Arduino shield za RGB LED trake

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Inačica od 12:18, 24. travnja 2013. koju je unio/unijela ValentTurkovic (razgovor | doprinosi)

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Skoči na: orijentacija, traži


Ideja Arduino shielda je nastala zbog toga što uređaji za upravljanje LED trakom preko PC-a koštaju bezobrazno puno a nude i manje funkcija njego što se može dobiti preko Arduina.

Arduino ima 6 PWM izlaza putem kojih se mogu upravljati LED dvije trake pošto svakako ima tri kanala (R,G,B).


Potrošnja struje

  • SM5050 RGB od 5m sa 60 ledica/m traka troši maksimalno do xx W (1.2 A * 12V), no neke boje troše više* od drugih (*treba izmjeriti)
  • SM5050-60 RGB ima maksimalnu potrošnju od 250 mA/m
  • SM5050-60 RGB ima maksimalnu potrošnju po boji od 100* mA/m (*treba izmjeriti)

Količina svjetla

Koliko svjetla daje LED traka? Speficikacija je preuzeta s ove web stranice:

RGB SMD5050/60:

Red = 0.8cd to 120 ° = about 2.6 lumens
Green = 1.6cd to 120 ° = about 5.1 lumens
Blue = 0.5cd to 120 ° = about 1.6 lumens
RGB (White) = 2.9cd to 120 ° = approximately 9.3 lumens
Red = 5 meters approximately 780 lumens
Green = 5 meters approximately 1,530 lumens
Blue = 5 meters approximately 480 lumens
5 m R + G+ B (White) = approx 2,790 lumens

Please note that on a 3-chip RGB Strip, the brightness of a single color is reduced by about 1/3, because each of the 3 colors appeals to only one chip. (That is, the blue of a blue 3-chip strip lights about 3 times as bright as the blue of a 3-chip RGB Strip.)

Here you can see the brightness as an example, each with a white LED Strip:


1 diode = 4.5cd to 120 ° = about 14.5 lumens
5 meters = 1'350cd to 120 ° = approx 4,350 lumens


1 diode = 4.5cd to 120 ° = about 14.5 lumens
5 meters = 675cd to 120 ° = approx 2,175 lumens