12121142#. +> trunk stable
    12131143#: ../plugins/project/audiometainforenamer/k3baudiometainforenamerplugin.cpp:146
    1214 msgid ""
    1215 "<qt>This specifies how the files should be renamed. Currently only the "
    1216 "special strings <em>%a</em> (Artist), <em>%n</em> (Track number), and <em>%t<"
    1217 "/em> (Title) are supported."
     1144msgid "<qt>This specifies how the files should be renamed. Currently only the special strings <em>%a</em> (Artist), <em>%n</em> (Track number), and <em>%t</em> (Title) are supported."
    12181145msgstr ""
    18101737#: k3bappdevicemanager.cpp:289
    18111738#, kde-format
    1812 msgid ""
    1813 "<p>Please enter the preferred read speed for <b>%1</b>. This speed will be "
    1814 "used for the currently mounted medium.<p>This is especially useful to slow "
    1815 "down the drive when watching movies which are read directly from the drive "
    1816 "and the spinning noise is intrusive.<p>Be aware that this has no influence on "
    1817 "K3b since it will change the reading speed again when copying CDs or DVDs."
     1739msgid "<p>Please enter the preferred read speed for <b>%1</b>. This speed will be used for the currently mounted medium.<p>This is especially useful to slow down the drive when watching movies which are read directly from the drive and the spinning noise is intrusive.<p>Be aware that this has no influence on K3b since it will change the reading speed again when copying CDs or DVDs."
    18181740msgstr ""
    18551777#. +> trunk stable
    1856 #: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:51
     1778#: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:58
    18571779msgid "Software buffer:"
    18581780msgstr "Softverska međumemorija:"
    18601782#. +> trunk stable
    1861 #: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:52
     1783#: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:59
    18621784msgid "Device buffer:"
    18631785msgstr "Međumemorija uređaja:"
    18651787#. +> trunk stable
    1866 #: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:89
     1788#: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:96
    18671789#, kde-format
    18681790msgid "Writer: %1 %2"
    18711793#. +> trunk stable
    1872 #: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:92 k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:93
    1873 #: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:94
     1794#: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:99 k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:100
     1795#: k3bburnprogressdialog.cpp:101
    18741796msgid "no info"
    18751797msgstr "nema informacija"
    19011823#. +> trunk stable
    19021824#: k3bdatamodewidget.cpp:38
    1903 msgid ""
    1904 "<p><b>Data Mode</b><p>Data tracks may be written in two different modes:</p><"
    1905 "p><b>Auto</b><br>Let K3b select the best suited data mode.</p><p><b>Mode 1</b>"
    1906 "<br>This is the <em>original</em> writing mode as introduced in the <em>"
    1907 "Yellow Book</em> standard. It is the preferred mode when writing pure data "
    1908 "CDs.</p><p><b>Mode 2</b><br>To be exact <em>XA Mode 2 Form 1</em>, but since "
    1909 "the other modes are rarely used it is common to refer to it as <em>Mode 2</em>"
    1910 ".</p><p><b>Be aware:</b> Do not mix different modes on one CD. Some older "
    1911 "drives may have problems reading mode 1 multisession CDs."
     1825msgid "<p><b>Data Mode</b><p>Data tracks may be written in two different modes:</p><p><b>Auto</b><br>Let K3b select the best suited data mode.</p><p><b>Mode 1</b><br>This is the <em>original</em> writing mode as introduced in the <em>Yellow Book</em> standard. It is the preferred mode when writing pure data CDs.</p><p><b>Mode 2</b><br>To be exact <em>XA Mode 2 Form 1</em>, but since the other modes are rarely used it is common to refer to it as <em>Mode 2</em>.</p><p><b>Be aware:</b> Do not mix different modes on one CD. Some older drives may have problems reading mode 1 multisession CDs."
    19121826msgstr ""
    19561870#. +> trunk stable
    19571871#: k3bdirview.cpp:206
    1958 msgid ""
    1959 "K3b uses vcdxrip from the vcdimager package to rip Video CDs. Please make "
    1960 "sure it is installed."
     1872msgid "K3b uses vcdxrip from the vcdimager package to rip Video CDs. Please make sure it is installed."
    19611873msgstr ""
    19801892#: k3bdirview.cpp:257
    19811893#, kde-format
    1982 msgid ""
    1983 "<p>K3b was unable to unmount medium <b>%1</b> in device <em>%2 - %3</em>"
    1984 msgstr ""
    1985 "<p>K3b nije mogao demontirati medij <b>%1</b> u uređaju <em>%2 – %3</em>"
     1894msgid "<p>K3b was unable to unmount medium <b>%1</b> in device <em>%2 - %3</em>"
     1895msgstr "<p>K3b nije mogao demontirati medij <b>%1</b> u uređaju <em>%2 – %3</em>"
    19871897#. +> trunk stable
    24512361#. +> trunk stable
    24522362#: k3binteractiondialog.cpp:205
    2453 msgid ""
    2454 "<p>Load a set of settings either from the default K3b settings, settings "
    2455 "saved before, or the last used ones."
    2456 msgstr ""
    2457 "<p>Učitajte skup postavki bilo iz zadanih postavki K3b-a, prije spremljenih "
    2458 "postavki ili iz zadnje koriÅ¡tenih."
     2363msgid "<p>Load a set of settings either from the default K3b settings, settings saved before, or the last used ones."
     2364msgstr "<p>Učitajte skup postavki bilo iz zadanih postavki K3b-a, prije spremljenih postavki ili iz zadnje koriÅ¡tenih."
    24602366#. +> trunk stable
    24612367#: k3binteractiondialog.cpp:207
    2462 msgid ""
    2463 "<p>Saves the current settings of the action dialog.<p>These settings can be "
    2464 "loaded with the <em>Load saved settings</em> button.<p><b>The K3b defaults "
    2465 "are not overwritten by this.</b>"
     2368msgid "<p>Saves the current settings of the action dialog.<p>These settings can be loaded with the <em>Load saved settings</em> button.<p><b>The K3b defaults are not overwritten by this.</b>"
    24662369msgstr ""
    24732376#. +> stable
    24742377#: k3binteractiondialog.cpp:288
    2475 msgid ""
    2476 "<p>K3b handles three sets of settings in action dialogs: the defaults, the "
    2477 "saved settings, and the last used settings. Please choose which of these sets "
    2478 "should be loaded if an action dialog is opened again.<p><em>Be aware that "
    2479 "this choice can always be changed from the K3b configuration dialog.</em>"
     2378msgid "<p>K3b handles three sets of settings in action dialogs: the defaults, the saved settings, and the last used settings. Please choose which of these sets should be loaded if an action dialog is opened again.<p><em>Be aware that this choice can always be changed from the K3b configuration dialog.</em>"
    24802379msgstr ""
    24872386#. +> trunk stable
    2488 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:208
     2387#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:222
    24892388msgid "Overall progress:"
    24902389msgstr "Sveukupni tijek:"
    24922391#. +> trunk stable
    2493 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:273 k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:284
    2494 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:295 k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:306
     2392#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:287 k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:298
     2393#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:309 k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:320
    24952394#, kde-format
    24962395msgctxt "%1 and %2 are byte sizes formatted via KLocale::formatByteSize"
    25002399#. +> trunk
    2501 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:352
     2400#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:366
    25022401#, kde-format
    25032402msgctxt "@info %1 is a duration formatted using KLocale::formatLocaleTime"
    25142413#. +> trunk stable
    2515 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:361
     2414#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:375
    25162415msgid "Success."
    25172416msgstr "Uspješno."
    25192418#. +> trunk stable
    2520 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:368
     2419#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:382
    25212420msgid "Successfully finished."
    25222421msgstr "Uspješno završeno."
    25242423#. +> trunk stable
    2525 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:377
     2424#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:391
    25262425msgid "Canceled."
    25272426msgstr "Prekinuto."
    25292428#. +> trunk stable
    2530 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:380
     2429#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:394
    25312430msgid "Error."
    25322431msgstr "Pogreška."
    25342433#. +> trunk stable
    2535 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:382
     2434#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:396
    25362435msgid "Finished with errors"
    25372436msgstr "Završilo s pogreškama"
    25392438#. +> trunk stable
    2540 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:466
     2439#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:480
    25412440msgid "Do you really want to cancel?"
    25422441msgstr "Åœelite li zaista prekinuti?"
    25442443#. +> trunk stable
    2545 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:466
     2444#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:480
    25462445msgid "Cancel Confirmation"
    25472446msgstr "Potvrda prekida"
    25492448#. +> trunk
    2550 #: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:525
    2551 #, kde-format
    2552 #| msgid "Rem. Time"
     2449#: k3bjobprogressdialog.cpp:539
     2450#, kde-format
    25532451msgctxt "@info %1 is a duration formatted using KLocale::formatLocaleTime"
    25542452msgid "Remaining time: %1"
    25852483#: k3blsofwrapperdialog.cpp:73
    25862484#, kde-format
    2587 msgid ""
    2588 "<p>Device <b>'%1'</b> is already in use by other applications (<em>%2</em>).<"
    2589 "p>It is highly recommended to quit those before continuing. Otherwise K3b "
    2590 "might not be able to fully access the device.<p><em>Hint: Sometimes shutting "
    2591 "down an application does not happen instantly. In that case you might have to "
    2592 "use the '%3' button."
     2485msgid "<p>Device <b>'%1'</b> is already in use by other applications (<em>%2</em>).<p>It is highly recommended to quit those before continuing. Otherwise K3b might not be able to fully access the device.<p><em>Hint: Sometimes shutting down an application does not happen instantly. In that case you might have to use the '%3' button."
    25932486msgstr ""
    25962489#: k3blsofwrapperdialog.cpp:101
    25972490#, kde-format
    2598 msgid ""
    2599 "<p>Do you really want K3b to kill the following processes: <em>%1</em>?</p>"
     2491msgid "<p>Do you really want K3b to kill the following processes: <em>%1</em>?</p>"
    26002492msgstr "<p>Åœelite li zaista da K3b prekine sljedeće procese: <em>%1</em>?</p>"
    26832575#. +> trunk stable
    26842576#: k3bprojecttabwidget.cpp:82 projects/k3bprojectburndialog.cpp:61
    2685 #| msgid "&Project"
    26862577msgid "Project"
    26872578msgstr "Projekt"
    28262717#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:191
    28272718msgid "Make sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices."
    2828 msgstr ""
    2829 "Provjerite da li se izvrÅ¡ava servis HAL kojeg koristi K3b za pronalaÅŸenje "
    2830 "uređaja."
     2719msgstr "Provjerite da li se izvrÅ¡ava servis HAL kojeg koristi K3b za pronalaÅŸenje uređaja."
    28322721#. +> trunk stable
    28372726#. +> trunk stable
    28382727#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:200
    2839 msgid ""
    2840 "K3b did not find an optical writing device in your system. Thus, you will not "
    2841 "be able to burn CDs or DVDs. However, you can still use other K3b features "
    2842 "such as audio track extraction, audio transcoding or ISO9660 image creation."
     2728msgid "K3b did not find an optical writing device in your system. Thus, you will not be able to burn CDs or DVDs. However, you can still use other K3b features such as audio track extraction, audio transcoding or ISO9660 image creation."
    28432729msgstr ""
    28702756#. +> trunk stable
    28712757#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:219
    2872 msgid ""
    2873 "Although K3b supports all cdrtools versions since 1.10 it is highly "
    2874 "recommended to at least use version 2.0."
    2875 msgstr ""
    2876 "Iako K3b podrÅŸava sve inačice paketa cdrtools od 1.10, preporučeno je "
    2877 "koristiti barem inačicu 2.0."
     2758msgid "Although K3b supports all cdrtools versions since 1.10 it is highly recommended to at least use version 2.0."
     2759msgstr "Iako K3b podrÅŸava sve inačice paketa cdrtools od 1.10, preporučeno je koristiti barem inačicu 2.0."
    28792761#. +> trunk stable
    28912773#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:240
    28922774#, kde-format
    2893 msgid ""
    2894 "Since Linux kernel 2.6.8 %1 will not work when run suid root for security "
    2895 "reasons anymore."
     2775msgid "Since Linux kernel 2.6.8 %1 will not work when run suid root for security reasons anymore."
    28962776msgstr ""
    29042784#. +> trunk stable
    29052785#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:251
    2906 msgid ""
    2907 "It is highly recommended to configure cdrecord to run with root privileges, "
    2908 "as then cdrecord runs with high priority that increases the overall stability "
    2909 "of the burning process. As well as this, it allows the size of the burning "
    2910 "buffer to be changed, and a lot of user problems can be solved this way."
     2786msgid "It is highly recommended to configure cdrecord to run with root privileges, as then cdrecord runs with high priority that increases the overall stability of the burning process. As well as this, it allows the size of the burning buffer to be changed, and a lot of user problems can be solved this way."
    29112787msgstr ""
    29232799#. +> trunk stable
    29242800#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:276
    2925 msgid ""
    2926 "It is highly recommended to configure cdrdao to run with root privileges to "
    2927 "increase the overall stability of the burning process."
     2801msgid "It is highly recommended to configure cdrdao to run with root privileges to increase the overall stability of the burning process."
    29282802msgstr ""
    29302804#. +> trunk stable
    29312805#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:291
    2932 msgid ""
    2933 "K3b uses growisofs to actually write DVDs. Without growisofs you will not be "
    2934 "able to write DVDs. Make sure to install at least version 5.10."
    2935 msgstr ""
    2936 "K3b koristi growisofs za pisanje DVD-ova. Bez paketa growisofs neće biti u "
    2937 "mogućnosti zapisati DVD-ove. Pobrinite se da instalirate barem inačicu 5.10."
     2806msgid "K3b uses growisofs to actually write DVDs. Without growisofs you will not be able to write DVDs. Make sure to install at least version 5.10."
     2807msgstr "K3b koristi growisofs za pisanje DVD-ova. Bez paketa growisofs neće biti u mogućnosti zapisati DVD-ove. Pobrinite se da instalirate barem inačicu 5.10."
    29392809#. +> trunk stable
    29442814#. +> trunk stable
    29452815#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:300
    2946 msgid ""
    2947 "K3b needs at least growisofs version 5.10 to write DVDs. All older versions "
    2948 "will not work and K3b will refuse to use them."
     2816msgid "K3b needs at least growisofs version 5.10 to write DVDs. All older versions will not work and K3b will refuse to use them."
    29492817msgstr ""
    29582826#. +> trunk stable
    29592827#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:307
    2960 msgid ""
    2961 "K3b will not be able to copy DVDs on-the-fly or write a DVD+RW in multiple "
    2962 "sessions using a growisofs version older than 5.12."
     2828msgid "K3b will not be able to copy DVDs on-the-fly or write a DVD+RW in multiple sessions using a growisofs version older than 5.12."
    29632829msgstr ""
    29652831#. +> trunk stable
    29662832#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:315
    2967 msgid ""
    2968 "It is highly recommended to use growisofs 7.0 or higher. K3b will not be able "
    2969 "to write a DVD+RW in multiple sessions using a growisofs version older than 7."
    2970 "0."
     2833msgid "It is highly recommended to use growisofs 7.0 or higher. K3b will not be able to write a DVD+RW in multiple sessions using a growisofs version older than 7.0."
    29712834msgstr ""
    29782841#. +> trunk stable
    29792842#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:349
    2980 msgid ""
    2981 "K3b needs at least mkisofs version 1.14. Older versions may introduce "
    2982 "problems when creating data projects."
     2843msgid "K3b needs at least mkisofs version 1.14. Older versions may introduce problems when creating data projects."
    29832844msgstr ""
    29912852#. +> trunk stable
    29922853#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:375
    2993 msgid ""
    2994 "K3b is not able to unmount automounted devices. Thus, especially DVD+RW "
    2995 "rewriting might fail. There is no need to report this as a bug or feature "
    2996 "wish; it is not possible to solve this problem from within K3b."
     2854msgid "K3b is not able to unmount automounted devices. Thus, especially DVD+RW rewriting might fail. There is no need to report this as a bug or feature wish; it is not possible to solve this problem from within K3b."
    29972855msgstr ""
    29992857#. +> trunk stable
    30002858#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:379
    3001 msgid ""
    3002 "Replace the automounting entries in /etc/fstab with old-fashioned ones or use "
    3003 "a user-space mounting solution like pmount or ivman."
     2859msgid "Replace the automounting entries in /etc/fstab with old-fashioned ones or use a user-space mounting solution like pmount or ivman."
    30042860msgstr ""
    30112867#. +> trunk stable
    30122868#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:389
    3013 msgid ""
    3014 "Your kernel does not support writing without SCSI emulation but there is at "
    3015 "least one writer in your system not configured to use SCSI emulation."
     2869msgid "Your kernel does not support writing without SCSI emulation but there is at least one writer in your system not configured to use SCSI emulation."
    30162870msgstr ""
    30182872#. +> trunk stable
    30192873#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:393
    3020 msgid ""
    3021 "The best and recommended solution is to enable ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for "
    3022 "all devices. This way you will not have any problems. Be aware that you may "
    3023 "still enable DMA on ide-scsi emulated drives."
     2874msgid "The best and recommended solution is to enable ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for all devices. This way you will not have any problems. Be aware that you may still enable DMA on ide-scsi emulated drives."
    30242875msgstr ""
    30332884#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:410 k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:431
    30342885#, kde-format
    3035 msgid ""
    3036 "The configured version of %1 does not support writing to ATAPI devices "
    3037 "without SCSI emulation and there is at least one writer in your system not "
    3038 "configured to use SCSI emulation."
     2886msgid "The configured version of %1 does not support writing to ATAPI devices without SCSI emulation and there is at least one writer in your system not configured to use SCSI emulation."
    30392887msgstr ""
    30422890#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:415 k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:439
    30432891#, kde-format
    3044 msgid ""
    3045 "The best, and recommended, solution is to use ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for "
    3046 "all writer devices: this way you will not have any problems; or, you can "
    3047 "install (or select as the default) a more recent version of %1."
     2892msgid "The best, and recommended, solution is to use ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for all writer devices: this way you will not have any problems; or, you can install (or select as the default) a more recent version of %1."
    30482893msgstr ""
    30512896#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:414
    30522897#, kde-format
    3053 msgid ""
    3054 "The best and recommended solution is to enable ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for "
    3055 "all devices. This way you will not have any problems. Or you install (or "
    3056 "select as the default) a more recent version of %1."
     2898msgid "The best and recommended solution is to enable ide-scsi (SCSI emulation) for all devices. This way you will not have any problems. Or you install (or select as the default) a more recent version of %1."
    30572899msgstr ""
    30592901#. +> trunk stable
    30602902#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:437
    3061 msgid ""
    3062 "Install cdrdao >= 1.1.8 which supports writing to ATAPI devices directly."
    3063 msgstr ""
    3064 "Instalirajte cdrdao >= 1.1.8 koji podrÅŸava izravno pisanje u uređaje ATAPI."
     2903msgid "Install cdrdao >= 1.1.8 which supports writing to ATAPI devices directly."
     2904msgstr "Instalirajte cdrdao >= 1.1.8 koji podrÅŸava izravno pisanje u uređaje ATAPI."
    30662906#. +> trunk stable
    30672907#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:453
    3068 msgid ""
    3069 "K3b will not be able to write DVD-R Dual Layer media using a growisofs "
    3070 "version older than 6.0."
     2908msgid "K3b will not be able to write DVD-R Dual Layer media using a growisofs version older than 6.0."
    30712909msgstr ""
    30852923#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:468
    30862924#, kde-format
    3087 msgid ""
    3088 "K3b needs write access to all the devices to perform certain tasks. Without "
    3089 "it you might encounter problems with %1 - %2"
     2925msgid "K3b needs write access to all the devices to perform certain tasks. Without it you might encounter problems with %1 - %2"
    30902926msgstr ""
    30932929#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:470
    30942930#, kde-format
    3095 msgid ""
    3096 "Make sure you have write access to %1. In case you are not using devfs or "
    3097 "udev click \"Modify Permissions...\" and setup permissions by hand."
     2931msgid "Make sure you have write access to %1. In case you are not using devfs or udev click \"Modify Permissions...\" and setup permissions by hand."
    30982932msgstr ""
    31062940#. +> trunk stable
    31072941#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:477
    3108 msgid ""
    3109 "With most modern CD/DVD/BD devices enabling DMA highly increases read/write "
    3110 "performance. If you experience very low writing speeds this is probably the "
    3111 "cause."
     2942msgid "With most modern CD/DVD/BD devices enabling DMA highly increases read/write performance. If you experience very low writing speeds this is probably the cause."
    31122943msgstr ""
    31262957#. +> trunk stable
    31272958#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:496
    3128 msgid ""
    3129 "Sometimes it may be necessary to specify user parameters in addition to the "
    3130 "parameters generated by K3b. This is simply a warning to make sure that these "
    3131 "parameters are really wanted and will not be part of some bug report."
     2959msgid "Sometimes it may be necessary to specify user parameters in addition to the parameters generated by K3b. This is simply a warning to make sure that these parameters are really wanted and will not be part of some bug report."
    31322960msgstr ""
    31352963#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:499
    31362964#, kde-format
    3137 msgid ""
    3138 "To remove the user parameters for the external program %1 open the K3b "
    3139 "settings page 'Programs' and choose the tab 'User Parameters'."
     2965msgid "To remove the user parameters for the external program %1 open the K3b settings page 'Programs' and choose the tab 'User Parameters'."
    31402966msgstr ""
    31472973#. +> trunk stable
    31482974#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:521
    3149 msgid ""
    3150 "K3b could not load or find the MP3 decoder plugin. This means that you will "
    3151 "not be able to create Audio CDs from MP3 files. Many Linux distributions do "
    3152 "not include MP3 support for legal reasons."
     2975msgid "K3b could not load or find the MP3 decoder plugin. This means that you will not be able to create Audio CDs from MP3 files. Many Linux distributions do not include MP3 support for legal reasons."
    31532976msgstr ""
    31552978#. +> trunk stable
    31562979#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:524
    3157 msgid ""
    3158 "To enable MP3 support, please install the MAD MP3 decoding library as well as "
    3159 "the K3b MAD MP3 decoder plugin (the latter may already be installed but not "
    3160 "functional due to the missing libmad). Some distributions allow installation "
    3161 "of MP3 support via an online update tool."
     2980msgid "To enable MP3 support, please install the MAD MP3 decoding library as well as the K3b MAD MP3 decoder plugin (the latter may already be installed but not functional due to the missing libmad). Some distributions allow installation of MP3 support via an online update tool."
    31622981msgstr ""
    31692988#. +> trunk stable
    31702989#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:540
    3171 msgid ""
    3172 "Your system's locale charset (i.e. the charset used to encode filenames) is "
    3173 "set to ANSI_X3.4-1968. It is highly unlikely that this has been done "
    3174 "intentionally. Most likely the locale is not set at all. An invalid setting "
    3175 "will result in problems when creating data projects."
     2990msgid "Your system's locale charset (i.e. the charset used to encode filenames) is set to ANSI_X3.4-1968. It is highly unlikely that this has been done intentionally. Most likely the locale is not set at all. An invalid setting will result in problems when creating data projects."
    31762991msgstr ""
    31782993#. +> trunk stable
    31792994#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:544
    3180 msgid ""
    3181 "To properly set the locale charset make sure the LC_* environment variables "
    3182 "are set. Normally the distribution setup tools take care of this."
     2995msgid "To properly set the locale charset make sure the LC_* environment variables are set. Normally the distribution setup tools take care of this."
    31832996msgstr ""
    31903003#. +> trunk stable
    31913004#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:558
    3192 msgid ""
    3193 "It is not recommended to run K3b under the root user account. This introduces "
    3194 "unnecessary security risks."
     3005msgid "It is not recommended to run K3b under the root user account. This introduces unnecessary security risks."
    31953006msgstr ""
    31973008#. +> trunk stable
    31983009#: k3bsystemproblemdialog.cpp:560
    3199 msgid ""
    3200 "Run K3b from a proper user account and setup the device and external tool "
    3201 "permissions appropriately."
     3010msgid "Run K3b from a proper user account and setup the device and external tool permissions appropriately."
    32023011msgstr ""
    32293038#. +> trunk stable
    32303039#: k3btempdirselectionwidget.cpp:83
    3231 msgid ""
    3232 "<p>This is the folder in which K3b will save the <em>image files</em>.<p>"
    3233 "Please make sure that it resides on a partition that has enough free space."
    3234 msgstr ""
    3235 "<p>Ovo je mapa u koju će K3b spremati <em>datoteke preslika</em>.<p>Pobrinite "
    3236 "se da se nalazi na particiji koja ima dovoljnog slobodnog prostora."
     3040msgid "<p>This is the folder in which K3b will save the <em>image files</em>.<p>Please make sure that it resides on a partition that has enough free space."
     3041msgstr "<p>Ovo je mapa u koju će K3b spremati <em>datoteke preslika</em>.<p>Pobrinite se da se nalazi na particiji koja ima dovoljnog slobodnog prostora."
    32383043#. +> trunk stable
    33693174#. +> trunk stable
    33703175#: k3bwriterselectionwidget.cpp:173
    3371 msgid ""
    3372 "<p>Select the medium that you want to use for burning.<p>In most cases there "
    3373 "will only be one medium available which does not leave much choice."
     3176msgid "<p>Select the medium that you want to use for burning.<p>In most cases there will only be one medium available which does not leave much choice."
    33743177msgstr ""
    33763179#. +> trunk stable
    33773180#: k3bwriterselectionwidget.cpp:176
    3378 msgid ""
    3379 "<p>Select the speed with which you want to burn.<p><b>Auto</b><br>This will "
    3380 "choose the maximum writing speed possible with the used medium. This is the "
    3381 "recommended selection for most media.</p><p><b>Ignore</b> (DVD only)<br>This "
    3382 "will leave the speed selection to the writer device. Use this if K3b is "
    3383 "unable to set the writing speed.<p>1x refers to 175 KB/s for CD, 1385 KB/s "
    3384 "for DVD, and 4496 KB/s for Blu-ray.</p><p><b>Caution:</b> Make sure your "
    3385 "system is able to send the data fast enough to prevent buffer underruns."
     3181msgid "<p>Select the speed with which you want to burn.<p><b>Auto</b><br>This will choose the maximum writing speed possible with the used medium. This is the recommended selection for most media.</p><p><b>Ignore</b> (DVD only)<br>This will leave the speed selection to the writer device. Use this if K3b is unable to set the writing speed.<p>1x refers to 175 KB/s for CD, 1385 KB/s for DVD, and 4496 KB/s for Blu-ray.</p><p><b>Caution:</b> Make sure your system is able to send the data fast enough to prevent buffer underruns."
    33863182msgstr ""
    33883184#. +> trunk stable
    33893185#: k3bwriterselectionwidget.cpp:187
    3390 msgid ""
    3391 "<p>K3b uses the command line tools cdrecord, growisofs, and cdrdao to "
    3392 "actually write a CD or DVD.<p>Normally K3b chooses the best suited "
    3393 "application for every task automatically but in some cases it may be possible "
    3394 "that one of the applications does not work as intended with a certain writer. "
    3395 "In this case one may select the application manually."
     3186msgid "<p>K3b uses the command line tools cdrecord, growisofs, and cdrdao to actually write a CD or DVD.<p>Normally K3b chooses the best suited application for every task automatically but in some cases it may be possible that one of the applications does not work as intended with a certain writer. In this case one may select the application manually."
    33963187msgstr ""
    34143205#. +> trunk stable
    34153206#: k3bwriterselectionwidget.cpp:607
    3416 msgid ""
    3417 "<p>K3b is not able to perfectly determine the maximum writing speed of an "
    3418 "optical writer. Writing speed is always reported subject to the inserted "
    3419 "medium.<p>Please enter the writing speed here and K3b will remember it for "
    3420 "future sessions (Example: 16x)."
     3207msgid "<p>K3b is not able to perfectly determine the maximum writing speed of an optical writer. Writing speed is always reported subject to the inserted medium.<p>Please enter the writing speed here and K3b will remember it for future sessions (Example: 16x)."
    34213208msgstr ""
    34333220#. +> trunk stable
    34343221#: k3bwritingmodewidget.cpp:29
    3435 msgid ""
    3436 "<em>Disk At Once</em> or more properly <em>Session At Once</em>. The laser is "
    3437 "never turned off while writing the CD or DVD. This is the preferred mode to "
    3438 "write audio CDs since it allows pregaps other than 2 seconds. Not all writers "
    3439 "support DAO.<br>DVD-R(W)s written in DAO provide the best DVD-Video "
    3440 "compatibility."
     3222msgid "<em>Disk At Once</em> or more properly <em>Session At Once</em>. The laser is never turned off while writing the CD or DVD. This is the preferred mode to write audio CDs since it allows pregaps other than 2 seconds. Not all writers support DAO.<br>DVD-R(W)s written in DAO provide the best DVD-Video compatibility."
    34413223msgstr ""
    34433225#. +> trunk stable
    34443226#: k3bwritingmodewidget.cpp:35
    3445 msgid ""
    3446 "<em>Track At Once</em> should be supported by every CD writer. The laser will "
    3447 "be turned off after every track.<br>Most CD writers need this mode for "
    3448 "writing multisession CDs."
     3227msgid "<em>Track At Once</em> should be supported by every CD writer. The laser will be turned off after every track.<br>Most CD writers need this mode for writing multisession CDs."
    34493228msgstr ""
    34513230#. +> trunk stable
    34523231#: k3bwritingmodewidget.cpp:41
    3453 msgid ""
    3454 "RAW writing mode. The error correction data is created by the software "
    3455 "instead of the writer device.<br>Try this if your CD writer fails to write in "
    3456 "DAO and TAO."
     3232msgid "RAW writing mode. The error correction data is created by the software instead of the writer device.<br>Try this if your CD writer fails to write in DAO and TAO."
    34573233msgstr ""
    34593235#. +> trunk stable
    34603236#: k3bwritingmodewidget.cpp:45
    3461 msgid ""
    3462 "Incremental sequential is the default writing mode for DVD-R(W). It allows "
    3463 "multisession DVD-R(W)s. It only applies to DVD-R(W)."
     3237msgid "Incremental sequential is the default writing mode for DVD-R(W). It allows multisession DVD-R(W)s. It only applies to DVD-R(W)."
    34643238msgstr ""
    34663240#. +> trunk stable
    34673241#: k3bwritingmodewidget.cpp:48
    3468 msgid ""
    3469 "Restricted Overwrite allows to use a DVD-RW just like a DVD-RAM or a DVD+RW. "
    3470 "The media may just be overwritten. It is not possible to write multisession "
    3471 "DVD-RWs in this mode but K3b uses growisofs to grow an ISO9660 filesystem "
    3472 "within the first session, thus allowing new files to be added to an already "
    3473 "burned disk."
     3242msgid "Restricted Overwrite allows to use a DVD-RW just like a DVD-RAM or a DVD+RW. The media may just be overwritten. It is not possible to write multisession DVD-RWs in this mode but K3b uses growisofs to grow an ISO9660 filesystem within the first session, thus allowing new files to be added to an already burned disk."
    34743243msgstr ""
    34863255#. +> trunk stable
    34873256#: k3bwritingmodewidget.cpp:106
    3488 msgid ""
    3489 "Be aware that the writing mode is ignored when writing DVD+R(W) and BD-R(E) "
    3490 "since there is only one way to write them."
     3257msgid "Be aware that the writing mode is ignored when writing DVD+R(W) and BD-R(E) since there is only one way to write them."
    34913258msgstr ""
    35233290#. +> trunk stable
    35243291#: main.cpp:38
    3525 msgid ""
    3526 "<p>K3b is a full-featured CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning and ripping application.<br/>"
    3527 "It supports a variety of project types as well as copying of optical media, "
    3528 "burning of different types of images, and ripping Audio CDs, Video CDs, and "
    3529 "Video DVDs.<br/>Its convenient user interface is targeted at all audiences, "
    3530 "trying to be as simple as possible for novice users while also providing all "
    3531 "features an advanced user might need."
     3292msgid "<p>K3b is a full-featured CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning and ripping application.<br/>It supports a variety of project types as well as copying of optical media, burning of different types of images, and ripping Audio CDs, Video CDs, and Video DVDs.<br/>Its convenient user interface is targeted at all audiences, trying to be as simple as possible for novice users while also providing all features an advanced user might need."
    35323293msgstr ""
    37073468#. +> trunk stable
    37083469#: main.cpp:82
    3709 msgid ""
    3710 "For libsamplerate which is used for generic resampling in the audio decoder "
    3711 "framework."
     3470msgid "For libsamplerate which is used for generic resampling in the audio decoder framework."
    37123471msgstr ""
    37793538#. +> trunk stable
    37803539#: main.cpp:103
    3781 msgid ""
    3782 "Rob created a great theme and came up with the idea for transparent themes."
     3540msgid "Rob created a great theme and came up with the idea for transparent themes."
    37833541msgstr ""
    38853643#. +> trunk stable
    38863644#: main.cpp:129
    3887 msgid ""
    3888 "Set the device to be used for new projects. (This option has no effect: its "
    3889 "main purpose is to enable handling of empty media from the KDE Media Manager.)"
     3645msgid "Set the device to be used for new projects. (This option has no effect: its main purpose is to enable handling of empty media from the KDE Media Manager.)"
    38903646msgstr ""
    39513707#: misc/k3bimagewritingdialog.cpp:313
    39523708#, kde-format
    3953 #| msgid "Track"
    39543709msgid "One track"
    39553710msgid_plural "%1 tracks"
    39613716#: misc/k3bimagewritingdialog.cpp:796
    39623717#, kde-format
    3963 #| msgid "Track"
    39643718msgid "%1 track"
    39653719msgid_plural "%1 tracks"
    40583812#. +> trunk stable
    40593813#: misc/k3bimagewritingdialog.cpp:607
    4060 msgid ""
    4061 "<p><b>Image types supported by K3b:</p><p><b>Plain image</b><br/>Plain images "
    4062 "are written as is to the medium using a single data track. Typical plain "
    4063 "images are iso images as created by K3b's data project.<p><b>Cue/bin images<"
    4064 "/b><br/>Cue/bin images consist of a cue file describing the table of contents "
    4065 "of the medium and an image file which contains the actual data. The data will "
    4066 "be written to the medium according to the cue file.<p><b>Audio Cue image</b><"
    4067 "br/>Audio cue images are a special kind of cue/bin image containing an image "
    4068 "of an audio CD. The actual audio data can be encoded using any audio format "
    4069 "supported by K3b. Audio cue files can also be imported into K3b audio "
    4070 "projects which allows to change the order and add or remove tracks.<p><b>"
    4071 "Cdrecord clone images</b><br/>K3b creates a cdrecord clone image of a "
    4072 "single-session CD when copying a CD in clone mode. These images can be reused "
    4073 "here.<p><b>Cdrdao TOC files</b><br/>K3b supports writing cdrdao's own image "
    4074 "format, the toc files."
     3814msgid "<p><b>Image types supported by K3b:</p><p><b>Plain image</b><br/>Plain images are written as is to the medium using a single data track. Typical plain images are iso images as created by K3b's data project.<p><b>Cue/bin images</b><br/>Cue/bin images consist of a cue file describing the table of contents of the medium and an image file which contains the actual data. The data will be written to the medium according to the cue file.<p><b>Audio Cue image</b><br/>Audio cue images are a special kind of cue/bin image containing an image of an audio CD. The actual audio data can be encoded using any audio format supported by K3b. Audio cue files can also be imported into K3b audio projects which allows to change the order and add or remove tracks.<p><b>Cdrecord clone images</b><br/>K3b creates a cdrecord clone image of a single-session CD when copying a CD in clone mode. These images can be reused here.<p><b>Cdrdao TOC files</b><br/>K3b supports writing cdrdao's own image format, the toc files."
    40753815msgstr ""
    40773817#. +> trunk stable
    40783818#: misc/k3bimagewritingdialog.cpp:707
    4079 msgid ""
    4080 "<p>The actual file size does not match the size declared in the file header. "
    4081 "If it has been downloaded make sure the download is complete.</p><p>Only "
    4082 "continue if you know what you are doing.</p>"
     3819msgid "<p>The actual file size does not match the size declared in the file header. If it has been downloaded make sure the download is complete.</p><p>Only continue if you know what you are doing.</p>"
    40833820msgstr ""
    42373974#. +> trunk stable
    42383975#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:218
    4239 msgid ""
    4240 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will disable the source drive's ECC/EDC "
    4241 "error correction. This way sectors that are unreadable by intention can be "
    4242 "read.<p>This may be useful for cloning CDs with copy protection based on "
    4243 "corrupted sectors."
     3976msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will disable the source drive's ECC/EDC error correction. This way sectors that are unreadable by intention can be read.<p>This may be useful for cloning CDs with copy protection based on corrupted sectors."
    42443977msgstr ""
    42463979#. +> trunk stable
    42473980#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:223
    4248 msgid ""
    4249 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will search for CD-Text on the source CD. "
    4250 "Disable it if your CD drive has problems with reading CD-Text or you want to "
    4251 "stick to Cddb info."
     3981msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will search for CD-Text on the source CD. Disable it if your CD drive has problems with reading CD-Text or you want to stick to Cddb info."
    42523982msgstr ""
    42543984#. +> trunk stable
    42553985#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:226
    4256 msgid ""
    4257 "<p>If this option is checked and K3b is not able to read a data sector from "
    4258 "the source medium it will be replaced with zeros on the resulting copy."
     3986msgid "<p>If this option is checked and K3b is not able to read a data sector from the source medium it will be replaced with zeros on the resulting copy."
    42593987msgstr ""
    42613989#. +> trunk
    42623990#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:231
    4263 msgid ""
    4264 "<p>This is the normal copy mode for DVD, Blu-ray, and most CD media types. It "
    4265 "allows copying Audio CDs, multi and single session Data Media, and Enhanced "
    4266 "Audio CDs (an Audio CD containing an additional data session).<p>For Video "
    4267 "CDs please use the CD Cloning mode."
     3991msgid "<p>This is the normal copy mode for DVD, Blu-ray, and most CD media types. It allows copying Audio CDs, multi and single session Data Media, and Enhanced Audio CDs (an Audio CD containing an additional data session).<p>For Video CDs please use the CD Cloning mode."
    42683992msgstr ""
    42703994#. +> stable
    42713995#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:231
    4272 msgid ""
    4273 "<p>This is the normal copy mode for DVD, Blu-ray, and most CD media types. It "
    4274 "allows copying Audio CDs, multi and single session Data Media, and Enhanced "
    4275 "Audio CDs (an Audio CD containing an additional data session).<p>For VideoCDs "
    4276 "please use the CD Cloning mode."
     3996msgid "<p>This is the normal copy mode for DVD, Blu-ray, and most CD media types. It allows copying Audio CDs, multi and single session Data Media, and Enhanced Audio CDs (an Audio CD containing an additional data session).<p>For VideoCDs please use the CD Cloning mode."
    42773997msgstr ""
    42793999#. +> trunk
    42804000#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:236
    4281 msgid ""
    4282 "<p>In CD Cloning mode K3b performs a raw copy of the CD. That means it does "
    4283 "not care about the content but simply copies the CD bit by bit. It may be "
    4284 "used to copy Video CDs or CDs which contain erroneous sectors.<p><b>Caution:<"
    4285 "/b> Only single session CDs can be cloned."
     4001msgid "<p>In CD Cloning mode K3b performs a raw copy of the CD. That means it does not care about the content but simply copies the CD bit by bit. It may be used to copy Video CDs or CDs which contain erroneous sectors.<p><b>Caution:</b> Only single session CDs can be cloned."
    42864002msgstr ""
    42884004#. +> stable
    42894005#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:236
    4290 msgid ""
    4291 "<p>In CD Cloning mode K3b performs a raw copy of the CD. That means it does "
    4292 "not care about the content but simply copies the CD bit by bit. It may be "
    4293 "used to copy VideoCDs or CDs which contain erroneous sectors.<p><b>Caution:<"
    4294 "/b> Only single session CDs can be cloned."
     4006msgid "<p>In CD Cloning mode K3b performs a raw copy of the CD. That means it does not care about the content but simply copies the CD bit by bit. It may be used to copy VideoCDs or CDs which contain erroneous sectors.<p><b>Caution:</b> Only single session CDs can be cloned."
    42954007msgstr ""
    42974009#. +> trunk stable
    42984010#: misc/k3bmediacopydialog.cpp:273 projects/k3bprojectburndialog.cpp:213
    4299 msgid ""
    4300 "There does not seem to be enough free space in the temporary folder. Write "
    4301 "anyway?"
    4302 msgstr ""
    4303 "Čini se da nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora u privremenoj mapi. PiÅ¡em li "
    4304 "svejedno?"
     4011msgid "There does not seem to be enough free space in the temporary folder. Write anyway?"
     4012msgstr "Čini se da nema dovoljno slobodnog prostora u privremenoj mapi. PiÅ¡em li svejedno?"
    43064014#. +> trunk stable
    43514059#. +> trunk stable
    43524060#: misc/k3bmediaformattingdialog.cpp:88
    4353 msgid ""
    4354 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will format a DVD-RW even if it is empty. It "
    4355 "may also be used to force K3b to format a DVD+RW, BD-RE or a DVD-RW in "
    4356 "restricted overwrite mode.<p><b>Caution:</b> It is not recommended to format "
    4357 "a DVD often as it may become unusable after only 10-20 reformat procedures.<p>"
    4358 "DVD+RW and BD-RE media only needs to be formatted once. After that it just "
    4359 "needs to be overwritten. The same applies to DVD-RW in restricted overwrite "
    4360 "mode."
     4061msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will format a DVD-RW even if it is empty. It may also be used to force K3b to format a DVD+RW, BD-RE or a DVD-RW in restricted overwrite mode.<p><b>Caution:</b> It is not recommended to format a DVD often as it may become unusable after only 10-20 reformat procedures.<p>DVD+RW and BD-RE media only needs to be formatted once. After that it just needs to be overwritten. The same applies to DVD-RW in restricted overwrite mode."
    43614062msgstr ""
    43684069#. +> trunk stable
    43694070#: misc/k3bmediaformattingdialog.cpp:99
    4370 msgid ""
    4371 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will tell the writer to perform a quick "
    4372 "format.<p>Erasing a rewritable medium completely can take a very long time "
    4373 "and some writers perform a full format even if quick format is enabled."
     4071msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will tell the writer to perform a quick format.<p>Erasing a rewritable medium completely can take a very long time and some writers perform a full format even if quick format is enabled."
    43744072msgstr ""
    45554253#. +> trunk stable
    45564254#: option/base_k3bmiscoptiontab.ui:51
    4557 msgid ""
    4558 "<p>This is the default temporary directory. This is where K3b will store "
    4559 "temporary files such as iso images or decoded audio files.<p>Be aware that "
    4560 "the temporary directory may also be changed in every project burn dialog."
     4255msgid "<p>This is the default temporary directory. This is where K3b will store temporary files such as iso images or decoded audio files.<p>Be aware that the temporary directory may also be changed in every project burn dialog."
    45614256msgstr ""
    45764271#. +> trunk stable
    45774272#: option/base_k3bmiscoptiontab.ui:72
    4578 msgid ""
    4579 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will check the system configuration for any "
    4580 "problems on startup and when the user changes the settings."
     4273msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will check the system configuration for any problems on startup and when the user changes the settings."
    45814274msgstr ""
    46024295#. +> trunk
    46034296#: option/base_k3bmiscoptiontab.ui:91
    4604 msgid ""
    4605 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will display the progress in KDE "
    4606 "notification area. If K3b is run outside KDE environment a separate progress "
    4607 "window may be shown instead.</p>"
     4297msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will display the progress in KDE notification area. If K3b is run outside KDE environment a separate progress window may be shown instead.</p>"
    46084298msgstr ""
    46234313#. +> trunk stable
    46244314#: option/base_k3bmiscoptiontab.ui:104
    4625 msgid ""
    4626 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will hide the main window while displaying "
    4627 "the progress dialog."
     4315msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will hide the main window while displaying the progress dialog."
    46284316msgstr ""
    46314319#. +> stable
    46324320#: option/base_k3bmiscoptiontab.ui:83
    4633 msgid ""
    4634 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will display the progress in an OSD which "
    4635 "always stays on top of all other windows."
     4321msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will display the progress in an OSD which always stays on top of all other windows."
    46364322msgstr ""
    46634349#. +> trunk stable
    46644350#: option/base_k3bmiscoptiontab.ui:127
    4665 msgid ""
    4666 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will not close action dialogs such as the CD "
    4667 "Copy dialog after the process has been finished. It will be kept open to "
    4668 "start a new process, for instance, copying another CD."
     4351msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will not close action dialogs such as the CD Copy dialog after the process has been finished. It will be kept open to start a new process, for instance, copying another CD."
    46694352msgstr ""
    46964379#. +> trunk stable
    46974380#: option/base_k3bpluginoptiontab.ui:47 option/k3bpluginoptiontab.cpp:40
    4698 msgid ""
    4699 "<p>Here all <em>K3b Plugins</em> may be configured. Be aware that this does "
    4700 "not include the <em>KPart Plugins</em> which embed themselves in the K3b menu "
    4701 "structure.</p>"
     4381msgid "<p>Here all <em>K3b Plugins</em> may be configured. Be aware that this does not include the <em>KPart Plugins</em> which embed themselves in the K3b menu structure.</p>"
    47024382msgstr ""
    47854465#. +> trunk stable
    47864466#: option/k3badvancedoptiontab.cpp:100
    4787 msgid ""
    4788 "Show advanced GUI elements like allowing to choose between cdrecord and cdrdao"
    4789 msgstr ""
    4790 "PrikaÅŸi napredne elemente GUI-ja kao Å¡to su mogućnost odabira između alata "
    4791 "cdrecord i cdrdao"
     4467msgid "Show advanced GUI elements like allowing to choose between cdrecord and cdrdao"
     4468msgstr "PrikaÅŸi napredne elemente GUI-ja kao Å¡to su mogućnost odabira između alata cdrecord i cdrdao"
    47934470#. +> trunk stable
    48084485#. +> trunk stable
    48094486#: option/k3badvancedoptiontab.cpp:105
    4810 msgid ""
    4811 "<p>If this option is checked additional GUI elements which allow to influence "
    4812 "the behavior of K3b are shown. This includes the manual selection of the used "
    4813 "burning tool. (Choose between cdrecord and cdrdao when writing a CD or "
    4814 "between cdrecord and growisofs when writing a DVD/BD.)<p><b>Be aware that K3b "
    4815 "does not support all possible tools in all project types and actions.</b>"
     4487msgid "<p>If this option is checked additional GUI elements which allow to influence the behavior of K3b are shown. This includes the manual selection of the used burning tool. (Choose between cdrecord and cdrdao when writing a CD or between cdrecord and growisofs when writing a DVD/BD.)<p><b>Be aware that K3b does not support all possible tools in all project types and actions.</b>"
    48164488msgstr ""
    48184490#. +> trunk stable
    48194491#: option/k3badvancedoptiontab.cpp:113
    4820 msgid ""
    4821 "<p>Each medium has an official maximum capacity which is stored in a "
    4822 "read-only area of the medium and is guaranteed by the vendor. However, this "
    4823 "official maximum is not always the actual maximum. Many media have an actual "
    4824 "total capacity that is slightly larger than the official amount.<p>If this "
    4825 "option is checked K3b will disable a safety check that prevents burning "
    4826 "beyond the official capacity.<p><b>Caution:</b> Enabling this option can "
    4827 "cause failures in the end of the burning process if K3b attempts to write "
    4828 "beyond the official capacity. It makes sense to first determine the actual "
    4829 "maximum capacity of the media brand with a simulated burn."
     4492msgid "<p>Each medium has an official maximum capacity which is stored in a read-only area of the medium and is guaranteed by the vendor. However, this official maximum is not always the actual maximum. Many media have an actual total capacity that is slightly larger than the official amount.<p>If this option is checked K3b will disable a safety check that prevents burning beyond the official capacity.<p><b>Caution:</b> Enabling this option can cause failures in the end of the burning process if K3b attempts to write beyond the official capacity. It makes sense to first determine the actual maximum capacity of the media brand with a simulated burn."
    48304493msgstr ""
    48324495#. +> trunk stable
    48334496#: option/k3badvancedoptiontab.cpp:124
    4834 msgid ""
    4835 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will automatically erase CD-RWs and format "
    4836 "DVD-RWs if one is found instead of an empty media before writing."
     4497msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will automatically erase CD-RWs and format DVD-RWs if one is found instead of an empty media before writing."
    48374498msgstr ""
    48404501#: option/k3badvancedoptiontab.cpp:128
    48414502#, kde-format
    4842 msgid ""
    4843 "<p>K3b uses a software buffer during the burning process to avoid gaps in the "
    4844 "data stream due to high system load. The default sizes used are %1 MB for CD "
    4845 "and %2 MB for DVD burning.<p>If this option is checked the value specified "
    4846 "will be used for both CD and DVD burning."
     4503msgid "<p>K3b uses a software buffer during the burning process to avoid gaps in the data stream due to high system load. The default sizes used are %1 MB for CD and %2 MB for DVD burning.<p>If this option is checked the value specified will be used for both CD and DVD burning."
    48474504msgstr ""
    48494506#. +> trunk stable
    48504507#: option/k3badvancedoptiontab.cpp:134
    4851 msgid ""
    4852 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will not eject the medium once the burn "
    4853 "process finishes. This can be helpful in case one leaves the computer after "
    4854 "starting the burning and does not want the tray to be open all the time.<p>"
    4855 "However, on Linux systems a freshly burned medium has to be reloaded. "
    4856 "Otherwise the system will not detect the changes and still treat it as an "
    4857 "empty medium."
     4508msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will not eject the medium once the burn process finishes. This can be helpful in case one leaves the computer after starting the burning and does not want the tray to be open all the time.<p>However, on Linux systems a freshly burned medium has to be reloaded. Otherwise the system will not detect the changes and still treat it as an empty medium."
    48584509msgstr ""
    48604511#. +> trunk stable
    48614512#: option/k3badvancedoptiontab.cpp:140
    4862 msgid ""
    4863 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will continue in some situations which would "
    4864 "otherwise be deemed as unsafe.<p>This setting for example disables the check "
    4865 "for medium speed verification. Thus, one can force K3b to burn a high speed "
    4866 "medium on a low speed writer.<p><b>Caution:</b> Enabling this option may "
    4867 "result in damaged media."
     4513msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will continue in some situations which would otherwise be deemed as unsafe.<p>This setting for example disables the check for medium speed verification. Thus, one can force K3b to burn a high speed medium on a low speed writer.<p><b>Caution:</b> Enabling this option may result in damaged media."
    48684514msgstr ""
    48754521#. +> trunk stable
    48764522#: option/k3bdeviceoptiontab.cpp:45
    4877 msgid ""
    4878 "K3b tries to detect all your devices properly. If K3b is unable to detect "
    4879 "your drive, you need to modify their permissions to give K3b write access to "
    4880 "all devices."
     4523msgid "K3b tries to detect all your devices properly. If K3b is unable to detect your drive, you need to modify their permissions to give K3b write access to all devices."
    48814524msgstr ""
    49844627#. +> trunk stable
    49854628#: option/k3bexternalbinoptiontab.cpp:37
    4986 msgid ""
    4987 "Specify the paths to the external programs that K3b needs to work properly, "
    4988 "or press \"Search\" to let K3b search for the programs."
     4629msgid "Specify the paths to the external programs that K3b needs to work properly, or press \"Search\" to let K3b search for the programs."
    49894630msgstr ""
    50064647#. +> trunk
    50074648#: option/k3bexternalbinwidget.cpp:80
    5008 msgid ""
    5009 "<p>If K3b finds more than one installed version of a program it will choose "
    5010 "one as the <em>default</em>, which will be used to do the work. If you want "
    5011 "to change the default, check desired version on the list."
     4649msgid "<p>If K3b finds more than one installed version of a program it will choose one as the <em>default</em>, which will be used to do the work. If you want to change the default, check desired version on the list."
    50124650msgstr ""
    50144652#. +> stable
    50154653#: option/k3bexternalbinwidget.cpp:121
    5016 msgid ""
    5017 "<p>If K3b finds more than one installed version of a program it will choose "
    5018 "one as the <em>default</em>, which will be used to do the work. If you want "
    5019 "to change the default, select the desired version and press this button."
     4654msgid "<p>If K3b finds more than one installed version of a program it will choose one as the <em>default</em>, which will be used to do the work. If you want to change the default, select the desired version and press this button."
    50204655msgstr ""
    50434678#: option/k3bexternalbinwidget.cpp:115
    50444679#, fuzzy
    5045 msgid ""
    5046 "<qt><b>Hint:</b> to force K3b to use another than the default name for the "
    5047 "executable specify it in the search path.</qt>"
    5048 msgstr ""
    5049 "<qt><b>Savjet:</b> kako biste prisilili K3b na koriÅ¡tenje posebnog naziva "
    5050 "izvrÅ¡nog programa, navedite ga u putanji pretraÅŸivanja.</qt>"
     4680msgid "<qt><b>Hint:</b> to force K3b to use another than the default name for the executable specify it in the search path.</qt>"
     4681msgstr "<qt><b>Savjet:</b> kako biste prisilili K3b na koriÅ¡tenje posebnog naziva izvrÅ¡nog programa, navedite ga u putanji pretraÅŸivanja.</qt>"
    50524683#. +> stable
    50534684#: option/k3bexternalbinwidget.cpp:119
    5054 #| msgid "&Default"
    50554685msgid "Set Default"
    50564686msgstr "Postavi uobičajeno"
    50644694#: option/k3bexternalbinwidget.cpp:125
    50654695msgid "Use the 'Default' button to change the versions K3b should use."
    5066 msgstr ""
    5067 "Koristite gumb 'Zadano' kako biste promijenili inačice koje K3b treba "
    5068 "koristiti."
     4696msgstr "Koristite gumb 'Zadano' kako biste promijenili inačice koje K3b treba koristiti."
    50704698#. +> stable
    51054733#. +> trunk stable
    51064734#: option/k3bmiscoptiontab.cpp:56
    5107 msgid ""
    5108 "K3b handles three sets of settings in action dialogs (action dialogs include "
    5109 "the CD Copy dialog or the Audio CD project dialog):"
     4735msgid "K3b handles three sets of settings in action dialogs (action dialogs include the CD Copy dialog or the Audio CD project dialog):"
    51104736msgstr ""
    51124738#. +> trunk stable
    51134739#: option/k3bmiscoptiontab.cpp:59
    5114 msgid ""
    5115 "One of these sets is loaded once an action dialog is opened. This setting "
    5116 "defines which set it will be."
     4740msgid "One of these sets is loaded once an action dialog is opened. This setting defines which set it will be."
    51174741msgstr ""
    51424766#. +> trunk stable
    51434767#: option/k3bmiscoptiontab.cpp:128
    5144 msgid ""
    5145 "You specified a file for the temporary folder. K3b will use its base path as "
    5146 "the temporary folder."
     4768msgid "You specified a file for the temporary folder. K3b will use its base path as the temporary folder."
    51474769msgstr ""
    52874909#: option/k3bthemeoptiontab.cpp:186
    52884910#, kde-format
    5289 msgid ""
    5290 "<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the <strong>%1</strong> theme?<br><br>"
    5291 "This will delete the files installed by this theme.</qt>"
     4911msgid "<qt>Are you sure you want to remove the <strong>%1</strong> theme?<br><br>This will delete the files installed by this theme.</qt>"
    52924912msgstr ""
    53895009"<p>Set the ISO-9660 conformance level.\n"
    5391 "<li>Level 1: Files may only consist of one section and filenames are "
    5392 "restricted to 8.3 characters.</li>\n"
     5011"<li>Level 1: Files may only consist of one section and filenames are restricted to 8.3 characters.</li>\n"
    53935012"<li>Level 2: Files may only consist of one section.</li>\n"
    53945013"<li>Level 3: No restrictions.</li>\n"
    5396 "<p>With all ISO-9660 levels, all filenames are restricted to upper case "
    5397 "letters, numbers and the underscore (_). The maximum filename length is 31 "
    5398 "characters, the directory nesting level is restricted to 8 and the maximum "
    5399 "path length is limited to 255 characters. (These restrictions may be violated "
    5400 "with the additional ISO-9660 features K3b offers.)"
     5015"<p>With all ISO-9660 levels, all filenames are restricted to upper case letters, numbers and the underscore (_). The maximum filename length is 31 characters, the directory nesting level is restricted to 8 and the maximum path length is limited to 255 characters. (These restrictions may be violated with the additional ISO-9660 features K3b offers.)"
    54015016msgstr ""
    55085123#: projects/base_k3badvanceddataimagesettings.ui:239
    55095124msgid ""
    5510 "<p>If this option is checked, K3b will generate the System Use Sharing "
    5511 "Protocol records (SUSP) specified by the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol "
    5512 "(IEEE-P1282).\n"
    5513 "<p>Rock Ridge extends the ISO-9660 filesystem by features equal to the UNIX "
    5514 "filesystems (permissions, symbolic links, very long filenames, ...). It uses "
    5515 "ISO-8859 or UTF-16 based characters and allows 255 octets.\n"
    5516 "<p>Rock Ridge extensions are located at the end of each ISO-9660 directory "
    5517 "record. This makes the Rock Ridge tree closely coupled to the ISO-9660 tree.\n"
    5518 "<p><b>It is highly recommended to use Rock Ridge extensions on every data CD "
    5519 "or DVD.</b>"
     5125"<p>If this option is checked, K3b will generate the System Use Sharing Protocol records (SUSP) specified by the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol (IEEE-P1282).\n"
     5126"<p>Rock Ridge extends the ISO-9660 filesystem by features equal to the UNIX filesystems (permissions, symbolic links, very long filenames, ...). It uses ISO-8859 or UTF-16 based characters and allows 255 octets.\n"
     5127"<p>Rock Ridge extensions are located at the end of each ISO-9660 directory record. This makes the Rock Ridge tree closely coupled to the ISO-9660 tree.\n"
     5128"<p><b>It is highly recommended to use Rock Ridge extensions on every data CD or DVD.</b>"
    55205129msgstr ""
    55365145#: projects/base_k3badvanceddataimagesettings.ui:259
    55375146msgid ""
    5538 "<p>If this option is checked, K3b will add additional Joliet extensions to "
    5539 "the ISO-9660 file system.\n"
    5540 "<p>Joliet is not an accepted independent international standard like ISO-9660 "
    5541 "or Rock Ridge. It is mainly used on Windows systems.\n"
    5542 "<p>Joliet does not allow all characters, so the Joliet filenames are not "
    5543 "identical to the filenames on disk (as compared to Rock Ridge). Joliet has a "
    5544 "filename length limitation of 64 chars (independent from the character coding "
    5545 "and type e.g. European vs. Japanese). This is inconvenient, as modern file "
    5546 "systems all allow 255 characters per path name component.\n"
     5147"<p>If this option is checked, K3b will add additional Joliet extensions to the ISO-9660 file system.\n"
     5148"<p>Joliet is not an accepted independent international standard like ISO-9660 or Rock Ridge. It is mainly used on Windows systems.\n"
     5149"<p>Joliet does not allow all characters, so the Joliet filenames are not identical to the filenames on disk (as compared to Rock Ridge). Joliet has a filename length limitation of 64 chars (independent from the character coding and type e.g. European vs. Japanese). This is inconvenient, as modern file systems all allow 255 characters per path name component.\n"
    55475150"<p>Joliet uses UTF-16 coding.\n"
    5548 "<p><b>Caution:</b> With the exception of Linux and FreeBSD, there is no "
    5549 "POSIX-like OS that supports Joliet. So <b>never create Joliet-only CDs or "
    5550 "DVDs</b> for that reason."
     5151"<p><b>Caution:</b> With the exception of Linux and FreeBSD, there is no POSIX-like OS that supports Joliet. So <b>never create Joliet-only CDs or DVDs</b> for that reason."
    55515152msgstr ""
    55675168#: projects/base_k3badvanceddataimagesettings.ui:273
    55685169msgid ""
    5569 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will create UDF filesystem structures in "
    5570 "addition to the ISO9660 filesystem.\n"
    5571 "<p>The UDF (<em><b>U</b>niversal <b>D</b>isk <b>F</b>ormat</em>) is mainly "
    5572 "used for DVDs."
     5170"<p>If this option is checked K3b will create UDF filesystem structures in addition to the ISO9660 filesystem.\n"
     5171"<p>The UDF (<em><b>U</b>niversal <b>D</b>isk <b>F</b>ormat</em>) is mainly used for DVDs."
    55735172msgstr ""
    55905189#: projects/base_k3badvanceddataimagesettings.ui:293
    55915190msgid ""
    5592 "<p>If this option is checked, all files in the resulting file system will "
    5593 "have exactly the same permissions as the source files. (Otherwise, all files "
    5594 "will have equal permissions and be owned by root).\n"
    5595 "<p>This is mainly useful for backups.<p><b>Caution:</b> The permissions may "
    5596 "not make much sense on other file systems; for example, if a user that owns a "
    5597 "file on the CD or DVD does not exist."
     5191"<p>If this option is checked, all files in the resulting file system will have exactly the same permissions as the source files. (Otherwise, all files will have equal permissions and be owned by root).\n"
     5192"<p>This is mainly useful for backups.<p><b>Caution:</b> The permissions may not make much sense on other file systems; for example, if a user that owns a file on the CD or DVD does not exist."
    55985193msgstr ""
    57185313msgid ""
    5720 "<p>If this option is checked K3b uses some otherwise unused space on the "
    5721 "Audio CD to store additional information, such as the artist's name or the CD "
    5722 "title.\n"
     5315"<p>If this option is checked K3b uses some otherwise unused space on the Audio CD to store additional information, such as the artist's name or the CD title.\n"
    57235316"<p>CD-Text is an extension to the audio CD standard introduced by Sony.\n"
    5724 "<p>CD-Text will only be usable on CD players that support this extension "
    5725 "(mostly car CD players) and software like K3b, of course.\n"
    5726 "<p>Since a CD-Text-enhanced Audio CD will work in any Hifi CD or DVD player "
    5727 "even if the player does not support CD-Text explicitly, enabling it is never "
    5728 "a bad idea (just remember to fill in the CD-Text information)."
     5317"<p>CD-Text will only be usable on CD players that support this extension (mostly car CD players) and software like K3b, of course.\n"
     5318"<p>Since a CD-Text-enhanced Audio CD will work in any Hifi CD or DVD player even if the player does not support CD-Text explicitly, enabling it is never a bad idea (just remember to fill in the CD-Text information)."
    57295319msgstr ""
    57745364#. +> trunk stable
    57755365#: projects/base_k3baudiotrackwidget.ui:176
    5776 msgid ""
    5777 "<p>Preemphasis is mainly used in audio processing. Higher frequencies in "
    5778 "audio signals usually have lower amplitudes. This can lead to bad signal "
    5779 "quality on noisy transmission because the high frequencies might become too "
    5780 "weak. To avoid this effect, high frequencies are amplified before "
    5781 "transmission (preemphasis); the receiver will then weaken them accordingly "
    5782 "for playback."
     5366msgid "<p>Preemphasis is mainly used in audio processing. Higher frequencies in audio signals usually have lower amplitudes. This can lead to bad signal quality on noisy transmission because the high frequencies might become too weak. To avoid this effect, high frequencies are amplified before transmission (preemphasis); the receiver will then weaken them accordingly for playback."
    57835367msgstr ""
    58065390msgid ""
    58075391"<p>On an audio CD each track (except for the last) can have a post-gap.\n"
    5808 "This does not mean that K3b adds an additional gap of silence to the track. "
    5809 "This setting simply influences the display on a Hifi audio CD player. The "
    5810 "part of an audio track that is marked as post-gap is counted backwards.\n"
    5811 "<p>This setting is irrelevant for most users as modern CD burners can put "
    5812 "arbitrary audio data in the post-gap when burning in DAO mode.\n"
    5813 "<p><i>In other CD-burning applications the post-gap might be called the "
    5814 "pre-gap. The pre-gap of track 2 is the same as the post-gap of track 1.\n"
     5392"This does not mean that K3b adds an additional gap of silence to the track. This setting simply influences the display on a Hifi audio CD player. The part of an audio track that is marked as post-gap is counted backwards.\n"
     5393"<p>This setting is irrelevant for most users as modern CD burners can put arbitrary audio data in the post-gap when burning in DAO mode.\n"
     5394"<p><i>In other CD-burning applications the post-gap might be called the pre-gap. The pre-gap of track 2 is the same as the post-gap of track 1.\n"
    58155395"<p><b>Changing the post-gap does not change the length of the track.</b>\n"
    5816 "<p><b>When writing in TAO writing mode (not recommended for Audio CDs) the "
    5817 "post-gap will most likely be muted and on some burners forced to 2 seconds.<"
    5818 "/b>"
     5396"<p><b>When writing in TAO writing mode (not recommended for Audio CDs) the post-gap will most likely be muted and on some burners forced to 2 seconds.</b>"
    58195397msgstr ""
    59995577#: projects/base_k3bdataimagesettings.ui:105
    60005578msgid ""
    6001 "<p>K3b can create ISO9660 filesystems that contain symlinks if the Rock Ridge "
    6002 "extensions are enabled (they are by default). You can change the way symlinks "
    6003 "are handled in a K3b project.\n"
     5579"<p>K3b can create ISO9660 filesystems that contain symlinks if the Rock Ridge extensions are enabled (they are by default). You can change the way symlinks are handled in a K3b project.\n"
    60055581"<p><b>No Change</b><br>\n"
    60085584"<p><b>Discard broken symlinks</b><br>\n"
    6009 "K3b will discard all symbolic links that do not point to a file inside the "
    6010 "project. That includes all links to absolute paths like "
    6011 "'/home/myhome/testfile'.\n"
     5585"K3b will discard all symbolic links that do not point to a file inside the project. That includes all links to absolute paths like '/home/myhome/testfile'.\n"
    60135587"<p><b>Discard all symlinks</b><br>\n"
    6014 "K3b will discard all symbolic links that have been added to the project; "
    6015 "meaning that the resulting file system will have no links at all.\n"
     5588"K3b will discard all symbolic links that have been added to the project; meaning that the resulting file system will have no links at all.\n"
    60175590"<p><b>Follow symlinks</b><br>\n"
    6018 "Each symbolic link in the project will be replaced with the contents of the "
    6019 "file it is pointing to. Thus, the resulting filesystem will not contain any "
    6020 "symbolic links.<br>\n"
    6021 "Be aware that in case Rock Ridge extensions are disabled (which is not "
    6022 "recommended) symbolic links are always followed because ISO9660 does not "
    6023 "support symbolic links.\n"
     5591"Each symbolic link in the project will be replaced with the contents of the file it is pointing to. Thus, the resulting filesystem will not contain any symbolic links.<br>\n"
     5592"Be aware that in case Rock Ridge extensions are disabled (which is not recommended) symbolic links are always followed because ISO9660 does not support symbolic links.\n"
    60255594"<p><b>Caution:</b> Symbolic links require Rock Ridge extensions."
    60705639msgid ""
    60715640"<p><b>No Change</b><br>\n"
    6072 "If this option is checked, K3b will leave all spaces in filenames as they are."
    6073 "\n"
     5641"If this option is checked, K3b will leave all spaces in filenames as they are.\n"
    6075 "If this option is checked, K3b will remove all spaces from all filenames.<br>"
    6076 "\n"
     5643"If this option is checked, K3b will remove all spaces from all filenames.<br>\n"
    60775644"Example: 'my good file.ext' becomes 'mygoodfile.ext'\n"
    60785645"<p><b>Extended Strip</b><br>\n"
    6079 "If this option is checked K3b will remove all spaces in all filenames and "
    6080 "capitalize all letters following a space.<br>\n"
     5646"If this option is checked K3b will remove all spaces in all filenames and capitalize all letters following a space.<br>\n"
    60815647"Example: 'my good file.ext' becomes 'myGoodFile.ext'\n"
    6083 "If this option is checked, K3b will replace all spaces in all filenames with "
    6084 "the specified characters.<br>\n"
     5649"If this option is checked, K3b will replace all spaces in all filenames with the specified characters.<br>\n"
    60855650"Example: 'my good file.ext' becomes 'my_good_file.ext'"
    60865651msgstr ""
    62505815#. +> trunk stable
    62515816#: projects/base_k3bmovixoptionswidget.ui:59
    6252 msgid ""
    6253 "<p>If this option is checked the order in which the files are played is "
    6254 "determined randomly every time it is played."
     5817msgid "<p>If this option is checked the order in which the files are played is determined randomly every time it is played."
    62555818msgstr ""
    62705833#. +> trunk stable
    62715834#: projects/base_k3bmovixoptionswidget.ui:72
    6272 msgid ""
    6273 "<p>If this option is checked the resulting eMovix CD/DVD will not use DMA for "
    6274 "accessing the drive. This will slow down reading from the CD/DVD but may be "
    6275 "necessary on some systems that do not support DMA.</p>"
     5835msgid "<p>If this option is checked the resulting eMovix CD/DVD will not use DMA for accessing the drive. This will slow down reading from the CD/DVD but may be necessary on some systems that do not support DMA.</p>"
    62765836msgstr ""
    63615921msgid ""
    63625922"<p><b>Audio Player Background</b>\n"
    6363 "<p>During audio playback normally the screen would be black. However, if a "
    6364 "background movie has been selected, eMovix will display it during playback.\n"
    6365 "<p>Additional background movies can be installed. However, this is not as "
    6366 "simple as a few mouse clicks. The background movies are stored in the emovix "
    6367 "shared data folder (mostly <i>/usr/share/emovix</i> or <i>"
    6368 "/usr/local/share/emovix</i>) under <em>backgrounds</em>. So to add a "
    6369 "background one has to copy the file to that folder."
     5923"<p>During audio playback normally the screen would be black. However, if a background movie has been selected, eMovix will display it during playback.\n"
     5924"<p>Additional background movies can be installed. However, this is not as simple as a few mouse clicks. The background movies are stored in the emovix shared data folder (mostly <i>/usr/share/emovix</i> or <i>/usr/local/share/emovix</i>) under <em>backgrounds</em>. So to add a background one has to copy the file to that folder."
    63705925msgstr ""
    64115966msgid ""
    64125967"<p><b>eMovix Boot Labels</b>\n"
    6413 "<p>eMovix provides a variety of different boot configurations which can be "
    6414 "selected at boot time via a boot label (comparable to Lilo or Grub). The many "
    6415 "different boot configurations mainly influence the Video output.\n"
    6416 "<p>The <b>default</b>, <b>movix</b>, or <b>MoviX</b> labels start a general "
    6417 "Vesa video driver.\n"
    6418 "<p>The <b>TV</b> labels can be used to direct video to the TV output of the "
    6419 "graphic board. eMovix provides TVout drivers for different brands of graphic "
    6420 "boards.\n"
    6421 "<p>The <b>FB</b> labels refer to configurations that start a Frame Buffer "
    6422 "driver in different screen resolutions.\n"
    6423 "<p>The <b>AA</b> labels make eMovix output the video through the ASCII-Art "
    6424 "library which displays the picture in text mode through the usage of simple "
    6425 "ASCII characters.\n"
    6426 "<p>The <b>hd</b> label makes eMovix boot from the local harddisk instead of "
    6427 "the medium. This can be used to prevent accidental starting of an eMovix "
    6428 "medium.\n"
    6429 "<p>The <b>floppy</b> label makes eMovix boot from the local floppy drive "
    6430 "instead of the medium."
     5968"<p>eMovix provides a variety of different boot configurations which can be selected at boot time via a boot label (comparable to Lilo or Grub). The many different boot configurations mainly influence the Video output.\n"
     5969"<p>The <b>default</b>, <b>movix</b>, or <b>MoviX</b> labels start a general Vesa video driver.\n"
     5970"<p>The <b>TV</b> labels can be used to direct video to the TV output of the graphic board. eMovix provides TVout drivers for different brands of graphic boards.\n"
     5971"<p>The <b>FB</b> labels refer to configurations that start a Frame Buffer driver in different screen resolutions.\n"
     5972"<p>The <b>AA</b> labels make eMovix output the video through the ASCII-Art library which displays the picture in text mode through the usage of simple ASCII characters.\n"
     5973"<p>The <b>hd</b> label makes eMovix boot from the local harddisk instead of the medium. This can be used to prevent accidental starting of an eMovix medium.\n"
     5974"<p>The <b>floppy</b> label makes eMovix boot from the local floppy drive instead of the medium."
    64315975msgstr ""
    64405984#. +> trunk stable
    64415985#: projects/base_k3bmovixoptionswidget.ui:232
    6442 msgid ""
    6443 "<p>The keyboard layout selected here will be used for eMovix commands such as "
    6444 "controlling the media player."
     5986msgid "<p>The keyboard layout selected here will be used for eMovix commands such as controlling the media player."
    64455987msgstr ""
    64606002#. +> trunk stable
    64616003#: projects/base_k3bmovixoptionswidget.ui:257
    6462 msgid ""
    6463 "<p>If this option is checked the disk will be ejected after MPlayer has "
    6464 "finished."
     6004msgid "<p>If this option is checked the disk will be ejected after MPlayer has finished."
    64656005msgstr ""
    64806020#. +> trunk stable
    64816021#: projects/base_k3bmovixoptionswidget.ui:270
    6482 msgid ""
    6483 "<p>If this option is checked the PC will be shut down after MPlayer has "
    6484 "finished playing."
     6022msgid "<p>If this option is checked the PC will be shut down after MPlayer has finished playing."
    64856023msgstr ""
    65006038#. +> trunk stable
    65016039#: projects/base_k3bmovixoptionswidget.ui:283
    6502 msgid ""
    6503 "<p>If this option is checked the PC will be rebooted after MPlayer has "
    6504 "finished playing."
     6040msgid "<p>If this option is checked the PC will be rebooted after MPlayer has finished playing."
    65056041msgstr ""
    65476083#. +> trunk stable
    65486084#: projects/k3baudioburndialog.cpp:119
    6549 msgid ""
    6550 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will <em>hide</em> the first track.<p>The "
    6551 "audio CD standard uses pregaps before every track on the CD. By default these "
    6552 "last for 2 seconds and are silent. In DAO mode it is possible to have longer "
    6553 "pregaps that contain some audio. In this case the first pregap will contain "
    6554 "the complete first track.<p>You will need to seek back from the beginning of "
    6555 "the CD to listen to the first track. Try it, it is quite amusing.<p><b>This "
    6556 "feature is only available in DAO mode when writing with cdrdao."
     6085msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will <em>hide</em> the first track.<p>The audio CD standard uses pregaps before every track on the CD. By default these last for 2 seconds and are silent. In DAO mode it is possible to have longer pregaps that contain some audio. In this case the first pregap will contain the complete first track.<p>You will need to seek back from the beginning of the CD to listen to the first track. Try it, it is quite amusing.<p><b>This feature is only available in DAO mode when writing with cdrdao."
    65576086msgstr ""
    65596088#. +> trunk stable
    65606089#: projects/k3baudioburndialog.cpp:286 projects/k3bmixedburndialog.cpp:288
    6561 msgid ""
    6562 "<p><b>External program <em>normalize</em> is not installed.</b><p>K3b uses <"
    6563 "em>normalize</em> ( to normalize audio tracks. "
    6564 "In order to use this functionality, please install it first."
     6090msgid "<p><b>External program <em>normalize</em> is not installed.</b><p>K3b uses <em>normalize</em> ( to normalize audio tracks. In order to use this functionality, please install it first."
    65656091msgstr ""
    65686094#: projects/k3baudioburndialog.cpp:293 projects/k3baudioburndialog.cpp:312
    65696095#: projects/k3bmixedburndialog.cpp:295 projects/k3bmixedburndialog.cpp:314
    6570 msgid ""
    6571 "<p>K3b is not able to normalize audio tracks when burning on-the-fly. The "
    6572 "external program used for this task only supports normalizing a set of audio "
    6573 "files."
     6096msgid "<p>K3b is not able to normalize audio tracks when burning on-the-fly. The external program used for this task only supports normalizing a set of audio files."
    65746097msgstr ""
    66116134#. +> trunk stable
    66126135#: projects/k3baudiodatasourceeditwidget.cpp:62
    6613 msgid ""
    6614 "Drag the edges of the highlighted area to define the portion of the audio "
    6615 "source you want to include in the Audio CD track. You can also use the input "
    6616 "windows to fine-tune your selection."
     6136msgid "Drag the edges of the highlighted area to define the portion of the audio source you want to include in the Audio CD track. You can also use the input windows to fine-tune your selection."
    66176137msgstr ""
    66936213#. +> trunk stable
    66946214#: projects/k3baudiotrackaddingdialog.cpp:93
    6695 msgid ""
    6696 "You may manually convert these audio files to wave using another application "
    6697 "supporting the audio format and then add the wave files to the K3b project."
     6215msgid "You may manually convert these audio files to wave using another application supporting the audio format and then add the wave files to the K3b project."
    66986216msgstr ""
    69286446#. +> trunk stable
    69296447#: projects/k3bbootimageview.cpp:108
    6930 msgid ""
    6931 "<p>The file you selected is not a floppy image (floppy images are of size "
    6932 "1200 KB, 1440 KB, or 2880 KB). You may still use boot images of other sizes "
    6933 "by emulating a harddisk or disabling emulation completely. <p>If you are not "
    6934 "familiar with terms like 'harddisk emulation' you most likely want to use a "
    6935 "floppy image here. Floppy images can be created by directly extracting them "
    6936 "from a real floppy disk:<pre>dd if=/dev/floppy of=/tmp/floppy.img</pre>or by "
    6937 "using one of the many boot floppy generators that can be found on <a "
    6938 "href=\"\">"
    6939 "the Internet</a>."
     6448msgid "<p>The file you selected is not a floppy image (floppy images are of size 1200 KB, 1440 KB, or 2880 KB). You may still use boot images of other sizes by emulating a harddisk or disabling emulation completely. <p>If you are not familiar with terms like 'harddisk emulation' you most likely want to use a floppy image here. Floppy images can be created by directly extracting them from a real floppy disk:<pre>dd if=/dev/floppy of=/tmp/floppy.img</pre>or by using one of the many boot floppy generators that can be found on <a href=\"\">the Internet</a>."
    69406449msgstr ""
    70156524#. +> trunk stable
    70166525#: projects/k3bdataburndialog.cpp:262
    7017 msgid ""
    7018 "It is not possible to write multisession media in DAO mode. Multisession has "
    7019 "been disabled."
     6526msgid "It is not possible to write multisession media in DAO mode. Multisession has been disabled."
    70206527msgstr ""
    70556562#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:98
    70566563#, fuzzy
    7057 msgctxt ""
    7058 "This is the default volume identifier of a data project created by K3b. The "
    7059 "string should not be longer than 16 characters to avoid warnings regarding "
    7060 "Joiliet extensions which induce this restriction."
     6564msgctxt "This is the default volume identifier of a data project created by K3b. The string should not be longer than 16 characters to avoid warnings regarding Joiliet extensions which induce this restriction."
    70616565msgid "K3b data project"
    70626566msgstr "Quanta projekt"
    70646568#. +> trunk stable
    70656569#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:152
    7066 msgid ""
    7067 "<p><b>File System Presets</b><p>K3b provides the following file system "
    7068 "Presets which allow for a quick selection of the most frequently used "
    7069 "settings."
     6570msgid "<p><b>File System Presets</b><p>K3b provides the following file system Presets which allow for a quick selection of the most frequently used settings."
    70706571msgstr ""
    70726573#. +> trunk stable
    70736574#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:156
    7074 msgid ""
    7075 "The file system is optimized for usage on Linux/Unix systems. This mainly "
    7076 "means that it uses the Rock Ridge extensions to provide long filenames, "
    7077 "symbolic links, and POSIX compatible file permissions."
     6575msgid "The file system is optimized for usage on Linux/Unix systems. This mainly means that it uses the Rock Ridge extensions to provide long filenames, symbolic links, and POSIX compatible file permissions."
    70786576msgstr ""
    70806578#. +> trunk stable
    70816579#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:160
    7082 msgid ""
    7083 "In addition to the settings for Linux/Unix the file system contains a Joliet "
    7084 "tree which allows for long file names on Windows which does not support the "
    7085 "Rock Ridge extensions. Be aware that the file name length is restricted to "
    7086 "103 characters."
     6580msgid "In addition to the settings for Linux/Unix the file system contains a Joliet tree which allows for long file names on Windows which does not support the Rock Ridge extensions. Be aware that the file name length is restricted to 103 characters."
    70876581msgstr ""
    70896583#. +> trunk stable
    70906584#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:164
    7091 msgid ""
    7092 "The file system has additional UDF entries attached to it. This raises the "
    7093 "maximal file size to 4 GB. Be aware that the UDF support in K3b is limited."
     6585msgid "The file system has additional UDF entries attached to it. This raises the maximal file size to 4 GB. Be aware that the UDF support in K3b is limited."
    70946586msgstr ""
    70966588#. +> trunk stable
    70976589#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:167
    7098 msgid ""
    7099 "The file system is optimized for compatibility with old systems. That means "
    7100 "file names are restricted to 8.3 characters and no symbolic links or file "
    7101 "permissions are supported."
     6590msgid "The file system is optimized for compatibility with old systems. That means file names are restricted to 8.3 characters and no symbolic links or file permissions are supported."
    71026591msgstr ""
    71306619#. +> trunk stable
    71316620#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:247
    7132 msgid ""
    7133 "<p>Be aware that it is not recommended to disable the Rock Ridge Extensions. "
    7134 "There is no disadvantage in enabling Rock Ridge (except for a very small "
    7135 "space overhead) but a lot of advantages.<p>Without Rock Ridge Extensions "
    7136 "symbolic links are not supported and will always be followed as if the "
    7137 "\"Follow Symbolic Links\" option was enabled."
     6621msgid "<p>Be aware that it is not recommended to disable the Rock Ridge Extensions. There is no disadvantage in enabling Rock Ridge (except for a very small space overhead) but a lot of advantages.<p>Without Rock Ridge Extensions symbolic links are not supported and will always be followed as if the \"Follow Symbolic Links\" option was enabled."
    71386622msgstr ""
    71456629#. +> trunk stable
    71466630#: projects/k3bdataimagesettingswidget.cpp:259
    7147 msgid ""
    7148 "<p>Be aware that without the Joliet extensions Windows systems will not be "
    7149 "able to display long filenames. You will only see the ISO9660 filenames.<p>If "
    7150 "you do not intend to use the CD/DVD on a Windows system it is safe to disable "
    7151 "Joliet."
     6631msgid "<p>Be aware that without the Joliet extensions Windows systems will not be able to display long filenames. You will only see the ISO9660 filenames.<p>If you do not intend to use the CD/DVD on a Windows system it is safe to disable Joliet."
    71526632msgstr ""
    71646644#. +> trunk stable
    71656645#: projects/k3bdatamultisessioncombobox.cpp:37
    7166 msgid ""
    7167 "<p><b>Multisession Mode</b><p><b>Auto</b><br>Let K3b decide which mode to use."
    7168 " The decision will be based on the size of the project (does it fill the "
    7169 "whole media) and the state of the inserted media (appendable or not).<p><b>No "
    7170 "Multisession</b><br>Create a single-session CD or DVD and close the disk.<p><"
    7171 "b>Start Multisession</b><br>Start a multisession CD or DVD, not closing the "
    7172 "disk to allow further sessions to be appended.<p><b>Continue Multisession</b>"
    7173 "<br>Continue an appendable data CD (as for example created in <em>Start "
    7174 "Multisession</em> mode) and add another session without closing the disk to "
    7175 "allow further sessions to be appended.<p><b>Finish Multisession</b><br>"
    7176 "Continue an appendable data CD (as for example created in <em>Start "
    7177 "Multisession</em> mode), add another session, and close the disk.<p><em>In "
    7178 "the case of DVD+RW and DVD-RW restricted overwrite media K3b will not "
    7179 "actually create multiple sessions but grow the file system to include the new "
    7180 "data.</em>"
     6646msgid "<p><b>Multisession Mode</b><p><b>Auto</b><br>Let K3b decide which mode to use. The decision will be based on the size of the project (does it fill the whole media) and the state of the inserted media (appendable or not).<p><b>No Multisession</b><br>Create a single-session CD or DVD and close the disk.<p><b>Start Multisession</b><br>Start a multisession CD or DVD, not closing the disk to allow further sessions to be appended.<p><b>Continue Multisession</b><br>Continue an appendable data CD (as for example created in <em>Start Multisession</em> mode) and add another session without closing the disk to allow further sessions to be appended.<p><b>Finish Multisession</b><br>Continue an appendable data CD (as for example created in <em>Start Multisession</em> mode), add another session, and close the disk.<p><em>In the case of DVD+RW and DVD-RW restricted overwrite media K3b will not actually create multiple sessions but grow the file system to include the new data.</em>"
    71816647msgstr ""
    72036669#. +> trunk stable
    72046670#: projects/k3bdatamultisessionimportdialog.cpp:98
    7205 msgid ""
    7206 "<p>K3b found session containing Joliet information for long filenames but no "
    7207 "Rock Ridge extensions.<p>The filenames in the imported session will be "
    7208 "converted to a restricted character set in the new session. This character "
    7209 "set is based on the ISO9660 settings in the K3b project. K3b is not able to "
    7210 "display these converted filenames yet."
     6671msgid "<p>K3b found session containing Joliet information for long filenames but no Rock Ridge extensions.<p>The filenames in the imported session will be converted to a restricted character set in the new session. This character set is based on the ISO9660 settings in the K3b project. K3b is not able to display these converted filenames yet."
    72116672msgstr ""
    73546815#. +> trunk stable
    73556816#: projects/k3bdatapropertiesdialog.cpp:165
    7356 msgid ""
    7357 "<p>If this option is checked, the file or folder (and its entire contents) "
    7358 "will be hidden on the ISO9660 and RockRidge filesystem.</p><p>This is useful, "
    7359 "for example, for having different README files for RockRidge and Joliet, "
    7360 "which can be managed by hiding README.joliet on RockRidge and README.rr on "
    7361 "the Joliet filesystem.</p>"
     6817msgid "<p>If this option is checked, the file or folder (and its entire contents) will be hidden on the ISO9660 and RockRidge filesystem.</p><p>This is useful, for example, for having different README files for RockRidge and Joliet, which can be managed by hiding README.joliet on RockRidge and README.rr on the Joliet filesystem.</p>"
    73626818msgstr ""
    73646820#. +> trunk stable
    73656821#: projects/k3bdatapropertiesdialog.cpp:172
    7366 msgid ""
    7367 "<p>If this option is checked, the file or folder (and its entire contents) "
    7368 "will be hidden on the Joliet filesystem.</p><p>This is useful, for example, "
    7369 "for having different README files for RockRidge and Joliet, which can be "
    7370 "managed by hiding README.joliet on RockRidge and README.rr on the Joliet "
    7371 "filesystem.</p>"
     6822msgid "<p>If this option is checked, the file or folder (and its entire contents) will be hidden on the Joliet filesystem.</p><p>This is useful, for example, for having different README files for RockRidge and Joliet, which can be managed by hiding README.joliet on RockRidge and README.rr on the Joliet filesystem.</p>"
    73726823msgstr ""
    73746825#. +> trunk stable
    73756826#: projects/k3bdatapropertiesdialog.cpp:179
    7376 msgid ""
    7377 "<p>This value modifies the physical sort order of the files in the ISO9660 "
    7378 "filesystem. A higher weighting means that the file will be located closer to "
    7379 "the beginning of the image (and the disk).<p>This option is useful in order "
    7380 "to optimize the data layout on a medium.<p><b>Caution:</b> This does not sort "
    7381 "the order of the file names that appear in the ISO9660 folder. It sorts the "
    7382 "order in which the file data is written to the image."
     6827msgid "<p>This value modifies the physical sort order of the files in the ISO9660 filesystem. A higher weighting means that the file will be located closer to the beginning of the image (and the disk).<p>This option is useful in order to optimize the data layout on a medium.<p><b>Caution:</b> This does not sort the order of the file names that appear in the ISO9660 folder. It sorts the order in which the file data is written to the image."
    73836828msgstr ""
    75246969#. +> trunk stable
    75256970#: projects/k3bdataurladdingdialog.cpp:197
    7526 msgid ""
    7527 "<p>The file you are about to add to the project is an ISO9660 image. As such "
    7528 "it can be burned to a medium directly since it already contains a file system."
    7529 "<br>Are you sure you want to add this file to the project?"
     6971msgid "<p>The file you are about to add to the project is an ISO9660 image. As such it can be burned to a medium directly since it already contains a file system.<br>Are you sure you want to add this file to the project?"
    75306972msgstr ""
    76177059#: projects/k3bdataurladdingdialog.cpp:462
    76187060#, kde-format
    7619 msgid ""
    7620 "<p>'%1' is a symbolic link to folder '%2'.<p>If you intend to make K3b follow "
    7621 "symbolic links you should consider letting K3b do this now since K3b will not "
    7622 "be able to do so afterwards because symbolic links to folders inside a K3b "
    7623 "project cannot be resolved.<p><b>If you do not intend to enable the option <"
    7624 "em>follow symbolic links</em> you may safely ignore this warning and choose "
    7625 "to add the link to the project.</b>"
     7061msgid "<p>'%1' is a symbolic link to folder '%2'.<p>If you intend to make K3b follow symbolic links you should consider letting K3b do this now since K3b will not be able to do so afterwards because symbolic links to folders inside a K3b project cannot be resolved.<p><b>If you do not intend to enable the option <em>follow symbolic links</em> you may safely ignore this warning and choose to add the link to the project.</b>"
    76267062msgstr ""
    76827118#. +> trunk stable
    76837119#: projects/k3bdataurladdingdialog.cpp:786
    7684 msgid ""
    7685 "Do you also want to add system files (FIFOs, sockets, device files, and "
    7686 "broken symlinks)?"
     7120msgid "Do you also want to add system files (FIFOs, sockets, device files, and broken symlinks)?"
    76877121msgstr ""
    77057139#. +> trunk stable
    77067140#: projects/k3bdataurladdingdialog.cpp:824
    7707 msgid ""
    7708 "The following filenames have an invalid encoding. You may fix this with the "
    7709 "convmv tool"
     7141msgid "The following filenames have an invalid encoding. You may fix this with the convmv tool"
    77107142msgstr ""
    77787210#. +> trunk stable
    77797211#: projects/k3bdataviewimpl.cpp:221
    7780 msgid ""
    7781 "A file with that name already exists. Please insert the name for the new "
    7782 "folder:"
     7212msgid "A file with that name already exists. Please insert the name for the new folder:"
    77837213msgstr ""
    78897319#. +> trunk stable
    78907320#: projects/k3bfillstatusdisplay.cpp:571
    7891 msgid ""
    7892 "<p><b>Why does K3b offer 4.4 GB and 8.0 GB instead of 4.7 and 8.5 like it "
    7893 "says on the media?</b><p>A single layer DVD media has a capacity of "
    7894 "approximately 4.4 GB which equals 4.4*1024<sup>3</sup> bytes. Media producers "
    7895 "just calculate with 1000 instead of 1024 for advertising reasons.<br>This "
    7896 "results in 4.4*1024<sup>3</sup>/1000<sup>3</sup> = 4.7 GB."
     7321msgid "<p><b>Why does K3b offer 4.4 GB and 8.0 GB instead of 4.7 and 8.5 like it says on the media?</b><p>A single layer DVD media has a capacity of approximately 4.4 GB which equals 4.4*1024<sup>3</sup> bytes. Media producers just calculate with 1000 instead of 1024 for advertising reasons.<br>This results in 4.4*1024<sup>3</sup>/1000<sup>3</sup> = 4.7 GB."
    78977322msgstr ""
    79167341#. +> trunk stable
    79177342#: projects/k3bfillstatusdisplay.cpp:600
    7918 msgid ""
    7919 "<p>Please specify the size of the medium. Use suffixes <b>GB</b>,<b>MB</b>, "
    7920 "and <b>min</b> for <em>gigabytes</em>, <em>megabytes</em>, and <em>minutes<"
    7921 "/em> respectively."
     7343msgid "<p>Please specify the size of the medium. Use suffixes <b>GB</b>,<b>MB</b>, and <b>min</b> for <em>gigabytes</em>, <em>megabytes</em>, and <em>minutes</em> respectively."
    79227344msgstr ""
    79547376#. +> trunk stable
    79557377#: projects/k3bmixedburndialog.cpp:104
    7956 msgid ""
    7957 "<em>Blue book CD</em><br>K3b will create a multisession CD with 2 sessions. "
    7958 "The first session will contain all audio tracks and the second session will "
    7959 "contain a mode 2 form 1 data track.<br>This mode is based on the <em>Blue "
    7960 "book</em> standard (also known as <em>Extended Audio CD</em>, <em>CD-Extra<"
    7961 "/em>, or <em>CD Plus</em>) and has the advantage that a hifi audio CD player "
    7962 "will only recognize the first session and ignore the second session with the "
    7963 "data track.<br>If the CD is intended to be used in a hifi audio CD player "
    7964 "this is the recommended mode.<br>Some older CD-ROMs may have problems reading "
    7965 "a blue book CD since it is a multisession CD."
     7378msgid "<em>Blue book CD</em><br>K3b will create a multisession CD with 2 sessions. The first session will contain all audio tracks and the second session will contain a mode 2 form 1 data track.<br>This mode is based on the <em>Blue book</em> standard (also known as <em>Extended Audio CD</em>, <em>CD-Extra</em>, or <em>CD Plus</em>) and has the advantage that a hifi audio CD player will only recognize the first session and ignore the second session with the data track.<br>If the CD is intended to be used in a hifi audio CD player this is the recommended mode.<br>Some older CD-ROMs may have problems reading a blue book CD since it is a multisession CD."
    79667379msgstr ""
    79887401#. +> trunk stable
    79897402#: projects/k3bmixedburndialog.cpp:128
    7990 msgid ""
    7991 "<b>Caution:</b> The last two modes should only be used for CDs that are "
    7992 "unlikely to be played on a hifi audio CD player.<br>It could lead to problems "
    7993 "with some older hifi audio CD players that try to play the data track."
     7403msgid "<b>Caution:</b> The last two modes should only be used for CDs that are unlikely to be played on a hifi audio CD player.<br>It could lead to problems with some older hifi audio CD players that try to play the data track."
    79947404msgstr ""
    83227732#. +> trunk stable
    83237733#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:117 projects/k3bvcdtrackdialog.cpp:258
    8324 msgid ""
    8325 "Playback control, PBC, is available for Video CD 2.0 and Super Video CD 1.0 "
    8326 "disc formats."
     7734msgid "Playback control, PBC, is available for Video CD 2.0 and Super Video CD 1.0 disc formats."
    83277735msgstr ""
    83397747#. +> trunk stable
    83407748#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:120
    8341 msgid ""
    8342 "This controls whether to update the scan data information contained in the "
    8343 "MPEG-2 video streams."
     7749msgid "This controls whether to update the scan data information contained in the MPEG-2 video streams."
    83447750msgstr ""
    83467752#. +> trunk stable
    83477753#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:121
    8348 msgid ""
    8349 "This element allows to set viewing restrictions which may be interpreted by "
    8350 "the playing device."
     7754msgid "This element allows to set viewing restrictions which may be interpreted by the playing device."
    83517755msgstr ""
    83587762#. +> trunk stable
    83597763#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:124
    8360 msgid ""
    8361 "Used to set the number of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins."
     7764msgid "Used to set the number of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins."
    83627765msgstr ""
    83797782#. +> trunk stable
    83807783#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:131
    8381 msgid ""
    8382 "<p>This is the most basic <b>Video CD</b> specification dating back to 1993, "
    8383 "which has the following characteristics:<ul><li>One mode2 mixed form ISO-9660 "
    8384 "track containing file pointers to the information areas.</li><li>Up to 98 "
    8385 "multiplex-ed MPEG-1 audio/video streams or CD-DA audio tracks.</li><li>Up to "
    8386 "500 MPEG sequence entry points used as chapter divisions.</li></ul><p>The "
    8387 "Video CD specification requires the multiplex-ed MPEG-1 stream to have a CBR "
    8388 "of less than 174300 bytes (1394400 bits) per second in order to accommodate "
    8389 "single speed CD-ROM drives.<br>The specification allows for the following two "
    8390 "resolutions:<ul><li>352 x 240 @ 29.97 Hz (NTSC SIF).</li><li>352 x 240 @ 23."
    8391 "976 Hz (FILM SIF).</li></ul><p>The CBR MPEG-1, layer II audio stream is fixed "
    8392 "at 224 kbps with 1 stereo or 2 mono channels.<p><b>It is recommended to keep "
    8393 "the video bit-rate under 1151929.1 bps.</b>"
     7784msgid "<p>This is the most basic <b>Video CD</b> specification dating back to 1993, which has the following characteristics:<ul><li>One mode2 mixed form ISO-9660 track containing file pointers to the information areas.</li><li>Up to 98 multiplex-ed MPEG-1 audio/video streams or CD-DA audio tracks.</li><li>Up to 500 MPEG sequence entry points used as chapter divisions.</li></ul><p>The Video CD specification requires the multiplex-ed MPEG-1 stream to have a CBR of less than 174300 bytes (1394400 bits) per second in order to accommodate single speed CD-ROM drives.<br>The specification allows for the following two resolutions:<ul><li>352 x 240 @ 29.97 Hz (NTSC SIF).</li><li>352 x 240 @ 23.976 Hz (FILM SIF).</li></ul><p>The CBR MPEG-1, layer II audio stream is fixed at 224 kbps with 1 stereo or 2 mono channels.<p><b>It is recommended to keep the video bit-rate under 1151929.1 bps.</b>"
    83947785msgstr ""
    83967787#. +> trunk stable
    83977788#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:142
    8398 msgid ""
    8399 "<p>About two years after the Video CD 1.1 specification came out, an improved "
    8400 "<b>Video CD 2.0</b> standard was published in 1995.<p>This one added the "
    8401 "following items to the features already available in the Video CD 1.1 "
    8402 "specification:<ul><li>Support for MPEG segment play items (<b>\"SPI\"</b>), "
    8403 "consisting of still pictures, motion pictures and/or audio (only) streams was "
    8404 "added.</li><li>Note Segment Items::.</li><li>Support for interactive playback "
    8405 "control (<b>\"PBC\"</b>) was added.</li><li>Support for playing related "
    8406 "access by providing a scan point index file was added. (<b>\"/EXT/SCANDATA."
    8407 "DAT\"</b>)</li><li>Support for closed captions.</li><li>Support for mixing "
    8408 "NTSC and PAL content.</li></ul><p>By adding PAL support to the Video CD 1.1 "
    8409 "specification, the following resolutions became available:<ul><li>352 x 240 @ "
    8410 "29.97 Hz (NTSC SIF).</li><li>352 x 240 @ 23.976 Hz (FILM SIF).</li><li>352 x "
    8411 "288 @ 25 Hz (PAL SIF).</li></ul><p>For segment play items the following audio "
    8412 "encodings became available:<ul><li>Joint stereo, stereo or dual channel audio "
    8413 "streams at 128, 192, 224 or 384 kbit/sec bit-rate.</li><li>Mono audio streams "
    8414 "at 64, 96 or 192 kbit/sec bit-rate.</li></ul><p>Also the possibility to have "
    8415 "audio only streams and still pictures was provided.<p><b>The bit-rate of "
    8416 "multiplex-ed streams should be kept under 174300 bytes/sec (except for single "
    8417 "still picture items) in order to accommodate single speed drives.</b>"
     7789msgid "<p>About two years after the Video CD 1.1 specification came out, an improved <b>Video CD 2.0</b> standard was published in 1995.<p>This one added the following items to the features already available in the Video CD 1.1 specification:<ul><li>Support for MPEG segment play items (<b>\"SPI\"</b>), consisting of still pictures, motion pictures and/or audio (only) streams was added.</li><li>Note Segment Items::.</li><li>Support for interactive playback control (<b>\"PBC\"</b>) was added.</li><li>Support for playing related access by providing a scan point index file was added. (<b>\"/EXT/SCANDATA.DAT\"</b>)</li><li>Support for closed captions.</li><li>Support for mixing NTSC and PAL content.</li></ul><p>By adding PAL support to the Video CD 1.1 specification, the following resolutions became available:<ul><li>352 x 240 @ 29.97 Hz (NTSC SIF).</li><li>352 x 240 @ 23.976 Hz (FILM SIF).</li><li>352 x 288 @ 25 Hz (PAL SIF).</li></ul><p>For segment play items the following audio encodings became available:<ul><li>Joint stereo, stereo or dual channel audio streams at 128, 192, 224 or 384 kbit/sec bit-rate.</li><li>Mono audio streams at 64, 96 or 192 kbit/sec bit-rate.</li></ul><p>Also the possibility to have audio only streams and still pictures was provided.<p><b>The bit-rate of multiplex-ed streams should be kept under 174300 bytes/sec (except for single still picture items) in order to accommodate single speed drives.</b>"
    84187790msgstr ""
    84207792#. +> trunk stable
    84217793#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:160
    8422 msgid ""
    8423 "<p>With the upcoming of the DVD-V media, a new VCD standard had to be "
    8424 "published in order to be able to keep up with technology, so the Super Video "
    8425 "CD specification was called into life 1999.<p>In the midst of 2000 a full "
    8426 "subset of this <b>Super Video CD</b> specification was published as <b>"
    8427 "IEC-62107</b>.<p>As the most notable change over Video CD 2.0 is a switch "
    8428 "from MPEG-1 CBR to MPEG-2 VBR encoding for the video stream was performed.<p>"
    8429 "The following new features--building upon the Video CD 2.0 "
    8430 "specification--are:<ul><li>Use of MPEG-2 encoding instead of MPEG-1 for the "
    8431 "video stream.</li><li>Allowed VBR encoding of MPEG-1 audio stream.</li><li>"
    8432 "Higher resolutions (see below) for video stream resolution.</li><li>Up to 4 "
    8433 "overlay graphics and text (<b>\"OGT\"</b>) sub-channels for user switchable "
    8434 "subtitle displaying in addition to the already existing closed caption "
    8435 "facility.</li><li>Command lists for controlling the SVCD virtual machine.</li>"
    8436 "</ul><p>For the <b>Super Video CD</b>, only the following two resolutions are "
    8437 "supported for motion video and (low resolution) still pictures:<ul><li>480 x "
    8438 "480 @ 29.97 Hz (NTSC 2/3 D-2).</li><li>480 x 576 @ 25 Hz (PAL 2/3 D-2).</li><"
    8439 "/ul>"
     7794msgid "<p>With the upcoming of the DVD-V media, a new VCD standard had to be published in order to be able to keep up with technology, so the Super Video CD specification was called into life 1999.<p>In the midst of 2000 a full subset of this <b>Super Video CD</b> specification was published as <b>IEC-62107</b>.<p>As the most notable change over Video CD 2.0 is a switch from MPEG-1 CBR to MPEG-2 VBR encoding for the video stream was performed.<p>The following new features--building upon the Video CD 2.0 specification--are:<ul><li>Use of MPEG-2 encoding instead of MPEG-1 for the video stream.</li><li>Allowed VBR encoding of MPEG-1 audio stream.</li><li>Higher resolutions (see below) for video stream resolution.</li><li>Up to 4 overlay graphics and text (<b>\"OGT\"</b>) sub-channels for user switchable subtitle displaying in addition to the already existing closed caption facility.</li><li>Command lists for controlling the SVCD virtual machine.</li></ul><p>For the <b>Super Video CD</b>, only the following two resolutions are supported for motion video and (low resolution) still pictures:<ul><li>480 x 480 @ 29.97 Hz (NTSC 2/3 D-2).</li><li>480 x 576 @ 25 Hz (PAL 2/3 D-2).</li></ul>"
    84407795msgstr ""
    84427797#. +> trunk stable
    84437798#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:173
    8444 msgid ""
    8445 "<p>This is actually just a minor variation defined in IEC-62107 on the Super "
    8446 "Video CD 1.0 format for compatibility with current products in the market.<p>"
    8447 "It differs from the Super Video CD 1.0 format in the following items:<ul><li>"
    8448 "The system profile tag field in <b>/SVCD/INFO.SVD</b> is set to <b>1</b> "
    8449 "instead of <b>0</b>.</li><li>The system identification field value in <b>"
    8450 "/SVCD/INFO.SVD</b> is set to <b>HQ-VCD</b> instead of <b>SUPERVCD</b>.</li><"
    8451 "li><b>/EXT/SCANDATA.DAT</b> is mandatory instead of being optional.</li><li><"
    8452 "b>/SVCD/SEARCH.DAT</b> is optional instead of being mandatory.</li></ul>"
     7799msgid "<p>This is actually just a minor variation defined in IEC-62107 on the Super Video CD 1.0 format for compatibility with current products in the market.<p>It differs from the Super Video CD 1.0 format in the following items:<ul><li>The system profile tag field in <b>/SVCD/INFO.SVD</b> is set to <b>1</b> instead of <b>0</b>.</li><li>The system identification field value in <b>/SVCD/INFO.SVD</b> is set to <b>HQ-VCD</b> instead of <b>SUPERVCD</b>.</li><li><b>/EXT/SCANDATA.DAT</b> is mandatory instead of being optional.</li><li><b>/SVCD/SEARCH.DAT</b> is optional instead of being mandatory.</li></ul>"
    84537800msgstr ""
    84557802#. +> trunk
    84567803#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:180
    8457 msgid ""
    8458 "<p>If Autodetect is:</p><ul><li>ON then K3b will set the correct Video CD "
    8459 "type.</li><li>OFF then the correct Video CD type needs to be set by the user."
    8460 "</li></ul><p>If you are not sure about the correct Video CD type, it is best "
    8461 "to turn Autodetect ON.</p><p>If you want to force the Video CD type, you must "
    8462 "turn Autodetect OFF. This is useful for some standalone DVD players without "
    8463 "SVCD support.</p>"
     7804msgid "<p>If Autodetect is:</p><ul><li>ON then K3b will set the correct Video CD type.</li><li>OFF then the correct Video CD type needs to be set by the user.</li></ul><p>If you are not sure about the correct Video CD type, it is best to turn Autodetect ON.</p><p>If you want to force the Video CD type, you must turn Autodetect OFF. This is useful for some standalone DVD players without SVCD support.</p>"
    84647805msgstr ""
    84667807#. +> stable
    84677808#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:180
    8468 msgid ""
    8469 "<p>If Autodetect is:</p><ul><li>ON then K3b will set the correct VideoCD type."
    8470 "</li><li>OFF then the correct VideoCD type needs to be set by the user.</li><"
    8471 "/ul><p>If you are not sure about the correct VideoCD type, it is best to turn "
    8472 "Autodetect ON.</p><p>If you want to force the VideoCD type, you must turn "
    8473 "Autodetect OFF. This is useful for some standalone DVD players without SVCD "
    8474 "support.</p>"
     7809msgid "<p>If Autodetect is:</p><ul><li>ON then K3b will set the correct VideoCD type.</li><li>OFF then the correct VideoCD type needs to be set by the user.</li></ul><p>If you are not sure about the correct VideoCD type, it is best to turn Autodetect ON.</p><p>If you want to force the VideoCD type, you must turn Autodetect OFF. This is useful for some standalone DVD players without SVCD support.</p>"
    84757810msgstr ""
    84777812#. +> trunk stable
    84787813#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:186
    8479 msgid ""
    8480 "<ul><li>Rename <b>\"/MPEG2\"</b> folder on SVCDs to (non-compliant) "
    8481 "\"/MPEGAV\".</li><li>Enables the use of the (deprecated) signature <b>"
    8482 "\"ENTRYSVD\"</b> instead of <b>\"ENTRYVCD\"</b> for the file <b>\"/SVCD/ENTRY."
    8483 "SVD\"</b>.</li></ul>"
     7814msgid "<ul><li>Rename <b>\"/MPEG2\"</b> folder on SVCDs to (non-compliant) \"/MPEGAV\".</li><li>Enables the use of the (deprecated) signature <b>\"ENTRYSVD\"</b> instead of <b>\"ENTRYVCD\"</b> for the file <b>\"/SVCD/ENTRY.SVD\"</b>.</li></ul>"
    84847815msgstr ""
    84867817#. +> trunk stable
    84877818#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:188
    8488 msgid ""
    8489 "<ul><li>Enables the use of the (deprecated) Chinese <b>\"/SVCD/TRACKS.SVD\"<"
    8490 "/b> format which differs from the format defined in the <b>IEC-62107</b> "
    8491 "specification.</li></ul><p><b>The differences are most exposed on SVCDs "
    8492 "containing more than one video track.</b>"
     7819msgid "<ul><li>Enables the use of the (deprecated) Chinese <b>\"/SVCD/TRACKS.SVD\"</b> format which differs from the format defined in the <b>IEC-62107</b> specification.</li></ul><p><b>The differences are most exposed on SVCDs containing more than one video track.</b>"
    84937820msgstr ""
    84957822#. +> trunk stable
    84967823#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:191
    8497 msgid ""
    8498 "<p>though most devices will have problems with such an out-of-specification "
    8499 "media.<p><b>You may want use this option for images longer than 80 minutes</b>"
     7824msgid "<p>though most devices will have problems with such an out-of-specification media.<p><b>You may want use this option for images longer than 80 minutes</b>"
    85007825msgstr ""
    85027827#. +> trunk stable
    85037828#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:194
    8504 msgid ""
    8505 "<p>To allow the play of Video-CDs on a CD-i player, the Video-CD standard "
    8506 "requires that a CD-i application program must be present.<p>This program is "
    8507 "designed to:<ul><li>provide full play back control as defined in the PSD of "
    8508 "the standard</li><li>be extremely simple to use and easy-to-learn for the "
    8509 "end-user</li></ul><p>The program runs on CD-i players equipped with the "
    8510 "CDRTOS 1.1(.1) operating system and a Digital Video extension cartridge."
     7829msgid "<p>To allow the play of Video-CDs on a CD-i player, the Video-CD standard requires that a CD-i application program must be present.<p>This program is designed to:<ul><li>provide full play back control as defined in the PSD of the standard</li><li>be extremely simple to use and easy-to-learn for the end-user</li></ul><p>The program runs on CD-i players equipped with the CDRTOS 1.1(.1) operating system and a Digital Video extension cartridge."
    85117830msgstr ""
    85137832#. +> trunk
    85147833#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:200
    8515 msgid ""
    8516 "<p>Configuration parameters only available for Video CD 2.0<p>The engine "
    8517 "works perfectly well when used as-is.<p>You have the option to configure the "
    8518 "VCD application.<p>You can adapt the color and/or the shape of the cursor and "
    8519 "lots more."
     7834msgid "<p>Configuration parameters only available for Video CD 2.0<p>The engine works perfectly well when used as-is.<p>You have the option to configure the VCD application.<p>You can adapt the color and/or the shape of the cursor and lots more."
    85207835msgstr ""
    85227837#. +> stable
    85237838#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:200
    8524 msgid ""
    8525 "<p>Configuration parameters only available for VideoCD 2.0<p>The engine works "
    8526 "perfectly well when used as-is.<p>You have the option to configure the VCD "
    8527 "application.<p>You can adapt the color and/or the shape of the cursor and "
    8528 "lots more."
     7839msgid "<p>Configuration parameters only available for VideoCD 2.0<p>The engine works perfectly well when used as-is.<p>You have the option to configure the VCD application.<p>You can adapt the color and/or the shape of the cursor and lots more."
    85297840msgstr ""
    85317842#. +> trunk stable
    85327843#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:206 projects/k3bvcdtrackdialog.cpp:269
    8533 msgid ""
    8534 "<p>Playback control, PBC, is available for Video CD 2.0 and Super Video CD 1."
    8535 "0 disc formats.<p>PBC allows control of the playback of play items and the "
    8536 "possibility of interaction with the user through the remote control or some "
    8537 "other input device available."
     7844msgid "<p>Playback control, PBC, is available for Video CD 2.0 and Super Video CD 1.0 disc formats.<p>PBC allows control of the playback of play items and the possibility of interaction with the user through the remote control or some other input device available."
    85387845msgstr ""
    85407847#. +> trunk stable
    85417848#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:209
    8542 msgid ""
    8543 "<p>Here you can specify that the folder <b>SEGMENT</b> should always be "
    8544 "present.<p>Some DVD players need the folder to give a faultless rendition."
     7849msgid "<p>Here you can specify that the folder <b>SEGMENT</b> should always be present.<p>Some DVD players need the folder to give a faultless rendition."
    85457850msgstr ""
    85477852#. +> trunk stable
    85487853#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:212
    8549 msgid ""
    8550 "<p>An Access Point Sector, APS, is an MPEG video sector on the VCD/SVCD which "
    8551 "is suitable to be jumped to directly.<p>APS are required for entry points and "
    8552 "scantables. APS have to fulfil the requirement to precede every I-frame by a "
    8553 "GOP header which shall be preceded by a sequence header in its turn.<p>The "
    8554 "start codes of these 3 items are required to be contained all in the same "
    8555 "MPEG pack/sector, thus forming a so-called access point sector.<p>This "
    8556 "requirement can be relaxed by enabling the relaxed aps option, i.e. every "
    8557 "sector containing an I-frame will be regarded as an APS.<p><b>Warning:</b> "
    8558 "The sequence header is needed for a playing device to figure out display "
    8559 "parameters, such as display resolution and frame rate, relaxing the aps "
    8560 "requirement may lead to non-working entry points."
     7854msgid "<p>An Access Point Sector, APS, is an MPEG video sector on the VCD/SVCD which is suitable to be jumped to directly.<p>APS are required for entry points and scantables. APS have to fulfil the requirement to precede every I-frame by a GOP header which shall be preceded by a sequence header in its turn.<p>The start codes of these 3 items are required to be contained all in the same MPEG pack/sector, thus forming a so-called access point sector.<p>This requirement can be relaxed by enabling the relaxed aps option, i.e. every sector containing an I-frame will be regarded as an APS.<p><b>Warning:</b> The sequence header is needed for a playing device to figure out display parameters, such as display resolution and frame rate, relaxing the aps requirement may lead to non-working entry points."
    85617855msgstr ""
    85637857#. +> trunk stable
    85647858#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:218
    8565 msgid ""
    8566 "<p>According to the specification, it is mandatory for Super Video CDs to "
    8567 "encode scan information data into user data blocks in the picture layer of "
    8568 "all intra coded picture.<p>It can be used by playing devices for implementing "
    8569 "fast forward & fast reverse scanning.<p>The already existing scan information "
    8570 "data can be updated by enabling the update scan offsets option."
     7859msgid "<p>According to the specification, it is mandatory for Super Video CDs to encode scan information data into user data blocks in the picture layer of all intra coded picture.<p>It can be used by playing devices for implementing fast forward & fast reverse scanning.<p>The already existing scan information data can be updated by enabling the update scan offsets option."
    85717860msgstr ""
    85737862#. +> trunk stable
    85747863#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:222
    8575 msgid ""
    8576 "<p>Viewing Restriction may be interpreted by the playing device.<p>The "
    8577 "allowed range goes from 0 to 3.<ul><li>0 = unrestricted, free to view for "
    8578 "all</li><li>3 = restricted, content not suitable for ages under 18</li></ul><"
    8579 "p>Actually, the exact meaning is not defined and is player dependant.<p><b>"
    8580 "Most players ignore that value.<b>"
     7864msgid "<p>Viewing Restriction may be interpreted by the playing device.<p>The allowed range goes from 0 to 3.<ul><li>0 = unrestricted, free to view for all</li><li>3 = restricted, content not suitable for ages under 18</li></ul><p>Actually, the exact meaning is not defined and is player dependant.<p><b>Most players ignore that value.<b>"
    85817865msgstr ""
    85887872#. +> trunk stable
    85897873#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:230
    8590 msgid ""
    8591 "<p>This option allows to set the number of empty sectors added before the "
    8592 "lead-out area begins, i.e. the number of post-gap sectors.<p>The ECMA-130 "
    8593 "specification requires the last data track before the lead-out to carry a "
    8594 "post-gap of at least 150 sectors, which is used as default for this parameter."
    8595 "<p>Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues "
    8596 "when reading the last MPEG track if this parameter is set too low.<p>Allowed "
    8597 "value content: [0..300]. Default: 150."
     7874msgid "<p>This option allows to set the number of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins, i.e. the number of post-gap sectors.<p>The ECMA-130 specification requires the last data track before the lead-out to carry a post-gap of at least 150 sectors, which is used as default for this parameter.<p>Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last MPEG track if this parameter is set too low.<p>Allowed value content: [0..300]. Default: 150."
    85987875msgstr ""
    86007877#. +> trunk stable
    86017878#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:235
    8602 msgid ""
    8603 "<p>Used to set the track pre-gap for all tracks in sectors globally.<p>The "
    8604 "specification requires the pre-gaps to be at least 150 sectors long.<p>"
    8605 "Allowed value content: [0..300]. Default: 150."
     7879msgid "<p>Used to set the track pre-gap for all tracks in sectors globally.<p>The specification requires the pre-gaps to be at least 150 sectors long.<p>Allowed value content: [0..300]. Default: 150."
    86067880msgstr ""
    86087882#. +> trunk stable
    86097883#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:239
    8610 msgid ""
    8611 "Margins are used to compensate for inaccurate sector-addressing issues on "
    8612 "CD-ROM media. Interestingly, they have been abandoned for Super Video CDs.<p>"
    8613 "For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 this margin should be at least 15 sectors long.<p>"
    8614 "Allowed value content: [0..150]. Default: 30 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, "
    8615 "otherwise (i.e. Super Video CD 1.0 and HQ-VCD 1.0) 0."
     7884msgid "Margins are used to compensate for inaccurate sector-addressing issues on CD-ROM media. Interestingly, they have been abandoned for Super Video CDs.<p>For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 this margin should be at least 15 sectors long.<p>Allowed value content: [0..150]. Default: 30 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise (i.e. Super Video CD 1.0 and HQ-VCD 1.0) 0."
    86167885msgstr ""
    86187887#. +> trunk stable
    86197888#: projects/k3bvcdburndialog.cpp:243
    8620 msgid ""
    8621 "<p>Margins are used to compensate for inaccurate sector-addressing issues on "
    8622 "CD-ROM media. Interestingly, they have been abandoned for Super Video CDs.<p>"
    8623 "For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 this margin should be at least 15 sectors long.<p>"
    8624 "Allowed value content: [0..150]. Default: 45 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, "
    8625 "otherwise 0."
     7889msgid "<p>Margins are used to compensate for inaccurate sector-addressing issues on CD-ROM media. Interestingly, they have been abandoned for Super Video CDs.<p>For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 this margin should be at least 15 sectors long.<p>Allowed value content: [0..150]. Default: 45 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0."
    86267890msgstr ""
    90158279#. +> trunk stable
    90168280#: projects/k3bvcdtrackdialog.cpp:265
    9017 msgid ""
    9018 "<p>Target to be jumped to on time-out of <wait>.<p>If omitted (and <wait> is "
    9019 "not set to an infinite time) one of the targets is selected at random."
     8281msgid "<p>Target to be jumped to on time-out of <wait>.<p>If omitted (and <wait> is not set to an infinite time) one of the targets is selected at random."
    90208282msgstr ""
    90228284#. +> trunk stable
    90238285#: projects/k3bvcdtrackdialog.cpp:267
    9024 msgid ""
    9025 "<p>When reactivity is set to delayed, it is recommended that the length of "
    9026 "the referenced 'play track' is not more than 5 seconds.<p>The recommended "
    9027 "setting for a play item consisting of one still picture and no audio is to "
    9028 "loop once and have a delayed reactivity."
     8286msgid "<p>When reactivity is set to delayed, it is recommended that the length of the referenced 'play track' is not more than 5 seconds.<p>The recommended setting for a play item consisting of one still picture and no audio is to loop once and have a delayed reactivity."
    90298287msgstr ""
    90318289#. +> trunk stable
    90328290#: projects/k3bvcdtrackdialog.cpp:271
    9033 msgid ""
    9034 "These are actually pseudo keys, representing the numeric keys 0, 1, ..., 9."
     8291msgid "These are actually pseudo keys, representing the numeric keys 0, 1, ..., 9."
    90358292msgstr ""
    90428299#. +> trunk stable
    90438300#: projects/k3bvcdtrackdialog.cpp:273
    9044 msgid ""
    9045 "<p>Times to repeat the playback of 'play track'.<p>The reactivity attribute "
    9046 "controls whether the playback of 'play track' is finished, thus delayed, "
    9047 "before executing user triggered action or an immediate jump is performed.<p>"
    9048 "After the specified number of repetitions have completed, the <wait> time "
    9049 "begins to count down, unless set to an infinite wait time.<p>If this element "
    9050 "is omitted, a default of `1' is used, i.e. the 'play track' will be displayed "
    9051 "once."
     8301msgid "<p>Times to repeat the playback of 'play track'.<p>The reactivity attribute controls whether the playback of 'play track' is finished, thus delayed, before executing user triggered action or an immediate jump is performed.<p>After the specified number of repetitions have completed, the <wait> time begins to count down, unless set to an infinite wait time.<p>If this element is omitted, a default of `1' is used, i.e. the 'play track' will be displayed once."
    90528302msgstr ""
    90548304#. +> trunk stable
    90558305#: projects/k3bvcdtrackdialog.cpp:277
    9056 msgid ""
    9057 "Time in seconds to wait after playback of 'play track' before triggering the "
    9058 "<timeout> action (unless the user triggers some action before time ran up)."
     8306msgid "Time in seconds to wait after playback of 'play track' before triggering the <timeout> action (unless the user triggers some action before time ran up)."
    90598307msgstr ""
    92628510#. +> trunk
    92638511#: projects/k3bvcdview.cpp:101
    9264 msgid ""
    9265 "Could not find VcdImager executable. To create Video CDs you have to install "
    9266 "VcdImager >= 0.7.12. You can find this on your distribution’s software "
    9267 "repository or download it from"
     8512msgid "Could not find VcdImager executable. To create Video CDs you have to install VcdImager >= 0.7.12. You can find this on your distribution’s software repository or download it from"
    92688513msgstr ""
    92708515#. +> stable
    92718516#: projects/k3bvcdview.cpp:85
    9272 msgid ""
    9273 "Could not find VcdImager executable. To create VideoCD's you must install "
    9274 "VcdImager >= 0.7.12. You can find this on your distribution disks or download "
    9275 "it from"
     8517msgid "Could not find VcdImager executable. To create VideoCD's you must install VcdImager >= 0.7.12. You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from"
    92768518msgstr ""
    92838525#. +> trunk stable
    92848526#: projects/k3bvideodvdview.cpp:58
    9285 msgid ""
    9286 "Be aware that you need to provide the complete Video DVD filestructure. K3b "
    9287 "does not support video transcoding and preparation of video object files yet. "
    9288 "That means you need to already have the VTS_X_YY.VOB and VTS_X_YY.IFO files."
     8527msgid "Be aware that you need to provide the complete Video DVD filestructure. K3b does not support video transcoding and preparation of video object files yet. That means you need to already have the VTS_X_YY.VOB and VTS_X_YY.IFO files."
    92898528msgstr ""
    93768615#: rip/base_k3baudiorippingoptionwidget.ui:95
    93778616msgid ""
    9378 "<p>If this option is checked, the entries in the playlist will be relative to "
    9379 "its location.\n"
     8617"<p>If this option is checked, the entries in the playlist will be relative to its location.\n"
    93808618"<p>Example: If your playlist is located in <em>/home/myself/music</em> and\n"
    9381 "your audio files are in <em>/home/myself/music/cool</em>; then the entries in "
    9382 "the\n"
     8619"your audio files are in <em>/home/myself/music/cool</em>; then the entries in the\n"
    93838620"playlist will look something like: <em>cool/track1.ogg</em>."
    93848621msgstr ""
    94228659#. +> trunk stable
    94238660#: rip/base_k3baudiorippingoptionwidget.ui:148
    9424 msgid ""
    9425 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will create a CDRWIN cue file which allows "
    9426 "to easily write a copy of the audio CD on other systems."
     8661msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will create a CDRWIN cue file which allows to easily write a copy of the audio CD on other systems."
    94278662msgstr ""
    95798814#: rip/k3baudiocdview.cpp:186
    95808815#, kde-format
    9581 msgid ""
    9582 "Found Cd-Text (%1 - %2). Do you want to use it instead of CDDB (%3 - %4)?"
     8816msgid "Found Cd-Text (%1 - %2). Do you want to use it instead of CDDB (%3 - %4)?"
    95838817msgstr ""
    99729206#. +> trunk stable
    99739207#: rip/k3baudiorippingdialog.cpp:210
    9974 msgid ""
    9975 "<p>This specifies the maximum number of retries to read a sector of audio "
    9976 "data from the cd. After that K3b will either skip the sector if the <em>"
    9977 "Ignore Read Errors</em> option is enabled or stop the process."
     9208msgid "<p>This specifies the maximum number of retries to read a sector of audio data from the cd. After that K3b will either skip the sector if the <em>Ignore Read Errors</em> option is enabled or stop the process."
    99789209msgstr ""
    99859216#. +> trunk stable
    99869217#: rip/k3baudiorippingdialog.cpp:215
    9987 msgid ""
    9988 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will not rip the audio data in the pregaps. "
    9989 "Most audio tracks contain an empty pregap which does not belong to the track "
    9990 "itself.</p><p>Although the default behavior of nearly all ripping software is "
    9991 "to include the pregaps for most CDs, it makes more sense to ignore them. In "
    9992 "any case, when creating a K3b audio project, the pregaps will be regenerated."
    9993 "</p>"
     9218msgid "<p>If this option is checked K3b will not rip the audio data in the pregaps. Most audio tracks contain an empty pregap which does not belong to the track itself.</p><p>Although the default behavior of nearly all ripping software is to include the pregaps for most CDs, it makes more sense to ignore them. In any case, when creating a K3b audio project, the pregaps will be regenerated.</p>"
    99949219msgstr ""
    100379262#. +> trunk stable
    100389263#: rip/k3bcddbpatternwidget.cpp:53
    10039 msgctxt ""
    10040 "Please do NOT modify/translate the quotes, they are part of the pattern!"
     9264msgctxt "Please do NOT modify/translate the quotes, they are part of the pattern!"
    100419265msgid "%A - %T/%n - !a='%A'{%a - }%t"
    100429266msgstr ""
    100699293#. +> trunk stable
    100709294#: rip/k3bcddbpatternwidget.cpp:127
    10071 msgid ""
    10072 "<p><b>Pattern special strings:</b><p>The following strings will be replaced "
    10073 "with their respective meaning in every track name.<br><em>Hint:</em> %A "
    10074 "differs from %a only on soundtracks or compilations.<p><table border=\"0\"><"
    10075 "tr><td></td><td><em>Meaning</em></td><td><em>Alternatives</em></td></tr><tr><"
    10076 "td>%a</td><td>artist of the track</td><td>%{a} or %{artist}</td></tr><tr><td>%"
    10077 "t</td><td>title of the track</td><td>%{t} or %{title}</td></tr><tr><td>%n</td>"
    10078 "<td>track number</td><td>%{n} or %{number}</td></tr><tr><td>%y</td><td>year "
    10079 "of the CD</td><td>%{y} or %{year}</td></tr><tr><td>%c</td><td>extended track "
    10080 "information</td><td>%{c} or %{comment}</td></tr><tr><td>%g</td><td>genre of "
    10081 "the CD</td><td>%{g} or %{genre}</td></tr><tr><td>%A</td><td>album artist</td>"
    10082 "<td>%{A} or %{albumartist}</td></tr><tr><td>%T</td><td>album title</td><td>%"
    10083 "{T} or %{albumtitle}</td></tr><tr><td>%C</td><td>extended CD information</td>"
    10084 "<td>%{C} or %{albumcomment}</td></tr><tr><td>%d</td><td>current date</td><td>%"
    10085 "{d} or %{date}</td></tr><tr><td>%e</td><td>file extension (if left out, it is "
    10086 "added automatically)</td><td>%{e} or %{ext}</td></tr></table>"
     9295msgid "<p><b>Pattern special strings:</b><p>The following strings will be replaced with their respective meaning in every track name.<br><em>Hint:</em> %A differs from %a only on soundtracks or compilations.<p><table border=\"0\"><tr><td></td><td><em>Meaning</em></td><td><em>Alternatives</em></td></tr><tr><td>%a</td><td>artist of the track</td><td>%{a} or %{artist}</td></tr><tr><td>%t</td><td>title of the track</td><td>%{t} or %{title}</td></tr><tr><td>%n</td><td>track number</td><td>%{n} or %{number}</td></tr><tr><td>%y</td><td>year of the CD</td><td>%{y} or %{year}</td></tr><tr><td>%c</td><td>extended track information</td><td>%{c} or %{comment}</td></tr><tr><td>%g</td><td>genre of the CD</td><td>%{g} or %{genre}</td></tr><tr><td>%A</td><td>album artist</td><td>%{A} or %{albumartist}</td></tr><tr><td>%T</td><td>album title</td><td>%{T} or %{albumtitle}</td></tr><tr><td>%C</td><td>extended CD information</td><td>%{C} or %{albumcomment}</td></tr><tr><td>%d</td><td>current date</td><td>%{d} or %{date}</td></tr><tr><td>%e</td><td>file extension (if left out, it is added automatically)</td><td>%{e} or %{ext}</td></tr></table>"
    100879296msgstr ""
    100909299#: rip/k3bcddbpatternwidget.cpp:153
    100919300#, c-format
    10092 msgctxt ""
    10093 "Please do NOT modify/translate the quotes, they are part of the pattern!"
    10094 msgid ""
    10095 "<p><b>Conditional inclusion:</b><p>These patterns make it possible to "
    10096 "selectively include texts, depending on the value of CDDB entries. You can "
    10097 "choose only to include or exclude texts if one of the entries is empty, or if "
    10098 "it has a specific value. Examples:<ul><li>@T{TEXT} includes TEXT if the album "
    10099 "title is specified<li>!T{TEXT} includes TEXT if the album title is not "
    10100 "specified<li>@C='Soundtrack'{TEXT} includes TEXT if the CD's extended "
    10101 "information is named Soundtrack<li>!C='Soundtrack'{TEXT} includes TEXT if the "
    10102 "CD's extended information is anything else but Soundtrack<li>It is also "
    10103 "possible to include special strings in texts and conditions, e.g. !a='%A'{%a} "
    10104 "only includes the title's artist information if it does not differ from the "
    10105 "album artist.</ul><p>Conditional includes make use of the same characters as "
    10106 "the special strings, which means that the X in @X{...} can be one character "
    10107 "out of [atnycgATCd]."
     9301msgctxt "Please do NOT modify/translate the quotes, they are part of the pattern!"
     9302msgid "<p><b>Conditional inclusion:</b><p>These patterns make it possible to selectively include texts, depending on the value of CDDB entries. You can choose only to include or exclude texts if one of the entries is empty, or if it has a specific value. Examples:<ul><li>@T{TEXT} includes TEXT if the album title is specified<li>!T{TEXT} includes TEXT if the album title is not specified<li>@C='Soundtrack'{TEXT} includes TEXT if the CD's extended information is named Soundtrack<li>!C='Soundtrack'{TEXT} includes TEXT if the CD's extended information is anything else but Soundtrack<li>It is also possible to include special strings in texts and conditions, e.g. !a='%A'{%a} only includes the title's artist information if it does not differ from the album artist.</ul><p>Conditional includes make use of the same characters as the special strings, which means that the X in @X{...} can be one character out of [atnycgATCd]."
    101089303msgstr ""
    101939388#. +> trunk
    101949389#: rip/k3bvideocdrip.cpp:103
    10195 msgid ""
    10196 "You can find this on your distribution’s software repository or download it "
    10197 "from"
     9390msgid "You can find this on your distribution’s software repository or download it from"
    101989391msgstr ""
    102069399#. +> trunk stable
    102079400#: rip/k3bvideocdrip.cpp:112
    10208 msgid ""
    10209 "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from http://www."
    10210 ""
     9401msgid "You can find this on your distribution disks or download it from"
    102119402msgstr ""
    103599550#. +> trunk stable
    103609551#: rip/k3bvideocdrippingdialog.cpp:134
    10361 msgid ""
    10362 "<p>Ignore extended PSD (located in the ISO-9660 filesystem under `/EXT/PSD_X."
    10363 "VCD') and use the <em>standard</em> PSD.</p>"
     9552msgid "<p>Ignore extended PSD (located in the ISO-9660 filesystem under `/EXT/PSD_X.VCD') and use the <em>standard</em> PSD.</p>"
    103649553msgstr ""
    103719560#. +> trunk stable
    103729561#: rip/k3bvideocdrippingdialog.cpp:137
    10373 msgid ""
    10374 "<p>This option only makes sense if you are reading from a BIN CD disk image. "
    10375 "This indicates to `vcdxrip' to assume a 2336-byte sector mode for image file."
    10376 "</p><b>Note: This option is slated to disappear.</b>"
     9562msgid "<p>This option only makes sense if you are reading from a BIN CD disk image. This indicates to `vcdxrip' to assume a 2336-byte sector mode for image file.</p><b>Note: This option is slated to disappear.</b>"
    103779563msgstr ""
    103849570#. +> trunk stable
    103859571#: rip/k3bvideocdrippingdialog.cpp:141
    10386 msgid ""
    10387 "<p>This option creates an XML description file with all video CD information."
    10388 "</p><p>This file will always contain all of the information.</p><p>Example: "
    10389 "If you only extract sequences, the description file will also hold the "
    10390 "information for files and segments.</p><p>The filename is the same as the "
    10391 "video CD name, with a .xml extension. The default is VIDEOCD.xml.</p>"
     9572msgid "<p>This option creates an XML description file with all video CD information.</p><p>This file will always contain all of the information.</p><p>Example: If you only extract sequences, the description file will also hold the information for files and segments.</p><p>The filename is the same as the video CD name, with a .xml extension. The default is VIDEOCD.xml.</p>"
    103929573msgstr ""
    104709651#. +> trunk stable
    104719652#: rip/videodvd/base_k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.ui:21
    10472 msgid ""
    10473 "Please select the audio streams you want to include in every ripped title"
     9653msgid "Please select the audio streams you want to include in every ripped title"
    104749654msgstr ""
    105219701#. +> trunk
    105229702#: rip/videodvd/base_k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.ui:239
    10523 msgid ""
    10524 "<p>No Audio Quality settings available for <em>AC3 pass-through</em>. The "
    10525 "audio stream from the Video DVD is used without any changes.</p>"
     9703msgid "<p>No Audio Quality settings available for <em>AC3 pass-through</em>. The audio stream from the Video DVD is used without any changes.</p>"
    105269704msgstr ""
    105299707#. +> stable
    105309708#: rip/videodvd/base_k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.ui:257
    10531 msgid ""
    10532 "<p>No Audio Quality settings available for <em>AC3 pass-through</em>. The "
    10533 "audio stream from the Video DVD is used without any changes."
     9709msgid "<p>No Audio Quality settings available for <em>AC3 pass-through</em>. The audio stream from the Video DVD is used without any changes."
    105349710msgstr ""
    105809756#: rip/videodvd/base_k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.ui:468
    105819757msgid ""
    10582 "<p>If this option is checked K3b encodes the video titles in two passes. The "
    10583 "first pass is used to gather information about the video in order to improve "
    10584 "the distribution of bits in the second pass. The resulting video will have a "
    10585 "higher quality using a variable bitrate.\n"
    10586 "<p>If this option is not checked K3b will create video files with a constant "
    10587 "bitrate and a lower quality.\n"
     9758"<p>If this option is checked K3b encodes the video titles in two passes. The first pass is used to gather information about the video in order to improve the distribution of bits in the second pass. The resulting video will have a higher quality using a variable bitrate.\n"
     9759"<p>If this option is not checked K3b will create video files with a constant bitrate and a lower quality.\n"
    105889760"<p>2-pass encoding results in a doubled encoding time."
    105899761msgstr ""
    106129784#: rip/videodvd/base_k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.ui:489
    106139785msgid ""
    10614 "<p>Most Video DVDs are encoded in a letterboxed format. <em>Letterboxed</em> "
    10615 "refers to black bars used at the top and bottom (and sometimes at the sides) "
    10616 "of the video to force it into one of the aspect ratios supported by the Video "
    10617 "DVD standard.\n"
    10618 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will automatically detect and remove these "
    10619 "black bars from the resulting video.\n"
    10620 "<p>Although this method is very reliable there may be problems if the source "
    10621 "material is exceptionally short or dark."
     9786"<p>Most Video DVDs are encoded in a letterboxed format. <em>Letterboxed</em> refers to black bars used at the top and bottom (and sometimes at the sides) of the video to force it into one of the aspect ratios supported by the Video DVD standard.\n"
     9787"<p>If this option is checked K3b will automatically detect and remove these black bars from the resulting video.\n"
     9788"<p>Although this method is very reliable there may be problems if the source material is exceptionally short or dark."
    106229789msgstr ""
    106389805#: rip/videodvd/base_k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.ui:506
    106399806msgid ""
    10640 "<p>Video DVD audio streams normally are encoded with a sampling rate of 48000 "
    10641 "Hz. Audio CDs on the other hand are encoded with a sampling rate of 44100 Hz."
    10642 "\n"
    10643 "<p>If this option is checked K3b will change the sampling rate of the audio "
    10644 "stream to 44100 Hz."
     9807"<p>Video DVD audio streams normally are encoded with a sampling rate of 48000 Hz. Audio CDs on the other hand are encoded with a sampling rate of 44100 Hz.\n"
     9808"<p>If this option is checked K3b will change the sampling rate of the audio stream to 44100 Hz."
    106459809msgstr ""
    107389902#. +> trunk stable
    107399903#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingdialog.cpp:498
    10740 msgid ""
    10741 "<p>When using the <em>AC3 pass-through</em> audio codec all selected audio "
    10742 "streams need to be in AC3 format. Please select another audio codec or choose "
    10743 "AC3 audio streams for all ripped titles."
     9904msgid "<p>When using the <em>AC3 pass-through</em> audio codec all selected audio streams need to be in AC3 format. Please select another audio codec or choose AC3 audio streams for all ripped titles."
    107449905msgstr ""
    108129973#. +> trunk stable
    108139974#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingview.cpp:88
    10814 msgid ""
    10815 "Shows plain Video DVD vob files from the DVD (including decryption) for "
    10816 "further processing with another application"
     9975msgid "Shows plain Video DVD vob files from the DVD (including decryption) for further processing with another application"
    108179976msgstr ""
    108309989#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingview.cpp:244
    108319990#, kde-format
    10832 msgid ""
    10833 "K3b was unable to unmount device '%1' containing medium '%2'. Video DVD "
    10834 "ripping will not work if the device is mounted. Please unmount manually."
     9991msgid "K3b was unable to unmount device '%1' containing medium '%2'. Video DVD ripping will not work if the device is mounted. Please unmount manually."
    108359992msgstr ""
    108429999#. +> trunk stable
    1084310000#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingview.cpp:259
    10844 msgid ""
    10845 "<p>Unable to read Video DVD contents: Found encrypted Video DVD.<p>Install <i>"
    10846 "libdvdcss</i> to get Video DVD decryption support."
     10001msgid "<p>Unable to read Video DVD contents: Found encrypted Video DVD.<p>Install <i>libdvdcss</i> to get Video DVD decryption support."
    1084710002msgstr ""
    1087510030#. +> trunk stable
    1087610031#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingview.cpp:293
    10877 msgid ""
    10878 "<p>K3b uses transcode to rip Video DVDs. Your installation of transcode lacks "
    10879 "support for any of the codecs supported by K3b.<p>Please make sure it is "
    10880 "installed properly."
     10032msgid "<p>K3b uses transcode to rip Video DVDs. Your installation of transcode lacks support for any of the codecs supported by K3b.<p>Please make sure it is installed properly."
    1088110033msgstr ""
    1089310045#. +> trunk stable
    1089410046#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingview.cpp:350
    10895 msgid ""
    10896 "<p>Rips single titles from a video DVD into a compressed format such as XviD. "
    10897 "Menu structures are completely ignored.<p>If you intend to copy the plain "
    10898 "Video DVD vob files from the DVD (including decryption) for further "
    10899 "processing with another application, please use \"Show files\" button.<p>If "
    10900 "you intend to make a copy of the entire Video DVD including all menus and "
    10901 "extras it is recommended to use the K3b Copy tool."
     10047msgid "<p>Rips single titles from a video DVD into a compressed format such as XviD. Menu structures are completely ignored.<p>If you intend to copy the plain Video DVD vob files from the DVD (including decryption) for further processing with another application, please use \"Show files\" button.<p>If you intend to make a copy of the entire Video DVD including all menus and extras it is recommended to use the K3b Copy tool."
    1090210048msgstr ""
    1092610072#. +> trunk stable
    1092710073#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.cpp:286
    10928 msgid ""
    10929 "<p><b>Pattern special strings:</b><p>The following strings will be replaced "
    10930 "with their respective meaning in every track name.<br><p><table border=\"0\">"
    10931 "<tr><td></td><td><em>Meaning</em></td><td><em>Alternatives</em></td></tr><tr>"
    10932 "<td>%t</td><td>title number</td><td>%{t} or %{title_number}</td></tr><tr><td>%"
    10933 "i</td><td>volume id (mostly the name of the Video DVD)</td><td>%{i} or %"
    10934 "{volume_id}</td></tr><tr><td>%b</td><td>beautified volume id</td><td>%{b} or %"
    10935 "{beautified_volume_id}</td></tr><tr><td>%l</td><td>two chars language code<"
    10936 "/td><td>%{l} or %{lang_code}</td></tr><tr><td>%n</td><td>language name</td><"
    10937 "td>%{n} or %{lang_name}</td></tr><tr><td>%a</td><td>audio format (on the "
    10938 "Video DVD)</td><td>%{a} or %{audio_format}</td></tr><tr><td>%c</td><td>number "
    10939 "of audio channels (on the Video DVD)</td><td>%{c} or %{channels}</td></tr><tr>"
    10940 "<td>%v</td><td>size of the original video</td><td>%{v} or %{orig_video_size}<"
    10941 "/td></tr><tr><td>%s</td><td>size of the resulting video (<em>Caution: "
    10942 "auto-clipping values are not taken into account.</em>)</td><td>%{s} or %"
    10943 "{video_size}</td></tr><tr><td>%r</td><td>aspect ratio of the original video<"
    10944 "/td><td>%{r} or %{aspect_ratio}</td></tr><tr><td>%d</td><td>current date</td>"
    10945 "<td>%{d} or %{date}</td></tr></table><p><em>Hint: K3b also accepts slight "
    10946 "variations of the long special strings. One can, for example, leave out the "
    10947 "underscores.</em>"
     10074msgid "<p><b>Pattern special strings:</b><p>The following strings will be replaced with their respective meaning in every track name.<br><p><table border=\"0\"><tr><td></td><td><em>Meaning</em></td><td><em>Alternatives</em></td></tr><tr><td>%t</td><td>title number</td><td>%{t} or %{title_number}</td></tr><tr><td>%i</td><td>volume id (mostly the name of the Video DVD)</td><td>%{i} or %{volume_id}</td></tr><tr><td>%b</td><td>beautified volume id</td><td>%{b} or %{beautified_volume_id}</td></tr><tr><td>%l</td><td>two chars language code</td><td>%{l} or %{lang_code}</td></tr><tr><td>%n</td><td>language name</td><td>%{n} or %{lang_name}</td></tr><tr><td>%a</td><td>audio format (on the Video DVD)</td><td>%{a} or %{audio_format}</td></tr><tr><td>%c</td><td>number of audio channels (on the Video DVD)</td><td>%{c} or %{channels}</td></tr><tr><td>%v</td><td>size of the original video</td><td>%{v} or %{orig_video_size}</td></tr><tr><td>%s</td><td>size of the resulting video (<em>Caution: auto-clipping values are not taken into account.</em>)</td><td>%{s} or %{video_size}</td></tr><tr><td>%r</td><td>aspect ratio of the original video</td><td>%{r} or %{aspect_ratio}</td></tr><tr><td>%d</td><td>current date</td><td>%{d} or %{date}</td></tr></table><p><em>Hint: K3b also accepts slight variations of the long special strings. One can, for example, leave out the underscores.</em>"
    1094810075msgstr ""
    1095510082#. +> trunk stable
    1095610083#: rip/videodvd/k3bvideodvdrippingwidget.cpp:343
    10957 msgid ""
    10958 "<p>Please choose the width and height of the resulting video. If one value is "
    10959 "set to <em>Auto</em> K3b will choose this value depending on the aspect ratio "
    10960 "of the video picture.<br>Be aware that setting both the width and the height "
    10961 "to fixed values will result in no aspect ratio correction being performed."
     10084msgid "<p>Please choose the width and height of the resulting video. If one value is set to <em>Auto</em> K3b will choose this value depending on the aspect ratio of the video picture.<br>Be aware that setting both the width and the height to fixed values will result in no aspect ratio correction being performed."
    1096210085msgstr ""
    1112010243#. +> stable
    1112110244#: projects/k3baudioview.cpp:136
    11122 msgid ""
    11123 "No audio decoder plugins found. You will not be able to add any files to the "
    11124 "audio project."
     10245msgid "No audio decoder plugins found. You will not be able to add any files to the audio project."
    1112510246msgstr ""
    1114510266#: tips:16
    1114610267msgid ""
    11147 "<p>...that K3b has two types of settings. On the one hand K3b has settings "
    11148 "like most\n"
    11149 "KDE applications have accessible through the configuration dialog via the "
    11150 "settings menu;\n"
    11151 "on the other hand every K3b action dialog has three buttons to load and save "
    11152 "defaults\n"
    11153 "for that action.  This way one may, for example, set the defaults for CD "
    11154 "Copy: these defaults\n"
    11155 "will then be loaded every time the CD Copy dialog is opened. The button <em>"
    11156 "K3b defaults</em>\n"
    11157 "will restore the <em>factory settings</em> in case you do not know if the "
    11158 "settings you chose\n"
     10268"<p>...that K3b has two types of settings. On the one hand K3b has settings like most\n"
     10269"KDE applications have accessible through the configuration dialog via the settings menu;\n"
     10270"on the other hand every K3b action dialog has three buttons to load and save defaults\n"
     10271"for that action.  This way one may, for example, set the defaults for CD Copy: these defaults\n"
     10272"will then be loaded every time the CD Copy dialog is opened. The button <em>K3b defaults</em>\n"
     10273"will restore the <em>factory settings</em> in case you do not know if the settings you chose\n"
    1115910274"are appropriate.</p>\n"
    1116010275msgstr ""
    1116410279#: tips:28
    1116510280msgid ""
    11166 "<p>...that you do not need to bother changing the settings marked as <em>"
    11167 "advanced</em> if you \n"
    11168 "do not know what they mean. K3b's defaults are suitable for most daily use.<"
    11169 "/p>\n"
     10281"<p>...that you do not need to bother changing the settings marked as <em>advanced</em> if you \n"
     10282"do not know what they mean. K3b's defaults are suitable for most daily use.</p>\n"
    1117010283msgstr ""
    1117410287#: tips:35
    1117510288msgid ""
    11176 "<p>Just left-click one of your devices in the device and file tree and see "
    11177 "what happens. K3b opens a specific\n"
    11178 "window based on the media's contents. For an audio CD for example you will be "
    11179 "given a list of the tracks with\n"
    11180 "the possibility to rip these tracks to any format supported by K3b (like mp3 "
    11181 "or Ogg-Vorbis).</p>\n"
     10289"<p>Just left-click one of your devices in the device and file tree and see what happens. K3b opens a specific\n"
     10290"window based on the media's contents. For an audio CD for example you will be given a list of the tracks with\n"
     10291"the possibility to rip these tracks to any format supported by K3b (like mp3 or Ogg-Vorbis).</p>\n"
    1118210292msgstr ""
    1118610296#: tips:43
    1118710297msgid ""
    11188 "<p>...that K3b lets you choose media instead of devices for burning. So if "
    11189 "you want to burn to a certain\n"
    11190 "medium simply insert it and wait for K3b to detect it. It will then appear as "
    11191 "your burning medium.</p>\n"
    11192 msgstr ""
     10298"<p>...that K3b lets you choose media instead of devices for burning. So if you want to burn to a certain\n"
     10299"medium simply insert it and wait for K3b to detect it. It will then appear as your burning medium.</p>\n"
     10300msgstr ""
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-multimedia/libk3b.po

    r1036 r1076  
    66"Project-Id-Version: \n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-25 09:37+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 08:59+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:35+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    9090#. +> trunk stable
    9191#: jobs/k3baudiosessionreadingjob.cpp:209 jobs/k3bdatatrackreader.cpp:240
    92 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:361
     92#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:368
    9393#, kde-format
    9494msgid "Unable to open '%1' for writing."
    249249#. +> trunk stable
    250 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:320 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:345
     250#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:320 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:352
    251251#, kde-format
    252252msgid "Unable to determine free space in temporary folder '%1'."
    255255#. +> trunk stable
    256 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:326 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:352
     256#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:326 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:359
    257257msgid "Not enough space left in temporary folder."
    258258msgstr ""
    260260#. +> trunk stable
    261 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:335 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:369
     261#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:335 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:376
    262262msgid "Unmounting source medium"
    263263msgstr ""
    340340#. +> trunk stable
    341341#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:543 jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:589
    342 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:324
     342#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:331
    343343msgid "Specified an unusable temporary path. Using default."
    344344msgstr ""
    359359#. +> trunk stable
    360 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:584 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:319
     360#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:584 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:326
    361361#, fuzzy, kde-format
    362362msgid "Do you want to overwrite %1?"
    365365#. +> trunk stable
    366 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:585 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:320
     366#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:585 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:327
    367367#, fuzzy
    368368msgid "File Exists"
    371371#. +> trunk stable
    372 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:594 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:329
     372#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:594 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:336
    373373#, kde-format
    374374msgid "Writing image file to %1."
    438438#. +> trunk stable
    439 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:864 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:469
     439#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:864 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:477
    440440#: projects/audiocd/k3baudiojob.cpp:303
    441441msgid "It is not possible to write CD-Text in TAO mode."
    537537#. +> trunk stable
    538 #: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:1231 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:957
     538#: jobs/k3bcdcopyjob.cpp:1231 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:964
    539539#, kde-format
    540540msgid "Creating 1 copy"
    831831#. +> trunk stable
    832 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:184
     832#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:191
    833833msgid "Found encrypted DVD."
    834834msgstr ""
    836836#. +> trunk stable
    837 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:200
     837#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:207
    838838msgid "Cannot copy encrypted DVDs."
    839839msgstr ""
    841841#. +> trunk stable
    842 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:236
     842#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:243
    843843msgid "The writer does not support writing Double Layer DVDs."
    844844msgstr ""
    846846#. +> trunk stable
    847 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:243
     847#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:250
    848848msgid "This growisofs version does not support writing Double Layer DVDs."
    849849msgstr ""
    851851#. +> trunk stable
    852 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:260
     852#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:267
    853853msgid "K3b does not support copying multi-session DVD or Blu-ray disks."
    854854msgstr ""
    856856#. +> trunk stable
    857 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:283
     857#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:290
    858858msgid "K3b relies on the size saved in the ISO9660 header."
    859859msgstr ""
    861861#. +> trunk stable
    862 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:284
     862#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:291
    863863msgid "This might result in a corrupt copy if the source was mastered with buggy software."
    864864msgstr ""
    866866#. +> trunk stable
    867 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:291 jobs/k3bverificationjob.cpp:133
     867#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:298 jobs/k3bverificationjob.cpp:133
    868868#: jobs/k3bverificationjob.cpp:363
    869869msgid "Unable to determine the ISO9660 filesystem size."
    872872#. +> trunk stable
    873 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:300
     873#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:307
    874874msgid "K3b does not support copying DVD-RAM."
    875875msgstr ""
    877877#. +> trunk stable
    878 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:306
     878#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:313
    879879msgid "Unsupported media type."
    880880msgstr ""
    882882#. +> trunk stable
    883 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:330
     883#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:337
    884884msgid "Reading source medium."
    885885msgstr ""
    887887#. +> trunk stable
    888 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:374
     888#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:381
    889889msgid "Creating image"
    890890msgstr ""
    892892#. +> trunk stable
    893 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:380
     893#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:387
    894894msgid "Simulating copy"
    895895msgstr ""
    897897#. +> trunk stable
    898 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:382 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:597
    899 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:687 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:747
     898#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:389 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:604
     899#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:694 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:754
    900900#, kde-format
    901901msgid "Writing copy %1"
    904904#. +> trunk stable
    905 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:384 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:599
     905#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:391 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:606
    906906msgid "Writing copy"
    907907msgstr ""
    909909#. +> trunk stable
    910 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:574
     910#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:581
    911911msgid "Successfully read source medium."
    912912msgstr ""
    914914#. +> trunk stable
    915 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:586
     915#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:593
    916916msgid "K3b was unable to eject the source medium. Please do so manually."
    917917msgstr ""
    919919#. +> trunk stable
    920 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:647
     920#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:654
    921921#, kde-format
    922922msgid "Successfully written copy %1."
    925925#. +> trunk stable
    926 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:670
     926#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:677
    927927#, kde-format
    928928msgid "Verifying copy %1"
    931931#. +> trunk stable
    932 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:672
     932#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:679
    933933msgid "Verifying copy"
    934934msgstr ""
    936936#. +> trunk stable
    937 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:682 jobs/k3biso9660imagewritingjob.cpp:156
     937#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:689 jobs/k3biso9660imagewritingjob.cpp:156
    938938msgid "K3b was unable to eject the written medium. Please do so manually."
    939939msgstr ""
    941941#. +> trunk stable
    942 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:792
     942#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:799
    943943#, kde-format
    944944msgid "Unsupported media type: %1"
    947947#. +> trunk stable
    948 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:818 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:911
    949 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:825 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:942
     948#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:825 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:918
     949#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:829 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:949
    950950#, kde-format
    951951msgid "%1 media do not support write simulation. Do you really want to continue? The disc will actually be written to."
    954954#. +> trunk stable
    955 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:821 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:914
    956 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:828 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:945
     955#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:828 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:921
     956#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:832 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:952
    957957#, kde-format
    958958msgid "No Simulation with %1"
    961961#. +> trunk stable
    962 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:827
     962#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:834
    963963msgid "Writing DVD copy"
    964964msgstr ""
    966966#. +> trunk stable
    967 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:831
     967#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:838
    968968msgid "Writing mode ignored when writing DVD+R(W) media."
    969969msgstr ""
    971971#. +> trunk stable
    972 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:833 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:923
    973 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:854 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:863
    974 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:850 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:968
     972#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:840 jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:930
     973#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:862 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:871
     974#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:854 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:975
    975975#, kde-format
    976976msgid "Writing %1."
    979979#. +> trunk stable
    980 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:841 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:506
    981 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:858
     980#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:848 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:514
     981#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:862
    982982#, kde-format
    983983msgid "Your writer (%1 %2) does not support simulation with DVD-R(W) media. Do you really want to continue? The media will actually be written to."
    986986#. +> trunk stable
    987 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:846 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:511
    988 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:863
     987#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:853 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:519
     988#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:867
    989989msgid "No Simulation with DVD-R(W)"
    990990msgstr ""
    992992#. +> trunk stable
    993 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:867 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:850
    994 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:877
     993#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:874 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:858
     994#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:881
    995995msgid "Writing DVD-RW in restricted overwrite mode."
    996996msgstr ""
    998998#. +> trunk stable
    999 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:875
     999#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:882
    10001000msgid "Writing DVD-RW in DAO mode."
    10011001msgstr ""
    10031003#. +> trunk stable
    1004 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:879
     1004#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:886
    10051005msgid "Writing DVD-RW in incremental mode."
    10061006msgstr ""
    10081008#. +> trunk stable
    1009 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:888 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:443
    1010 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:492 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:918
     1009#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:895 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:451
     1010#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:500 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:922
    10111011msgid "Restricted Overwrite is not possible with DVD-R media."
    10121012msgstr ""
    10141014#. +> trunk stable
    1015 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:893 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:856
    1016 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:894 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:911
     1015#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:900 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:864
     1016#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:898 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:915
    10171017#, kde-format
    10181018msgid "Writing %1 in DAO mode."
    10211021#. +> trunk stable
    1022 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:897 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:858
    1023 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:920
     1022#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:904 jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:866
     1023#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:924
    10241024#, kde-format
    10251025msgid "Writing %1 in incremental mode."
    10281028#. +> trunk stable
    1029 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:920
     1029#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:927
    10301030msgid "Writing BD copy"
    10311031msgstr ""
    10331033#. +> trunk stable
    1034 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:936 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1024
     1034#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:943 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1031
    10351035#, kde-format
    10361036msgid "Removed image file %1"
    10391039#. +> trunk stable
    1040 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:944
     1040#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:951
    10411041msgid "Creating Image"
    10421042msgstr ""
    10441044#. +> trunk stable
    1045 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:948
     1045#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:955
    10461046msgid "Copying DVD or BD On-The-Fly"
    10471047msgstr ""
    10491049#. +> trunk stable
    1050 #: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:950
     1050#: jobs/k3bdvdcopyjob.cpp:957
    10511051msgid "Copying DVD or BD"
    10521052msgstr ""
    12421242#. +> trunk stable
    1243 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:304 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:783
     1243#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:306 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:783
    12441244#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:806
    12451245#, kde-format
    12491249#. +> trunk stable
    1250 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:310
     1250#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:312
    12511251msgid "DVD and Blu-ray tracks can only be written in MODE1."
    12521252msgstr ""
    12541254#. +> trunk stable
    1255 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:329
     1255#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:337
    12561256msgid "Missing Blu-ray support in cdrecord and growisofs. Please update the system."
    12571257msgstr ""
    12591259#. +> trunk stable
    1260 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:425 projects/audiocd/k3baudiojob.cpp:253
     1260#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:433 projects/audiocd/k3baudiojob.cpp:253
    12611261msgid "Track lengths below 4 seconds violate the Red Book standard."
    12621262msgstr ""
    12641264#. +> trunk stable
    1265 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:457 projects/audiocd/k3baudiojob.cpp:291
     1265#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:465 projects/audiocd/k3baudiojob.cpp:291
    12661266#: projects/mixedcd/k3bmixedjob.cpp:1235
    12671267msgid "On-the-fly writing with cdrecord < 2.01a13 not supported."
    12701270#. +> trunk stable
    1271 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:464 projects/audiocd/k3baudiojob.cpp:298
     1271#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:472 projects/audiocd/k3baudiojob.cpp:298
    12721272#: projects/mixedcd/k3bmixedjob.cpp:1241
    12731273#, kde-format
    12771277#. +> trunk stable
    1278 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:476 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:901
     1278#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:484 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:905
    12791279#, kde-format
    12801280msgid "Your writer (%1 %2) does not support Incremental Streaming with %3 media. Multisession will not be possible. Continue anyway?"
    12831283#. +> trunk stable
    1284 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:481 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:906
     1284#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:489 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:910
    12851285msgid "No Incremental Streaming"
    12861286msgstr ""
    12881288#. +> trunk stable
    1289 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:497
     1289#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:505
    12901290msgid "DVD+R(W) media do not support write simulation. Do you really want to continue? The media will actually be written to."
    12911291msgstr ""
    12931293#. +> trunk stable
    1294 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:500
     1294#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:508
    12951295msgid "No Simulation with DVD+R(W)"
    12961296msgstr ""
    12981298#. +> trunk stable
    1299 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:526 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1054
     1299#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:534 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1061
    13001300msgid "Most writers do not support writing multisession CDs in DAO mode."
    13011301msgstr ""
    13031303#. +> trunk stable
    1304 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:810
     1304#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:818
    13051305msgid "Writing CD in Session At Once mode."
    13061306msgstr ""
    13081308#. +> trunk stable
    1309 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:812
     1309#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:820
    13101310msgid "Writing CD in Track At Once mode."
    13111311msgstr ""
    13131313#. +> trunk stable
    1314 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:814
     1314#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:822
    13151315msgid "Writing CD in Raw mode."
    13161316msgstr ""
    13181318#. +> trunk stable
    1319 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:817
     1319#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:825
    13201320msgid "Appending session to CD"
    13211321msgstr ""
    13231323#. +> trunk stable
    1324 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:824
     1324#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:832
    13251325msgid "Writing rewritable CD in Session At Once mode."
    13261326msgstr ""
    13281328#. +> trunk stable
    1329 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:826
     1329#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:834
    13301330msgid "Writing rewritable CD in Track At Once mode."
    13311331msgstr ""
    13331333#. +> trunk stable
    1334 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:828
     1334#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:836
    13351335msgid "Writing rewritable CD in Raw mode."
    13361336msgstr ""
    13381338#. +> trunk stable
    1339 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:831
     1339#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:839
    13401340msgid "Appending session to rewritable CD."
    13411341msgstr ""
    13431343#. +> trunk stable
    1344 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:838
     1344#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:846
    13451345msgid "Growing ISO9660 filesystem on DVD+RW."
    13461346msgstr ""
    13481348#. +> trunk stable
    1349 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:840 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:880
     1349#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:848 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:884
    13501350msgid "Growing ISO9660 filesystem on DVD-RW in restricted overwrite mode."
    13511351msgstr ""
    13531353#. +> trunk stable
    1354 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:842
     1354#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:850
    13551355msgid "Appending session to DVD+R."
    13561356msgstr ""
    13581358#. +> trunk stable
    1359 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:844
     1359#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:852
    13601360msgid "Appending session to Double Layer DVD+R."
    13611361msgstr ""
    13631363#. +> trunk stable
    1364 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:846
     1364#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:854
    13651365#, kde-format
    13661366msgid "Appending session to %1."
    13691369#. +> trunk stable
    1370 #: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:852
     1370#: jobs/k3bmetawriter.cpp:860
    13711371msgid "Writing Double Layer DVD+R."
    13721372msgstr ""
    20262026#. +> trunk stable
    2027 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:836 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:953
     2027#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:840 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:960
    20282028#, kde-format
    20292029msgid "Writing mode ignored when writing %1 media."
    20322032#. +> trunk stable
    2033 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:848 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:966
     2033#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:852 projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:973
    20342034#, kde-format
    20352035msgid "Growing ISO9660 filesystem on %1."
    20382038#. +> trunk stable
    2039 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:978
     2039#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:985
    20402040msgid "Creating Data Image File"
    20412041msgstr ""
    20432043#. +> trunk stable
    2044 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:982
     2044#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:989
    20452045msgid "Writing Data Project"
    20462046msgstr ""
    20482048#. +> trunk stable
    2049 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:988
     2049#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:995
    20502050msgid "Writing Multisession Project"
    20512051msgstr ""
    20532053#. +> trunk
    2054 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1002
     2054#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1009
    20552055#, kde-format
    20562056msgid "ISO9660 Filesystem (Size: %2) – One copy"
    20712071#. +> trunk stable
    2072 #: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1007
     2072#: projects/datacd/k3bdatajob.cpp:1014
    20732073#, kde-format
    20742074msgid "ISO9660 Filesystem (Size: %1)"
    38343834#. +> trunk stable
    38353835#: tools/k3bmedium.cpp:433
    3836 #, kde-format
     3836#, fuzzy, kde-format
    38373837msgid "Free space: %1"
    3838 msgstr ""
     3838msgstr "Slobodan prostor: %1"
    38403840#. +> trunk stable
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/extragear-pim/desktop_extragear-pim_akonadi-googledata-resource.po

    r1074 r1076  
    66"Project-Id-Version: desktop files\n"
    8 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-15 08:56+0200\n"
     8"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:00+0200\n"
    99"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-01-24 16:43+0100\n"
    1010"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    3434#. +> trunk
    35 #: contacts/googledataresource.desktop:3
     35#: contacts/googledataresource.desktop:44
    3636#, fuzzy
    3737msgctxt "Comment"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/desktop_kdebase_kde-runtime.po

    r1074 r1076  
    1212"Project-Id-Version: desktop_kdebase 0\n"
    14 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-15 08:56+0200\n"
     14"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:00+0200\n"
    1515"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 12:44+0200\n"
    1616"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    57945794#. +> trunk
    5795 #: nepomuk/services/filewatch/nepomukfilewatch.notifyrc:25
     5795#: nepomuk/services/filewatch/nepomukfilewatch.notifyrc:26
    57965796#, fuzzy
    57975797#| msgctxt "Name"
    58035803#. +> trunk
    5804 #: nepomuk/services/filewatch/nepomukfilewatch.notifyrc:47
     5804#: nepomuk/services/filewatch/nepomukfilewatch.notifyrc:49
    58055805#, fuzzy
    58065806msgctxt "Comment"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/kshorturifilter.po

    r650 r1076  
    55"Project-Id-Version: kshorturifilter\n"
    7 "POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-28 10:41+0200\n"
     7"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:00+0200\n"
    88"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-17 14:09+0200\n"
    99"Last-Translator: \n"
    2121#. +> trunk stable
    22 #: kshorturifilter.cpp:298
     22#: kshorturifilter.cpp:266
    2323#, kde-format
    2424msgid "<qt><b>%1</b> does not have a home folder.</qt>"
    2727#. +> trunk stable
    28 #: kshorturifilter.cpp:299
     28#: kshorturifilter.cpp:268
    2929#, kde-format
    3030msgid "<qt>There is no user called <b>%1</b>.</qt>"
    3333#. +> trunk stable
    34 #: kshorturifilter.cpp:544
     34#: kshorturifilter.cpp:520
    3535#, kde-format
    3636msgid "<qt>The file or folder <b>%1</b> does not exist.</qt>"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/nepomukstrigiservice.po

    r1020 r1076  
    99"Project-Id-Version: nepomuk\n"
    11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-05-15 08:43+0200\n"
     11"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:00+0200\n"
    1212"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-28 17:56+0200\n"
    1313"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    9999#: indexer/main.cpp:50
    100100#, fuzzy
    101 msgid "The modification time of the resource"
     101msgid "The modification time of the resource in time_t format"
    102102msgstr "Unesite ime ili URL tekstualnog datotekaa ili datotekaa slike koji treba prikazati."
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdebase/plasma_scriptengine_qscript.po

    r1064 r1076  
    88"Project-Id-Version: plasma_scriptengine_qscript\n"
    10 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-10 09:09+0200\n"
     10"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:01+0200\n"
    1111"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-06 13:35+0100\n"
    1212"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjasevic <>\n"
    146146#. +> trunk stable
    147 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:167
     147#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:171
    148148#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:711
    149149msgid "loadui() takes one argument"
    152152#. +> trunk stable
    153 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:173
     153#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:177
    154154#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:717
    155155#, kde-format
    159159#. +> trunk stable
    160 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:186
    161 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:210
     160#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:190
     161#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:214
    162162#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:730
    163163#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:748
    167167#. +> trunk stable
    168 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:432
     168#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:436
    169169#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:582
    170170msgid "dataEngine() takes one argument"
    173173#. +> trunk stable
    174 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:437
    175 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:459
    176 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:479
     174#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:441
     175#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:463
     176#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:483
    177177#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:587
    178178#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:609
    183183#. +> trunk stable
    184 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:452
     184#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:456
    185185#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:602
    186186msgid "service() takes two arguments"
    189189#. +> trunk stable
    190 #: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:472
     190#: plasmoid/declarativeappletscript.cpp:476
    191191#: plasmoid/simplejavascriptapplet.cpp:622
    192192msgid "service() takes one argument"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdelibs/kdelibs4.po

    r1074 r1076  
    1212"Project-Id-Version: kdelibs4\n"
    14 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-15 08:58+0200\n"
     14"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:02+0200\n"
    1515"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-03 20:18+0200\n"
    1616"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    95469546#. +> trunk stable
    9547 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:296
     9547#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:295
    95489548msgctxt "@action:button Clear current text in the line edit"
    95499549msgid "Clear text"
    95529552#. +> trunk stable
    9553 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1191
     9553#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1212
    95549554msgctxt "@title:menu"
    95559555msgid "Text Completion"
    95589558#. +> trunk stable
    9559 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1198
     9559#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1219
    95609560msgctxt "@item:inmenu Text Completion"
    95619561msgid "None"
    95649564#. +> trunk stable
    9565 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1199
     9565#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1220
    95669566msgctxt "@item:inmenu Text Completion"
    95679567msgid "Manual"
    95709570#. +> trunk stable
    9571 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1200
     9571#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1221
    95729572msgctxt "@item:inmenu Text Completion"
    95739573msgid "Automatic"
    95769576#. +> trunk stable
    9577 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1201
     9577#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1222
    95789578msgctxt "@item:inmenu Text Completion"
    95799579msgid "Dropdown List"
    95829582#. +> trunk stable
    9583 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1202
     9583#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1223
    95849584msgctxt "@item:inmenu Text Completion"
    95859585msgid "Short Automatic"
    95889588#. +> trunk stable
    9589 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1203
     9589#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1224
    95909590msgctxt "@item:inmenu Text Completion"
    95919591msgid "Dropdown List && Automatic"
    95949594#. +> trunk stable
    9595 #: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1234
     9595#: kdeui/widgets/klineedit.cpp:1255
    95969596msgctxt "@item:inmenu Text Completion"
    95979597msgid "Default"
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdelibs/kio4.po

    r1064 r1076  
    1111"Project-Id-Version: kio4 0\n"
    13 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-10 09:10+0200\n"
     13"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:02+0200\n"
    1414"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-05-05 10:23+0200\n"
    1515"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    13151315#. +> stable
    1316 #: ../kioslave/http/http.cpp:3811
     1316#: ../kioslave/http/http.cpp:3812
    13171317msgid "Requesting data to send"
    13181318msgstr "Zahtjevam slanje podataka"
    1320 #. +> trunk
     1320#. +> trunk stable
    13211321#: ../kioslave/http/http.cpp:4335
    13221322#, kde-format
    13251325msgstr ""
    1327 #. +> trunk
     1327#. +> trunk stable
    13281328#: ../kioslave/http/http.cpp:4342
    13291329#, fuzzy
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/kdepim/kmail.po

    r1072 r1076  
    99"Project-Id-Version: kmail 0\n"
    11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-14 14:42+0200\n"
     11"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:03+0200\n"
    1212"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-28 17:53+0200\n"
    1313"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    157157msgstr "KDE-ov klijent e-pošte"
    159 #. +> trunk stable
     159#. +> trunk
     160#: aboutdata.cpp:242
     161#, fuzzy
     162msgid "Copyright © 1997–2011, KMail authors"
     163msgstr "Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Autori KNode-a"
     165#. +> stable
    160166#: aboutdata.cpp:242
    161167#, fuzzy
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/koffice/krita.po

    r1074 r1076  
    77"Project-Id-Version: krita 0\n"
    9 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-15 09:00+0200\n"
     9"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:04+0200\n"
    1010"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-18 18:21+0100\n"
    1111"Last-Translator: Marko Dimjašević <>\n"
    14291429#. +> trunk stable
    1430 #: image/ ui/
     1430#: image/ ui/
    14311431#, fuzzy
    14321432msgid "Flatten Image"
    16771677#. +> trunk stable
    16781678#: krita.rc:84 plugins/extensions/bracketing2hdr/bracketing2hdr.rc:4
    1679 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:315
    16801679#: plugins/extensions/histogram/histogram.rc:4
    16811680#: plugins/extensions/tonemapping/tonemapping.rc:4
    23082307#: plugins/extensions/bracketing2hdr/wdgbracketing2hdr.ui:162
    23092308#: plugins/extensions/tonemapping/wdgtonemappingdialog.ui:93
    2310 #: ui/forms/wdgfilterdialog.ui:70 ui/kis_view2.cpp:447
     2309#: ui/kis_view2.cpp:447
    23112310#, fuzzy
    23122311msgid "Cancel"
    24362435#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, grpPreview)
    2437 #. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, cbPreview)
    24382436#. i18n: ectx: property (title), widget (QGroupBox, m_groupBox)
     2437#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QCheckBox, checkBoxPreview)
    24392438#. +> trunk stable
    24402439#: plugins/extensions/colorrange/wdg_colorrange.ui:175
    2441 #: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/wdg_perchannel.ui:248
    2442 #: ui/forms/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui:36
     2440#: ui/forms/kis_previewwidgetbase.ui:36 ui/forms/wdgfilterdialog.ui:53
    24432441#, fuzzy
    24442442msgid "Preview"
    32073205#. +> trunk stable
    3208 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:78
     3206#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:79
    32093207msgid "Layers"
    32103208msgstr "Slojevi"
    32123210#. +> trunk stable
    3213 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:103
     3211#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:104
    32143212msgid "Minimal View"
    32153213msgstr ""
    32173215#. +> trunk stable
    3218 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:105
     3216#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:106
    32193217#, fuzzy
    32203218msgid "Detailed View"
    32233221#. +> trunk stable
    3224 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:107
     3222#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:108
    32253223#, fuzzy
    32263224msgid "Thumbnail View"
    32293227#. +> trunk stable
    3230 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:118
     3228#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:119
    32313229#, fuzzy
    32323230msgid "View mode"
    32353233#. +> trunk stable
    3236 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:155
     3234#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:151
    32373235#, fuzzy
    32383236#| msgid "&Layer"
    32423240#. +> trunk stable
    3243 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:156
    3244 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:316
     3241#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:153
    32453242#, fuzzy
    32463243msgid "&Group Layer"
    32493246#. +> trunk stable
    3250 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:157
    3251 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:317
     3247#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:155
    32523248#, fuzzy
    32533249msgid "&Clone Layer"
    32563252#. +> trunk stable
    3257 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:158
    3258 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:318
     3253#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:157
    32593254#, fuzzy
    32603255msgid "&Shape Layer"
    32633258#. +> trunk stable
    32643259#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:159
    3265 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:319
    32663260#, fuzzy
    32673261msgid "&Filter Layer..."
    32703264#. +> trunk stable
    3271 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:160
    3272 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:320
     3265#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:161
    32733266#, fuzzy
    32743267msgid "&Generated Layer..."
    32773270#. +> trunk stable
    3278 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:162
    3279 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:322
     3271#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:163
    32803272#, fuzzy
    32813273msgid "&Transparency Mask"
    32843276#. +> trunk stable
    3285 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:163
     3277#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:165
    32863278#, fuzzy
    32873279msgid "&Filter Mask..."
    32883280msgstr "&Bijela"
    3290 #. +> trunk stable
    3291 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:165
     3282#. +> stable
     3283#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:301
     3284#, fuzzy
     3285msgid "&Effect Mask..."
     3286msgstr "Odabir"
     3288#. +> trunk stable
     3289#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:167
     3290#, fuzzy
     3291msgid "&Local Selection"
     3292msgstr "Umetni odabrano"
     3294#. +> trunk stable
     3295#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:184
    32923296#, fuzzy
    32933297msgid "&Transformation Mask..."
    32963300#. +> trunk stable
    3297 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:167
    3298 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:325
    3299 #, fuzzy
    3300 msgid "&Local Selection"
    3301 msgstr "Umetni odabrano"
    3303 #. +> trunk stable
    3304 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:308
     3301#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:331
    33053302#, fuzzy
    33063303msgid "&Properties..."
    33093306#. +> trunk stable
    3310 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:310
     3307#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:333
    33113308msgid "&Remove Layer"
    33123309msgstr "&preimenuj sloj"
    33143311#. +> trunk stable
    3315 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:311
     3312#: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:334
    33163313#, fuzzy
    33173314msgid "&Duplicate Layer or Mask"
    33183315msgstr "Dupliciraj Sloj"
    3320 #. +> trunk stable
    3321 #: plugins/extensions/dockers/defaultdockers/kis_layer_box.cpp:323
    3322 #, fuzzy
    3323 msgid "&Effect Mask..."
    3324 msgstr "Odabir"
    33263317#. +> trunk stable
    51905181#. +> trunk stable
    51915182#: plugins/extensions/rotateimage/
    5192 #: ui/
     5183#: ui/
    51935184#, fuzzy
    51945185msgid "Rotate Layer"
    56595650#. +> trunk stable
    56605651#: plugins/extensions/separate_channels/
    5661 #: ui/
     5652#: ui/
    56625653msgid "Export Layer"
    56635654msgstr ""
    60656056#. +> trunk stable
    60666057#: plugins/extensions/tonemapping/wdgtonemappingdialog.ui:86
    6067 #: ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp:109 ui/forms/wdgfilterdialog.ui:53
    60686058#, fuzzy
    60696059msgid "Apply"
    64716461#. +> trunk stable
    6472 #: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/kis_perchannel_filter.cpp:380
     6462#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/kis_perchannel_filter.cpp:369
    64736463#, fuzzy
    64746464msgid "&Color Adjustment curves..."
    65356525#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QLabel, labelOut)
    65366526#. +> trunk stable
    6537 #: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/wdg_perchannel.ui:264
     6527#: plugins/filters/colorsfilters/wdg_perchannel.ui:254
    65386528#, fuzzy
    65396529msgid "Output:"
    1114811138#. +> trunk stable
    1114911139#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/
    11150 #: plugins/tools/selectiontools/
     11140#: plugins/tools/selectiontools/
    1115111141#, fuzzy
    1115211142msgid "Outline Selection"
    1175911749msgid "No configuration options are available for this filter"
    1176011750msgstr ""
    11762 #. +> trunk stable
    11763 #: ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp:119
    11764 #, fuzzy
    11765 msgid "Apply Again"
    11766 msgstr "Primijeni izmjene"
    1176811752#. +> trunk stable
    1242612410#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, pushButtonOk)
    12427 #. +> trunk stable
     12411#. +> stable
    1242812412#: ui/forms/wdgfilterdialog.ui:43
    1242912413#, fuzzy
    1243312417#. i18n: ectx: property (text), widget (QPushButton, pushButtonCreateMaskEffect)
    1243412418#. +> trunk stable
    12435 #: ui/forms/wdgfilterdialog.ui:63
     12419#: ui/forms/wdgfilterdialog.ui:46
    1243612420#, fuzzy
    1243712421msgid "Create Mask Effect"
    1367813662#. +> trunk
    13679 #: ui/ ui/
     13663#: ui/ ui/
    1368013664#, fuzzy
    1368113665msgid "Rasterize Layer"
    1371213696#. +> trunk stable
    1371313697#: ui/ ui/
    13714 #: ui/ ui/
    13715 #: ui/
     13698#: ui/ ui/
     13699#: ui/
    1371613700msgid "Could not add layer to image."
    1371713701msgstr ""
    1371913703#. +> trunk stable
    1372013704#: ui/ ui/
    13721 #: ui/ ui/
    13722 #: ui/
     13705#: ui/ ui/
     13706#: ui/
    1372313707msgid "Layer Error"
    1372413708msgstr ""
    1372613710#. +> trunk stable
    13727 #: ui/
     13711#: ui/
    1372813712#, fuzzy
    1372913713msgid "New Filter Layer"
    1373213716#. +> trunk stable
    13733 #: ui/ ui/
     13717#: ui/ ui/
    1373413718#, fuzzy
    1373513719msgid "Mirror Layer X"
    1373813722#. +> trunk stable
    13739 #: ui/ ui/
     13723#: ui/ ui/
    1374013724#: ui/
    1374113725#, fuzzy
    1374513729#. +> trunk stable
    13746 #: ui/
     13730#: ui/
    1374713731#, fuzzy
    1374813732msgid "Scale Layer"
    1375113735#. +> trunk stable
    13752 #: ui/ ui/
     13736#: ui/ ui/
    1375313737#, fuzzy
    1375413738msgid "Shear layer"
    1375713741#. +> trunk stable
    13758 #: ui/
     13742#: ui/
    1375913743msgid "The image contains hidden layers that will be lost."
    1376013744msgstr ""
    1376213746#. +> trunk stable
    13763 #: ui/
     13747#: ui/
    1376413748#, fuzzy
    1376513749msgid "&Flatten Image"
    1443514419#. +> stable
     14420#: ui/dialogs/kis_dlg_filter.cpp:119
     14421#, fuzzy
     14422msgid "Apply Again"
     14423msgstr "Primijeni izmjene"
     14425#. +> stable
    1443614426#: ui/kis_brushengine_selector.cpp:101
    1443714427#, fuzzy
  • kde-croatia/kde4/summit/hr/summit/messages/playground-base/desktop_playground-base.po

    r1055 r1076  
    99"Project-Id-Version: desktop files\n"
    11 "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-05 09:39+0200\n"
     11"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-06-16 09:04+0200\n"
    1212"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-30 19:05+0200\n"
    1313"Last-Translator: Andrej Dundovic <>\n"
    22192219#. +> trunk
     2220#: plasma/declarative-applets/replacements/news/active-news-reader.desktop:2
     2221#, fuzzy
     2222msgctxt "Name"
     2223msgid "News Reader"
     2224msgstr "Program za čitanje USENet grupa"
     2226#. +> trunk
     2227#: plasma/declarative-applets/replacements/news/active-news-reader.desktop:3
     2228#, fuzzy
     2229msgctxt "GenericName"
     2230msgid "Feed Reader"
     2231msgstr "Program za čitanje USENet grupa"
     2233#. +> trunk
     2234#: plasma/declarative-applets/replacements/news/active-news-reader.desktop:4
     2235#, fuzzy
     2236msgctxt "Comment"
     2237msgid "A news feed reader for touch tablets"
     2238msgstr "KDE-ov čitač vesti"
     2240#. +> trunk
    22202241#: plasma/declarative-applets/replacements/news/package/metadata.desktop:3
    22212242#: plasma/declarative-applets/replacements/news/plasma-applet-news-qml.desktop:3
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.