
Izvor: HrOpenWiki
Inačica od 14:50, 19. travnja 2010. koju je unio/unijela CroMario (razgovor | doprinosi)

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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
column in the hit view	20
file named %1 already exists	20
default color for function number	20
the default color for function	20
select if you want to	19
gnome infrared remote control properties	19
kde generic options qt generic	19
generic options qt generic options	19
change the actual backend data	19
more information about this action	19
can i use the keyboard	19
do you want to replace	19
the menus on the menubar	18
do you want to search	18
%1 could not be found	18
the name of the field	18
specify file containing saved configuration	18
display the alarm edit dialog	18
what do you want to	18
you can find more information	18
the bottom of the dialog	17
the name of the file	17
unrecognized desktop file version %s	17
application does not accept documents	17
size of the current file	17
enable this option if you	17
change the size of the	17
show or hide the toolbar	17
the day of the month	16
detailed user documentation is available	16
hold down the ctrl key	16
enter this url into konqueror	16
the top of the screen	16
choose tools  options 	16
properties for the current file	16
the center of the screen	16
do you want to import	15
the kde bug tracking system	15
the top of the dialog	15
do you want to do	15
do you want to add	15
choose format  page 	15
select one of the following	15
the day of the week	14
you can configure the toolbar	14
the display is in motion	14
find a list of changes	14