
Izvor: HrOpenWiki
Inačica od 18:27, 14. travnja 2010. koju je unio/unijela CroMario (razgovor | doprinosi)

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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži
copying-docs distributed with this manual	54
a collection of gnome manuals	53
manuals distributed under the gfdl	53
do you want to save	47
do you want to continue	43
click on this button to	42
do you want to overwrite	36
check this if you want	36
the contents of the clipboard	35
you should be able to	35
terms of the gnu general	34
you do not have permission	34
submenu of the player menu	32
file is not a valid	31
could not open file %1	31
directions in the gnome feedback	30
the bottom of the window	30
the bottom of the screen	29
the function with the id	29
file %1 does not exist	28
%s is not a valid	28
file system on partition %1	26
set this option to display	25
source code of this program	25
do you want to remove	24
the kde software development kit	24
a copy of this license	24
part of the kde software	23
are you sure you wish	23
the nick of the person	23
select this option to display	23
this option is not selected	22
do you want to create	22
if you want to create	22
holding down the shift key	22
are you sure that you	22
if you do not know	21
please enter a valid value	21
icon in the system tray	21
the following window is displayed	21
would you like to save	21
set to true to enable	21
select this option to show	21
the list on the left	20
the top of the window	20
this documentation describes the game	20